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Ministry Of Education Preparatory Stage – Year 1

Science Department Second Term

Time: Two Hours

Answer The Following Questions:

First Question:
A.Complete the following statements :
1 -The ion of metallic element has …….. charge, while the ion of nonmetallic
element has ……. Charge.
2 - Granite is from……… rocks while sandstone is from ………… rocks .
3 - The force which arising between the bike and the street is ….……. Force
and its direction ………the motion .
4 – Earth consists of a number of arranged layers from the surface into the
center were the crust, …………… and …………
B.Correct underline word in the following statements
1 –The Mass is the force of Earth's gravity on object.
2 – Metals are solids except for Sodium is a liquid metal element.
3 - Moon is mass composed of rock and completes one rotation around the
sun every 76 years.
C.According to the law of conservation of mass , prove that the
following chemical equation is not correct
(H =1) and (Cl =35.5
H2 + Cl2
Second Question :
A.Write the Scientific term of each of the following :
1 - A set of atoms joined together, behave like one atom only, having a
certain valence and cannot be exit solely.
2 - The motion which is regularly repeated in equal periods of time.
3 – The gas which useful to plants in Photosynth's process.
4 - The huge solid rocks masses that fall and did not burn completely as
they penetrate the atmosphere.
B.Choose the odd word (or statement) out, then mention the
Scientific name of the rest:
1 - Argon – Nitrogen – Helium - Neon

Ministry Of Education Preparatory Stage – Year 1
Science Department Second Term
Time: Two Hours

2 - Lightning – Nuclear explosions – The attraction of objects to earth – The

attraction of iron to magnet.
3 - Granite – quartz – feldspar – mica
C.What happens in the following case:
The magma is extruded to the surface from volcanoes and lava cools
quickly .
Third Question :
A.Put ) ✓ ( in front of the right statement and (х ) in front of the
wrong one :
1 – Electromagnet changes the magnetic energy into an electric energy. ( )
2 – Acids change the colour of litmus paper to be red due to the presence of
hydroxide ions (OH ). ( )
3 – Earth's inner core is rich in iron and nickel. ( )
4 – Limestone reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid producing
effervescence. ( )
B.Choose the correct answer:
1 – which of the following planets has the smallest gravity on its surface?
(a) Mercury (b) Saturn (c) Earth (d) Mars
2 – The bond in a Magnesium Oxide molecule is ………. bond.
(a) ionic (b) single covalent (c) double covalent (d) triple
3 – …………are used in examining and studing the inner structure of minerals
(a) Ultrasonic waves (b) Infrared rays (c) X-rays (d)
Gamma rays

C. Give reasons for:

When an atom of chlorine (17Cl) is joined with an atom of sodium (11Na), the
product will be an ionic compound, but when two atoms of chlorine are
joined together, the product will be a covalent molecule.

Ministry Of Education Preparatory Stage – Year 1
Science Department Second Term
Time: Two Hours

Four Question :
A.Choose from column (B) what suits it in column (A) :
1 Carbonate group has more than one valency
2 Iron(Fe) its speed is relatively low
3 Inner planets group Its valence is two
4 Light waves Spread out in space
It is nearest to the sun

B. what is meant by each of the following:

1 – Make the life continuous through constancy and steadfastness
of objects and living organisms in its surface.
2 – It is one of the most important instruments that are used in
identifying the celestial bodies.
3 – Used in producing electric energy from the nuclear energy and in the
military purposes too.
Why Transitional motion is dependent on reference point and time

Ministry Of Education Preparatory Stage – Year 1
Science Department Second Term
Time: Two Hours

Answers the Exam Questions: (64 Degrees)

First Question: (16 Degrees)
A.Complete the following statements : (8 Degrees , (4x2))
1 -positive, negative.
2 – Igneous, sedimentary.
3 – Friction, against.
4 –Mantle and Core
B.Correct underline word in the following statements: (6 Degrees , (3x2))
1 –weight.
2 – Mercury
3 – Halley's comet
C. : (2 Degrees , (1x2))
If (H =1) and (Cl =35.5)
H2 + Cl2
1 x 2 + 35.5 x 2 = 1+35.5
2 + 71 = 36.5
73 = 36.5 this is not correct
Second Question(16 Degrees) :
A.Write the Scientific term of each of the following : (8 Degrees , (4x2))
1 – Atomic group.
2 – Periodic motion.
3 – Carbon Dioxide CO2
4 - Meteorites
B.Choose the odd word (or statement) out, then mention the Scientific name
of the rest(6 Degrees , (3x2)):
1 – Nitrogen, the remaining elements are noble(inert) gases
2 - Nuclear explosions, the remaining are universal forces in nature
3 - Granite , the remaining are three main minerals formed Granite rock
C.What happens in the following case(2 Degrees , (1x2)):
The surface (volcanic ) rocks are formed like Basalt .

Third Question: (16 Degrees)

A.Put ) ✓ ( in front of the right statement and (х ) in front of the wrong one (8
Degrees , (4x2)):
1 – Electromagnet changes the magnetic energy into an electric energy. (х)
2 – Acids change the colour of litmus paper to be red due to the presence of hydroxide
ions (OH-). (х)
3 – Earth's inner core is rich in iron and nickel. (✓)

Ministry Of Education Preparatory Stage – Year 1
Science Department Second Term
Time: Two Hours
4 – Limestone reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid
producing effervescence. (✓)
B.Choose the correct answer(6 Degrees , (3x2)):
1 – (d) Mars
2 – (a) ionic
3 – (c) X-rays
C. Give reasons for(2 Degrees , (1x2)):
Ionic bond is a bond resulting from the electric attraction between a positive ion (Na +) and a negative
ion (Cl-), but covalent bond resulting from two non-metallic atoms (Cl).
Four Question :(16 Degrees)
A.Choose from column (B) what suits it in column (A) (8 Degrees , (4x2)):
1 Carbonate group 2has more than one valency
2 Iron(Fe) its speed is relatively low
3 Inner planets group 1Its valence is two
4 Light waves 4Spread out in space
3It is nearest to the sun
B.what is meant by each of the following(6 Degrees , (3x2)):
1 –The gravity of Earth.
2 –Telescopes
3 – Nuclear forces.
C.Explain(2 Degrees , (1x2)):
Transitional motion is the motion which the object position is changed relative to fixed
frame of reference from time to timefrom an initial position to final one such as the train
and bike motion.

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