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Low Insertional Torque and Early

Dental Implant Failure
Brian R. Carr, DMD,R *
Haekyung Jeon-Slaughter, PhD,y Timothy W. Neal, DDS,R ,z
Joseph A. Gulko, DDS,R ,x Nicholas C. Kolar, DDS,R ,k and Richard A. Finn, DDS{
Purpose: There is lack of uniformity regarding the ideal insertional torque with which dental implants
need to be placed. The purpose of this retrospective analysis is to compare the incidence of early dental
implant failures with an insertional torque less than 30 N-cm to implants placed with an insertional torque
30 N-cm or greater.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate dental implants placed between 2015
and 2016 at the Veterans Affairs North Texas Health Care System in Dallas. The primary predictor variable
was dental implant insertional torque, measured at the time of implant placement as either greater than or
equal to 30 N-cm or less than 30 N-cm. The primary outcome variable was early implant failure, defined as
implant exfoliation noted by the patient or failure due to implant movement or pain necessitating explan-
tation before prosthesis loading. The study conducted a time-to-event analysis to examine a group differ-
ence in time to implant failure between insertional torque group greater than or equal to 30 N-cm and less
than 30 N-cm using Kaplan-Meir curves and a frailty model. The time to follow-up was censored at
6 months.
Results: One hundred three patients had 214 implants placed, with early failures occurring in 14 im-
plants (6.5%). Implants placed with an insertional torque less than 30 N-cm were nearly 14 times more
likely to have an early failure compared to implants placed with an insertional torque 30 N-cm or greater
(hazard ratio = 13.909; 95% confidence interval, 1.835 to 105.416), which was statistically significant
(P = .0108).
Conclusions: The results of this retrospective cohort study suggest that insertional torque values less
than 30 N-cm are associated with early dental implant failures. Future, prospective studies will be per-
formed to further elucidate the association between insertional torque and early dental implant failure.
! 2022 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 80:1069-1077, 2022

US/CA OMS resident. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Chief, Oral and
*Resident, Department of Surgery, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial, Surgery, Veterans Affairs North Texas Health Care
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical System, Dallas, TX.
Center, Dallas, TX. Conflict of Interest Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of
yAssistant Professor, Division of Hematology and Oncology, interest to disclose or disclaim. There were no grants or drugs
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas used for this study.
Southwestern Medical Center, Veterans Affairs North Texas Health Consent for publication: Not applicable.
Care System, Dallas, TX. Availability of data and materials: The data sets used and analyzed
zResident, Department of Surgery, Division of Oral and during this study are available from the corresponding author on
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical reasonable request.
Center, Dallas, TX. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Carr: 5613
xResident, Department of Surgery, Division of Oral and Belmont Ave Unit 222, Dallas, Texas 75206; e-mail: brian.carr@
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, Dallas, TX. Received November 4 2021
kResident, Department of Surgery, Division of Oral and Accepted February 1 2022
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical ! 2022 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Center, Dallas, TX. 0278-2391/22/00096-9

{Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Cell Biology-Anatomy,


Any type of endosseous titanium implant requires a movement after the application of 1 N of force and
reasonable amount of stability during the placement measures the implant movement in mm/N-cm, and ap-
and healing process for overall success. Stability oc- pears to offer user friendliness and has gained clinical
curs temporally as primary (mechanical engagement utility. The periotest applies impact loads to implants
of the implant to bone), and secondary (implant but have been demonstrated to have low sensitivity.17
achieving osseointegration, defined as living bone in Reverse torque tests are typically used after some
direct contact with the titanium surface without inter- timeframe of healing to determine a combination of
vening connective tissue).1 Primary stability at the primary and secondary implant stability.8,18 This test
time of implant placement decreases micromove- measures the torque value which breaks the connec-
ments between the implant-bone interface, which is tion between implant and bone, unfortunately result-
necessary for implant osseointegration and overall suc- ing in implant failure for those implants with low
cess. Implants have an increased likelihood of success- insertional torques or compromised bone healing.19
ful osseointegration if the implant-bone gap at the time A direct method of measuring primary implant sta-
of insertion is less than 50 to 150 mm.2 Factors that bility at the time of implant placement is the inser-
affect primary stability include bone quality and quan- tional torque, defined as resistance of the implant to
tity, the geometry of the implant (conical vs cylindri- rotational forces.20,21 The literature is inconclusive
cal), and the surgical technique used to prepare the on the appropriate insertional torque needed to resist
osteotomy site3-6 Bolind et al7 reported that clinically these rotational forces and provide adequate primary
successful dental implants had a bone to implant con- stability for successful osseointegration, with some
tact area of 60 to 99%, but there was no clinical evi- studies suggesting that an insertional torque of 30 N-
dence that more bone to implant contact was a cm or greater is necessary, while others suggest that
clinically superior finding. Clinical studies addressing low insertional torques less than 30 N-cm are sufficient
implant placement, healing, and success suggest that for successful osseointegration.22-27 In addition,
the primary implant stability may be the most crit- studies that have focused on insertional torque and
ical element.8 clinical outcomes such as early implant failure,
The surgical technique used to prepare an implant defined as failure before prosthesis loading, are
site is a major factor that affects bone viability. When limited.25,26,28
there is inadequate irrigation during osteotomy prepa- The purpose of this retrospective analysis is to
ration, heat is transferred from the drill to the sur- compare the incidence of early failures in implants
rounding bone, which may lead to overheating of placed with an insertional torque less than 30 N-cm
the osteotomy wall.9,10 It has been well-reported that to implants placed with an insertional torque 30 N-
the temperature threshold for irreversible damage to cm or greater. The null hypothesis is that there is no
bone is 47 ! C for 1 minute, which can be reached difference in early failures between implants placed
within seconds of drilling without adequate with insertional torque less than 30 N-cm and implants
coolant.9,11,12 This thermal insult can trigger an inflam- placed with insertional torque 30 N-cm or greater. The
matory response that may induce osteolysis and osteo- specific aims of our study are to gather data on inser-
necrosis, leading to bone resorption and micromotion tional torque values at implant placement and deter-
between the implant and bone, compromising pri- mine if different insertional torque values are
mary stability.9,11-15 associated with early implant failures.
If immediate or early loading protocols are antici-
pated, an accurate assessment of primary implant sta- Patients and Methods
bility is critical for clinical decision-making. Long-term
negative sequelae to the implant site may occur if pri- STUDY DESIGN AND SAMPLE
mary implant stability is low and not appreciated. Pri- The study protocol was approved by the human
mary implant stability can be determined by studies subcommittee (Institutional Review Board)
noninvasive methods such as resonance frequency and all relevant research and development committees
analysis (RFA) using a vibration to the implant and and subcommittees. To address the study questions,
structural analyses principle.16 The RFA technique we designed and conducted a retrospective cohort
has gained widespread popularity. Additional methods study. The study population included subjects who
to express primary implant stability include detection had presented for evaluation and management of par-
of micromotion and is referred to as the implant stabil- tial or complete edentulism from July 2015 to June
ity quotient (ISQ). Unfortunately, the exact definition 2016 at the Veterans Affairs North Texas Healthcare
of ISQ is poorly specified in most technical journals.17 System (VANTHCS) in Dallas.
The Osstell electronic RFA uses a device called a Smart- To be considered for the study cohort, the following
Peg inserted into the implant body to determine micro- inclusion criteria had to have been met: 1) no absolute
motion. The Osstell measures implant body contraindications for dental implants according to


Absolute Contraindications Potential Contraindications

Implant-supported prosthetic dental rehabilitation should Use caution and clinical judgment when planning implant-
not be considered for patients who exhibit one or more of supported prosthetic dental rehabilitation for patients
the following contraindicating elements who exhibit one or more of the following relative
! Patient is unable to give informed consent ! Chronic, active parafunctional habits, including
! Myocardial infarction/cerebrovascular accident within bruxism or clenching
the last 6 mo ! Poorly controlled medical conditions including but not
! Prosthetic heart valve placement within 6 mo limited to advanced cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic or
! Significantly elevated international normalized ratio at renal disease, bleeding disorders, and chronic immu-
the time of surgery in patients taking warfarin nosuppressant therapy
! Cigarette smoking (patient must be free of smoking ! Lack of adequate quantity or quality of bone (verified by
habit for a minimum of 6 mo due to significant in- radiographic examination)
crease in implant failure) ! Unrealistic patient expectations
! Ongoing drug abuse, including alcohol abuse ! History of oral bisphosphonate therapy at therapeutic
! Poorly controlled diabetes, due to the complication of dose for >3 yr
poor tissue healing
! History of radiation therapy to proposed implant site
>45 Gy
! Active cancer therapy with chemotherapy and/or radia-
tion therapy
! History of intravenous bisphosphonate therapy or de-
! Active immunocompromise condition which renders
the patient unable to meet elective surgery criteria
either outright or through routine compensatory efforts
by the surgeon
! Documented noncompliance with dentist and/or hy-
giene recommendations. Documented high rate of
failed appointments and cancellations
Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.

2014 VHA Office Dentistry Dental Implant Guidelines The primary outcome variable was early implant
(Table 1); 2) subjects with a follow-up time of 6 months failure, defined as implant exfoliation noted by the pa-
since placement; 3) subjects with sufficient dental re- tient or failure due to implant movement or pain
cords including the insertional torque that was necessitating explantation before prosthesis
achieved at the time of implant placement; and 4) sub- loading.8,27 The time to follow-up was censored at
jects with appropriate postoperative documentation 6 months. Incidence was defined as early implant fail-
evaluating implant status. ure in a given time period (6 months). Survival time
Patients were excluded as study subjects for the was defined as the date of implant failure minus the
following reasons: 1) if they had inadequate medi- date of implant placement in months.
cal records that made analysis of implant status Violation of Albrektsson’s success criteria for dental
over time ambiguous; 2) if they had contraindica- implants was used to determine which implants had
tions for dental implants according to 2014 VHA Of- an early failure.29 Covariates were defined as age in
fice Dentistry Dental Implant Guidelines; or 3) if years, sex defined as male or female, diabetic status,
they had inadequate dental records that did not re- immediate implant placement, single versus 2-staged
cord insertional torque at the time of implant, and implant placement location in the maxilla
implant placement. or mandible.


The primary predictor variable is defined as the Implant placement was performed in the outpatient
insertional torque value used for implant placement. clinic or operating room at the VANTHCS in Dallas as
It was measured using a W&H Implantmed motor clean-contaminated surgery. Patients were rinsed
(W&H Group, B€ urmoos, Austria), in increments of with chlorhexidine digluconate for 2 to 3 minutes
10 N-cm (Fig 1). before the surgery. A one-time dose of preoperative

FIGURE 1. W&H Implantmed motor showing the value which stopped the implant from inserting all the way (left), as well as the last 10 N-cm
value which did not stop the implant migration (right).
Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.

antibiotics was used, 2 g of amoxicillin or 600 mg of The study conducted a time-to-event analysis to
clindamycin for those allergic to penicillin. The anti- examine a group difference in time to implant failure
biotic prophylaxis was at least 30 minutes before the between insertional torque size group greater than
surgery began. Subjects were then anesthetized by or equal to 30 N-cm and less than 30 N-cm using
local infiltration in the maxilla or inferior alveolar Kaplan-Meir curves.31-33 Kaplan-Meir curves showed
nerve block in the mandible. Incisions and subperios- 95% confidence bands and number of subjects at
teal flap elevations were then performed conserva- risk. Log-rank test was used to examine a statistical sig-
tively to primarily expose the crestal bone to nificance of a group difference in time to implant fail-
preserve the periosteal vascular supply lingually/pala- ure. The time to follow-up was censored at 6 months.
tally. The drilling protocols for Zimmer/Biomet cylin- Furthermore, the study employed a frailty model (a
drical implants (Biomet 3i, Palm Beach Gardens, FL) random effect Cox model) with a gamma distribution
were followed. This bone drilling sequence included adjusted for baseline covariates to examine a group dif-
a 0.5-mm round crestal perforating burr, 2.3-mm ference in time to implant failure between insertional
burr, 2.75-mm next, and finally placement of the 4- torque size group greater than or equal to 30 N-cm and
mm cylindrical implant. If the senior author (R.A.F.) less than 30 N-cm. Covariates were age, sex, diabetic
determined that the bone quality was dense or denser status, immediate implant placement, single versus 2-
than average bone, type I to II, a 3.2-mm burr was also staged implant, and implant placement location in
used before placing the 4-mm implant.30 The W&H the maxilla or mandible. A frailty model allowed
torque value which stopped the implant from insert- within-subject correlation on implant failure event
ing all the way was recorded, as well as the last 10 N- when there are multiple implant data within the
cm value which did not stop the implant migration, same subject. Hazard ratio and 95% confidence inter-
ie, less than 20 N-cm and less than 30 N-cm (Fig 1). val were reported as results. All statistical analyses
A cover screw or healing abutment was then placed were performed using SAS 9.4 version 9.4 software
and the surgical site closed with resorbable sutures. (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Antibiotics and chlorhexidine were prescribed for a
period of 1 week postoperatively. Patients received
follow up care at 2 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. Af-
ter it was deemed the implants had successfully os-
seointegrated by clinical and radiographic evaluation, One hundred three patients had 214 implants
they were referred back to their restorative dentists placed between July 2015 and August 2016 at the
for fabrication of their final restorations. VANTHCS in Dallas. Of the 214 implants placed, 14
were diagnosed with an early failure (6.5%). Ninety-
eight subjects had 205 implants placed with an inser-
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS tional torque 30 N-cm or greater, of which 11 had a
Descriptive statistics, frequencies (n) and percent- diagnosis of early failure, and 5 subjects had 9 implants
age, were presented for variables of interest. The c2 placed with an insertional torque less than 30 N-cm, of
statistics was conducted to examine a group differ- which 3 had a diagnosis of early failure. A descriptive
ence in study variables. summary of the study population is shown in Table 2.


covariates included in the model were significant pre-
SAMPLE dictors for implant failure at 6 months. These results
are shown in Tables 4 and 5.
Descriptive Summary of the
Study Sample n (%)
Implant sample size 214 The purpose of the present retrospective cohort
Average age at the time of 62 analysis is to determine whether there was an associa-
placement tion between the insertional torque used to place a
Implants placed in males 190 (89)
dental implant and the occurrence of an early dental
Implants placed in females 24 (11)
Implants placed in the 117 (55)
implant failure, defined as exfoliation noted by the pa-
mandible tient or failure due to implant movement or pain
Implants placed in the maxilla 97 (45) necessitating explantation before prosthesis loading.
Implants placed in diabetic 82 (38) The null hypothesis was that there would be no differ-
patients ence in early failure rates between implants placed
Implants placed in nondiabetic 132 (62) with an insertional torque less than 30 N-cm compared
patients to those placed with an insertional torque 30 N-cm or
Implants placed immediately 19 (9) greater. None of the covariates were associated with
Single-staged implant 29 (14) early implant failure in our analysis. A history of
Two-staged implant 185 (86) implant failure was considered for a covariate but
Implants placed with torque 205 (96)
was not included in the final frailty model due to multi-
$30 N-cm
Implants placed with torque 9 (4)
collinearity problem. Both Kaplan-Meir curves and
<30 N-cm frailty model showed a significant group difference
Early failures 14 (6.5) in implant failure at 6-month follow-up between inser-
tional torque size group greater than or equal to 30 N-
Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Max-
illofac Surg 2022. cm and less than 30 N-cm. Therefore, the null hypoth-
esis can be rejected.
A review of the literature points toward multiple
Table 3 compares the study variables with the pre- reasons why insertional torque less than 30 N-cm
dictor variable, insertional torque. Analysis revealed could result in higher early failure rates. First, inser-
none of the study variables were associated with low tional torque values can be considered a proxy for pri-
insertional torque values less than 30 N-cm. mary mechanical implant stability at the time of
Kaplan-Meir curves (Fig 2) showed a significant placement. If an implant is placed with a low inser-
group difference in time to implant failure between tional torque, it can be inferred that there is less me-
insertional torque size group greater than or equal to chanical stability, which thereby decreases implant
30 N-cm and less than 30 N-cm (log rank P = .0003). survival.5 This would make sense why the maxilla
Adjusted frailty model results showed that implant had a higher early failure rate in this study, as maxillary
failure hazard of insertional torque group less than bone is known to have a higher concentration of type
30 N-cm was 14 times higher than insertional torque III to IV bone (based off the system developed by Le-
30 N-cm or greater (hazard ratio = 13.91; 95% confi- kholm and Zarb), which is less dense, leading to lower
dence interval, 1.84 to 105.42); however, none of primary mechanical stability and higher rates of


Insertional Torque

Characteristic n $30 N-cm <30 N-cm P Value

Age $62 145 137 8 .166

Male sex 188 179 9 .598
Implant location, maxilla 97 92 5 .529
Diabetes 82 76 6 .074
Prior failure 8 8 0 .548
Placed immediately 29 17 2 .150
Single-staged implant 29 28 1 .827

Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.

FIGURE 2. Kaplan-Meir curve conducted a time-to-event analysis to examine a group difference in time to implant failure between insertional
torque size groups greater than or equal to 30 N-cm and less than 30 N-cm.
Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.

implant failures.34-37 The goal of primary stability at there was not strong enough evidence that an inser-
the time of implant placement is to limit the tion torque of 30 N-cm is enough for implant survival.
micromotion at the implant-bone interface.38 Some They found that 45 N-cm is the most commonly used
studies have postulated that a bone-implant gap less threshold. A study by Mal!o et al22 found that implants
than 50 to 50 mm is the threshold to avoid micromove- placed with insertional torques less than 30 N-cm
ments that may compromise bone repair and success- have comparable success rates at 1 year compared
ful osseointegration.2,39 However, there is no to implants placed with insertion torques of 30 N-
consistency in the literature as to what insertional tor- cm or greater. Both of these studies, however, looked
que equates to this micromovement threshold. at implants that were immediately loaded after place-
A systematic review by de Oliveira et al27 looked at ment. Opposing data suggest that in a study of 6,129
survival rates of dental implants placed with inser- dental implants those placed at insertional torque
tional torques less than 30 N-cm, concluding that values of less than 25 N-cm demonstrated statistically


Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Parameter DF Parameter Estimate Standard Error c2 P Value Hazard Ratio

Age 1 !0.02503 0.02894 0.7482 .3870 0.975

Male gender 1 !0.91095 0.85567 1.1334 .2871 0.402
Diabetic status 1 !0.42426 0.80896 0.2750 .6000 0.654
Maxillary vs mandibular 1 9.73415 80.61390 0.0146 .9039 16,884.55
Single vs 2-staged 1 0.65793 0.80014 0.6761 .4109 1.931
Immediate vs delayed 1 !0.64635 1.25009 0.2673 .6051 0.524
Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.


Hazard Ratios for Insertional Torque

95% Wald Confidence

Characteristic Point Estimate Limits P Value

Insertional Torque <30 N-cm vs 13.909 1.835 105.416 .0108

$30 N-cm

Carr et al. Low Insertional Torque and Implant Failure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2022.

significant less failures than those placed at 25 N-cm The geometry of the implant (conical vs cylindrical)
or greater.40 is also a factor that affects primary stability. A study by
A study by Verrastro Neto et al41 looked at the Joshi et al48 found that conical implants have greater
various peri-implant angiogenic and bone-related primary stability than cylindrical implants due to bet-
markers in implants placed with insertional torques ter contact with bone.44 A study by George et al45
less than 30 N-cm and greater than or equal to 30 N- postulated that the reason for this is that the thread ge-
cm over a period of 3 months, and found that pro- ometry of conical implants leads to a larger surface
osteogenesis markers, vascular endothelial growth area in contact with bone, resulting in greater primary
factor, and osteoprotegerin, were higher in the low stability. In their study of 20 implants (10 conical and
insertional torque group during the first 30 days. 10 cylindrical), they found a mean insertional torque
Interestingly, they found that tartrate-resistant acid value of 38.50 ! 4.74 N-cm for conical implants versus
phosphatase, a marker of osteoclastogenesis, was up- 26.0 ! 5.16 N-cm for cylindrical implants. In the pre-
regulated in implants placed with torques 30 N-cm or sent study, all implants that were placed had a cylindri-
greater. However, they also found multiple pro- cal geometry. Future studies looking at implant
osteogenesis markers were elevated in the 30 N-cm geometry should be conducted to further elucidate
or greater group after 3 months, including bone- the effects this variable has on primary stability and
morphogenic protein-9 and periostin. They implant failure, and if the lower insertional torque
concluded that each group had markers that were associated with cylindrical implant geometry is a risk
both beneficial and detrimental to early peri- factor for early implant failure.
implant repair. Although insertional torque is one way to measure
Kotsu et al42 histologically evaluated healing at im- primary implant stability, there are other methods to
plants placed with different insertion torques in a assess implant stability via detecting implant micro-
canine model. They found that implants placed with motion and is referred to as ISQ. Recently, ISQ has
an insertion torque of 30 and 50 N-cm resulted in been gaining popularity and has been purported to
higher bone-implant contact compared to implants be a more accurate assessment of implant stability,
placed with lower torques of 10 N-cm after 8 weeks but its validity for clinical use continues to be ques-
of healing, with the former providing adequate pri- tioned, and its exact definition remains poorly
mary stability and limiting micromotions that could defined.17,46 In addition, a literature review by Huang
lead to integration failure. et al47 found that the majority of published literature
There have been studies that have cautioned the use on ISQ is from experimental (preclinical) studies,
of excessively high insertional torques for dental while prospective randomized controlled trial publi-
implant placement, claiming that insertion torques cations are still insufficient to justify it as a means to
greater than 40 to 45 N-cm can compress the sur- measure implant stability. Future prospective studies
rounding bone and disturb the local microcirculation, that correlate ISQ with insertional torque values
leading to necrosis of osteocytes in the peri-implant would be helpful in elucidating ISQ effectiveness in
bone, resulting in bone resorption.43 A multicenter measuring implant stability and determining out-
study by Grandi et al21 looked at implants placed comes such as implant failure.
with high insertion torques compared to implants Although our data suggest an interesting clinical as-
placed with insertion torques of 45 N-cm or less, and sociation between low insertional torque and early
found that implants placed with insertion torques be- implant failure, there are study limitations that need
tween 30 and 45 N-cm had similar outcomes to im- to be mentioned. First, this is a retrospective chart re-
plants placed with insertion torques between 50 and view, which has its own inherent limitations such as
80 N-cm, with no evidence of bone resorption or os- reliance on past medical and dental records. Second,
seointegration failure in either group up to 12 months this study was conducted at an academic training cen-
after implant placement.20 ter. Third, the unbalanced and small sample size for

the less than 30 N-cm group (n = 9) raises a concern 20. Ottoni JM, Oliveira ZF, Mansini R, Cabral AM: Correlation be-
tween placement torque and survival of single-tooth implants.
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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 20:769, 2005
Future studies with larger sample sizes are warranted. 21. Grandi T, Guazzi P, Samarani R, Grandi G: Clinical outcome and
In conclusion, the preliminary results from this bone healing of implants placed with high insertion torque: 12-
month results from a multicenter controlled cohort study. Int J
retrospective cohort analysis suggest that a low inser- Oral Maxillofac Surg 42:516, 2013
tional torque value less than 30 N-cm is associated 22. Mal" o P, Lopes A, de Ara" ujo Nobre M, Ferro A: Immediate
with early implant failure. Future, prospective studies function dental implants inserted with less than 30N$cm
of torque in full-arch maxillary rehabilitations using the
with larger cohorts will be performed to further eluci- all-on-4 concept: Retrospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac
date the association between insertional torque and Surg 47:1079, 2018
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