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I strongly condemn the henious, brutal, cruel, barberic, and merciless killing of eight teachers on
Thursday, who were performing their examination duties in district Kurram high school. But it is a very
bad state of the moment that till today the criminals and terrorists were not found. The government,
military and judiciary didn’t take any kind of strong action against this, because they are very busy in
their personal issues and interests. I saw and heard some political leaders on social media who
expressed their sad feelings orally, which were not meaningful, and everyone knows better that our
leaders are very expert in showment,commetments and scoring points for their political strength.

Now the question arises, that who will give the justice and protection to our teachers (Builders of a
nation)? Who and when will give their rights? Why our teachers are disrespecting in our society? Why
our teachers are deprived of their basic needs?

Being a person born in Pakistan I have been taught to respect teachers and agree to them as they
must be considered equal to my parents. Being born in a family where education is given very much
importance I was taught to never even talk back to the teacher even if I had a simple dispute with any of
the teachers. This incident is not only alarming for the sake of respect of the teacher yet it also reflects
the light on how we as a society have become so violent that the students, the kids, our future is acting

Being a student of English literature and languistics, I understand that we have had this anger, this
violence in us since Pakistan was born. Insufficient resources and other environmental issues have only
added on to it, however I still don’t understand that how as a society we are tolerating such scenaries
around us. We like it or not, teachers have put an impact on us. We idealize them, we despise them. We
pray that a teacher becomes absent for a day or two, yet when we reach somewhere in our life we salute
them. We respect the hard time that were given by the teachers. We understand why they did what they

“In this time where we are witnessing major shift in our social and culture dynamics, this is a point to
ponder, that how are we going to resolve issues like this. In Pakistan we have people who are blind
followers and to make them see the other side of the coin, we need better teachers. Yet if this is how we
are going to treat teachers and for that matter any other profession, who is to conclude that we will get
the quality of the professions that we need to proceed as a nation.

We all are focused on individualism and we do have many movements for many civil rights, yet we are
not thinking and obviously not taking any measure towards inculcating moral values in our youngsters. If
the intolerance keeps rising at the same rate, regardless of all the financial reforms, all civil rights or
everything that we are trying to achieve will be in vein. We need the moralities that are part of our
culture, religion and society. We need them now. Pakistan is bleeding internally, we need to heal it.
Everyone should need to rise their voice for the justice of teachers, for their rights and security. If you
want the development of nation, society, and culture, then respect, respect and respect your teachers.

‫ شجاعت کا‬،‫ عدالت کا‬،‫سبق پھر پڑھ صداقت کا‬

‫لیا جائے گا تجھ سے کام دنیا کی امامت کا‬
"‫" والسالم‬

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