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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
(formerly Tagumbao High School Annex)
Poblacion 3, Gerona, Tarlac School ID: 307007
Phone # (045) 491-8850


Student-Teacher: RACHELLE P. BAJADE Grade Level & 9


Teaching Date & Time: Quarter: fourth

I. Objectives: a. Identify different steps on how to judge an author’s reasoning

b. Develop the ability to evaluate and discriminate between valid and
invalid claims through critical analysis and evidence-based reasoning.
c. Judge the soundness of author’s reasoning
A. Grade Level Standard  The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine
Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine
Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning  Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness of Author’s
Competencies reasoning, and Effectiveness of the Presentation.


III. Learning Resources
a. Reference  Grade 9, Module
b. Materials  LCD Projector/ television, laptop, and PowerPoint Presentation
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
A. Reviewing the
previous lesson or 1. Prayer
presenting the new 2. Greetings
lesson 3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Management
 Classroom Cleanliness and Classroom Rules


1. What is text Relevance?
2. How to spot factual information
 Consider the source
 Read beyond
 Consider the author
 Verify supporting sources
 Check the date
 Check your biases

B. Establishing a MOTIVATION
purpose for the
lesson/ practicing  The teacher will ask the student to pick rolled papers inside the box and
skill read the text written on the paper, identify if it is true or not. If it is true
give reason and evidence as to why do you think it is true and if it is
false tell something about yourself.

Possible texts:

1. Cats sleep for about 70% of their lives.

2. Bananas are berries, while strawberries are not.
3. Identical twins don’t have the same fingerprints.

C. Presenting Word of the Day

examples/instances “JUDGEMENT”
of the lesson Pronunciation: ˈjəj-mənt
Definition: The process of forming an opinion and evaluation by
discerning and comparing
Synonyms: Belief, conviction, feeling,
Parts of Speech: Noun
Example Sentence: Be guided by your own judgement.
D. Discussing DISCUSSION
more concepts and  Soundness is defined in terms of validity
applying skill  A sound Argument is a valid argument that has all true premises. That
means that the conclusion of a sound argument will always be true.
 Sound reason supports the claim. It is a reasoning that makes sense and
follows some sort of logic.
 Sound reasoning means logical reasoning.

 A claim is a statement that presents an arguable position. It mirrors your

interpretation, belief or opinion. Claim usually answers the question:
“What do I think?”
To answer a claim by responding or denying it with corresponding
or evidence is to make a counterclaim. A counterclaim is the strongest
argument against your claim.

Claim: I believe that William Shakespeare is the father of English

because he made 154 sonnets in his life time. (reasons or evidence to
confirm the claim.)

Counterclaim: According to my research it was Sir Thomas who

introduced the concept of sonnet to the English writers and he made a
rhyming scheme that became popular, wherein even Shakespeare used
To counter or argue a claim, consider a different opinion or contrary
Then provide evidence that would back up your argument.

Claim: Children nowadays are less sociable because they are glued to

Counterclaim: Children of today are just as sociable as the previous

generations. Researchers from Ohio State University looked at
of children who found that time spent on screens had little to no impact
a child's social skills despite an increase in screen time.
A lot of informational texts are based on an author’s ideas, beliefs, or
opinions that are sometimes not considered to be sound.
Readers must not assume that everything in an informational text is true.
There was news last March 2020 saying that banana can cure Covid-19,
garnered a lot of shares, likes and comments. Yet that news has been
misleading and definitely not true. Just because it’s on the Internet,
mean it’s true.
Students should focus on the author’s main idea. In addition, they
identify the author’s reasons and pieces of evidences that support the
author’s belief.

To judge the soundness of the author’s reasoning, the

following questions can be considered:
1. What does the author want the reader to believe? (CLAIM)
2. How does the author help us believe his/her statement?
3. Is the supporting evidence strong enough to support the author’s
main idea or belief? (REASON)

The characteristics of sound reasoning include:

 The quality of data;
 The existence of supporting details;
 The relevance of the additional data; and
 The existence of additional possible explanations for your reasons.
Example 1: Read this text and observe how to judge the author’s
There are several significant health risks associated with smoking. The
connection between smoking and cancer is well known. As well as smoking is
associated with other lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis. This was
demonstrated in the World Health Organization (WHO), lung cancer is the
most common form of cancer globally with 2.09 million cases recorded in
2018. Data from the Department of Health (DOH) also reveals that lung cancer
is one of the most common types of cancer in the Philippines. Smokers have
also a higher chance of developing heart disease. Furthermore, there is ample
research that even passive smoking has long-term health consequences.
Smoking is a dangerous habit and can be stopped.
Mastery and  The teacher will divide the class into 3, and ask each group to make
enhancing skills their table illustration to present the claim and the evidence.
 The student will pick a text that the teacher will provide, and

 Answer the following question: Are the evidence or facts presented

enough to say that the author’s reasoning is sound? Why or Why not?

1. People has been less physically active since the pandemic. Experts found
out that unsurprisingly, almost everyone’s exercise habits changed when
the pandemic started. Instead of walking and biking in the park, they
chose to stay at home for it save lives and mitigate the spread of the virus.
2. As of 2018, the universal health care scheme protected an estimated 98
percent of the Philippines' population. This came very close to achieving
the target of universal healthcare coverage. Insurance is more important
than ever in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent calamities in the
3. Tobacco serves different purposes. Some tobacco products are even sold
in health food and herbal medicine stores. However, The World Health
Organization considers all forms of tobacco as lethal. Death may result
applications of  To practice identifying sound and unsound reasoning in short
concepts and skills texts.
in daily living  The teacher will provide:
 printed short texts (can be news headlines, social media
posts, or simple paragraphs from articles) and hide them
under the students’ armrest
 Sticky notes or small pieces of paper
 Writing utensils
 The teacher will Explain to the students that they will be
"reasoning detectives" on a scavenger hunt to find examples of
good and bad reasoning in short texts. Once they find a text, they
should read it and decide if the reasoning is good (logical,
supported by evidence) or bad (illogical, lacks evidence).
 They should write their assessment (good or bad) on a sticky
note and attach it to the text.
 Ask students to explain why they assessed the reasoning in a
particular text as good or bad.

Possible texts:
1. Studies show that eating chocolate can improve your mood.
Therefore, everyone should eat chocolate every day!

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