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Maintenance Agreement between Husband and Wife not being a Separation

(A Short Form)
This agreement is made this…… of………..between AB son of……residing at……….
(hereinafter called the husband) of the one part and CD, daughter of………..residing
at……………..and wife of AB (hereinafter called the wife) of the other part.
Hereby it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:
1. The husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance (and for the support and
maintenance of their children hereinafter mentioned) a monthly sum of Rs….during the joint
lives of the parties hereto so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder
to be made on………..
2. The wife will out of the said sum support and maintain herself (and the said children) and will
indemnify the husband against all debts if incurred by her (and against all liability whatsoever in
respect of the said children) and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband's
3. The wife while living separate from the husband shall have the custody and control of the
minor children of the marriage. The right of the wife to such custody and control shall cease
upon the children respectively attaining the age of eighteen years.
4. Upon the failure of the husband to make the said payments as and when the same become due
the wife shall be at full liberty to pursue all and every remedy in this regard either by
enforcement of the provisions hereof or as if this agreement had not been made.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed these presents on the day, month and year first

Signed and delivered by AB

the husband in presence of:

Signed and delivered by CD

the wife in the presence of:

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