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Rayad S.

4.2 IT

Problem #6
Write a program that could tell a user whether they are old enough to
learn how to drive a car. If the user's age meets the required driving
age which is 17 years old the program would print the Message You
are old enough to drive a car. Otherwise, it would print the Message
You are not old enough to drive a car.

I.P.O Chart

Input Processing Output

User’s age (1). Read user’s age Message either

(2). Determine if the You are old enough

person is old enough to to drive a car
drive a car OR
You are not old
(3). Print appropriate enough to drive a car
message, either
You are old enough to
drive a car or not old
enough to drive a car.

Pseudocode Algorithm

Algorithm Person is old enough to drive

This algorithm reads a person’s age. If the person is 17 or over it will
print “You are old enough to drive a car ”. If the person is under 17
years of age, it will print “You are not old enough to drive a car”.

Variable Name Variable Data Type Variable Description

UserAge Integer Stores the user’s age
Rayad S. Ali
4.2 IT

Read UserAge
If UserAge >= 17 then
Print ‘You are old enough to drive a car’
Print ‘You are not old enough to drive a car’
End if
Rayad S. Ali
4.2 IT



Read UserAge

>= 17

Print ‘You are old Print ‘You are not old

enough to drive a car’ enough to drive a car’

Rayad S. Ali
4.2 IT

Trace Table

Test Data Set #1

UserAge= 35

Instructions in execution UserAge Output

Read UserAge 35
If UserAge >= 17 then
Print ‘You are old enough to You are old enough to
drive a car’ drive a car
End if
Rayad S. Ali
4.2 IT

Trace Table

Test Data Set #2

UserAge= 14

Instructions in execution UserAge Output

Read UserAge 14
If UserAge >= 17 then
Print ‘You are not old enough You are not old enough
to drive a car’ to drive a car
End if
Rayad S. Ali
4.2 IT

Pascal Program
Program Age_to_learn_how_to_Drive; // This is the Program Header //
//This program reads a person’s age. If the person is 17 or over it will
print “You are old enough to drive a car ”. If the person is under 17
years of age, it will print “You are not old enough to drive a car”.//

Var // This is the Variable Declaration //


BEGIN // The body of the program starts here //

Writeln (‘Please enter your age’);
Readln (UserAge);
IF UserAge >= 17 THEN
Writeln (‘You are old enough to drive a car’);
Writeln (‘You are not old enough to drive a car’);
END. // The body of the program ends here //

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