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DAVID: Hi Mr. Sena. Nice to meet you!

ALBERTO: It’s a pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Pariona
DAVID: Please have a seat, Mr. Sena. I
was checking your CV. Tell me a Little bit
about you.
ALBERTO: I studied psychology years
ago. It was a bit stressful and
challenging for me, because I started
study at my fifty years, this carrer
demanding but my job is also my
passion. I worked for a big school, with
a friend from my childhood.
DAVID: That is interesting!
ALBERTO: I’m consider a grounded,
calm and methodical psychologist who
has genuine passion for makinga
difference in peoples life through my
work. I think that working efficiently,
carefully, and effectively is the best way
toachieve your goals.
DAVID: What skills and qualities are
needes to be a psychologist?
ALBERTO: The most important skills
and qualities to be a competent
psychologist include communication,
patience and the ability to empathize
with people from different situations
and backgrounds.
DAVID: What are your strengths and
ALBERTO: My strength include my
patience and my ability to uses different
techniques and methods to assess,
diagnose, and effectively treat
psychological problems. I am a strong
communicator; a very Good team
worker and i have a solid ethical core.
And my weakness is the fact I am not
very confident giving presentations to
large groups of pepple. I Will need to
improve in this area. The Good news is
my weakness Will never impact my
ability to maintain competence as a
DAVID: Excellent Mr. Smith! Well, your
answers really impressed me. I would
like to schedule a second interview next
Monday at 11:00. Please be on time!
ALBERTO: Perfect! See you on Monday.

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