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1. Explain the Sovereignty of God
2. What is Regeneration?
3. Who and what are the Agents of the new birth?
4. What is the significance of the Lord’s Supper?
Mention three reasons
5. Explain any two/three of the following:
a. Justification
b. Reconciliation
c. Atonement
d. Glorification
e. Propitiation
6. Explain the concept of Trinity
7. What is the significance of Christ’s Resurrection?
8. Mention some of the essential Attributes of God
9. How do you differentiate between the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of
the Holy Spirit?
10.List some reasons why Jesus is different from all other religious leaders
11.What is the significance of Water Baptism?
12.What is the Four Square Gospel?
13.What is the difference between Holy Spirit baptism and being born again?
14.Explain the biblical phrase “MAN’S DEPPRAVED NATURE”
15.Why are the children of the church of Pentecost not taken through baptism
by immersion?
16.What is the difference between LAW and GRACE?
17.What term can be used to describe the expression “GOD BECOMING MAN”?
Any Biblical support?
18.What is the difference between speaking with other tongues and different
kinds of tongues?
19.What difference between faith in God and faith as a piritual gift?
20.Name three things (emblems) that the Holy Spirit is likened to?
21.What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
22.Give two examples of the Trinity at work in the Bible
23.What do you understand by the term Christology?
24.What is the New Testament meaning of the Anointing?

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