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SteamEdit Release Notes


v1.3.2 - March 12, 2023

- Fixed issues:
- Fixed error when trying to Revert a modified entry.

v1.3.1 - December 10, 2022

- What's new:
- Add support for appinfo.vdf 0x07564428, introduced in Beta client
- Add 'beta' filter.
- Fixed issues:
- Check for updates earlier in application startup, so an error reading appinfo
doesn't prevent updating.

v1.3 - June 14, 2020

- What's new:
- Add '-silent' command line argument, so start Steam in the background.
- Add music filter, can contain game soundtracks.
- Fixed issues:
- Some games with localized names would not show their edits in Steam.

v1.2 - December 22, 2019

- What's new:
- Option to remove games from Steam's built-in VR category.
- Ability to set location of appinfo.vdf file, in case SteamEdit can't find it.
- Remember position and size of main window.
- Fixed issues:
- When app selection dropdown is open, PgUp/PgDn should scroll in pages,
instead of moving by single items.
- Known issues:
- UI doesn't look great at high DPI settings.
- Sometimes after manually typing text into the Games list textbox, it can
remain selected when returning focus to
the list textbox. Can make it difficult to navigate games normally again.
- If two games have the same name, selecting one of those two can be difficult.
- When rearranging launch items, if the first item (the one with greyed out
title) is moved down, it stays greyed
out and the new top does not get a default title.
- When setting a new executable for a launch item, it might not be relative to
the correct install folder, if the
game is installed somewhere other than the default "Program Files\Steam\
steamapps" location.
- Sorting in Games list might not match Steam's sorting in all cases.

v1.1.2 - August 2, 2018

- Hotfix release
- Fix bug where clearing a game's name would result in it not being visible in
SteamEdit anymore.

v1.1.1 - June 24, 2017

- Hotfix release
- Users were reporting crashes at startup and when saving changes. I wasn't
able to reproduce the problem, but this
release should help in the situations I know of.

v1.1 - May 28, 2017

- What's new:
- Filters for different types of entries. Instead of just seeing games can now
see games, applications, videos, and
- Expose "controller support" setting.
- Batch operation for "controller support", to change all games from a specific
setting to a different one.
- "autofix" command has "-forcestart" option, to start steam even if it isn't
already running.
- Fixed issues:
- Possible case where edited "launch" items could end up in wrong order.
- Known issues:
- UI doesn't look great at high DPI settings.
- Sometimes after manually typing text into the Games list textbox, it can
remain selected when returning focus to
the list textbox. Can make it difficult to navigate games normally again.
- If two games have the same name, selecting one of those two can be difficult.
- When rearranging launch items, if the first item (the one with greyed out
title) is moved down, it stays greyed
out and the new top does not get a default title.
- When setting a new executable for a launch item, it might not be relative to
the correct install folder, if the
game is installed somewhere other than the default "Program Files\Steam\
steamapps" location.

v1.0 - May 13, 2017

- Initial release
- Supports appinfo.vdf 0x07564427 (Introduced early January 2017).
- Known issues:
- UI doesn't look great at high DPI settings.
- Sometimes after manually typing text into the Games list textbox, it can
remain selected when returning focus to
the list textbox. Can make it difficult to navigate games normally again.

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