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Application for the removal of public nuisance under Section 133, Cr.P.


Case No. ………… of 20……
(Under Section 133 of Cr.P.C.)


Sri ………….…………….. S/o…………….….. R/o…………………… P.S.……………….

District ………….

................ …Applicant


Sri……………………….. S/o……………….. R/o…………………… P.S. ……………….

District ………….

………..… …Opposite party


The Humble Judge of the aforesaid Court.

The humble applicant most humbly showeth as under:

1. That the opposite party and the applicant are the residents of the same locality and are residing
in houses adjacent to each other and also adjacent to a public way in the town of……………

2. That the opposite party is the owner of a well situated adjacent to the aforesaid public way.

3. That the opposite party has removed the old fencing of the well about…………. months back
in order to set up the new fencing.

4. That a long time has elapsed but the opposite party has not yet set-up the new fence despite

5. That unprotected and unfenced well is a nuisance to the people of the locality as well as to the
passersby. During last few weeks at least ………… people got injured by failing into the
unprotected well.

6. That the unfenced well (above noted) is a source of perpetual and imminent danger to the

It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that the Hon'ble Court may be pleased to hold an
enquiry of the matter and direct the immediate fencing of the aforesaid well.


Advocate for the


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