National Ministerial Interview - Q&A

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1. What is meant by Regeneration or new birth?
Ans: Regeneration is the spiritual transformation in a person, brought about by the Holy
Spirit that brings the individual from being spiritually dead to become a spiritually alive
human being. When one is born of water and spirit the person acquired new birth in
Jesus Christ (John3:5).

2. What is adoption? How does it apply to a believer in Christ?

Ans: An act of God's grace by which He brings men into the number of His redeemed
family, and makes them partakers of all the blessings He has provided for them. It is the
admission of a believer into the family of God through faith in Christ Jesus. It applies to a
believer in Christ by receiving the spirit of son ship that makes the believer
automatically heirs of God(Father) and co – heirs with Christ Jesus(Rom. 8:15-17,
Galatians 3:26)

3. Did Jesus truly die? Give 2 scriptural texts in support of this.

Ans: Yes. (1 Peter 3:18, Romans 4:25, 1Corrinthians 15:21, 2Corrinthians 5:21)

4. Was the resurrection of Jesus necessary? Give reasons.

Ans: Yes.
1. It reveals God’s justice. Because Christ humbled himself and died on the cross out of
love and obedience to the Father, God lifted him up by a glorious resurrection
2. It was necessary for the confirmation of our faith in Christ. Thomas cites Paul,
who explains that the resurrection attests to the power of God (2 Cor 13:4).
3. It gives us hope for the resurrection of our bodies. It nurtures and sustains our
hope, for, as Christ rose again, we are established in the certain hope that we too
shall rise again (1 Cor 15:12)
4. It means death to sin and new life in Christ for us. Since we are united with Christ
we have not only died with him but been raised with him to newness of life. Thomas
cites (Romans 6:4, 11)
5. It completes the work of salvation.

5. Who is a Christian?
Ans: A Christian is a person who possesses the character or qualities of Jesus Christ
(Philippians 2:5-9). A true Christian is a person who has put faith and trust in the person
and work of Jesus Christ, including His death on the cross as payment for sins and His
resurrection on the third day.

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6. What is Justification? What does it mean to be justified?

Ans: Justification is God’s declaring those who receive Christ to be righteous, based on
Christ’s righteousness being imputed to the accounts of those who receive Christ (2
Corinthians 5:21).This is the instantaneous work of God where the righteousness of
Jesus is reckoned to the sinner so the sinner is declared by God as being righteous under
the Law (Rom. 4:3; 5:1, 9; Gal. 2:16; 3:11).

7. What is salvation?
Ans: Salvation is the deliverance, by the grace of God, from eternal punishment for sin
which is granted to those who accept by faith God’s conditions of repentance and faith
in the Lord Jesus. Salvation is available in Jesus alone and is dependent on God alone for
provision, assurance, and security (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

8. What is sanctification?
Ans: Sanctification is the process of being set apart for God's work and being conformed
to the image of Christ. To sanctify also means to set apart for holy use.(Philp.2:13,

9. What is Repentance?
Ans: Repentance is acknowledging that you have done something wrong, and you are
remorseful about it. Accepting that you have committed a sin and you are willing to
confess and hope for forgiveness from God(Proverbs 28:13)

10. What is Atonement?

Ans: Atonement is humanity's reconciliation with God through the sacrifice or
substitutional death of Jesus Christ OR the reconciliation of man with God through the
life, sufferings, and sacrificial death of Christ (1John 2:2, 1Peter 2:24)

11. What is redemption?

Ans: Redemption is the deliverance of a believer from sin or captivity through the
shedding blood of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 9:15, Romans 3:23 – 24)

12. What is substitutional atonement?

Ans: The substitutionary atonement refers to Jesus Christ dying as a substitute for
sinners (1John 2:2, 1Peter 2:24).

13. What is the Four Square Gospel?

Ans: Jesus Christ… 1. The Saviour 2. The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit
3. The Healer 4. The soon coming King

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14. What is the primary aim of the gift of prophecy?

Ans: The primary aim of the gift of prophecy is for strengthening, encouragement and
comfort (I Cor.14:3)

15. What is the significant of water baptism?

Ans: It is a symbol of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6:4)

16. What are the types of baptism?

Ans: 1) Baptism of repentance 2) Baptism into the body of Christ 3) Baptism in water
4) Baptism into the Holy Spirit 5) Baptism with fire
1) Baptism of repentance takes place in the heart of a person, and it has to do with a
positive change; from an ungodly life, to a life that is going to be led by the
righteousness of God. In the baptism of repentance, one is required to confess their sins
and make a complete turn around - away from an evil life style to a lifestyle that is
acceptable to God(Luke 3:3, Acts 19:4)
2) Baptism into the body of Christ This baptism into Christ's body, allows the repenting
person to be spiritually converted into the faith of Jesus Christ, and the believer now
looks to Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. The believer has come to terms with the scripture
as its recorded in Romans 10: 9-13. This baptism brings together all people on the same
footing in the eyes of God – whether rich or poor, literate or illiterate, men or women,
white or black, different races, tribes, ethnicity, and languages (1 Corinthians 12:13)
3) Water baptism is biblically meant for all those who have repented and have
consequently been baptized into the body of Christ (Matthew 3:16, 28:19).
4)Baptism into the Holy Spirit The baptized believer receives the Holy Spirit who now
lives in their hearts; guiding, teaching, and helping them. It is the Holy Spirit who
empowers them on the road to spiritual purity, spiritual growth, spiritual maturity, and
spiritual strength. Sinful men and women who have not repented of their sins cannot
receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1-4, 2:8)
5) Baptism with fire is only meant for the saints of God. It involves The Lord allowing his
saints to pass through serious sufferings that when bravely handled, glorifies and gives
honor to the name of the most high living God. This baptism of fire is only for true
believers (Romans 8:18, Luke 12:50, 1 Corinthians 10:13)

17. What is trinity? Is trinity in the Bible?

Ans: Trinity is the term used to express the unity of three Persons in one God. The
Christian doctrine is: (1) that there is only one God, one divine nature and being. (2) This
one divine Being is tripersonal, involving the distinctions of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. (3) These three are joint partakers of the same nature and majesty of God.
The doctrine of the Trinity states that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit coexist in

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the unity of one God. The term "Trinity" is never mentioned in the Bible. It is the
Christian Church's way of reconciling the Old Testament teaching that there is only one
God (Deuteronomy 6:4) with New Testament teachings about the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit(John 14:26, Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19).

18. Give two natural attributes of God and moral attributes of God.
Ans: The attributes of God are those distinguishing characteristics of Divine nature in
which God reveals Himself to us.

1) The natural attributes - These involve God’s relations with Himself.

God is LIFE (John 5:26), God is SPIRIT (John 4:24), God is ETERNAL (Gen. 21:33, Rev. 1:8,
11:17), God is SELF-EXISTENT (John 5:26), God is IMMUTABLE (Malachi. 3:6), God is
OMNIPRESENT (Ps. 139:7-12), God is OMNIPOTENT (Isa. 44:6; Rev. 1:8), God is
OMNISCIENT (Heb. 4:13).
2) The moral attributes- These are closely connected to our human condition and need.
God is HOLY (Isa. 6:1-3), God is JUST (Romans 3:25-26), God is LOVE (I Jn. 4:16), God is
MERCIFUL (Jn. 6:37), God is GRACIOUS (Eph. 2:1-5, 8-9), God is Faithful (1 Thess. 5:24)
19. What is rapture?
Ans: Rapture is the event in which Jesus Christ returns to remove or “snatches away” all
believers from the earth in order to make way for His righteous judgment to be poured
out on the earth during the tribulation period. The rapture is described primarily in 1
Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50–54.

20. What are the nine (9) gifts of the Holy Spirit and it`s classification?
Ans: 1) Gifts of revelation-the mind gifts:
• The word of wisdom. This is supernatural revelation, or insight into the divine
will and purpose, showing how to solve any problem that may arise (1 Kings
3:16-28; Matthew 2:20; Luke 22:10-12; John 2:22-24; John 4:16-19;Acts
26:16; Acts 27:21-25; 1 Cor. 5).
• The word of knowledge. That is supernatural revelation of divine knowledge, or
insight in the divine mind, will, or plan; and also the plans of others that man
could not know of himself (Genesis 1:1-2:25; 1 Samuel 3:7-15; 2 Kings 6:8-
12; Acts 9:11-12; Matthew 16:16; John 1:1-3; Acts 5:3-4; Acts 21:11; Ephes. 3).
• Discerning of spirits. This is supernatural revelation, or insight into the realm of
spirits to detect them and their plans and to read the minds of people (Matthew
9:4; Luke 13:16; John 2:25; Acts 13:9-10; Acts 16:16; 1 Tim. 4:1-4; 1 John 4:1-6).
OR Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to
perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of
God (Acts 10:30-35), of the devil (Acts 16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the
world. The gift of discerning of spirits is the supernatural power to detect the
realm of the spirits and their activities.

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2) Gifts of inspiration-vocal gifts:

• Prophecy. This is supernatural utterance in the native tongue (1 Cor. 14:3). It is a
miracle of divine utterance, not conceived by human thought or reasoning (Acts
3:21; Acts 11:28; Acts 21:11; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 Cor. 14:23-32). It includes speaking to
people to edification and exhortation and comfort (1 Cor. 14:3).
• Divers kinds of tongues. This is supernatural utterance in other languages which
are not known to the speaker(Isaiah 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4; Acts 10:44-
48; Acts 19:1-7; 1 Cor. 12:10,28-31; 1 Cor. 13:1-3; 1 Cor.14:2,22,26,27-32).
• The interpretation of tongues. This is simply supernatural ability to interpret in
the native tongue what is uttered in other languages not known by the one who
interprets by the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:10; 1 Cor. 14:5,13-15,27-28).

3) Gifts of power-working gifts:

• Faith. This is supernatural ability to believe God without human doubt, unbelief,
and reasoning or beyond extraordinary (Romans 4:17;James 1:5-8; Matthew
17:20; Matthew 21:22; Mark 9:23; Mark 11:22-24; Hebrews 11:6; Hebrews 12:1-
• The gifts of healing. This is supernatural power to heal all manner of sickness
without human aid or medicine (Mark 16:18; John 14:12; 1 Cor. 12:9).
• The working of miracles. This is supernatural power to intervene in the ordinary
course of nature and to counteract natural laws if necessary (1 Cor. 15:10,27-
31; Hebrews 2:3-4; Psalm 107; Exodus 7:10-14:21; 2 Kings 4:1-44; 2 Kings 6:1-
7; Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23; Mark 11:22-24; John 14:12).

21. Name some of the grace gifts?

Ans: Prophesying, Serving, Encouraging, Contributing, leadership, governing, showing
mercy (Rom.12:6-8).

22. What are the ascension gifts?

• Apostles – They establish, build and care for churches. They develop the spirituality of
officers and members of the Church. They ordain ministers and officers and keep
discipline. They also impart spiritual gifts. They dedicate buildings and property of the
Church (Ephesians 2: 20).
• Prophets - They complement the work of the Apostles in making callings, directing and
ordaining ministers and other officers. This office is different from the gift of prophecy
that is for edification, exhortation and the comfort of the saints ( 1 Cor. 14:3-4).They
also dedicate buildings and property of the Church(Ephesians 2: 20).
• Evangelists: They perform pastoral functions. They preach the gospel to the unsaved
and break new grounds (2 Timothy 4: 5, Acts 8:5-7).
• Pastors: They care for the flock and administer the Lord`s Supper, visit the sick, bless
marriages, baptize converts, dedicate children and bury the dead. They teach and
preach the gospel. John 21: 15-17 and Acts 20:28. This is a caring ministry for the sheep
in Christ’s fold.

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• Teachers: They teach the word of God and give the Church sound teaching that gives
life. The work of the teacher is to instruct the Church in the things of God, to give milk to
the babes (1 Peter 2: 2), and meat to those who are more mature (Hebrews 5: 14) in
order that there may be growth and stability.
The purposes of the gifts are to prepare God’s people for works of service so that the
body of Christ may be built up and to protect us from harm (Ephesians 4:11-12).

23. Tell the difference between the ascension gifts and ministerial gifts?
Ans: They are the same. No difference.

24. What atones for the sin of man?

Ans: Blood (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22)

25. Briefly state the main difference between ‘Atonement’ in the Old Testament and the
New Testament.
Ans: In the Old Testament animal (Passover lamb) blood were shed and sprinkled on
altar to remove sin whiles in the New Testament Jesus sheds His blood to cover our sins
by reconciling us to God(Leviticus 17:11, Exodus 12:13, Hebrews 9:12,28)

26. What is Propitiation? Briefly state the doctrine of propitiation.

Ans: Propitiation is defined as Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross where His
substitutionary death was the satisfaction, covering, or pacifying of the wrath of God (1
John 2:2; 4:10, 2 Corinthians 5:21).

The doctrine of the propitiation is precisely this: that God loved the objects of his
wrath so much that he gave his own Son to the end that he by his blood should make
provision for the removal of his wrath. It was Christ’s so to deal with the wrath that the
“loved” would no longer be the objects of wrath, and love would achieve its aim of
making the children of “wrath” the children of God’s good pleasure. (John 3:16, 18, 36,
17:2, 9; Matt. 11:25, 27).

27. Is the death of Jesus vicarious? How?

Ans: The Bible teaches that Christ’s suffering and death were vicarious. This means that
in order to remove the guilt and penalty for sin, Jesus took upon Himself all the guilt for
our sins and the full penalty that we deserved. In other words, Jesus died in our place, as
our substitute. There are many passages in Scripture that teach that Christ bore the sins
of His people (Isa. 53:4-6, 2 Cor. 5:21).

28. What is expiation?

Ans: Is the act of taking away or removing guilt by means of paying a ransom or offering
atonement. It means to pay the penalty for something. Thus, the act of expiation
removes the problem by paying for it in some way, in order to satisfy some demand.

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29. What is reconciliation? Why do we need to be reconciled with God?

Ans: Reconciliation is having fellowship and peace with God through the death of Jesus
Christ where once there was an enmity (Romans 5:10, 2 Cor. 5:18). Because of our sin,
we were actually the enemies of God (Romans 5:10).

30. What does the substitutional death mean to you?

Ans: The substitutional death means Jesus Christ died on the cross as a substitute for
me to save me from death penalty of my sins and to reconcile me to God ( Romans 5:8).

31. What Is Eschatology?

Ans: Eschatology is the branch of Christian theology that deals with the biblical study of
end times prophecies and the events of the last days. Some of these events include the
Rapture, the Second Coming of Christ, the Tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom and the
Future Judgments. The primary books of the Bible pertaining to end times prophecy are
the book of Daniel, the book of Ezekiel and the book of Revelation.

32. What Is the Tribulation?

Ans: The tribulation is a future seven-year period of time when God will finish His
discipline of Israel and finalize His judgment of the unbelieving world (Daniel 9:24-27,
Isaiah 13:6, Matthew 24:21).

33. What Is the Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ?

Ans: The Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ is a raised platform in which all Christian will
appear before Jesus Christ to give account of the things done while in the body and to
receive the imperishable award of Jesus Christ ( 2 Cor. 5:10, Romans 14:10 – 12).

34. What is the Battle of Armageddon?

Ans: The Battle of Armageddon refers to the place of the gathering of armies for the
final battle at the end of the world between the forces of good and evil, God against the
kings of the earth (Revelation 16:16).

35. State the main difference between the word GOD HEAD and TRINITY
Ans: The word Godhead is used to refer to God’s essential nature whilst
Trinity is the term used to express the unity of three Persons in one God (Acts 17:29;
Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9).

36. Give some quotations to support the word Trinity if it is Biblical.

Ans: Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 8:6 - yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things
came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all
things came and through whom we live.
2 Corinthians 13:14 - May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

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Matthew 3:16-17 - As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that
moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and
alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with
him I am well pleased.”
John 14:26 - But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so
that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock
and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

37. What is ELOHIM?

Ans: A Hebrew name commonly used for God in the Old Testament. ELOHIM refers to the
Creator of the Universe or God of Israel (Genesis 1:1).

38. Who is Melchizedek?

Ans: Melchizedek name means “king of righteousness,” .He was a king of Salem which
means “king of peace.” (Jerusalem) and priest of the Most High God. He is without
father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life,
resembling the Son of God, He remains a priest forever according to Hebrews 7:1-3.
(Genesis 14:18–20; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:6–11; 6:20—7:28).

39. Does the Bible really talk about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and who
is the least?
Ans: The Bible talks about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and there are
one. None of them is the least.

40. Is Jesus Christ different from other Religious leaders? Why?

Ans: Yes. No other religious leader can be compared to Jesus Christ. Every other
religious leader is either alive or dead. Jesus Christ is the only one who was dead and is
now alive. Indeed, He proclaims in Revelation 1:17–18 that He is alive forevermore. No
other religious leader can make this claim.

41. Tell us the theological virtues – Faith, Hope and Love.

Ans: Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that He
Has said and revealed to us, and that Holy Church proposes for our belief, because He is
truth itself. By faith “man freely commits his entire self to God.” For this reason the
believer seeks to know and do God’s will. "The righteous shall live by faith" (Rom 1:17).
Hope - Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and
eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our
own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. We must "hold fast to our
confession of hope" (Heb 10:23). Through the Spirit, we have "become heirs in hope of
eternal life" (Titus 3:6-7).
Love – Charity/Love is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for
His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God. Jesus loved us "to the

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end" (Jn 13:1). He told his disciples to "love one another as I have loved you" (Jn 15:9,
12). Charity keeps the commandments of God and of Christ, "If you keep my
commandments, you will abide in my love" (Jn 15:9-10).

42. What is the greatest of the practical virtues? Name them.

Ans: Love is the greatest of the practical virtues. They are Faith, Hope and Love (1 Cor.
43. Do we have the word ‘Rapture’ in the Bible?
Ans: The word Rapture does not appear in the Bible. It comes from the Latin word
rapturo which means "seize", "snatch" or "take away” or “caught up”. The term Rapture
is used to refer to the faithful believers being taken up to meet Christ in the air as
described in 1 (Thessalonians 4:13-17) written by the apostle Paul.

44. Is the word` Rapture’ Biblical?

Ans: Yes it is Biblical (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 , 1 Corinthians 15:50–54).

45. Name the Partakers of the rapture.

Ans: Jesus Christ, The Arch Angels, the dead in Christ and all true believers in Christ (1
Thessalonians 4:13-17)

46. What is the first sign of the Holy Spirit Baptism?

Ans: Speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism.

47. Is the Holy Spirit Baptism important?

Ans: Yes, the Holy Spirit Baptism is very important because, It`s empower us for service
(Acts 1:8).

48. What is the difference, if any, between the gift of prophecy and office of a Prophet?
Ans: The gift of prophecy is not the same as being a prophet. The gift of prophecy is one
of the inspirational or vocal gifts given to a believer by the Holy Spirit. The essence of
the gift of prophecy is for edification, exhortation and the comfort of the saints (1 Cor.
14:3-4), whiles the office of a Prophet is a is a calling of God and is one of the fivefold
ministries which complement the work of the Apostles in making callings, directing and
ordaining ministers and officers for the Church (Ephesians 4:10-12).

49. What is the word of knowledge?

Ans: That is supernatural revelation of divine knowledge, or insight in the divine mind,
will, or plan; and also the plans of others that man could not know of himself (Genesis
1:1-2:25; 1 Samuel 3:7-15; 2 Kings 6:8-12; Acts 9:11-12; Matthew 16:16; John 1:1-3; Acts
5:3-4; Acts 21:11; Ephes. 3).A manifestation of the Spirit at the spur of the moment
about facts in the mind of God concerning the past and the present. OR
The gift of the word of knowledge is the transcendental revelation of the divine will and
plan of God. It involves moral wisdom for right living and relationships, requires

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objective understanding concerning divine things in human duties, and refers to

knowledge of God or of the things that belong to God, as related in the Gospel.

50. What is the word of wisdom?

Ans: This is supernatural revelation, or insight into the divine will and purpose, showing
how to solve any problem that may arise (1 Kings 3:16-28; Matthew 2:20; Luke 22:10-
12; John 2:22-24; John 4:16-19;Acts 26:16; Acts 27:21-25; 1 Cor. 5). It concerns the
future and is critical for leadership; guides the church in the proper cause or direction to
OR The gift of the word of wisdom is the revealing of prophetic future; it is speaking
hidden truths of what is not known. It is a supernatural perspective to ascertain the
divine means for accomplishing God's will in a given situation, and is a divinely given
power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem solving.

51. Name all the Sacraments?

Ans: Baptism by immersion in water and the Lord`s Supper or Holy Communion.

52. What is your special gift? What are your spiritual gifts?
Ans: Discerning of spirits. This is supernatural revelation, or insight into the realm of
spirits to detect them and their plans and to read the minds of people (Matthew
9:4; Luke 13:16; John 2:25; Acts 13:9-10; Acts 16:16; 1 Tim. 4:1-4; 1 John 4:1-6).
OR Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the
source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God (Acts 10:30-35),
of the devil (Acts 16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the world. The gift of discerning
of spirits is the supernatural power to detect the realm of the spirits and their activities.

53. When will the Second Advent of Christ take place?

Ans: The Second Advent of Christ will take place when Jesus Christ returns with the
Church to defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. The
second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16.

54. Will there be a judgment for believers. Explain.

Ans: All believers, regardless of their spiritual state, will be raptured and will stand
before the Bema seat of Christ to give an account of their lives and will either receive
rewards or lose rewards(1 Thessalonians 5:9-11. Rom. 14:10-11; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor.
5:9-10; 1 John 2:28; Rev. 3:11-12).

55. What is Hell?

Ans: Hell is a place of eternal punishment prepared for the Devil and his followers, the
demons and unbelievers by God (Matt. 25:41, Revelation 14:10-11, 20:10, Daniel 12:2 ).

56. What is Heaven?

Ans: Heaven is a place prepared for the people of God. Heaven is the dwelling place of
God and His angels (John 14:1-3, Revelation 21:4-8).

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57. What is Paradise?

Ans: An intermediate place for the departed souls of the righteous awaiting resurrection

58. What is Sheol?

Ans: Sheol refers to the abode of the dead (Psalms 88:3,5 )

59. What is the unpardonable sin or the sin unto death?

Ans: Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31-32, Mark 3:28-30, 1 John 5:16-17).

60. State the main difference between ‘Rapture’ and the Second Coming of Christ.
Ans: The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all believers in
Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1
Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and,
along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in
a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The second coming is when Jesus returns to defeat
the Antichrist, destroy evil, and establish His millennial kingdom. The second coming is
described in Revelation 19:11-16.

The important differences between the rapture and second coming are as follows:
1) At the rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the
second coming, believers return with the Lord to the earth (Revelation 19:14).
2) The second coming occurs after the great and terrible tribulation (Revelation chapters
6–19). The rapture occurs before the tribulation (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).
3) The rapture is the removal of believers from the earth as an act of deliverance (1
Thessalonians 4:13-17, 5:9). The second coming includes the removal of unbelievers as
an act of judgment (Matthew 24:40-41).
4) The rapture will be secret and instant (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). The second coming
will be visible to all (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30).
5) The second coming of Christ will not occur until after certain other end-times events
take place (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6–18). The
rapture is imminent; it could take place at any moment (Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians
4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).

61. Name the crowns which Jesus Christ will give to all true Saints who have served
Ans: The Crown of Righteousness, the Incorruptible Crown, the Crown of Life, the Crown
of Rejoicing and the Crown of Glory would be given to deserving raptured saints.

62. Name the Nine (9) Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Ans: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-
control (Galatians 5:22-23)

63. What is the difference between the Gift and Fruit of the Holy Spirit?

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Ans: The gift is the spiritual capabilities given to a believer by the Holy Spirit for works
of service whiles the fruits of the Spirit are the Spiritual character that a believer should
bear or exhibits. Gifts are received instantly, while the fruit develops gradually.

64. What's the difference between the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White
Throne Judgment?
Ans: The Judgment Seat of Christ is for the saved, while the Great White Throne
judgment is for unsaved. They will be judged according to their works (2 Cor. 5:10, Rev.

65. Name the talent gift

Ans: The same as the grace gift (Romans 12:6-8)

66. Name the twelve(12) disciples of Jesus Christ

Simon Peter (brother of Andrew) James (son of Zebedee and older brother of John)
John (son of Zebedee and brother of James,Andrew (brother of Simon Peter, Philip of
Bethsaida,Thomas (Didymus) Bartholomew (Nathaniel), Matthew (Levi) ,James (son of
Alphaeus) ,Simon the Zealot (the Canaanite), Thaddaeus-Judas (Lebbaeus), Judas

67. What is Pentecostalism?

Ans: Pentecostalism is a movement within Evangelical Christianity that places special
emphasis on the direct personal experience of God through the baptism of the Holy

68. What is Charismatic?

Ans: The term 'charismatic' is a theological term use to describe someone who believes
in spiritual gifts or is characterized by gifts (healing, prophecy, miracles)

69. What is the difference between Pentecostal Church and the Charismatic Church?
Ans: Pentecostal church believes that the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism is by
a believer is speaking in tongues whiles the Charismatic believes is through signs,
miracles, and wonders and with-or-without the laying on of hands.
Pentecostals place a high value on evangelization and missionary work whereas
Charismatics tend to see their movement as a force for revitalization and renewal within
their own church.
Pentecostals are also distinguished from the charismatic movement on the basis of style

70. Is the Millennial Rule of Jesus Biblical? When will it start?

Ans: Yes. The Millennial Rule of Jesus will start after after the rapture of the church,
the seven year tribulation, and after the second coming. Jesus Christ will reign
in His kingdom (Revelation 20:1-10)

71. Give five (5) quotations that prove Jesus is God.

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Ans: John 1:1, John 10:30, John 8:58, Matthew 1:23, Philippians 2:6,

72. Are demons real? Quote to support your answer.

Ans: Yes. Mark 3:11

73. What is the significant of the Virgin Birth of Jesus?

Ans: The Virgin Birth depicts the Uniqueness of Jesus in His conception, in His moral
character, in His power, and in His message. The Virgin Birth Points to the Purity of
Jesus. The Virgin Birth signifies the Divinity of Jesus.

74. Is there any difference between Trial and Temptation? Show it.
Ans: Trials are sent from God (Job 1:6-12) wiles
Temptations come from the flesh of a man (James 1:13-14)

75. Tell us the difference between Sin and Mistake?

Ans: Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God or rebellion against
God (1 John 3:4) whiles Mistake is an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.

76. What is Transgression?

Ans: The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a
law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command.

77. What is iniquity?

Ans: Iniquity means “guilt worthy of punishment.” Iniquity is sin at its worst. Iniquity is
premeditated, continuing, and escalating.

78. What is Sacrament?

Ans: A sacrament is a sacred rite or ceremony instituted and practiced by Jesus, and
observed by the church as a means of or visible sign of grace. Jesus Christ himself is the
sacrament, as he gave his life to save mankind.

79. What do you know about the Virgin Mary, mother Jesus?
Ans: Mary was a Jewish woman of Nazareth in Galilee who lived in her own house.
She was a cousin of Elizabeth, wife of the priest Zechariah according to Luke.
The angel Gabriel announced to her on the first stage of Jewish marriage that she
was to be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving Him through the
Holy Spirit.

80. What does the bread and wine represents in communion?

Ans: The bread and wine represents or symbolizes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Bread symbolizes life. It is the nourishment that sustains life whiles Wine represents
God's covenant in blood, poured out in payment for mankind's sin.

81. How many words did Jesus speak on the cross?

Ans: Seven (7)

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82. Name the seven (7) words which Jesus speak on the cross.
Ans: 1. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. “Luke 23:34,
2. Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise. Luke 23:43,
3. Jesus said to his mother: "Woman, this is your son. “Then he said to the disciple:
"This is your mother.
4. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? “Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34
5. I thirst. John 19:28
6. It is finished John 19:29-30
7. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. “Gospel of Luke 23:46

83. What is the difference between the first death and second?
Ans: The first death refers to the physical death whiles the second death is eternal
separation from God for the unsaved (Revelation 2:11; 20:6, 14-15, and 21:8.).

84. How many books did Jeremiah write? Name them

Ans: Four (4), 1st and 2nd Kings, Lamentations, the book of Jeremiah

85. Books of the Bible

Old Testament: 39 books, New Testament: 27 books, Complete Bible: 66 books
Middle book of the Old Testament: Proverbs, Middle book of the New Testament: 2
Verses: Old Testament: 23,214 Verses, New Testament: 7,959 verses Complete Bible:
31,173 verses, Middle verse of the Bible: Psalms 103:1,2 Middle verse of the Old
Testament: 2 Chronicles 20:17, Middle verse of the New Testament: Acts 17:17
Shortest verse of the Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 1:25
Shortest verse of the New Testament: "Jesus wept." John 11:35; "Rejoice evermore" 1
Thessalonians 5:16
Longest verse in the Bible: Esther 8:9
Chapters: Old Testament: 929, New Testament: 260, Entire Bible: 1,189
Middle chapter of Old Testament: Job 29, Middle chapter of New Testament: Romans
13, Middle and shortest chapter of Bible: Psalms 117, Longest chapter in the Bible:
Psalm 119
Words:In the Old Testament: 592,439 words, In the New Testament: 181,253 words
Complete Bible: 773, 692 words
Longest word in the Bible (18 letters): Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isaiah 8:1)
Words occurring only once in the Bible: eternity (Isaiah 57:15); grandmother (2 Timothy
1:5); gnat (Matthew 23:24)
Bible Books & Number Of Chapters
Genesis – 50, Exodus – 40, Leviticus - 27, Numbers - 36, Deuteronomy – 34, Joshua – 24,
Judges – 21, Ruth - 4,1 Samuel -31,2 Samuel – 24, 1 Kings – 22 ,2 Kings – 25, 1Chronicles
– 29, 2 Chronicles – 36, Ezra-10,Nehemiah – 13, Esther – 10, Job -42,Psalms
- 150, Proverbs – 31, Ecclesiastes- 12, Song of Solomon – 8, Isaiah – 66, Jeremiah - 52
Lamentations -5, Ezekiel – 48, Daniel – 12, Hosea – 14,Joel – 3, Amos – 9, Obadiah – 1,
Jonah – 4,Micah – 7, Nahum – 3,Habakkuk – 3, Zephaniah – 3, Haggai – 2, Zechariah –
14, Malachi – 4, OT Total - 929

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Matthew – 28, Mark – 16, Luke – 24, John – 21, Acts – 28, Romans – 16, 1 Corinthians –
16(Paul), 2 Corinthians – 13(Paul), Galatians – 6(Paul), Ephesians – 6(Paul), Philippians –
4(Paul), Colossians – 4(Paul), 1 Thessalonians -5(Paul), 2 Thessalonians - 3(Paul),1
Timothy -6(Paul), 2 Timothy – 4(Paul), Titus – 3(Paul), Philemon
- 1, Hebrews – 13, James – 5, 1 Peter – 5, 2 Peter – 3, 1 John – 5, 2 John, 1 - 3 John –
1,Jude – 1, Revelation – 22, NT Total - 260
Bible Books, Classification & Author
The Law: Genesis – Moses, Exodus – Moses, Leviticus - Moses, Numbers - Moses,
Deuteronomy – Moses,
History: Joshua – Unknown, Judges – Unknown, Ruth - Unknown,1 Samuel -Samuel ,2
Samuel – Samuel, 1 Kings – Jeremiah ,2 Kings – Jeremiah, 1Chronicles – Ezra/Uknown, 2
Chronicles – Ezra/Uknown , Ezra- Ezra, Nehemiah – Nehemiah, Esther –
Wisdom Literature: Job - Job,Psalms – David & Others, Proverbs – Solomon or David,
Ecclesiastes- Solomon, Song of Solomon – Solomnon,
Major Prophets: Isaiah – Isaiah, Jeremiah – Jeremiah, Lamentations -Jeremiah, Ezekiel –
Ezekiel, Daniel – Daniel,
Minor Prophets: Hosea – Hosea, Joel – Joel, Amos – Amos, Obadiah – Obadiah,
Jonah – Jonah, Micah – Micah, Nahum – Nahum, Habakkuk – Habakkuk, Zephaniah –
Zephaniah, Haggai – Haggai, Zechariah – Zechariah, Malachi – Malachi,

The Gospel/Life of Jesus: Matthew – Matthew the Apostle, Mark – John Mark, Luke –
Luke the Physician, John – John the Apostle,
History of Early Church: Acts – Luke the Physician,
Letter to Church: Romans – Paul the Apostle, 1 Corinthians – the Apostle , 2 Corinthians
– the Apostle , Galatians – the Apostle , Ephesians – the Apostle , Philippians – the
Apostle , Colossians – the Apostle , 1 Thessalonians - the Apostle , 2 Thessalonians - the
Apostle , 1 Timothy - the Apostle , 2 Timothy – the Apostle , Titus – the Apostle ,
,Philemon - the Apostle, Hebrews – Paul Barnabas or Some writer, James – James Jesus
brother, 1 Peter – Peter the Apostle, 2 Peter – Peter the Apostle, 1 John – John the
Apostle, 2 John – John the Apostle, 3 John – John the Apostle, Jude – Jude Jesus
brother, Revelation – John the Apostle.

1. Tell us what you like and dislike about the policy/ leadership of the church OR what
you can change about the church if you happen to be a top leader?
Ans: The youth in the church are empowered through mentoring. I will pay detail
attention to church statistics to reflect the true numerical result.

2. What is the concept of PIWC?

Ans: The purpose of the PIWC was to retain Ghanaian members who preferred to
worship in English as well as to provide a place of worship for English speaking
foreigners and expatriates.

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3. What is the highest governing body of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: The Executive Council

4. What is the highest policy making body of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: The General Council

5. Outline the Church organizational structure.

Ans: The General Council, The Executive Council, Area Presbytery, Area Executive
Committee, District Presbytery, District Executive Committee, Local Presbytery.

6. What is the Vision Statement of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: To become a global Pentecostal church that is culturally relevant in vibrant
evangelism, church planting, discipleship and holistic ministry.

7. What is the Mission Statement of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: We exist to establish responsible and self-sustaining churches filled with
committed, Spirit-filled Christians of character, who will impact their communities.

8. State five core values and practices of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: Core Values and practices
It is the presentation of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit with the view that
people will trust Jesus as Saviour and Lord and serve him in the fellowship of the
Church. Evangelism is the responsibility of every Church member and Minister. It is the
prime duty of every believer to share his/her faith after conversion.
Through cross-cultural, mission-oriented evangelism, Church members who travel to
other countries preach Christ, plant Churches and call for Ministers to pastor
same. Besides, as was the practice of the founder, Pastor James McKeown, we respond
to calls to missions as led by the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship is teaching and training believers to be like Christ in character and to make
responsible choices. The emphasis is on holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, honesty,
sincerity, humility, prayerfulness and the leading of disciplined and responsible lives.
This is done at the level of individuals, where mature members take up the
responsibility to disciple new converts. The Church plays a leading role by providing
systematic teaching and practical training.
Such teaching emphasises the four-square gospel, which is Christ-centred: i.e. Jesus the
Saviour, Healer, Baptiser and Soon-Coming King; the Tenets of the Church; Bible
reading/study and scripture memorisation and application of the word to life situations.
Ministry Excellence
We seek to honour God who gave His best (Christ Jesus as the Saviour) by maintaining a
high standard of excellence in all our ministries and activities (Col. 3:23-24).
Some of the normal practices are regular prayer for the Holy Spirit baptism with the
initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Emphasis is placed on the fruit and gifts of the

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Spirit in the life of the believer.

Prayers are said for healing and deliverance of the afflicted as part of the initial exercises
for salvation.
Services are marked as truly Pentecostal with praise and worship, teaching, exercise of
gifts, prayer, testimonies, etc.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
We believe in the presence of the person of the Holy Spirit and that the Christian life can
be led only by His enablement. The new birth is the work of the Holy Spirit, and then
the baptism of the Holy Spirit for power to serve and the gifts of the Spirit for building
the body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit helps the individual to develop a Christ-like character, manifested
through bearing the fruit of the Spirit.
The leading of the Holy Spirit in all spheres of activity in the Church is
paramount. Administrative structures and all other Church distinctiveness have been
largely influenced by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Leadership development is based on the apostolic foundation. Appointments and
callings into leadership positions are based on character, charisma, and the leading of
the Holy Spirit. Leadership development is from the grassroot level with members
maturing to lead sub-groups, Ministries, Assemblies, Districts and Areas. Team spirit
with talent development shapes team work. Ministry is by both clergy and laity.
Church Culture
The following distinctive attributes help identify The Church of Pentecost:
1. Self-supporting attitude
2. Faithfulness and integrity
3. Distinctiveness in prayer
4. Church discipline without fear or favour irrespective of position, race or colour of

5. Congregational worship is based on spirit and truth and not necessarily on

location or structure.
6. Fellowship and generosity.
7. Respect for authority.
8. Mutual respect and sense of belonging for all members without discrimination
based on colour, gender, tribe, race or nationality.
9. Sacrificial service to the Church without expecting pecuniary reward.
10. Neighbourhood Churches: small/medium-sized community-based Church policy
promotes Church planting.
11. Home cell system of fellowship fosters the creation of avenues for effective
discipleship and promotes both numerical and spiritual growth.
12. Total abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and other hard drugs.
13. Monogamous marriage is upheld as well as chastity before marriage.
14. Homosexuality, lesbianism and other perverse sexual practices are not permitted
in the Church.
15. The Church upholds paternal inheritance.

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16. Female visitors who attend Church services without a head-covering should be
accepted as they are, without being either turned back or offered a “head
17. Women should fashion their hairstyles in a decent, modest and appropriate
manner to the glory of God.
18. The wearing of seductive or sexually-provocative dresses should be discouraged
in the Church.
19. Women must avoid the practice of cleavage (the partial exposure of breasts and
other sensitive parts of the body) as that does not glorify the Lord.
20 Church Anniversaries can be celebrated only at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th etc,
Tithes and Offering
Faithfulness in giving offerings and paying tithes to enhance the ministry of the Church
is emphasised. Periodic teaching on this subject is regarded as very important.The
Church and members depend solely on God as the source of financial supply. Borrowing
by the Church is not encouraged. Lending with interest among members is also
Social Activities
The Church believes in communal living with members supporting one another, and
participating in communal work. The Church may also help the wider community by
providing social needs such as health services, education, as well as donating to the
needy in society.
Holiness of members and officers
The Church upholds holiness of members unto the Lord in all their endeavours (Rom.
12:1; Heb. 12:14).
Consistent Bible Teaching – (Acts 2:42a).
The Church upholds the teaching of sound biblical doctrine and does not tolerate the
propagation of wrong/false doctrine. All types of prayer such as thanksgiving; worship
(adoration); supplication; intercession (Eph. 6:18-19; 1 Tim. 2:1-2). Church Discipline -
(2Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 12:7-11)

1. Respect for and obedience to authority.

2. Submission to corrective measures and policies of the Church.
3. Regular fellowship of the saints – (Acts 2:42-47; Heb. 10:25).

9. Explain five core beliefs of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: i. The Bible: We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Holy
Scriptures. That is infallible in its declaration, final in its authority, all-sufficient in, its
provisions and comprehensive in its sufficiency (2Tim. 3:16; 2 Pe. 1:21).
ii. The One True God: We believe in the existence of the One True God, Elohim, maker
of the whole universe; indefinable, but revealed as Triune Godhead— Father, Son and
Holy Spirit- Omniscient and Omnipresent (Gen. 1:1; Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14).
iii. Man’s Depraved Nature: We believe that “all men have sinned and come short of
the glory of God” and are subject to eternal punishment; and need repentance and
regeneration (Gen. 3:1-19); Is. 53:6).

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iv. The Saviour: We believe that man’s need of a Saviour has been met in the person
of Jesus Christ, because of His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, resurrection
and ascension; His abiding and second coming (Matt. 1:2; Jn. 4:42; Phil. 2:6-11).
v. Repentance, Justification, Sanctification: We believe that all men have to repent of
and confess their sins before God, and believe in the vicarious death of Jesus Christ to
be justified before God. We believe in the sanctification of the believer through the
working of the Holy Spirit and in God’s gift of eternal life to the believer (Lk. 15:7; Ac. 2:
38; Rom. 4:25; 5:16; 1 Cor. 1:30; 1Thess 4: 3).
vi. The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper: We believe in the Sacrament of
Baptism by immersion as a testimony of a convert who has attained a responsible age of
about 15 years. (Infants and children are not baptized but are dedicated to the Lord).
We believe in the participation in the Sacrament by members who are in full fellowship
(Matt. 28:19-2-; Mk. 16:16; Lk. 22:19-20).
vii. Baptism, Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit: We believe in the baptism of the Holy
Spirit for believers with signs following; also in the operation of the gifts and the fruit of
the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers(Mk. 16:17; Ac. 2:4; 1 Cor.12:8-11; Gal. 5:23).
viii. Next Life: We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved - they
that are saved to the resurrection of life and the unsaved to the resurrection of
damnation (Mk. 13: 26; Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5: 29; Ac. 1:11 10:42; Rom. 2:7-11; 6:23).
ix. Tithes and Offering: We believe in tithing and in the giving of free-will offerings
towards the cause of carrying forward the Kingdom of God. We believe that God blesses
a cheerful giver (Gen. 14:18-20; 10-22; Mal. 3:6-10; Matt. 23:23; Ac 20:35; 1 Cor. 16:1-3;
2 Cor. 9:1-9).
x. Divine Healing: We believe that the healing of sickness and disease is provided for
God’s people in the atonement. The Church is, however, not opposed to soliciting the
help of qualified medical practitioners (2 Kgs 20:20-22; Matt. 9:12; Lk. 10:34; Col. 4:14).

10. How long is the of ……. a)IMD b) Presiding Elder c) District Evangelism Leader
Ans: a) IMD – 5years b) Presiding Elder – 2years c) District Evangelism Leader – 3years

9. Mention five qualifications for ministerial calling eg. I Timothy 3:1-7 etc;
Ans: 1. The person must be born again and be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
8. He must qualify in terms of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-8
9. He must possess at least a moderate amount of formal education.
10. He must possess a clear voice without impediment in his speech.
11. He must be willing to learn.
12. He must be of sound body and mind proven by medical examination.
13. He must be mature person not above forty – two (42) years.

10. Mention five functions of a Minister?

Ans: 1. To feed and care for the flock 2. To administer the Lord`s Supper
3. To visit the sick 4. To bless marriage 5. Baptize new coverts
6. To dedicate children 7. To bury the dead 8. To teach and preach the gospel

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9. To do all other things incidental to the calling except dedication of church buildings
and ordination of officers.
Nb: Probationary Overseers/Overseers shall perform all pastoral duties except the
blessing of marriages, dedication of church buildings and ordination of officers.

11. Name four Trustees of the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: Aps. A N Y Kumi-Larbi, Aps Rigwell Ato Addison, Aps. S. K. Ansong (rtd), Eld Lawyer J
A Larkai, Eld Lawrence K Anning, Eld Edmund Bismark Adjabeng, Eld J K Asante

12. List five conducts that will lead to dismissal of a Minister.

Ans: 1. Unfaithfulness to the Church
2. Disobedience to his calling
3. Refusal to fellowship with fellow Ministers after attempts have been made to settle
the misunderstanding
4. Preaching erroneous doctrine
5. Living questionable life
6. Insubordination
7. Getting involved in any conduct either directly or indirectly which in the opinion of
the General Council may bring The Church into disrepute.


1. How many Apostles are Area Heads in Ghana? Name ten (10) of them.
Ans: 52 Apostles

2. How many Areas do we have in Ghana?

Ans: 61 Areas (Greater Accra – 11, Ashanti – 11, Brong Ahafo – 6, Central – 6, Eastern –
8, Northern – 4, Upper East – 1, Upper West – 2, Volta – 4, Western – 8)

3. How many Prophets are Area Heads in Ghana? Name them.

Ans: Five (5)

4. How many Area Heads in Ghana are Evangelist? Name them.

Ans: Evangelist – 1(Evang. Moses A. Kenney – Ejisu Area)

5. Who is the Area Head for Tumu Area?

Ans: Pastor Daniel Kweku Dekpor

6. Which session is this year Global Ministers and Wives Conference (GMWC)
Ans: First Edition or Session

7. What is theme for Odorkor Area Direction 2017?

Ans: In Times Like This (Ephesians 5: 15 – 16)

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8. Name the Area Head for Sefwi Bekwai Area

Ans: Pastor Gideon Obeng – Darko Debrah

9. Who is the National Head for Gabon?

Ans: Pastor Fred Appiah Baah

10. Name three National Evangelism Executive

Ans: Aps. Amos Jimmy Markin (Director), Evang. Francis Yaw Adu ( Deputy), Ps. Oteng
Asa Out ( Secretary), Ps. Chief Supt. James T. Tetteh, Eld. Dr. Ken E. K. Aboah, Eld. Yaw
Peasah, Evans Ayim, Samuel Amo Tobin.

11. Name five (5) indigenous Pastors of the Church of Pentecost and their station.
Ans: Aps. James Raj – India, Aps. Traore Sidiki – Ivory Coast, Apotre Kofi Marc Fathao –
Benin, Ps. Timothy Ria – Nepal, Ps. Rolando Araya Salazar – Elsavador

12. Name five missionaries and their station.

Ans: Aps Alphonse Coly – Senegal, Aps Daniel Owusu Akyaw – Zambia, Ps Raymond Odei
– Israel, Aps Patrick Asante – Greece, Aps Ebenezer Nii Odai Quaye – Germany

13. Who is the missionaries to…………Denmark, El-Salvador, Liberia, Japan, Mauritius, and
Ans: Ps Emmanuel Ennin – Denmark, Ps Rolando Salazar Araya – El-Salvador, Aps
Nathaniel O. Ajayi - Liberia, Ps John Ofori- Japan, Ps Anthony Ralph Duval – Mauritius, Ps
Timothy Rai – Nepal.

14. Name five (5) Executive Council Member.

Ans: Aps Joseph Kwame Assabil, Aps David TetteyTekper, Aps Samuel Osei Asante, Aps
Yaw Adjei-Kwarteng, Aps Mark Obeng Andoh, Aps Isaac Nii Kotei Djani, Aps Dr.
Emmanuel Anthony Owusu.

15. How many Areas do we have in Greater Accra? Name Five (5) with their Area Heads
exception of your area.
Ans: Eleven (11) Areas. Aps. Joseph K. Asabil – Achimota, Aps. Samuel Antwi – Kasoa,
Aps. Onyinah Gyamfi – Dansoman, Prof. J.O. Amaniampong – Teshie Ninguah, etc

16. Who is the Director of Studies of the Pentecost Theological Seminary (PTS)
Ans: Aps. Samuel Ofori

17. Mention five National Ministerial Committee Members.

Ans: Aps. Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo(Chairman), Aps. Francis Ofori Yeboah, Aps. Ekow Badu
Wood, Rev.Dr. Peter Ohene Kyei(Secretary), Pro. J.O. Amaniapong(Co-opted member),
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Anim

18. Who is the Manager of Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC)?

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Ans: Apostle Nana Yaw Agyei

19. Name the current IMD

Ans: Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi – Addo

20. Who is the Senior Executive Assistant to the Chairman

Ans: Elder Yaw Asamoah Akowuah

21. Who is the head of your Area?

Ans: Apostle Johnson Agyeman Baduh

22. Mention five National Heads you know

Ans: Aps Sam Agyeman Tabi – Austria, Ps Isaac Anane Sarfo – Argentina, Aps. Ebenezer
Nii Odai Quaye – Germany, Ps Kouassi Kouakou Yeboua - Central African Republic, Ps
Benjamin Aboagye – Cape Verde, Ps Samuel Berko – Kenya, Ps Dioudenne Nuekpe -
South Korea
23. What is the theme for the next five years of the church / Church Vision 2018?
Ans: To raise committed and Spirit-filled Disciples to impact generations

12. According to article 4.1 of the COP constitution, what is the purpose of the church?
Ans: To propagate the Gospel and to deepen the spiritual lives of the saints

13. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of the Pentecost Theological Seminary
Ans: Aps Dr. Alfred Koduah

14. What strategy is contained in vision 2018 to achieve 33% growth of overall church
Ans: strengthening and committing every area, district, local assembly, ministry,
department and individual member to evangelism, discipleship and church planting.


1. Tell us about yourself?

2. Tell us about your conversion?

3. What are your temperaments?

Ans: Melancholic Melancholic people are emotionally sensitive, perfectionistic

Compiled by: P/Overseer Richard Ekow Donkor (Sowutuom District) Page 22


Choleric Choleric people are the proud, extroverted 'alphas' of our species. Cholerics
people are leaders and directors. They seek to be in control of situations, to be on top,
to be the best.
Phlegmatic Phlegmatic people are meek, submissive introverts who live to please
Sanguine Sanguine people are boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social
extroverts. They are talkers more than they are listeners.

4. Why do you want to be a Minister?

Ans: I feel the call of God upon my life. When I preach people come to know Jesus
Christ. (2 Thessalonians 2:14, Romans 1:6, 8:30).

5. How often do you disagree with your spouse on issues? Do you quarrel?
Ans: Once a while we disagree or debate on issues. We don`t quarrel

6. Will you be disturbed if you are not successful in this interview?

Ans: No, I will not be disturbed if am not successful in this interview. Because according
to Romans 11:29 “for God`s gift and His call are irrevocable”.

7. Will you be happy if you are not given any farewell gifts on transfer if called?
Ans: Yes, I will be happy if am not given any farewell gifts on transfer if called. Because
Philipians 4:19 says that the God who called me will meet all my needs according to His
glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

8. How do you manage your income?

Ans: I manage my income by living within my means. I prepare or set up a budget based
on my income and expenditure. This enables me to save money for long and short term
9. How do you relate to your district pastor or his wife?
Ans: My district Pastor and his family are my friends. I seldom visit them at the mission
house to know how are they are faring and also to give them gift. This has generated a
relationship between me and my district Pastor.

10. What are some of your personal strengths and weaknesses?

Ans: Personal Strengths
• Integrity – As a personal strength virtue enables me to observe policies and
procedures by maintaining value and ethics when under pressure or when faced
with opposition.

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• Self – discipline - It includes avoiding distractions, self-motivation, setting goals,

not procrastinating and controlling personal behavior.
• Problem solving - Being able to analyze problems, to find cause and possible
solutions, ability to identify and define problems, coming up with and
implementing best solutions.
• Teamwork - Communicating effectively with team members, listening and
encouraging them, respect, contributing to team objectives and working
effectively in a team.
• Initiative – I actually take steps to make things or situation better. e.g. I identify
needs and come up with solutions and provide ideas for improvement.

Personal Weakness

• Impatience – I become impatient with co-workers on their standard of

performance or have the perception that their pace is slower than my
• Being too sensitive - This is more like thinking with your heart rather than
your head. One gets too disappointed and takes things personally.

11. Do you accept correction from others?

Ans: I appreciate correction or getting instruction and criticism from others when it is
done fairly and constructively.

12. Name the Spiritual disciplines you regularly observe?

Ans: Spiritual disciplines I regularly observe are; Inward discipline - Prayer, Worship,
Studying the Word of God, Discipline of Giving, and submission.

13. How well can you communicate i) verbally and ii) in writing?
Ans: Both verbally and writing

14. Where will you like to be posted – Rural or City or Abroad?

Ans: I prefer rural. This is to gain more field experience

15. Breifly demonstrate to how to perform the following as an Overseer.

i. Naming Ceremony ii. Baptise new convert iii. Administer Lord`s Supper


Yes or No

Compiled by: P/Overseer Richard Ekow Donkor (Sowutuom District) Page 24


1. There is regular on going prayer, seeking God`s wisdom, guidance and power in how to
understand and respond to life and ministry opportunities and challenges.

2. Every effort is made to give a balanced consideration to our ministries to:

a) Evangelism b) Social concern and justice c) Training
3. I do all I can to find out the backgrounds and needs of those whom I serve.

4. I am committed to careful planning to find the best ways to take advantage of

opportunities for ministry in the church.

5. I help continually evaluate our programmes to make sure that we are effective in
impacting the lives of those whom we serve.

6. My philosophy of ministry is built on the strong belief that sufficient financial resources
generally are available locally for God`s work.

7. If anyone were to ask about your assembly can you provide good evidence that your
funds are managed properly and ethically.

8. There is a genuine commitment to make sure that members are trained and equipped
to be effective in all that they do eg. evangelism
9. If they are ask, most of our members in the assembly will tell you that they feel valued
both as a person and what they contribute in their daily activities.

10. Anyone with either a new idea or a grievance is listened to and taken seriously.

1. Who is Rev. James Mckeown OR tell us about Rev. James Mckeown?
Ans: He is the founder of the church. An Irish missionary sent by the Apostolic Church,
Bradford, UK, to the then Gold Coast (now Ghana) in 1937. Rev. James Mckeown was
born on September 12th, 1900, at Ballymena in Northern Ireland to his Irish parents,
William John Mckeown and Elizabeth Thompson. He got married to Sophia Kennock, in
1927. On May 4th 1989, he was called to eternal rest at his home in Ballymena,
Northern Ireland.

2. Name 2 past charmen of the church?

Ans: Rev. James Mac.(52-82)Aps. F.S. Sarfo(82-87), M.K. Ntummy (98-080), Prof. M.K.

3. Name 2 past general secretaries of the church?

Ans: Aps. Joseph E. Paintsir, A.R. Ato Adisson, Albert Amoah,D.K. Annan.

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4. Where was the first headquarters of the church located?

Ans: Asamankesse( Eastern Region)

5. Name the first chairman of the church?

Ans: Pastor James Mckeown

6. Mention four 1960 executive council members of the church?

Ans: Revs. James Mckeown, G. A. Wood, J.E. Paintsil, Appau Asante, J.C. Quaye, M.K.
Yeboah, C.C.A. Hushie
7. Give the National Year Themes from 1999
Ans: 1999: “Covenant Keeping God” (2 Chronicles 34:31);
2000: “Thy Kingdom Come” (Matthew 6:7-10);
2001: “I will Do A New Thing” (Isaiah 43:16);
2002: “Occupy Till I Come” (Luke 19:13);
2003: “Maranatha, Thy Lord Cometh” (1 Cor. 16:22);
2004: “Revive Us Oh Lord” (Habakkuk 3:2);
2005: “Excelling in One Demonstration of God’s Power” (1 Cor2:4-5);
2006: “Arise And Shine (Isaiah 60:1);
2007: “Building According To The Pentecostal Pattern” (Ex 25:40);
2008: “Break Up Your Fallow Ground” (Hosea 10:12);
2009: “The God of the Living Is My God For Today”
2010: “Being Transformed Into The Image Of Christ Into in A Changing World” (2
Corinthians 3:18);
2011: “Being Led By The Spirit Of God” (Rom 8:14);
2012: “Discipled To Make Disciples Of Christ” (Matt 28:18-20);
2013: “Worshipping In Spirit And Truth” (John 4:23);
2014: “Fanning The Pentecostal Fire To Impact Generation” (2 Tim 1:5-7)
2015: “Being A good Steward of God in my Generation” (Matthew 25:21)
2016: “Hearing And Obeying The Lord`s Voice in my Generation” ( 1 Samuel 3:9-10)

8. What are the three principles that accounts for the growth of The Church of Pentecost
Ans: Self-governance, Self-propagation and Self-supporting

9. When and where was the name 'The Church of Pentecost' adopted? (28th
Ans: August 1 1962 at a General Council Meeting held at Kaneshie Central Chapel

10. What was the name of The Church of Pentecost prior to the change
Ans: Ghana Apostolic Church

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11. Name the founding members of the Ghana Pentecostal Council?

Ans: The Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God, The Apostolic Church and Christ
Apostolic Church

12. What is the name of the main auditorium of Pentecost Convention Centre?
Ans: Joseph Egyir – Paintsil Auditorium

13. Give three names of members who were generally regarded as the founding fathers of
The Church of Pentecost?
Ans: Rev. James Mckeown, Pastor James Gyimah, Apostle S.R. Asomani, Rev. Joseph
Anane Bimpong, Apostle S.W. Duffour, Prophet Ankamah, Prophet J.C. Quaye, Pastor
Emmanuel Odebi Ofori, Apostle Fred Diabene Walker, Apostle George Alphonse Wood,
Pastor Donkor Minta and Apostle Eric Christian Apau-Asante)

14. When was the Pentecost Bible Institute converted into a University College?
Ans: 22nd May 2003

15. After the breakaway of the J.A.C. Anaman led faction from the Bradford apostolic,
which two churches evolved?
Ans: The Apostolic Church of Gold Coast and The Gold Coast Apostolic Church.

16. What is the seating capacity of the Central Auditorium of the Convention Centre of
The Church of Pentecost?
Ans. 5,000 people.

17. Name three of the male Founding Leaders, who were privileged to have thePCC blocks
named after them.
Ans. a) Samuel Richard Asomani, b) Patrick Asiamah, c) George Alphonso Wood, d) Fred
Diabene Walker, and e) Samuel William Duffour.

18. Which minister of the Church of Pentecost has served the longest number of years in
active ministry and for how long?
Ans. Prophet M.K. Yeboah, 47 years.

19. What was the name of The Church of Pentecost prior to the change?
Ans: Ghana Apostolic Church

20. He was the leader of the Bombing Group and used to offer his vehicle for evangelistic
activities of the group. Who was he?
Ans. Jonny Mallet.

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21. He was said to be the first in the Gold Coast to have walked from Kumasi to
Asamankese in his quest for the Holy Spirit baptism. Who was he?
Ans: Kwadwo Duku

22. Mrs. Sophia McKeown was six years older than Pastor James Mckeown. Sophia died
six years before James also passed on. Tell us the dates of expiry of the two.
Ans: Sophia, 3rd January 1983 and James, 4th may, 1989.

23. Where did Pastor Mckeown preach his last sermon in Ghana
Ans: Sophia Mckeown Temple, La

24. In his last sermon preached in Ghana, what did Rev. Mckeown preach on
Ans: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1

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