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Radiol med

DOI 10.1007/s11547-016-0637-2


Diagnostic imaging of blunt abdominal trauma in pediatric

Vittorio Miele1 · Claudia Lucia Piccolo2 · Margherita Trinci1 · Michele Galluzzo1 ·
Stefania Ianniello1 · Luca Brunese2

Received: 7 March 2016 / Accepted: 1 April 2016

© Italian Society of Medical Radiology 2016

Abstract Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and Introduction

mortality in childhood, and blunt trauma accounts for
80–90 % of abdominal injuries. The mechanism of trauma Trauma is the main cause of mortality and morbidity in
is quite similar to that of the adults, but there are impor- pediatric patients, and the abdomen is the second most
tant physiologic differences between children and adults in common site of injury. The leading cause of injury is
this field, such as the smaller blood vessels and the high related to high-energy trauma, as occurs in vehicle acci-
vasoconstrictive response, leading to the spreading of a dents, car vs pedestrian accidents, and falls; but these
non-operative management. The early imaging of chil- causes vary according to the age: toddlers with home-
dren undergoing a low-energy trauma can be performed traumas, children with sports trauma, and teenagers with
by CEUS, a valuable diagnostic tool to demonstrate solid vehicle road accidents. In these conditions, a multi-organ
organ injuries with almost the same sensitivity of CT scans; involvement must be considered, including not only the
nevertheless, as for as urinary tract injuries, MDCT remains abdomen but also head, chest and limbs [1, 2].
still the technique of choice, because of its high sensitiv- The clinical-anamnestic exam and the triage of a child
ity and accuracy, helping to discriminate between an intra- may appear very difficult, in relation to the patient’s age,
peritoneal form a retroperitoneal urinary leakage, requiring or in case of unconsciousness. At patient’s first evaluation,
two different managements. The liver is the most common the presence of bruises or wounds, together with blood and
organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma followed by the urine exams, can help to indicate the degree of the trauma.
spleen. Renal, pancreatic, and bowel injuries are quite rare. Therefore, diagnostic imaging plays an important role in
In this review we present various imaging findings of blunt the complex evaluation of the injured child [3–5].
abdominal trauma in children. In low-energy trauma and in isolated trauma, the first
diagnostic approach in the child can be performed by
Keywords Emergency radiology · Trauma imaging · X-ray, if needed, and ultrasound (US).
Blunt abdominal trauma · Pediatric radiology · Solid organ Ultrasound diagnostic accuracy is highly improved
injury · Contrast-enhanced ultrasound · CEUS · Contrast because of the introduction of contrast-enhanced ultra-
media · Multidetector computed tomography · MDCT sonography (CEUS), which remarkably increases its sensi-
tivity and specificity in the early detection of solid organ
In high-energy trauma (Fig. 1) it is possible to have two
* Vittorio Miele different situations according to the hemodynamic condi- tion; in the hemodynamically unstable young patient the
Department of Emergency Radiology, Azienda Ospedaliera
first evaluation is performed by e-FAST, which is necessary
S. Camillo-Forlanini, Circonvallazione Gianicolense, 87, to recognize the presence of hemothorax, pneumothorax,
00152 Rome, Italy and hemoperitoneum [6].
Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, Università del Should the hemodynamic stabilization occur, and in all
Molise, Campobasso, Italy stable patients with high-energy trauma, contrast-enhanced

Radiol med

Fig. 1  Blunt abdominal trauma:

flow chart of diagnostic imaging
in high-energy trauma and low-
energy trauma

CT is performed, which is the gold standard in the evalua- there is a major vasoconstrictive response, so visceral organ
tion of the injured patient [5–9]. bleeding tends to be self-limited despite the severity of
After the initial evaluation and during follow-up pro- trauma [12, 13].
cedures, the injured child must be monitored according to At present, the choice of considering surgery is not
radioprotection criteria (ALARA principles), keeping in strictly linked to the severity of the lesions or to the num-
mind the patient’s medical condition and laboratory exams ber of organs involved, but to the capacity of normalize the
[10, 11]. hemodynamic condition despite all the pharmacological
A child reports less frequently bone fractures (e.g., ribs) therapy in a maximum range of 6 h.
due to a major flexibility in the bone structure of his body. Liver, bowel, and spleen are highly vascularized organs,
This is why the absence of bone fractures in a child does so the risk of heavy bleeding is quite serious. In all issues,
not imply a low-level energy impact, whereas the presence the CT active bleeding detection is a sign of severity and
of bone fractures confirms a high-level energy trauma. alarm, but still it does not mean that surgery is needed if
Besides, the protection provided by the lower ribs on hemodynamic values are normal.
abdominal parenchymal organs in the child is lower, both Only bowel lesions always need surgery due to the high
for the major flexibility of the ribs and for the relatively risk of bacterial contamination in the peritoneal cavity in
bigger dimension of liver, spleen, and kidneys which pro- case of traumatic perforation, not like parenchymal lesions
trude from the ribs, thus being directly exposed to the [14].
impact. The diaphragm muscle itself, which is in a more
horizontal position, pushes down the liver and the spleen
contributing to the protrusion from the ribs. Imaging techniques
In addition, the abdominal wall is thinner; there is less
fat tissue in both subcutaneous and the intra-abdominal In high-energy blunt abdominal trauma, emergency US is
site, where it wraps parenchymal organs and all structures, performed in the emergency room on the unstable patient
partially absorbing the impact energy involved. through e-FAST technique to depict the eventual hemoperi-
In the management of traumatized pediatric patient, toneum in the four standard abdominal areas. This technique
non-operative strategy is highly followed with respect to has been proved to have a high sensitivity, up to 99 % in liter-
an adult patient, thus requesting surgery only if strictly ature review, in detecting abdominal free-fluid even in small
needed. amounts. The aim of the exam was to depict in real-time a
Non-operative management is ideal for pediatric patients huge hemoperitoneum, that may be the cause of hemody-
as their blood vessels are smaller than those in adults, and namic instability, which requires an immediate surgery.

Radiol med

In low-energy or localized trauma, basic US is funda-

mental not only to evaluate the presence of hemoperito-
neum but also to highlight parenchymal injuries [15–17].
For the latter purpose, its diagnostic efficiency highly
improved by the introduction of second-generation blood
pool contrast agent, performing the contrast-enhanced-
ultrasound (CEUS). CEUS is much more sensitive than
basic ultrasound in depicting parenchymal injuries and in
the evaluation of their extension. In fact CEUS has sensitiv-
ity and specificity values very similar to those of CT, which
is the gold standard. Furthermore, it can depict active
bleeding as a negative prognostic factor even if in a less
accurate way as to CT [18–21].
Few studies have been carried on the diagnostic perfor-
mance of CEUS in children [22–24], because ultrasound
contrast agents are still off-label in pediatric field. Nev-
ertheless, a large survey was performed about this topic,
including the use of contrast media in intravenous route
also: the findings suggest a favorable safety profile of
Ultrasound Contrast Agents (USCAs) in children [25].
The examination, for which it is necessary to obtain par-
ents’ informed content, requires the injection of US contrast Fig. 2  CEUS technique
medium, consisting in perfluorocarbon or sulfur hexafluor-
ide, encapsulated by a very resistent phospholipid shell,
composed by stabilized gas microbubbles (1–7 micron), possible and correct to perform a second dose of US con-
which are blood-pool agents with a non-linear reverbera- trast medium to solve any type of diagnostic doubt [30–33].
tion. They remain intravascular and produce a non-linear The main benefits of US and CEUS concern different
harmonic response that can be separated from the tissue aspects, as to its rapid performing, the accuracy and the
signal using contrast harmonic US. After the injection, a possibility of avoiding unnecessary CT exams, thus reduc-
rapid sequence exploration is done starting from the kid- ing radio-exposure risks.
neys, then the liver, and ending with the spleen (Fig. 2). CEUS limits are quite similar as those of basic US: the
The overall time needed is around 5 min. cost of contrast media, need for scanners with dedicated
The US contrast medium elimination is rapid: after softwares, longer examination times and lack of full and
around 15 min all the microbubbles break and the sulfur wide view; it is strongly operator-dependent and it does not
is eliminated through the lungs. US contrast medium has allow a complete abdominal survey because of problems
no nephrotoxic effect and it is not metabolized by the kid- related to lesion location (such as pancreas behind bowel
ney because it does not come in the interstitial space but it or stomach, aorta in obese patients, a fatty liver); but the
remains intravascular. largest limit of CEUS, also according to our experiences
Adverse reactions occur very rarely; severe reactions [34], is the poor ability to detect active bleeding and inju-
to the US contrast medium are not reported in pediatric ries to the urinary tract. As for as the latter one, we have to
patients in literature [26–28]. remember that USCAs are intravascular and are unsuitable
At CEUS exam [29], the aspect of normal parenchyma for demonstrating extravasation in the renal collecting sys-
is homogeneously hyperechoic, traumatic lesions appear as tem, also because they are characterized by lung excretion.
a non-enhancing defect, sharply demarcated from the well- CT is the imaging method of choice in the evaluation of
enhanced and healthy tissue, especially during the venous abdominal and pelvic injuries after blunt trauma in hemo-
phase, with or without capsular interruption, with morphol- dynamically stable children.
ogy and extension corresponding to the CT exam (Figs. 3, CT scans are obtained from the lower chest to the pubic
4). symphysis. In traumatic young patients, after the scout
The partial or total lack of enhancement of an organ is view it would be preferred not to perform the basal phase,
related to a vascular injury. The flow of contrast medium in order to reduce radioexposure. Unenhanced CT scan, if
micro-bubbles out of the injured organ is due to extraparen- instead performed, allows highlighting abdominal presence
chymal active bleeding. The presence of micro-bubbles of free air, parenchymal or mesenteric hematoma and bone
in the damaged area can suggest intralesional blush. It is fractures.

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Fig. 3  Female child, 6 years old. a CEUS shows a triangle-shaped hepatic laceration, with anterior capsular involvement. b CE-CT, axial scan:
Note the very similar appearance of the lesion, with evidence of capsular involvement

Fig. 4  Male child, 6 years old, sport accident. a US depicts a little coronal reconstruction confirm the intraparenchymal laceration with-
inhomogenity of the liver parenchyma only. b CEUS well demon- out perihepatic fluid cllection
strates the IVth hepatic segment laceration. CE-CT, c axial scan and d

Study with oral contrast medium administration is not rec- A 3-mm thickness scan allows performing good quality
ommended, due to the little advantage compared to the com- imaging and subsequent good quality reconstructions with-
plexity of its administration in major trauma patients [35–37]. out exposure to excessive radiation.

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Fig. 5  Female child, 11 years old, car accident. a US and b CEUS well depict right hepatic lobe laceration with a subtle subcapsular hematoma
(white arrow). CE-CT, c axial scan and d coronal reconstruction confirm CEUS findings

The iodine intravenous contrast medium volume Traumatic injuries

depends on the patient’s weight (approximately 2 mL/kg).
The CT technique has two contrast-enhanced phases: Liver
an arterial phase which is extended to all the body, to
depict vascular injury or active bleeding, and an abdomi- Hepatic lesions are to be found in 10–30 % blunt abdom-
nal portal phase, to evaluate parenchymal and hollow vis- inal trauma; in many statistics the liver is considered the
cera injury. most involved organ, both with isolated lesions and with
In the suspect of urinary tract injury, if the patient’s clin- lesions involving other organs, mainly the spleen. Lesions
ical conditions are favorable, a later phase after 5 min is are often asymptomatic and in 70 % of the cases they can
performed. be treated in a non-operative way.
In alternative, in case of bladder injury suspect, a retro- Hepatic parenchymal lesions can extend and involve
grade distension with air may allow to better demonstrate biliary ducts and blood vessels. Hemoperitoneum is pre-
the wall injury, especially in the anterior wall. sent in around 2/3 of the cases, and occurs if the lesion
CT exam must always be completed with bidimensional involves the organ capsule (Fig. 5). If capsule is saved the
reconstructions, on sagittal and coronal images, which are hematoma will be intra-parenchymal and/or subcapsular
of fundamental help in understanding the extension of the (Fig. 6).
injury. For bone component evaluation, 3D reconstructions Most of hepatic lesions involve the posterior surface of
with volume rendering (VR) can be used. the liver, the so-called “nude area”, which is not wrapped

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Fig. 6  Male child, 4 years old. a CEUS demonstrates a right hepatic lobe’ laceration. b CE-CT, axial scan, confirms CEUS finding

by peritoneum; in these cases the blood expansion will of CEUS with that of the CT, considered as the gold stand-
occur in the retroperitoneal space [38, 39]. ard; CEUS revealed 81/84 traumatic injuries identified at
The most used classification of the severity range of CT and ruled out traumatic injuries in 48/49 negative at
hepatic lesions is that of the American Association for the CT, demonstrating the high accuracy of CEUS with respect
Surgery of Trauma (AAST). This classification divides to US, proposing this technique as a valuable first-line
lesions into six categories and considers the type and exten- approach for the early evaluation of patients with blunt
sion of the parenchymal injury and the vascular involve- abdominal trauma [42].
ment. In pediatric patients, in which the trauma manage- In US follow-up, the size of the lesion will decrease,
ment tends to be non-operative, the grading of parenchymal changing the echostructure from iso-hyperechoic to ane-
lesion is not the main factor in the treatment decision (sur- choic in time; even the hematomas will show the same
gical or conservative), but other elements are involved, echostructural changes together with the decrease in the
such as the hemodynamic stability and the multi-organ size until the disappearing of the hematoma itself. With
involvement. The severity of the lesion will determine the CEUS the avascular area will show a progressive reduction
hospitalization period and the restrictions to be adopted in size and well-defined margins.
after hospital discharge. Contrast-enhanced CT well depicts a hepatic laceration
Right hypochondrium location, immediately below the as a hypodense area, with a variable shape. When the lac-
diaphragm, rib cage, and the intestinal gas cause an even eration reaches the capsular surface and breaks the Glis-
more difficult US evaluation of hepatic dome and of the lat- sonian capsule, the hemoperitoneum always occurs; this is
eral segments, especially in non-cooperative patients. Even depictable through unenhanced CT scans, appearing as a
if in small amounts, the hemoperitoneum detection appears high-density fluid, around 40 UH.
very clear, while hepatic lesion US evaluation, especially in When the laceration does not reach the capsule, hema-
the smallest lesions, can be difficult. toma occurs, and it can be intraparenchymal and/or subcap-
Lesions can present different shapes, unclear borders, sular. When it is intraparenchymal, it is possible to depict in
and iso-hyperechoic echostructure for the presence of fresh basal phase CT, as a fuzzy hyperdense zone in the hepatic
blood. By CEUS the lesion will appear as an avascular parenchyma, due to recent bleeding; after intravenous
area, hypo-anechoic compared to the normal hyperechoic contrast medium administration, hematoma will appear
parenchyma. In some cases it is possible to see the pres- hypodense compared to the normal enhanced parenchyma;
ence of hyperechoic spots due to active bleeding in the ane- active bleeding in the hematoma can be appreciable. Sub-
choic lesion [39–41]. capsular hematoma typically compresses the lateral margin
In a study performed by Valentino et al. on 133 hemo- of the hepatic parenchyma, thus allowing an easier differ-
dynamically stable patients undergoing blunt abdominal ential diagnosis compared to perihepatic fluid (Fig. 7). To
trauma, the authors compared the diagnostic performance carry out a prognostic evaluation, it is important to search

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Fig. 7  Newborn, male, decelerative trauma, a CE-CT, axial scan and b coronal reconstruction show a right hepatic lobe lesion, with a large
amount of subcapsular hematoma and huge hemoperitoneum

for active bleeding in the hepatic lesion or within the hema- Spleen
toma, which appears as arterial phase contrast medium
blush, eventually followed by a pooling in later phases [38] The spleen is the most vascularized organ of the body: in
(Fig. 8). fact around 350 L of blood flows through it every day; this
Traumatic hepatic vascular lesions are rare in pediatric is why its injury is a potential life-threatening situation,
patients. Avascular segments will appear hypodense after exposing the patient to a massive hemoperitoneum. While
intravenous contrast medium. When post-traumatic hepatic in adults the spleen is partially protected by the rib cage, in
artery pseudoaneurysm is seen through CT as hyperdense children, it is bigger and protrudes from ribs cage and it is
focus in arterial phase within hepatic laceration, it is neces- often involved in blunt abdominal trauma, with a frequency
sary to suggest an emergency hembolization, even in case of 25 % of the cases both as isolated lesion and as multior-
of hemodynamic stability, as there is a high risk of rupture gan lesions.
(around 80 %). Even for splenic lesions, as for hepatic lesions, the most
The significance of periportal low hypodensity zones used injury severity classification is that of AAST, which is
has been matter of discussion; they have been consid- not directly linked to the need of an operative management.
ered a specific sign of hepatic trauma in the past. In fact, In fact, if the patient is hemodynamically stable, despite
this issue is not only appreciable in traumatic lesions; it hemoperitoneum or self-limited bleeding, the conservative
seems to be linked not only to specific organ lesion but management is recommended, considering its advantages,
also to an overflow in linfatic vessels in periportal spaces, both because the immunitary function of the organ is pre-
due to a sudden increase in the central venous pressure served and because early and late complications caused by
caused by too much fluid provided during the rescue surgery are prevented, shortening hospitalization. Hemody-
phase [43, 44]. namic instability or the possibility of its happening is the
During the follow-up, lesions treated non operatively main factor to perform splenectomy.
after 1 month appear hypodense, due to reabsorbing of the Splenic injuries have different shapes, linear or branched
corpusculated component; they gradually reduce their vol- or complex; they can be associated to the presence of
ume, usually to complete resolution, eventually leaving a hemoperitoneum, in case of splenic capsula rupture, or to
small parenchymal cyst or a calcification. subcapsular or intraparenchymal hematoma, if the capsula
Complications in hepatic trauma are rare; they usually is undamaged, around 25 % of cases.
occur in the first month and the clinical symptoms are fever, Hemoperitoneum linked to capsular lesion is most fre-
hypotension, peritonitis, etc. Further complications may quent when the hilum region is involved; furthermore, in this
include: ascessualization of the lesion in the first weeks: case, blood will flow along the splenorenal ligament at first,
biloma, occurring between 12 days and 6 weeks; hepatic but then it will reach the retroperitoneal zone, in the anterior
artery pseudoaneurysm, subcapsular hepatic hematoma due left pararenal space and around the pancreatic tail, as dem-
to late bleeding and choleperitoneum. onstrated by Sivit et al. in a large series of 1744 consecutive

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Fig. 8  Male child, 5 years old, direct trauma on the right hypochon- of hyperechoic spots due to active bleeding (white arrow). CE-CT, c
drium. a US shows a large traumatic involvement of the right hepatic Axial scan and d coronal CT reconstruction confirm size and shape
lobe. b CEUS clearly demonstrates the lesion extent and the presence of the lesion and also the presence of active bleeding (black arrows)

young patients undergoing blunt trauma [45]. The authors Parenchymal lesions can be very difficult to recognize,
demonstrated that in 96 patients with splenic blunt trauma, especially when perisplenic fluid is not reported. CEUS
extraperitoneal fluid was observed in 8 (8 %) of them, overcomes these limits. Parenchymal lesions evaluation
restricted to the anterior pararenal space; this fluid was seen must be performed during venous phase, 120–240 s after
to separate the splenic vein and pancreas in 25 % of cases, contrast medium injection, when normal parenchyma
and in 38 of the 1608 patients with blunt trauma not causing shows high homogeneous echogenicity which is absent in
splenic injury, was associated with pancreatic injury in 17/38 arterial phase. CEUS aspect of splenic lesions is anechoic,
(45 %) children. The authors stressed to keep in mind that clearly highlighted as to normal hyperechoic parenchyma
fluid in the anterior pararenal space and between splenic vein The extension of the lesion to the splenic capsula and the
and pancreas might be seen in isolated splenic injuries, a fea- capsular interruption is highly recognizable. Furthermore,
ture useful to reduce errors in interpretation. subcapsular or perisplenic fluid is more visible due to the
The spleen is considered to be a difficult organ to be parenchymal contrast enhancement (Fig. 9). CEUS sensi-
evaluated by US, because of the interposition of coasts tivity in depicting splenic parenchymal lesions is very simi-
and the splenic flexure, especially as for as the upper pole lar to that performed by CT, allowing a detailed follow-up
and the subphrenic region. Fresh blood echogenicity is even during the bed-rest phase, without radiation exposure
very similar to that of normal parenchyma; for this reason [31].
it is possible to mistake traumatic lesion, even the largest. The sensitivity and specificity of CT in the detection of
Often, the most evident sign of splenic lesion is the pres- splenic injury is close to 100 %.
ence of an hypo-anechoic fluid collection in the subcapsu- Splenic lesions are correctly shown in the portal phase,
lar or perisplenic space [46]. and are usually represented by lacerations, that can involve

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Fig. 9  Female, 8 years old, direct trauma on the left hypocondrium. a CEUS, b CE-CT: Subtle laceration of spleen lower pole (white arrow).
Low amount of perisplenic fluid collection (open arrow)

Fig. 10  Male child, 5 years old. a US: Mild inhomogeneity of the splenic lower pole. b CEUS: evidence of complete fracture of spleen lower
pole. CE-CT, c axial scan and d coronal reconstruction confirm the complete splenic fracture

the parenchyma either partially or as full thickness tear have lower severity; they can also appear in the absence of
causing the complete fracture of the organ (Fig. 10). Contu- subcapsular and perisplenic fluid. Cases of shattered spleen,
sive lesions and intraparenchymal hematomas are rare and which consists in the breaking of the organ in three or more

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Fig. 11  Young boy, 16 years old, motorcycle accident. CE-CT. a, traumatic intraparenchymal artero-venous fistula, also well demon-
b Axial scans show a large traumatic splenic vascular lesion (white strated in e 3D VR reconstruction
arrows). c sagittal and d coronal reconstructions: evidence of post-

fragments that go along with huge hemoperitoneum, can be is reported to be more safe compared to the surgery, and
clinically related to hemodynamic instability. These lesions it carries a mortality rate in the first 6 months of around
request urgent surgery as they represent a high death risk as 2.4 % compared to 8 %.
a consequence of hemorrhagic shock.
The presence of congenital clefts can lead to misinter- Urinary system: kidneys, urinary tract, bladder
pretation and false-positive patients. We have to consider and urethra
that congenital clefts have regular and homogeneous well-
defined profiles as to the lacerations that appear more irreg- The kidneys are the third most involved organ in blunt
ular and are often linked to subcapsular and/or perisplenic abdominal trauma (about 80 % of the cases), followed by
fluid [47, 48]. external genitals, bladder, urethra and ureter.
Besides being used in shattered spleen management, Parenchymal lesions are usually the result of a direct
operative handling is performed in case of intraparenchy- impact, while decelerative forces cause vascular and/or uri-
mal active bleeding and especially in peritoneal cavity nary tract lesions [49, 50].
active bleeding. Instead, in case of vascular lesions, such Clinical evaluation of renal trauma in pediatric patients
as arterial-venous fistula (Fig. 11) or post-traumatic pseu- is often difficult; the typical and more specific symptom
doaneurysm, splenic artery embolization (SAE) can be is hematuria. Gross hematuria is the most significant sign
performed with a selective or super selective technique of renal trauma, found in more than 95 % of cases, but not
according to angiographic results. Angiographic technique always related to the severity of the trauma. In fact hematuria

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Fig. 12  Female child, 10 years old, direct trauma to the right flank. a kidney (white arrow), with perirenal hematoma. CE-CT, c axial scan
US: Mild hyperechogenicity in the middle of the right kidney (open and d coronal reconstruction confirm the renal fracture and the perire-
arrow). b CEUS demonstrates a well-evident linear fracture of the nal fluid collection

can also be found in severe traumatic lesion as in 24 % of The injured kidney at US exam can appear normal or
patients with renal artery thrombosis, and in up to 1/3 of cases moderately swollen compared to the controlateral; some-
of pyelo-ureteral junction lesions. Gross hematuria is more times a hyperechoic parenchymal zone can suggest a trau-
frequent in penetrating trauma compared to blunt trauma and matic lesion (Fig. 12).
it is rare in trauma due to deceleration force. Perirenal effusion appears as an anechoic area surround-
AAST classification divides renal trauma into five ing the kidney. CEUS significantly increases the sensitivity
classes according to the renal damage parenchymal exten- in detecting parenchymal lesions, and perirenal hematoma,
sion, to the urinary system involvement or to the vascular even if very small (Fig. 12). The optimal time period is up
pedicle injury. This classification is related to the devel- to 2.5 min after contrast medium injection, because it is
opment of the prognostic factors, allowing to differenti- the most effective to detect renal injuries. The two kidneys
ate patients with mild-to-moderate trauma (stages I–III) must be explored separately with two different boluses;
requesting normal clinical-radiological observation, from their exploration can sometimes be difficult because the left
patients with severe trauma (stage IV–V) that require a sur- one, in particular, can be hidden by artifacts and bowel gas.
gical and/or interventional treatment. At CEUS lesions appear as hypo-anechoic areas in the
The management of renal trauma in fact is often con- context of highly echogenic renal parenchyma. The perire-
servative and operative treatment is necessary in case of nal fluid appears more evident due to the increased contrast
hemodynamically unstable patients, or when there is either compared to the enhanced parenchyma. In case of trau-
a complete destruction of the pyelo-ureteral junction, or a matic vascular injury, the kidney appears partially or totally
lesion of the artery or renal vein with devascularization of hypo-anechoic [50]. CEUS limitations are represented by
the kidney [51, 52]. the incomplete assessment of the retroperitoneum, by the

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Fig. 13  Female child, 9 years old a CEUS demonstrates a complete fracture of the left kidney, with perirenal fluid collection. CE-CT, a axial
scan, b coronal reconstruction and c 3D reconstruction show the renal lesion, with perirenal effusion and urine leakage (white arrow)

difficulty to detect active bleeding and by the inability to collecting system (Fig. 14). Active bleeding can be detected
highlight the injuries of the urinary tract, because the con- within the tear [50, 51].
trast agent is not excreted by the kidneys [46] (Fig. 13). In a series of 25 children with blunt renal and ureteral
The most common renal injury is the parenchymal trauma, Siegel et al. analyzed whether the extent of peri-
contusion; it represents a bruised organ characterized by renal fluid collection correlated with the severity of injury.
microscopic areas of hemorrhage with edema. On CT the The authors demonstrated that the perirenal or periureteral
involved kidney may appear larger than the other kid- fluid collection did not correlate with the extent of renal
ney as a result of the associated edema. Before contrast injury, whereas interfascial, anterior pararenal and psoas
medium injection the renal contusion can be seen as a muscle fluid correlated in such a way with renal fracture
hyperdense parenchymal area; after contrast medium, it and pedicle avulsion [51].
appears as a focal or diffuse region of delayed contrast A segmental renal infarct occurs in case of injury to a
enhancement. segmental renal artery: at enhanced CT scan it is like a
Renal lacerations appear as linear low-attenuation areas peripheral wedge-shaped area of non-enhancing paren-
in the parenchyma. The severity of the injury is linked to chyma. The management of renal segmental infarction is
the extension of the lesion: the superficial lacerations are non-operative and results in a focal area of renal scarring.
limited to the renal parenchyma, and the deeper ones can Injury to the main renal artery produces a devascularization
separate renal fragments and more likely involve the renal of the entire kidney. This is the most severe form of renal

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Fig. 14  Male child, 11 years old, direct trauma on epigastric region. site. CE-CT, c axial scan and d coronal reconstruction confirm the
a US shows inhomogeneous echostructure of the middle part of a complete fracture of the middle part of the horseshoe kidney, with
horse-shoe kidney. b CEUS demonstrates a laceration in the same separation of renal fragments

injury and must be treated promptly because permanent, direct communication between the perirenal space in the
progressive loss of renal function begins 2 h after trauma. abdomen and the prevesical extraperitoneal space in the
Subcapsular or perinephric hematoma can be found in pelvis. Usually the management of renal collecting sys-
any renal trauma. A subcapsular hematoma is limited in its tem injury is non-operative, mostly if the leak is confined
extension by the renal capsule, causing mass effect on renal to the perirenal space; sometimes, urinary tract obstruction
profile, whereas a perinephric hematoma is distributed requiring surgical repair may result [51].
throughout the perirenal space, if it is relevant can be dislo-
cate the kidney. At the unenhanced CT scan, the hematoma Bladder and urethra
is typically hyperintense, while it becomes hypointense
after intravenous contrast medium. The assessment of any Due to its anatomical position, well protected by the pelvic
active bleeding in the early stages after contrast medium ring, injuries of the bladder are rare, occurring in 1–2 % of
is very important; in fact in case of severe bleeding the trauma patients, most commonly secondary to blunt trauma
management of the patient changes from conservative to due to a high-energy injury. The bladder in children is con-
operative. sidered an intraperitoneal organ in contrast to the adult
The assessment of any lesion of the urinary tract must where it is considered an organ mainly extraperitoneal.
be done with delayed scans. On CT images renal collect- Pelvic fractures, especially those in the pelvic ring,
ing system injury results in urinary leakage of IV contrast mostly the bilateral ones, are frequently associated with
medium [52, 53] (Fig. 13). lower urinary tract injuries, nearly 80–90 % of cases, though
Urine leakage typically remains contained in the peri- only 5–10 % of pelvic fractures result in bladder injury. Two
renal space and is called as a “urinoma.” Seldom, urinary mechanisms are involved: the first involves shearing forces
leakage and/or hemorrhage may reach the pelvis due to at deceleration resulting in injury at the fixed sites of pelvic

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Fig. 15  Young girl, 16 years old, precipitation trauma (attempted suicide). a, b CE-CT, axial scans show diastasis of the pubic symphysis, with
extravesical urine leakage. In b it is possible to visualize the displacement of the balloon catheter (white arrow)

fascial attachment. The second is caused by direct injury accuracy in intraperitoneal rupture, with values of sensitiv-
from pelvic bone fragments causing laceration of the blad- ity and specificity of 80 and 99 %. In a study performed
der wall. Intraperitoneal blunt injury is due to rapid deceler- by Sivit et al., CT revealed IV contrast medium extravasa-
ation that determines a sudden increase of intravesical pres- tion in all patients with bladder rupture, recognizing if intra
sure, resulting in a “burst-type” injury. or retro-peritoneal in a very precise way; this latter point is
The distention at the time of the trauma allows the rup- even more important knowing that an intraperitoneal rup-
ture of the bladder. ture needs surgical repair, while the extraperitoneal one
Traumatic lesion starts from wall contusion to the rup- does not [54].
ture. Bladder rupture can be both intraperitoneal, extraperi- For CT cystography, the bladder is filled retrograde
toneal, or combined lesions. with contrast medium and the scan is performed after 300–
In very young children, most of the injuries are intra- 400 mL of contrast is instilled. Extraperitoneal contrast
peritoneal because of the partial intra-abdominal location leakage is confined to the pelvis on CT and appears as a
of the bladder. “flame-shaped” opacity. Characteristic patterns of intraperi-
Extraperitoneal bladder rupture occurs more frequently toneal contrast leakage include pooling in the cul-de-sac,
than intraperitoneal rupture in teenagers and it is often paracolic gutter, or retrohepatic space on CT or outlining of
caused by bone spicule of a pelvic fracture, pubic symphy- bowel loops.
sis diastasis, sacral fractures, and sacroiliac joint diastasis Another way to evaluate the integrity of the bladder
(Fig. 15). through CT exam is the retrograde gas distension. The
Intraperitoneal rupture in teenagers is less frequent; advantage is the easier air distribution which allows even in
around 20 %, typically results from shearing of the dis- absence of overdistension of the bladder, to hypothesize the
tended bladder by a lap belt. However, the overall inci- presence of a rupture, through the flow of extraluminal air
dence is lower because the pelvic fracture is also lower in bubbles, even in case of small lesions, or lesions located on
children [54–58]. the anterior wall.
Gross hematuria is believed to be associated with more Most of the extraperitoneal bladder injuries can be man-
significant injuries, as in case of rupture, while micro- aged conservatively with catheter drainage; in other cases,
hematuria has been more commonly related to bladder such as for penetrating injuries, surgery is requested.
contusion. Traumatic lesions of the urethra are, for anatomical rea-
In addition to hematuria that is present in approximately sons, more frequent in males.
90 % of bladder trauma, the inability to void or suprapubic Female urethral injuries are uncommon, 0–6 %, because
pain may occur. the urethra itself is very short, and usually all involved inju-
Imaging of the bladder, if indicated, may consist of cys- ries are associated with pelvic fracture as a result of lacera-
tography and is performed in the clinically stable patient. tion by bone fragments [58].
CT cystography is performed more liberally because of the The clinical suspicion in the male is confirmed by gross
central role of CT scanning in trauma assessment. blood at the urethral meatus and/or scrotal hematoma,
The CT has 95 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity in the while in the female by vaginal bleeding, pelvic fracture and
detection of bladder rupture; some studies point to a lower bleeding, perineal ecchymosis and pelvic fracture.

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When gross blood is present at the urethral meatus, ret- evaluate through US exam; however, in children the evalu-
rograde urethrography (RUG) is indicated before catheteri- ation is easier, mainly because of their physical structure.
zation; if blind catheter placement is performed, a partial The pancreatic lesions typically appear as total or par-
injury can accidentally become a complete injury. tial glandular lacerations, in this case with organ separation
Early management of most posterior urethral injuries into two parts.
involves urinary diversion with a suprapubic catheter. Ure- The direct sign of injury is the detection of a tear as a
thral lesions are classified into five grade groups. Grades I hypoechoic intraparenchymal rhyme; it can be difficult
and II urethral injuries can be managed without catheteriza- to find it on ultrasound exam. Indirect signs can be more
tion if the patients are able to void. Partial anterior injuries easily depictable: focal or diffused pancreatic swelling,
are managed with a urethral catheter alone, and a pericathe- unclear organ profiles, focal or diffuse hyperechogenicity
ter urethrogram is performed at 7–10 days to confirm healing of the parenchyma and presence of fluid periglandular col-
before its removal. Most posterior injuries can be managed lection [46].
with urinary diversion and delayed (3–6 months) reconstruc- There are few reports on the use of CEUS in pancreatic
tion, following resorption of the pelvic hematoma. trauma [60].
Endoscopic techniques of primary realignment show In one of these, Lv et al., in a series of 22 consecutive
promise in potentially decreasing rates of stricture forma- patients undergoing blunt pancreatic trauma, reported an
tion while providing equivalent results with regard to conti- excellent sensitivity of CEUS in detecting pancreatic inju-
nence and erectile disfunction. ries compared with CT as the gold standard. The authors
stated that CEUS may be a promising technique, especially
Pancreas in those departments where it is performed as an initial
diagnostic tool.
Pancreatic trauma is less common because of its deep posi- Other authors stated that CEUS can detect parenchymal
tion, relatively protected by the abdominal wall and the sur- and capsular injuries with excellent imaging characteris-
rounding fat. In the child, however, this protection is less tics, although it should not be intended as a substitute for
effective than in the adult, due to the reduced development CT but a possibility to boost US role in the screening of
of the muscle wall and the relatively poor quantity of super- pancreatic trauma (Fig. 16).
ficial and deep adipose tissue and, owing to its retroperito- CT exam shows specific and non-specific signs of pan-
neal location, mortality is quite high, ranging from 70 to creatic trauma.
80 % when there is also involvement of aorta, the superior The generic and/or non-specific signs may include:
mesenteric artery or vena cava. enlargement of the gland, soffuse hypodense undefined
The pancreatic trauma happens in 3–12 % of blunt profiles as occurs in contusion; thickening of the renal fas-
abdominal trauma: it rarely occurs as isolated injury but usu- cia and hyperdensity of peripancreatic adipose tissue. The
ally 60 % of cases are associated with lesions of the liver, presence of hypodense fluid due to lesion of the pancreatic
spleen or the duodenum. This means that in patients with duct, or the presence of hyperdense fluid in case of hema-
pancreatic lesions morbidity and mortality increase [59, 60]. toma within the anterior pararenal space and/or periglandu-
The detection of lesions limited to the parenchyma may lar, although not specific, is a good indicator of pancreatic
allow conservative treatment, while in case of duct injury trauma and can suggest the suspicion of traumatic lesion.
the management depends on the site of the lesion. If the The presence of peritoneal fluid is also a non-specific
distal portion on the left side of the spine (grade III) is sign. The following are the direct signs: one or more lin-
involved, duct stenting or surgery for partial resection of ear hypodense images after intravenous contrast medium
the pancreas is needed. Lesions in the proximal part of the crossing the gland more or less deeply, that are expression
duct are of greater severity (grade IV), but surgical treat- of tearing, while separated glandular fragments will appear
ment is more complex for their deep location; therefore, in the transections (Fig. 17).
they are managed more often by the positioning of a stent, CT is able to diagnose indirectly the involvement of the
preventing surgery. pancreatic duct, in relation to the depth of glandular lesions.
The pancreatic trauma is the leading cause of pancreati- Periglandular post-traumatic collections, due to duct injury,
tis in children. often evolve into pseudocysts and tend to resolve spontane-
Because of its deep position and the interposition of ously or be subsequently subject to percutaneous drainage
intestinal gas content, the pancreas is a difficult organ to or surgery [3, 5].

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Fig. 16  Male child, 8 years old, direct trauma. a US and b CEUS CT scans confirm the pancreatic tail enlargement and demonstrate a
depict enlargement of the pancreatic tail: CEUS shows mild pancreratic tail lesion, with a peripancreatic fluid collection
hypoechogenicity of the echostructure (white arrow) also. c, d Axial

Rare abdominal injuries As to the abdominal free air presence, depictable

through direct abdominal X-ray exam, we must know that
Bowel and mesentery the small bowel contains less air than the large bowel and
thus in case of perforation it will be possible to detect intes-
Bowel injury is uncommon after blunt trauma in children. tinal contents around the injured loop and a small quantity
Due to the anatomical central position in abdominal of free air compared to a large bowel perforation.
cavity and to the fixation due to Treitz ligament, lesions of CT exam shows specific and non specific signs [14, 61].
duodenum and proximal portion of jejunum are more fre- Specific signs include the tear of intestinal wall and the
quent (Fig. 18). presence of free peritoneal or retroperitoneal air which
Isolated viscera lesions are usually difficult to diagnose; is found by CT exam only approximately in 30–50 % of
CT alone cannot be used as a screening tool for hollow vis- cases. The bowel wall thickening, usually eccentric, close
cus injury because its sensitivity and specificity are approx- to the contusive lesion, especially in the duodenum, sug-
imately 55 and 92 %, respectively. gests intramural hematoma. The leakage of the contrast
Even clinical signs and symptoms may be absent, mini- medium through oral administration outside of the intes-
mal, or delayed. tinal lumen is a highly specific sign; however, it not very
The suspecion of hollow viscus injury comes from sensitive. Moreover, the use of oral contrast medium is
clinic data, type of trauma, possible presence of super- not widely used in the traumatized patient because it takes
ficial abdominal wall bruising and from diagnostic more time in carrying out the exam.
imaging. The complete rupture of the intestine most commonly
US does not usually detect bowel injury; it can demon- occurs in the mid to distal part of the small intestine. The
strate indirect signs as free fluid between bowel loops. most common site is the jejunum.

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Fig. 17  Male child, 8 years old. CE-CT, a–c Axial scans show the fracture of the left hepatic lobe (open arrow) and the laceration of the pancre-
atic head (white arrow). d Coronal CT reconstruction confirms the deep laceration of pancreatic head (white arrow)

Non specific signs of bowel or mesenteric injury include of inferior cava vein (IVC) that highly influences the right
mesenteric hematoma, which appears as a limited fluid col- adrenal gland because right adrenal vein drains directly in
lection of considerable size, in which may be seen active IVC. This is the reason why it is influenced more than the
bleeding (Fig. 19); free fluid in the abdomen; “mesenteric left adrenal vein that drains in left renal vein.
stranding” due to mesenteric fat thickening. Lesions are usually asymptomatic, so their detection is
Adrenal glands US technique has low sensitivity in detecting traumatic
adrenal lesions, especially for their association with multio-
Because of the presence of retroperitoneal fat, that protects rgan lesions, rib fractures and pneumothorax.
adrenal glands, traumatic lesions of these glands are very CT is the gold standard exam in detecting traumatic
rare in pediatric patients. adrenal gland lesions. Main CT details are hematoma
The frequency is around 0.15–4 % of blunt abdominal around 60–83 %, overall adrenal hemorrhage around
trauma, usually in multiorgan lesions (Fig. 20); isolated 9–43 %, the homogeneous swelling of the adrenal gland
adrenal injury occurs in around 2–6 % of cases. Traumatic around 10 %, and the adrenal rupture that is very rare.
adrenal lesions are more frequent in high-energy trauma Furthermore, it is possible to detect signs associated with
with an injury severity score (ISS >15), associated with traumatic lesion such as hemorrhagic suffusion of periadre-
other lesions up to 50 %. nal fat, retroperitoneal hemorrhage and active bleeding.
Usually traumatic adrenal lesion is unilateral (>90 %) Unrecognized adrenal lesions can cause late hemorrhage
with a considerable prevalence for the right adrenal gland and infections. In case of massive hemorrhage, IVC can be
(85–90 %), depending on three main causes: abrupt com- compressed causing thrombosis.
pression between the liver and lumbar vertebral bodies; the Bilateral traumatic adrenal lesions are very rare, less
damage of small vessel due to a deceleration; the sudden than 1 %; it is still unknown if they can cause severe endo-
increase of adrenal venous pressure due to a compression crin abnormalities, i.e. acute adrenal failure [62].

Radiol med

Fig. 18  Female child, 6 years old, direct trauma on epigastric region. strate a large hematoma of the third duodenal portion, displacing and
a US shows a large fluid collection strictly close to a bowel loop. narrowing the intestinal lumen
CE-CT, b axial scan, c coronal and d sagittal reconstruction s demon-

Fig. 19  Young boy, 16 years old, microcar accident. a Axial CT scan and b coronal CT reconstruction show a fluid collection in the mesentery
of the right hypochondrium, with active bleeding (white arrow)

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Fig. 20  a, b Axial CT scans, c coronal and d sagittal reconstructions demonstrate a traumatic lesions of liver, spleen and right kidney. It is also
appreciable a large adrenal hematoma, with active bleeding (white arrow)

Hypoperfusion complex more than 80 % and many of these children have severe
associated multisystem injury [63, 64].
Regardless of the hypovolemic shock causes, the radi-
ologist must recognize and identify a complex set of CT
details indicating a severe hypoperfusion and that are sug- Conclusions
gestive of a transition state between severe but compen-
sated hypovolemia and the decompensated state. In these In a traumatic setting the triage of a child may appear very
cases we have a caliber reduction of aorta and inferior cava difficult; therefore, diagnostic imaging plays an important
vein, a widespread fluid distension of intestinal bowel with role in the complex evaluation of an injured child [3–6].
thickened and irregular enhancement of bowel wall after In low-energy trauma and in isolated trauma, the first
contrast medium injection (shock bowel). diagnostic approach in the child can be performed by
There will be a considerable enhancement of the mesen- X-ray, if needed, and ultrasound (US), whose diagnostic
tery, kidneys and adrenal glands, which will then decrease accuracy is highly improved because of the introduction
in the pancreatic and spleen parenchyma. It is possible to of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography (CEUS), which
find periportal low-attenuation zones, peritoneal and retro- remarkably increased its sensitivity and specificity in the
peritoneal fluid. early detection of solid organ injuries [18–21, 33, 34,
The detection of these CT details suggesting hypoperfu- 46].
sion is a predictor of a poor outcome; in fact the reported In high-energy trauma, in the hemodynamically unstable
mortality rate in children with this set of findings at CT is young patient, the first evaluation is performed by e-FAST

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