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Voc a bu l ar y ST UD Y

Em Vocabulary Study, destaque a importância do estudo do

vocabulário de forma sistemática e contextualizada.
Incentive os alunos a inferirem o significado de cada afixo a partir
PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES do seu contexto de uso. Observe que, na seção Vocabulary Study da
Unit 5, foram explorados os prefixos il-/un- e os sufixos -ation/
-ment/-er/-or/-ist/-ian. Além disso, outros afixos são explorados de
forma contextualizada ao longo da obra.
1 Read these fragments from the text on page 225 and focus on the words in bold. Then choose
the correct item that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook.
“[…] an unprecedented, history-making achievement.”
“[…] and its greatness as a work of popular art […]”
“It is about a system that has been largely impenetrable […]”

a. We can infer that the prefixes un- in unprecedented and im- in impenetrable mean
I. the same as. X II. the opposite of.
b. We can infer that the suffixes -ment in achievement and -ness in greatness form
X I. nouns. II. verbs.
c. We can infer that the suffix -able in impenetrable forms
I. nouns. X II. adjectives.
d. We can infer that the suffix -ly in largely forms
X I. adverbs. II. adjectives.
Consulte as Orientações Complementares no Manual do Professor.
2 Replace each icon with a word formed by the word in parentheses + an appropriate suffix
to complete the following review. Write the answers in your notebook. forgettable, entirely,
technologically, commitment


Andrea Thompson . February 16, 2018
So many movies come and go, most of them (forget). But some are destined to be talked about before they
even hire a crew, let alone hit theaters. Take Black Panther, for instance. This was a movie which was always
going to be noteworthy. It’s not just one of the few movies that focuses on a black superhero, it has a cast
and crew consisting almost (entire) of black people. And that superhero, T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), is
king of the fictional African nation of Wakanda, which, far from needing any kind of assistance, is one of the
most (technological) advanced countries in the world. […]

[…] Black Panther also makes a (commit) to explore what it means to not only be black in America, but to
be African in today’s world. […] The result is one of the richest, most vibrant worldbuilding I’ve ever seen on
the big screen, with a story that embraces African customs and life in a way that makes no apologies, or any
need whatsoever to justify or prove anything to white people. […]
Andrea Thompson
Andrea Thompson is a writer, editor, and film critic who is also the founder and director of the Milwaukee Women’s Film Festival.[…]

From: <>. Accessed on: Apr. 20, 2020.

Sugestões de resposta: “It’s not just one of the few movies that focuses on a black superhero, it has a cast and crew
THINK ABOUT IT! consisting almost entirely of black people.” (fato); “The result is one of the richest, most vibrant worldbuilding I’ve ever
seen on the big screen […]” (opinião).
É importante distinguir fatos de opiniões em textos argumentativos como o que você leu nesta página. Indique
trechos do texto acima (exercício 2) que apresentam um fato e uma opinião do autor.
No texto, o nome Marvel é mencionado para fazer referência ao estúdio que produziu o filme de super-herói Pantera Negra. O uso do referido termo sem a presença de imagens
comerciais identificadas faz parte de um contexto pedagógico mais amplo, sem qualquer tipo de incentivo ao seu uso ou intuito de divulgação dessa marca (cf. Parecer CNE/
CEB no 15/2000). No texto, dentre os vários filmes sobre super-heróis da empresa Marvel Studios, Pantera Negra é destacado como o melhor, sendo elogiado por ter um
super-herói negro, um elenco majoritariamente negro e abordar questões sobre ser negro e ser africano no mundo atual. Esses temas,
trazidos pelo texto, ajudam a ampliar a discussão sobre racismo e representatividade negra no cinema e na sociedade em geral. Unit 11 227

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