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What is the primary characteristic of serverless computing in application development using


a) Manual provisioning and management of servers

b) Utilizing cloud services to execute code without managing servers directly

c) Deployment of applications on dedicated physical servers

d) Dependency on a single, unified codebase for all services

Correct Answer: b) Utilizing cloud services to execute code without managing servers directly

2. How does a circuit breaker contribute to application development using microservices?

a) It facilitates direct communication between microservices.

b) It prevents overloads in electrical circuits.

c) It detects and prevents failures in microservices communication.

d) It eliminates the need for load balancing in the system.

Correct Answer: c) It detects and prevents failures in microservices communication.

3. In the context of autoscaling in microservices architecture, what does "horizontal scaling" refer

a) Increasing the size of individual resources

b) Adding more instances of the same type of resource

c) Automatically adjusting resources based on traffic or workload

d) Adjusting resources vertically to handle increased workload

Correct Answer: b) Adding more instances of the same type of resource

4. What is a key advantage of microservices architecture over monolithic architecture in terms of


a) Microservices allow for easier scaling of individual components independently.

b) Monolithic architecture provides better isolation of components for scaling.

c) Microservices simplify testing and debugging processes.

d) Monolithic architecture facilitates dynamic allocation of resources based on demand.

Correct Answer: a) Microservices allow for easier scaling of individual components independently.

5. Which of the following is a characteristic of serverless computing in application development?

a) Manual provisioning and management of servers

b) Reliance on dedicated physical servers for deployment

c) Pay-per-use billing model

d) Tight coupling between services in the architecture

Correct Answer: c) Pay-per-use billing model

6. How does a circuit breaker pattern contribute to resilience in microservices architecture?

a) By improving network latency across services

b) By preventing cascading failures and isolating service disruptions

c) By reducing the need for load balancing in the system

d) By facilitating direct communication between microservices

Correct Answer: b) By preventing cascading failures and isolating service disruptions

7. What is the primary benefit of autoscaling in microservices architecture?

a) Minimizing costs by manually adjusting server capacity

b) Automatically adjusting resources based on traffic or workload

c) Eliminating the need for load balancing

d) Increasing server capacity permanently to handle spikes in demand

Correct Answer: b) Automatically adjusting resources based on traffic or workload

8. How does microservices architecture differ from monolithic architecture in terms of deployment
and management of services?

a) Monolithic architecture allows for independent deployment of individual components.

b) Microservices architecture relies on centralized deployment and management of all services.

c) Microservices architecture enables deploying and managing small, independent services.

d) Monolithic architecture requires manual scaling of individual components.

Correct Answer: c) Microservices architecture enables deploying and managing small, independent


1. Which of the following best describes serverless architecture?

a) Traditional client-server model

b) Running applications on dedicated servers
c) Utilizing cloud services to execute code without managing servers directly
d) Deploying applications on virtual machines

2. How does a circuit breaker contribute to the resilience of a distributed system?

a) It controls the flow of electricity within a circuit

b) It prevents overloads in electrical circuits
c) It detects and prevents failures in microservices communication
d) It maintains consistent network latency

3. What is the primary benefit of autoscaling in cloud computing?

a) Minimizing costs by manually adjusting server capacity

b) Automatically adjusting resources based on traffic or workload
c) Eliminating the need for load balancing
d) Increasing server capacity permanently to handle spikes in demand

4. In the context of software architecture, what distinguishes a monolithic architecture from a

microservices architecture?

a) Monolithic architecture focuses on small, independent components while microservices focus on

large, tightly integrated modules.
b) Monolithic architecture employs a single, unified codebase while microservices architecture uses
multiple, loosely coupled services.
c) Monolithic architecture is only suitable for small-scale applications, whereas microservices
architecture is designed for enterprise-level systems.
d) Monolithic architecture relies solely on on-premises infrastructure, whereas microservices
architecture utilizes cloud-based resources exclusively.

5. Which of the following statements accurately describes the main characteristic of serverless
a) It requires the deployment of physical servers.
b) It eliminates the need for managing server infrastructure.
c) It relies solely on on-premises resources.
d) It is limited to a specific programming language.

6. What role does Function as a Service (FaaS) play in serverless computing?

a) Managing virtual machines
b) Providing cloud storage solutions
c) Enabling execution of code on demand
d) Facilitating network routing protocols

7. When would you typically use a circuit breaker pattern in a distributed system?
a) To increase network latency
b) To handle incoming requests during peak traffic
c) To prevent cascading failures
d) To reduce server response time

8. In a microservices architecture, what is the purpose of service discovery?

a) To obscure the availability of services
b) To manage dependencies between services
c) To facilitate communication between services
d) To restrict access to certain services

9. How does horizontal scaling differ from vertical scaling in terms of autoscaling?
a) Horizontal scaling increases the size of individual resources, while vertical scaling adds more
instances of resources.
b) Horizontal scaling adds more instances of resources, while vertical scaling increases the capacity
of existing resources.
c) Horizontal scaling adjusts resources based on predetermined thresholds, while vertical scaling
dynamically allocates resources.
d) Horizontal scaling is manual, while vertical scaling is automatic.

10. Which of the following statements best describes the main advantage of a monolithic architecture?
a) It allows for easy maintenance and updates.
b) It facilitates independent deployment of components.
c) It simplifies the debugging process.
d) It provides better scalability than microservices architecture.

11. What is a drawback of a monolithic architecture compared to microservices architecture?

a) Difficulty in understanding system behavior
b) Increased communication overhead between components
c) Higher risk of dependencies causing system-wide failures
d) Inability to support multiple programming languages

12. How does the containerization of microservices contribute to scalability?

a) By limiting the number of instances of each microservice
b) By isolating each microservice with its own dependencies
c) By reducing the need for load balancing
d) By increasing the complexity of deployment processes

13. Which of the following is a characteristic of a serverless architecture?

a) Requires manual provisioning and scaling of servers
b) Requires managing server infrastructure at all times
c) Charges based on actual usage rather than provisioned capacity
d) Relies solely on on-premises hardware for deployment

14. What is the primary purpose of implementing a circuit breaker in a distributed system?
a) To regulate the flow of electricity within the system
b) To prevent unauthorized access to network resources
c) To protect against cascading failures due to service disruptions
d) To optimize network traffic and reduce latency

15. Which of the following best describes the concept of autoscaling in cloud computing?
a) Adjusting server capacity manually based on predicted traffic patterns
b) Automatically provisioning additional servers in anticipation of high demand
c) Dynamically adjusting resources to match changing workload demands
d) Scaling down resources to minimize costs during off-peak hours

16. What is a key advantage of microservices architecture over monolithic architecture in terms of
development and deployment?
a) Microservices enable faster development due to reduced complexity.
b) Monolithic architecture allows for easier scaling of individual components.
c) Microservices simplify testing and debugging processes.
d) Monolithic architecture provides better isolation of components.

17. How does serverless computing differ from traditional cloud computing models?
a) Serverless computing requires managing virtual servers.
b) Traditional cloud computing models rely on physical server infrastructure.
c) Serverless computing abstracts server management away from developers.
d) Traditional cloud computing models charge based on actual resource usage.

18. What role does a load balancer play in autoscaling systems?

a) It ensures that the load is evenly distributed across servers.
b) It monitors the performance of individual servers and adjusts resources accordingly.
c) It analyzes traffic patterns and predicts future workload demands.
d) It automatically provisions additional servers during peak traffic periods.

19. In a microservices architecture, what is a potential challenge related to inter-service

a) Tight coupling between services
b) Inefficient resource utilization
c) Difficulty in maintaining consistency
d) Lack of scalability

20. How does a serverless architecture help in cost optimization?

a) By requiring upfront payment for server resources
b) By eliminating the need to provision and manage servers
c) By charging based on the maximum capacity of provisioned servers
d) By providing discounts for long-term server usage

21. What is the primary purpose of implementing a circuit breaker pattern in a distributed system?
a) To improve network performance
b) To prevent service degradation
c) To manage electrical circuits
d) To facilitate secure communication

22. Which of the following statements accurately describes autoscaling in cloud computing?
a) It involves manually adjusting server capacity based on anticipated demand.
b) It automatically provisions additional resources to handle increased workload.
c) It requires constant monitoring and adjustment of server resources.
d) It prioritizes cost savings over performance optimization.

23. In a microservices architecture, what is the role of an API gateway?

a) To manage communication between microservices
b) To enforce security policies and access controls
c) To facilitate direct communication between clients and services
d) To provide load balancing and routing of requests to appropriate services

24. How does the use of containers contribute to the scalability of microservices?
a) By isolating each microservice with its dependencies for efficient resource utilization
b) By limiting the number of instances of each microservice to prevent overload
c) By eliminating the need for load balancing and resource management
d) By simplifying the deployment process and enabling easy replication of services

25. Which of the following statements best describes the concept of autoscaling in cloud computing?
a) It involves manually adjusting server capacity based on anticipated demand.
b) It automatically provisions additional resources to handle increased workload.
c) It requires constant monitoring and adjustment of server resources.
d) It prioritizes cost savings over performance optimization.
26. How does serverless computing differ from traditional server-based computing in terms of
resource management?
a) Serverless computing requires manual provisioning and management of servers.
b) Traditional server-based computing abstracts server management away from developers.
c) Serverless computing dynamically allocates and deallocates resources based on demand.
d) Traditional server-based computing relies on fixed, pre-allocated resources regardless of

27. What is the main purpose of implementing a circuit breaker pattern in a distributed system?
a) To regulate electrical flow within the system
b) To prevent network congestion during peak traffic
c) To handle incoming requests during system failures
d) To prevent cascading failures and maintain system stability

28. In the context of autoscaling, what does "horizontal scaling" refer to?
a) Increasing the capacity of existing servers
b) Adding more instances of the same type of server
c) Optimizing resource usage within a single server
d) Scaling down resources during periods of low demand

29. What distinguishes microservices architecture from monolithic architecture in terms of

a) Microservices architecture allows for easier scalability of individual components.
b) Monolithic architecture provides better isolation of components for scaling.
c) Microservices architecture requires manual adjustment of server capacity.
d) Monolithic architecture facilitates dynamic allocation of resources based on demand.

30. How does a container orchestration tool such as Kubernetes contribute to the scalability of
a) By automating the deployment and management of containers
b) By limiting the number of instances of each microservice to prevent overload
c) By providing load balancing and routing of traffic to microservices
d) By enforcing security policies and access controls for microservices

31. Which of the following best describes the concept of "pay-per-use" in serverless computing?
a) Users pay a fixed monthly fee for server resources regardless of usage.
b) Users are charged based on the maximum capacity of provisioned servers.
c) Users are billed only for the actual resources consumed during code execution.
d) Users pay upfront for a predetermined amount of server capacity.

32. What is the primary benefit of implementing a circuit breaker pattern in a distributed system?
a) It prevents the occurrence of network outages.
b) It ensures consistent network latency across all services.
c) It helps in managing and recovering from service failures.
d) It minimizes the need for load balancing in the system.

33. How does autoscaling contribute to cost optimization in cloud computing?

a) By reducing the need for load balancing resources.
b) By automatically provisioning additional servers during peak times.
c) By adjusting server capacity based on actual demand, thereby minimizing unnecessary resource
usage and costs.
d) By charging users based on the number of servers provisioned rather than actual usage.

34. In a microservices architecture, what role does a service registry play?

a) It ensures that only authorized services can communicate with each other.
b) It monitors the performance of individual microservices and adjusts resources accordingly.
c) It maintains a directory of available services and their locations.
d) It routes incoming requests to the appropriate microservices based on predefined rules.

35. Which of the following statements accurately describes the scalability of microservices
a) Microservices architecture allows for easy scaling of individual components independently.
b) Microservices architecture requires manual adjustment of server capacity for scaling.
c) Monolithic architecture provides better scalability than microservices architecture.
d) Microservices architecture relies on fixed, pre-allocated resources regardless of demand.

Sure, here are the answers to the questions:

1. c) Utilizing cloud services to execute code without managing servers directly

2. c) It detects and prevents failures in microservices communication
3. b) Automatically adjusting resources based on traffic or workload
4. b) Monolithic architecture employs a single, unified codebase while microservices architecture uses
multiple, loosely coupled services
5. b) It eliminates the need for managing server infrastructure.
6. c) Enabling execution of code on demand
7. c) To prevent cascading failures
8. c) To facilitate communication between services
9. b) Horizontal scaling adds more instances of resources, while vertical scaling increases the capacity
of existing resources
10. a) It allows for easy maintenance and updates.
11. c) Higher risk of dependencies causing system-wide failures
12. a) By isolating each microservice with its own dependencies
13. c) Charges based on actual usage rather than provisioned capacity
14. c) To protect against cascading failures due to service disruptions
15. c) Dynamically adjusting resources to match changing workload demands
16. a) Microservices enable faster development due to reduced complexity.
17. c) Serverless computing abstracts server management away from developers.
18. a) It ensures that the load is evenly distributed across servers.
19. a) Tight coupling between services
20. b) By eliminating the need to provision and manage servers
21. d) To facilitate secure communication
22. b) It automatically provisions additional resources to handle increased workload.
23. a) To manage communication between microservices
24. d) By simplifying the deployment process and enabling easy replication of services
25. b) It automatically provisions additional resources to handle increased workload.
26. c) Serverless computing dynamically allocates and deallocates resources based on demand.
27. d) To prevent cascading failures and maintain system stability
28. b) Adding more instances of the same type of server
29. a) Microservices architecture allows for easier scalability of individual components.
30. a) By automating the deployment and management of containers
31. c) Users are billed only for the actual resources consumed during code execution.
32. c) It helps in managing and recovering from service failures.
33. c) By adjusting server capacity based on actual demand, thereby minimizing unnecessary resource
usage and costs.
34. c) It maintains a directory of available services and their locations.
35. a) Microservices architecture allows for easy scaling of individual components independently.

What is an event-driven architecture (EDA) and how does it integrate with microservices?

a) EDAs focus on direct request-response interactions between services to ensure efficiency.

b) Microservices primarily rely on synchronous communication within the system.
c) EDAs involve services communicating through events rather than direct interactions, utilizing
message brokers or event buses.
d) Microservices and EDAs are two distinct architectural styles that do not intersect.

Correct Answer: c) EDAs involve services communicating through events rather than direct
interactions, utilizing message brokers or event buses.

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