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bowel diseases
• Define the IBD
• Classify inflammatory bowel disease
• describe common presenting
• Outline the important investigations
• outline management of ulcerative
colitis and Crohn's disease.
• List the most important complications
of both diseases

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Inflammatory bowel
• Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
an immune-mediated chronic
inflammatory bowel diseases with
relapsing and remitting course

• ulcerative colitis only involves the colon

• Crohn's disease can involve any part of the
gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus.

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Inflammatory bowel
• abnormal host response to an
environmental trigger in genetically
susceptible individuals

• This causes inflammation of the intestine

and release of inflammatory mediators,
such as TNF, IL-12 and IL-23, which
cause tissue damage.

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Inflammatory bowel
Ulcerative Colitis
Macroscopic Features
• Inflammation from proximally to involve
all or part of the colon.
• 40–50% of patients involve the rectum ,
• 30–40% beyond the sigmoid
• 20% have a total colitis

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Inflammatory bowel
• Inflammation is diffused
Mild :
• the mucosa is erythematous and fine
granular surface
more severe
• the mucosa is hemorrhagic, edematous,
and ulcerated (superficial diffused)
fulminant disease can develop a toxic
megacolon where the bowel wall thins and
the mucosa is severely ulcerated
In long-standing disease
• inflammatory polyps (pseudopolyps) may
be present as a result of epithelial

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Inflammatory bowel
Ulcerative Colitis
Microscopic Features
• Mucosal vascular congestion, edema and
focal hemorrhage

• inflammatory cell infiltrate of neutrophils,

lymphocytes, plasma cells, and
macrophages may be present.

• The neutrophils invade the epithelium,

usually in the crypts, giving rise to
cryptitis and, to crypt abscesses ,
• the crypt architecture of the colon is

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Inflammatory bowel
Crohn's Disease:
Macroscopic Features
• 30–40% of patients have small-bowel
• 40–55% have disease involving the ileum
and the Rt colon

• 15–25% have colitis alone.

• 30 % have anal involvement

• the rectum is often spared in CD.

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Inflammatory bowel

• segmental inflammation (skip areas of


• Aphthous ulcerations

• stellate ulcerations fuse longitudinally and

transversely to demarcate islands of
mucosa that frequently are histologically
normal. "cobblestone" appearance

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Inflammatory bowel
• Ulcers may penetrate bowel wall to initiate
abscesses or fistulas
• the bowel
• bladder
• uterus
• vagina
• skin of the perineum

• Bowel narrowed and fibrotic, with

chronic, recurrent bowel obstructions

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Inflammatory bowel
• transmural inflammation
• fissures penetrate deeply into the bowel
• bowel wall thickened
• chronic inflammatory infiltrate all layers.
• focal crypt abscesses
• noncaseating granulomas

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Inflammatory bowel
Clinical features
• young adults (between 15 and 30 years) ,
second smaller incidence peak in the
seventh decade (between 60 and 80 years)

• The male to female ratio for UC is 1:1 and

for CD is 1.1–1.8.

• UC and CD have two- to fourfold

increased frequency in Jewish.

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Inflammatory bowel
Clinical features
Ulcerative colitis
bloody diarrhoea relapses and remissions
• Rectal bleeding
• mucus discharge
• tenesmus.
• frequent, small-volume fluid stools

• bloody diarrhoea with mucus.

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Inflammatory bowel
Extensive colitis
• bloody diarrhea
• passage of mucus.
• Severe cramping
• abdominal pain can occur with severe
attacks of the disease.
• Constitutional symptoms do not occur
only in moderate to severe disease

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Inflammatory bowel
severe colitis
• Bleeding
• Severe diarrhea
• severe pain
• fever
• Tachycardia
• Abdominal tenderness
• Edema

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Inflammatory bowel
Crohn's Disease
• The major symptoms are
• pain is often associated with diarrhoea

• diarrhoea usually watery not contain

blood or mucus.
• weight loss
• intestinal obstruction sub acute or even
• malabsorption

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Inflammatory bowel
Crohn's colitis
• as ulcerative colitis
• rectal sparing
• Stricturing can occur in the colon

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Inflammatory bowel
Perianal disease
• affects about one-third of
• large hemorrhoidal tags
• anal strictures
• anorectal fistulae
• perirectal abscesses.
• incontinence

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Inflammatory bowel
• Recurrent right lower quadrant pain
• Diarrhea.
• palpable mass
• Fever , leukocytosis.
• Weight loss is common
• fistula formation
• abscess cavity

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Inflammatory bowel

Small intestinal crohns

• malabsorption and steatorrhea.
• Nutritional deficiencies.
• vomiting from jejunal strictures or severe
oral ulceration.

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Inflammatory bowel
Differential diagnosis
• Colitis
• Infective
• Non-infective
• Vascular
• Ischaemic colitis
• Radiation proctitis
• Idiopathic
• Collagenous colitis
• Behçet's disease
• Drugs
• Neoplastic
• Colonic carcinoma
• Other
• Diverticulitis
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Inflammatory bowel
small bowel Crohn's disease
• Right iliac fossa mass
caecal carcinoma
appendix abscess
• Infection
intestinal tuberculosis
• Intestinal Lymphoma
• Mesenteric adenitis

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Inflammatory bowel
toxic megacolon
▪ Acute colonic dilatation due severe flare of
the colitis
▪ More with extensive colitis
▪ 5% incidence
▪ Precipitating factors as hypokalemia ,
antimotility, colonoscopy

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Inflammatory bowel
Clinical features
▪ Features of severe colitis with
▪ Diffused abdominal distension
▪ Diffused tenderness
▪ Decrease bowel sound
▪ Lab sings of systemic inflammation
▪ Conservative
Indication for surgery
▪ No response within 72 hr
▪ Sings of peritonitis or perforation
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Toxic megacolon. Transverse colon diameter> 6 cm

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Inflammatory bowel
• Acute Haemorrhage (major artery) is rare

Enteroenteric diarrhoea
Enterovesical recurrent UTI
Enterovaginal a feculent
vaginal discharge.
Bowel fistulation perianal
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Inflammatory bowel
• active colitis of more than 10 years'.
• The cumulative risk 10%
• lower for Crohn's colitis.
• Tumours develop in areas of dysplasia
• surveillance programmes beginning 10
years after diagnosis by colonoscopy 1-2-
• Moderate-high-grade dysplasia

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Inflammatory bowel
in Crohn's disease
Extra intestinal complications
• common in IBD
• may dominate the clinical picture.
• Some of these occur during relapse of
intestinal disease
• others unrelated to intestinal disease
• Include skin, joints, mouth, hematological,
caogulopathy, eye and hepatobiliary

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Inflammatory bowel
• confirm the diagnosis
• define disease distribution
• define activity
• identify complications.
• Full blood count may show anaemia
• Serum albumin.
• The ESR and CRP
• elevated in exacerbations and in response
to abscess formation
• Stool microscopy Culture

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Inflammatory bowel
Endoscopy with Biopsies
• Confirm the DX
• define disease extent
• Detect dysplasia in long-standing colitis.
• Barium enema
• less sensitive investigation than
• Useful in ileal Crohn's disease; affected
areas are narrowed and ulcerated, and
multiple strictures are common
• Abdominal CT and MRI scans
• provide bowel thickening
• pelvic or perineal involvement.

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Inflammatory bowel
• Treat acute attacks
• Prevent relapses
• Select patients for surgery
• Detect carcinoma at an early stage

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Inflammatory bowel
Treat acute attacks
Mode of action: modulate cytokine
oral or topical (enema/suppository)
• Pentasa (time dependent release)
• Ascol ( PH dependent release)
with carrier
• Sulfasalazine, balsalazide, olsalazine

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Inflammatory bowel
▪ Anti-inflammatory
▪ Topical and oral and I.V
▪ Suppresses T-cell expansion
▪ Rescue' therapy to prevent surgery in
severe ulcerative colitis responding poorly
to corticosteroids.
▪ No value in Crohn's disease

▪ Major side-effects in
nephrotoxicity, infections, neurotoxicity

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Inflammatory bowel
Anti-TNF antibodies
(infliximab and adalimumab)
• Suppress inflammation and induce
apoptosis of inflammatory cells used:
• Fistulating Crohn's disease
• Severe active ulcerative colitis with no
response to steroids or cyclosporine
side effects:
• Anaphylactic reactions
• Contraindicated in the presence of
infections; reactivation of tuberculosis
• Anti IL23 ustekinumab
• ANTI integrin vedolizumab
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Inflammatory bowel
• Useful in perianal Crohn's disease
• Ciprol.and metronidazol

Antidiarrhoeal agents (codeine

loperamide, lomotil)
▪ Reduce gut motility and small bowel

▪ Avoided in acute flare-ups of disease

▪ May precipitate colonic dilatation

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Inflammatory bowel
Prevent relapses
(azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine)
• Immunomodulation by inducing T-cell
cytotoxic effect
• Effective after 12 weeks of starting
• Anti-inflammatory (folic acid antagonist)
• Used in crohns disease
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Inflammatory bowel
Indications for surgery in ulcerative colitis
Failure of medical therapy
• Failure of remission induction(severe
• Toxic megacolon no response to Rx
• Failure of remission
• Complications of drug therapy
Disease complications unresponsive to
medical therapy
• Arthritis , Pyoderma gangrenosum
Colon cancer or severe dysplasia
Impaired quality of life
• Loss of occupation or education
• Disruption of family life
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Inflammatory bowel
Indications for surgery in Crohn's
• The indications for surgery are similar to
those for ulcerative colitis.
• Unresponsive fulminant disease
• Operations are often necessary to deal with
• relieve small or large bowel stricture.
• Chronic fistulating small bowel disease
may require resection if no reponse

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