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Field Attachment Period (December 4th, 2023 - January 21th, 2024)







I Ayebare Newton declare that information given in the report is true and best of My knowledge and

experience attained during field attachment period at Edutech Media Group from 4th Dec, 2023 to 21th

January, 2024.

Signature: ……………………………….




Date: ……………………………….


This is to certify that AYEBARE NEWTON has undergone his industrial training under our supervision at

EDUTECH MEDIA GROUP from 4th December to 21th January 2024.


(Session supervisor)


DATE: ……………………………….


(University supervisor)


DATE ………………………………….


I Dedicate all my work and effort within this report. first and foremost, to the fellow students learning

computer and design. To all other who didn’t take the formal path of education to attain their graphics skills

and to the rest of classmates I studied with throughout the Computer graphics course at Kyambogo University.


I thank the Almighty for enabling me finish my field work training properly and writing a report which is

costly in terms of time and, resources.

I would like to send my fondest gratitude to the staff members and Graphics team of Edutech Media Group

who availed me with the skills, ideas, knowledge and concepts on how work is done in the practical world,

especially in Design related work.

Also thank the department of Visual Communication, Kyambogo University for providing the quality

knowledge and content that has not only guided, but also helped me to accomplishand fulfill all the duties

that were signed to me during my field attachment period at Edutech Media Group, hence developing and

enhancing my skills Edutech Media Group.

I also appreciate my field attachment supervisor MR. BARUNGU JOEL who is also the Senior Graphics

Designer at Edutech Media Group for the great supervision, guidance and opportunity he has given me to

enhance my skills. I also extend my sincere appreciation MR. WAISWA YUSIF(C.E.O) for his educative

support, advice and sparing their time to enable me go through all the stages of this internship.

I thank my academic supervisor MR SERWANIKO CHRIS for reacting positively about my internship.

Thank you for your positive response.

Finally, I thank my parents MR. WEIJAGYE JUSTUS and MRS. WEIJAGYE JUSTINE and the entire

Family members for giving me support both financially and the guidance which enabled me bring out the best

from this period.


This report highlights the field introduction, experiences and skills acquired during myinternship at Edutech

Media Group where I was training for a period of 7 weeks, 4th Dec 2023 – 21st March 2024. The purpose of

the internship was to expose me to the practical skills and knowledge in the working environment. I gained

many practical skills in the different fields such as graphics designing, Branding, and working on practical

client projects, which I believe streamlined the future of my career. In conclusion the field attachment is very

important for the students especially those pursuing Art and Design courses. It should therefore be

strengthened to benefit the students more and the hosting organizations should adequately prepare good

information for students.


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1

1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of The Field Attachment.................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives of the field Attachment. ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Background of the Organization. ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 Vision.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.2 Mission ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.3 Slogan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.4 Services Offered .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Edutech Media Group Organogram .................................................................................................................3
Organogram Description .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Departments ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Marketing and finance: ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Core values ..........................................................................................................................................................6
Key partnerships .................................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO: MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANISATION ......................................................7
2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Position occupied in an organization...................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Company activities ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Hero Flyer design .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Business cards ................................................................................................................................................... 8 SACCO logo redesign .................................................................................................................................... 8 Sums rack design ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Stage design .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Color application study ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Activation event designs .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Amaa logo Design................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4.1 Logo sketches................................................................................................................................................... 12 Final Selected sketch .................................................................................................................................... 12 Color variations of first logo ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2. Color variations of 2nd logo .............................................................................................................................. 13 Cosmetics packaging sketches .................................................................................................................... 13 Designed conatiner stickers ......................................................................................................................... 13 Packaging impression .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.5. Company process of design .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.5.1 Listening .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Plan................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.3 Design ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.4 Develop............................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.5 Deliver .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.6 Supervision levels and relationship with supervisor ........................................................................................... 15
2.6.1 Supervision level.............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.6.2 Field supervisor ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.3 Academic supervisor....................................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.4 Relationship with supervisor ......................................................................................................................... 15 Getting the work done independently ........................................................................................................ 15 Giving communication and feedback ......................................................................................................... 16 Being a good time manager ......................................................................................................................... 16 Being sensitive to the supervisor’s schedule ............................................................................................. 16 Work team and its composition .................................................................................................................. 16 Working relationship among team members / other staff ....................................................................... 16
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Instruments used and how they are operated ..................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 A sketch paper. ................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.2 A pen and pencil. ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.3 Log Book .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.4 Computer/Laptop ........................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.5 Rulers and strips ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.6 Design soft wares ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.7 Wi-Fi internet .................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.8 Smartphone ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.9 Research........................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.10 Source of inspiration. .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.11 Sketching and planning ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.2.12 Execution of the final work .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.13 Trials and consultation ................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.14 Choosing the final piece ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.2.15 Presentation ................................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER FOUR: FIELD WORK PROCEDURES ...................................................................................19
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Interviews ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Focus Groups.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.4 Observation ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.5 Industry Articles .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.6 Internet Search Engines ........................................................................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................20
5.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 SWOT Analysis About Myself .............................................................................................................................. 20
5.3 Recommendation ................................................................................................................................................... 22
References ..........................................................................................................................................................23
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................................24
Appendix A: Working environment at Edutech Media Group ............................................................................... 24
Appendix B: Training Materials and Resources....................................................................................................... 24
Appendix C: My work Desk with laptop ................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix D: Part of client brief of Amaa Beauty products ..................................................................................... 25

Table 1: SWOT analysis of myself before going to internship……………………………………………21
Table 2: SWOT analysis of myself after going to internship………………………………………….…. 21

Figure 1: Edutech Media Group Organogram……………………………………………………………3
Figure 2: A map showing the physical location of Edutech Media Group…………………………….…5
Figure 3: A sign post of Edutech Media group outside the office………………………………………...5
Figure 4: Hero Bike poster redesign……………………………. ………………………………………….. 7
Figure 5: Front and back design of Paulette comics business card ………………………………………8
Figure 6: Bulemezi logo redesign…………………..………………………………………………..…... 8
Figure 7: Black and White emblem ………………... ……………………………………………….….. 8
Figure 8: Crisps Rack Artwork ……………………………………… ………………………………… .9
Figure 9: Stage background design ……………………………………………………………………… 9
Figure 10: Stage impression design……………………………………………………………………... 10
Figure 11: Kindle Her Light Logo ………………..…………………………………………………….. 10
Figure 12: Colors pallete extracted from the logo..……………………………………………………... 10
Figure 13: Color Application on design ………………………………………………………………… 11
Figure 14: Countdown flyers for Live zoom session…………………………………………………,… 11
Figure 15: Zoom panelist flyer………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Figure 16: Sketched word marks for Amaa…………………………………………………………….. 12
Figure 17: Logo icon concepts….………………………………………………………………………. 12
Figure 18: Final logo designs.…………………………………………………………………………... 12
Figure 19: Logo color variations………...……………………………………………………………… 13
Figure 20: 2nd Logo color variations………..………………………………………………………….. 13
Figure 21: Black/ White logo.…………………………………………………………………………... 13
Figure 22: Amaa Liwa Face mask sticker………………………………………………………………. 13
Figure 23: Amaa Amad & Asil face mask……………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 24: Amaa Glow up lotion…………..…………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 25: 3D visualization of stickers………………………………………………………………… 14


1.1 Overview
The industrial training is a recess term which is attended by all students as a requirement in the Partial
Fulfillment to the award of an honors Bachelor’s Degree in their respective programs.
This report is about internship that I conducted at Edutech Media Group. The essence of this report is to
document whatever process and procedure I went through while conducting my field training. With desire to
understand what takes place in the Designing world, I spent a 2 months at Edutech Media Group acquiring
knowledge on branding identity, graphics, and packaging design. The training was conducted 6 days in a week,
that’s to say, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.it began from 9:30am up to 4:30pm.

1.2 Background of The Field Attachment

Edutech Media Group is one of the best Graphics design companies in Kampala based in Uganda. Its
a branding, graphics, fabrication, advertising and packaging Company. It is located in Namugoona opposite
Salama petro station,along Hoima Road in Namugoona, Kampala city.
The main intention for the Edutech Media Group is to give experience to a student on Graphics design
services to make them withstand the growing demand of Graphics Design. The company guides interness
through skills like computer graphics, fabrication, branding, packaging and experimental marketing.
My involvement in this organization through field training was to be equipped with Design skills, for
example, practical packing design which I acquired in these months, I need to look for a field place with such
work environment to execute my abilities and skills that I have achieved at Edutech Media Group.

1.3 Objectives of the field Attachment.

While conducting my field attachment, I had a number of objectives which I was pursuing to achieve
before completing my field attachment. Many of these were related to learning and contributing to the
organization work output. These includes;

1. To obtain the fundamental and standard skills in Brand identity design.

2. To specialize as a team when making a project.
3. To understand the functioning and working conditions of the organization. Forexample, workflow.
4. To know the use of different sites when making research, websites, and designs like freepik.com for
vector graphics.
5. To translate the theory learnt in the lecture room into the practical aspects in life.
6. To enhance my communication skills with the supervisors.

1.4 Background of the Organization.
Edutech Media Group is a privately owned and renowned branding and advertising agency established
in 2011 and incorporated in 2012.Our main goal is to work with established organizations, small and medium
sized enterprises (SME’S) in the value addition chain to help them build strong brands and products that bring
about growth and development, enabling them to compete favorably on both local and international markets.

1.4.1 Vision
To be a global one stop excellent Branding and advertising company.

1.4.2 Mission
A global Agency transforming different businesses through branding.

1.4.3 Slogan
“Building strong brands”

1.4.4 Services Offered

 Printing Services
 Brand identity design
 Product design
 Experimental Advertising
 Outdoor advertising
 Fabrication

Edutech Media Group Organogram





CLIENT Graphics design Frabriction


Outdoor ads




Figure 1: Edutech Media Group Organogram

Organogram Description
Activities of the C.E.O are monitored by the Board of directors.
Departmental heads report to the general manager, who is accountable to the Chief Executive Officer.
Each department is headed by a manager or Lead who works hand in hand with Division leads. Divisions operate
under the department i.e.; The packaging design division operates under the Graphics and design department

 Administrative and human resource:
 General coordination of other departments administratively human resources services andsupport
services to both staff and client that aren’t technical
 Graphics and design
 Transportation and Field work
 Under staff are the company Lawyer, Engineer, auditor among others.
Marketing and finance:
In charge of the company’s financial management and business activities like marketing
, under this department is the division of corporate social responsibility and partnerships.
Activities under this department include overseeing signing Memorandum of understandings with other partner
institutions and organizations in order to have synergy leading to mutual growth

Figure 2: A map showing the physical location of Edutech Media Group

Figure 3: A sign post of Edutech Media group outside the offices

Core values
1. God first
2. Client centered
3. Timely delivery
4. Excellency
5. Reliable client support
6. Innovative and research centered
Key partnerships
1. Sums food processing
2. Hero Bike Uganda
3. Kyogero cosmetic products
4. Prudential insurance
5. BBS tv
6. Amaa food products

2.1 Introduction.
Edutech Media Group is a privately owned and renowned branding and advertising agency established
in 2011 and incorporated in 2012.Our main goal is to work with established organizations, small and medium
sized enterprises (SME’S) in the value addition chain to help them build strong brands and products that bring
about growth and development, enabling them to compete favorably on both local and international markets..

2.2 Position occupied in an organization.

While at Edutech Media Group, I occupied the position of a graphics and brand id design internee
attached to department of Graphics and Design Department. We developed ideas and designs in duos where we
shared different tasks during the design process. The work schedule was on Monday, Thursday and Friday
beginning at 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Additionally, I worked with other staffs occupying other positions in the
institute thereby doing a wide range of roles. I was passionate in the activities that I was doing which made my
performance highly appraised by the organization.

2.3 Company activities

The following are the activities which I carried out while at Edutech Media Group between a period of
4th December 2023 – 20th January 2024 in Graphic Designing.

2.3.1 Hero Flyer design

I was given an Existing Client of Edutech Media, The Hero Bike which is an Indian company that sells
Boda boda bikes on a loan pay. The company was redesigning the flyer for advertising their program and I was
given the task to study the old version and redesign it.

Figure 4: The old design on left and A new redesign on right

2.3.2 Business cards
I later was also given a design task of creating business cards for Paulette comics, a company that
recreates legend stories of Uganda into comic books. I did the design and they were approved to be printed out.

Figure 5: Front and back design of Paulette comics business card SACCO logo redesign

I collaborated with another person on the graphics team to redesign an emblem for a coffee SACCO
called Bulemezi Coffee Heritage Sacco to redefine its vision and growth direction.

Figure 6: On left, old logo, Right The redesign into emblem

Figure 7: Gray scale color of the Emblem

8 Sums rack design
A design to be put on the Crisps and snacks across different locations was requested by the Client Sums
food processing industries. Different designs were made and later one to be prototyped was selected

Figure 8: A variety of different rack designs created for Sums Crisps Stage design

A stage Art work to be used as the background for a conference called Global Perspective was worked
on. Collaborating with the fabrication team and other graphic designer, we came up with the design with the
right dimensions to look exactly as the artist impression below

Figure 9: Designs created for the Stage background

Figure 10: Stage impression design

2.3.3 Color application study

A study on how to generate and use color pallets on practical projects was done with the help of a combined
adobe illustrator tools.

Figure 11: Logo given (Kindle Her Light)

Figure 12: Colors pallet extracted from the logo

Figure 13: Color Application on a social media flyer Activation event designs

A music artist activation event was to take place and I was given a task to handle all the design elements and
other related ideations to be used on the activation launch.

Figure 14: Countdown flyers for Live zoom session

Figure 15: Zoom panelist flyer

2.4 Amaa logo Design
Amaa a Beauty products company on boarded for a packaging design of the skin care products but they
didn’t have a specific logo. I was given a task to redesign the official logo and apply it on different company products

2.4.1 Logo sketches

Different sketches of the logo were made. The forest letter of the company was selected which is “S”
that was to stand for the spectrum name of the company

Figure 16: Sketched wordmarks for Amaa

Figure 17: Logo icon concepts Final Selected sketch

Figure 18: Final logo designs

12 Color variations of first logo

Figure 19: Logo color variations

2.4.2. Color variations of 2nd logo

Figure 20: 2nd Logo color variations Cosmetics packaging sketches

Figure 21: Black/ White logo Designed conatiner stickers

Figure 22: Amaa Liwa Face mask sticker

Figure 23: Amaa Amad & Asil face mask

Figure 24: Amaa Glow up lotion Packaging impression

Figure 25: 3D visualization of stickers

2.5. Company process of design

2.5.1 Listening
They take it as the first and most important step of a great project which is built through understanding
where they are first positioned and where you want to land. They gather information about your business and
your major goals.

2.5.2 Plan
They team up with the client to decide the best strategy to create an emotional link with the ideal
customer. Every step they plan along the way should be exhausted to deliver your goals.

2.5.3 Design
Good design is good business and as a good design agency, their passion for crafting customized projects
is rooted in knowing in great work will truly impact their client’s business.

2.5.4 Develop
They develop custom solutions on multiple platforms to provide the client with the best fit for their
project’s functionality.

2.5.5 Deliver
They deliver and make sure to get the job done the way the client likes it. Their business passion is the client’s
business and making it look good is their passion and treat it like it is their own.

2.6 Supervision levels and relationship with supervisor

2.6.1 Supervision level
Kyambogo University field attachment policy states that, “There will be two distinct levels of
supervision: site level day -to- day supervision by the field supervisor and the visitingacademic supervisor from
the university. During the visit, the academic supervisor will interact with the student on field attachment, field
supervisor or other relevant officials and also visit the attachment sites to acquaint himself or herself with the
activities of the student.

2.6.2 Field supervisor

The supervision at Edutech Media Group was made by Mr. Barungu Joel who gave me assignments and
guided me through how to study the Design elements and also to know the key areas when branding a company.
This was done in the period of internship and following a schedule He had made.

2.6.3 Academic supervisor

The University supervisor Mr. Serwaniko Chris came to my internship place for supervision. He
scrutinized my weekly reports and saw what I was facing. He interviewed me about how the situation was taking
me, interacted with my field instructor Mr. Barungu Joel who took him through what I was going through while
at work. I also appreciate the time that my supervisor gave me at my place of internship.

2.6.4 Relationship with supervisor

The relationship with the field supervisor was generally based on the following: Getting the work done independently

The field supervisor gave me clear direction and expectations. My responsibility was to carry out
assigned tasks, without a lot of direct management.

15 Giving communication and feedback
I always freely talked to my field supervisor. I used to express my needs, challenges, and intensions. On
a weekly basis I used to write out what I was doing and any difficulties encountered, and later I gave it to my
field supervisor for evaluation and advice. Being a good time manager

I had to ensure that am at office by 9:30 am ready for work and I used to leave office at 4:30pm or on
days when I needed to finish day’s tasks, I wound sometimes extend up to 6:00pm. Being sensitive to the supervisor’s schedule

At times the field supervisor got a very busy schedule and so and I had to initiate tasks on self-basis,
show enthusiasm and seek input. This is because I had to give my field supervisor time to work according to
his schedule, and so believe in the supervisor’s judgment. Work team and its composition

At Edutech Media group, team work was highly emphasized. We were instructed to work in a teams and
collaborations and we achieved many things such as Discussing ideas and criticizing our designs to come with
good ones. Working relationship among team members / other staff

Due to the fact that some of the activities were executed in groups this provided an opportunity to interact
with each other freely. The Edutech Media group was so hospitable staff members were so concerned about
each other, in that when one delayed to report to office, others took responsibility to contact him/her to know
what exactly was going through.


3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the tools and materials that I used in the process of creating Graphics as well as
define how they are specifically used each of them to produce finished projects that I made within My internship

3.2 Instruments used and how they are operated

3.2.1 A sketch paper.
A sketch paper is a medium created with paper of different sizes and shapes such as the A4 size. It helps
to develop several ideals on the paper.
This is where I carried my sketches Project from before transferring them to Digital format that is the Raster
and vectors in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop of the Projects I was working upon. I carried out several
sketches in the Sketch book of which I later had to choose the best to use for my Project.

3.2.2 A pen and pencil.

The tools I used to note down my research sketches onto the sketch book.

3.2.3 Log Book

The Log book helped me to note down my all daily routine activities that I was passing through in terms
of learning new skills during my internship and getting to know what am to do in the next hours or next day.

3.2.4 Computer/Laptop
It’s an electric device that is used to run programs that enables one like a Graphic designer to create
Graphic content through the designing soft wares. I used the Computer to work on all my Project works, save,
edit and produce them for use.

3.2.5 Rulers and strips

These were used to measure around small prototypes and create the exact measurements in different digital

3.2.6 Design soft wares

It’s the software that has got tools enabling one to create elements in a 2D form. This was adobe Illustrator,
adobe Photoshop and adobe in Design.
The software I used in designing the Project work that is Adobe Illustrator mostly in creating the raster graphics.

3.2.7 Wi-Fi internet
I used the Internet to carry out all my research regarding to graphics, to know and understand using
layouts, color, style fonts and size and the information regarding to the Project I was working on.

3.2.8 Smartphone
The Smartphone assisted me in carrying out tasks search as use of internet for research storing on my
unaccomplished tasks for future use during the Internship.

3.2.9 Research
At this stage, I used various sources mostly the internet and others such as flyers, posters, magazines,
newspapers, billboards. As researching also got to know how apply photography/images like on flyers and
posters in different layouts and the text in the different sizes and colors accordingly.

3.2.10 Source of inspiration.

The inspiration together with my research was got from the works of different designers on the team and
also looked throughout the online portfolios with similar projects to borrow a leaf.

3.2.11 Sketching and planning

At this stage I developed several ideas that could work and from all those, I had to pick one and develop
it with my other colleague’s advice on my selected item how I can develop it more to work on it.

3.2.12 Execution of the final work

When I chose the final sketch I started developing it into the computer for the digital format where the
colors where applied with the necessary software.

3.2.13 Trials and consultation

When I finished the first design item, I had to consult with my fellow colleagues, friends to describe to
me how it looks like what to change and among others to make a standard final produce for the wellbeing of the
visual tasks being carried out.

3.2.14 Choosing the final piece

When am done with inquiring more knowledge and advice about my project, I use the given advice to
follow up on creating the best of the final project.

3.2.15 Presentation
This is the final stage in the design production process. It combines the whole content from the first
development stages up to last stages that gives a Final Project as one, it has to be pleasing for one’s first sight.

4.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the data collection procedures used during my internship at
EDUTECH MEDIA GROUP. The data collected was used to complete my projects and gain insights into the
publishing and web design industries.
4.2 Interviews
During my internship, I conducted open-ended interviews with students, and company designers to
gather information about Layouts and concepts. These interviews provided me with valuable insights into the
processes involved in producing high-quality graphic designs.
4.3 Focus Groups
I also participated in focus group discussions with other intern and employees at the company and
website design company. These discussions were held during lunch breaks or after work hours, and provided
an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, and analyze industry trends.
4.4 Observation
As part of my fieldwork, I spent time observing the graphic designers and website designers at work.
This involved analyzing their design techniques, paying attention to details such as layout, typography, and
use of color. By observing the professionals at work, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the
standards and practices involved in the graphic design and web design.
4.5 Industry Articles
I regularly read industry-specific articles to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in
the Graphics and web design industries. These resources such as Behance, 99 Designs and The Futur provided
inspiration and served as a resource for generating new ideas.
4.6 Internet Search Engines
I also used internet search engines to locate quick answers to basic questions related to the project I
was working on and branding. This helped me to find information on topics such as new trends, branding
design principles, and inspirational material.


5.0 Introduction.
This chapter consists of discussion, conclusions and recommendation of internship experiences at
Edutech Media Group from 4th Dec 2023 to 21th Jan 2024.

5.1 Conclusion
According to the above chapters of this report, the field attachment program has been of a great value
due to the achieved goals of confidence in program solving, acquired new knowledge and skills, obtained the
working experience, exposed to the workplace challenges demands, met potential employers and others through
performing the assigned tasks.
Challenges give us a chance to prove ourselves. After taking challenges, I realized it changed my
thinking. Now I do not get afraid to any challenges. I think that challenges give us opportunities and we should
accept them.
I have gathered lots of experience and learning during my internship period. Involvement on real life
projects taught me how to handle and cope with a very large projects, how to manage things easily, how to
maintain projects timeline and schedule, how to develop a completeproject etc. This whole journey also taught
me to be passionate, hard-working, rational and dependable, punctual, intelligent, cordial, enthusiastic, arduous
and confident. So, I think that my overall progress during my internship period was noteworthy and it will play
a key role throughout my whole life.
On my side, field attachment program has been a successful one in the course of Bachelors of Computer
Graphics and Design.

5.2 SWOT Analysis About Myself

SWOT analysis is a useful technique for understanding our strengths and weaknesses, and foridentifying
both the opportunities open to us and the threats we face. I made a SWOT analysis of myself before
going to internship as summarized below.

Table 1: SWOT analysis of myself before going to internship

S- Strengths W- Weaknesses
Working well in team Lack of experience
Analytical ability Nervousness
Patience Lack of decision-making ability
Punctuality Lack of business-oriented approach
O- Opportunities T- Threats
Perform best on team works Afraid of accepting challenges
Being dependable Work with business oriented complex project
Be a potential problem solver will be tough.

Table 1 shows SWOT analysis of myself before going to internship

At the end of my internship period, I made another SWOT analysis of myself that shows myimprovements as
summarized below.

Table 2: SWOT analysis of myself after going to internship

S- Strengths W- Weaknesses
Decision making ability lack of experience
Self confidence lack of patience in crisis situation
Business oriented approach
O- Opportunities T- Threats
Ready to take challenges Lack of experience limits the chances of being
Perform best on team works employed by well-established organizations
Be a potential problem solver Lack of patience in crisis situationmay lead to
Be a potential data analyst mistakes

5.3 Recommendation
Basing on all that I went through during the whole period of the program, I recommend
Edutech Media Group and the students joining the field attachment program to do the following
for the betterment of the program;
I encourage students to always adapt to the new technologies in the world. I also encourage
students joining field attachment to venture into areas beyond their field and learn as much as they
can in fields of video editing, social skills and fieldwork which will make them more capable of
being employed.
Students should always search for solutions and inspirations online. This is because there
are many people in the world that have faced similar problems or challenges related to yours. They
upload step by step answers and solutions they took to overcome such challenges from different
sites. During the period I spent, I realized there were more tutorials about my field than I had
Students should not be afraid of facing challenges, both Graphics and non-design related.
This is because in the working environment, you can’t avoid challenges, however to improve your
experience, one should solve as many challenges as possible
Thanks and gratitude should also flow to my University supervisor Mr. WAISWA YUSIF
for the guidance offered to me and direction during my preparation of my internship report and
many more.


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Appendix A: Working environment at Edutech Media Group

Appendix B: Training Materials and Resources

Appendix C: My work Desk with laptop

Appendix D: Part of client brief of Amaa Beauty products


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