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‫ شيماء اسماعيل عبد العزيز مصطفي بدر‬: ‫االسم‬

‫عام انجليزي‬

Social media is an internet-based form of communication. Social media platforms allow users
to have conversations, share information and create web content” There are many types of
social media, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger, and more. As days go by,
social media is getting more popular among the young generation. The tradition of letter
writing has been replaced by social media . People are able to communicate with others
instantly, and get a reply almost straightaway. Other than that, the emoticons available in
most of the social media helps to express their expression more appropriate and naturally. You
can always get latest update of others, provided that you have your devices connected to the
internet. It made the prospect of global connectivity just a mouse clicks away. “Billions of
people around the world use social media to share information and make connections” . With
the use of social media, users can now easily stay in touch with old friends or colleagues,
sharing life experiences of each other through social media like Facebook or Twitter instantly.
Unlike the old days, people would need to pen down their thoughts and send to the other
corner of the world, and waited months for a reply. Among Fortune 500 firms, 77 per cent now
have active Twitter accounts, 70 per cent have Facebook pages and 69 per cent have YouTube
accounts”. As much as the positive effect of social media has on business, it does affect
businesses negatively as well. One of the drawbacks on businesses of using social media is that
it may cause corporate invasion of privacy to happen. This is due to the reduced control over
the content posted on social media. For example, the employees of a company may
inadvertently post confidential information such as the company’s future direction on their
own personal Facebook account, which may benefits the company’s competitor. Subsequently,
this can lead to the company losing out its competitiveness. In a large entity, it is simply
impossible to monitor each and every one of the employees’ social media account. If you
didn’t know there are real dangers when students use social media. Another reason is social
media can harm your reputation. Some people are mistaken about social media because it can
help you by putting you in social groups, you can even make friends on social media. But teens
should not use social media because of dangers, harm to reputation, and mental illnesses. I
think schools should monitor students social media posts but, only if there seems to be
problems occurring and disrupting the class. Cyberbullying can lead to low self esteem and
depression, causing worse things. Facebook: supports interactive online chat and the ability to
comment on your friend's profile pages to keep in touch, share information or to say "hi."
Facebook supports group pages, fan pages, and business pages that let businesses use
Facebook as a vehicle for social media marketing.WhatsApp:It lets users of iPhone and Android
smartphones and Mac and Windows PC call and exchange text, photo, audio and video
messages with others across the globe for free, regardless of the recipient's device. Instagram:
is a free photo and video sharing app available on iPhone and Android. People can upload
photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of
friends. They can also view, comment and like posts shared by their friends on Instagram.
YouTube: is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload
their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and. Twitter: is a
free networking site where users broadcast short posts known as tweets. These tweets can
contain text, videos, photos or links. To access Twitter, users need an internet connection or
smart phone to use the app or website, TwitterSnapchat: is a social media platform and
multimedia messaging application that can be accessed via Android and iOS mobile devices.
..Snapchat users can share pictures and videos with each other while adding filters or other

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