اختبار الاشعاعية -1 (نسخة)

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The periodical Test in (EGP-342)

The first term 1445/2023

Question no. 1
A- What is Radiation and radioactivity?
Radiation: It is energy in motion( particles, magnetic waves).
Radioactivity: They atoms trying to achieve stability by radiation.

b-Complete this sentence: ( Non ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to
remove electrons from a neutral atom). Examples are
1-Micro wave. 2-Radio wave. 3- Heat.
4-visible light. 5- Infra light

c-Ionizing radiation passes from matter and can cause some atoms to become
electrically charged or ionized as
1- Alpha particles 2-Beta particles. 3- Gamma rays

Question no. 3

Complete the following:

i- Radiometer instrument meauserd the FLUX of nuclear radiation and the units of
measuring are per second c/s , pulses per second p/s
ii- Spectrometer instrument meauserd the energy of nuclear radiation and the units of
measuring are . ppm , ppm , % for U , Th and K respectively.
Question no. 4
-The β particles- due to their limited penetration and hence their limited range reaching
few tens centimetres in air –are used in assay purposes and face scanning in uranium
The γ- rays, due to their considerable penetration ( several hundred meters in the air and
several tens of centimetres in the rocks).
. The α particles- for their very limited penetration and therefore their very limited range
attaining few centimetres in air –are used in detection of radon “Rn’ gas wich is a gaseous
element in the uranium and thorium decay series. It is also used – sometimes – in assay
Question no. 5-.
A-The disintegrating nucleus is called the parent; and the nucleus of the product
disintegration is the daughter one.
b-Complete the folowing eqations .
Alpha decay: 238 U92 → 4-238 U 92-2 + 4 He 2
Beta decay 232Th90 → 232 Th 90+1 + oe-1
K capture 40K19 + oe-1 → 40 K 19-1

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