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Teste de Inglês - 10º Ano

Nome: _________________________
Turma: ________________________
Data: _________________________

Parte A: Leitura e Compreensão (30 pontos)

Leia o seguinte texto e responda às perguntas abaixo.

"Environmental issues are becoming increasingly prevalent in today's world. One of the
most pressing concerns is climate change, which is caused by the increase in
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere,
leading to global warming and a variety of other environmental impacts. Governments
and individuals alike are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprints and promote
sustainable practices. From renewable energy sources to conservation efforts, there
are many strategies being implemented to address these challenges."

What is the main topic of the text? (5 pontos)

a) Economic growth
b) Technological advancements
c) Environmental issues
d) Medical breakthroughs

According to the text, what causes climate change? (5 pontos)

a) Decrease in greenhouse gases
b) Increase in greenhouse gases
c) Increase in oxygen levels
d) Deforestation

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a strategy to address environmental

issues? (5 pontos)
a) Renewable energy sources
b) Conservation efforts
c) Industrial expansion
d) Reducing carbon footprints

What do greenhouse gases do in the atmosphere? (5 pontos)

a) They cool the earth
b) They trap heat
c) They produce oxygen
d) They cause rainfall
What is meant by 'sustainable practices' in the context of the text? (10 pontos)
Escreva a sua resposta:

Parte B: Gramática e Vocabulário (30 pontos)

Escolha a opção correta para completar as frases abaixo.

If I __________ (to be) you, I would study harder for the exams. (5 pontos)
a) am
b) was
c) were
d) be

She __________ (already / finish) her homework before dinner. (5 pontos)

a) already finish
b) had already finished
c) already finished
d) has already finished

They __________ (not / see) each other since they graduated. (5 pontos)
a) did not see
b) do not see
c) have not seen
d) had not seen

He suggested __________ (to go) to the new restaurant in town. (5 pontos)

a) to go
b) going
c) go
d) gone

The book __________ (to write) by a famous author. (5 pontos)

a) wrote
b) write
c) writing
d) was written

She __________ (to study) English for five years now. (5 pontos)
a) studies
b) studied
c) has been studying
d) is studying
Parte C: Escrita (40 pontos)

Escolha uma das seguintes opções e escreva um texto de 120-150 palavras.

Escreva sobre a importância das energias renováveis para o futuro do planeta.

Descreva um evento ou experiência que tenha tido um impacto significativo na sua


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