A Supply Chain Management Approach For Investigating The Role of Tour Operators On Sustainable Tourism - The Case of TUI

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Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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A supply chain management approach for investigating the role

of tour operators on sustainable tourism: the case of TUI
Marianna Sigala*
Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Michalon 8, Chios, GR-82100, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Increasing awareness and demands in sustainable tourism require firms to implement sustainable
Available online 13 June 2008 Supply Chain Management policies (SCM). Tour operators can significantly influence and promote
sustainable tourism development due to their central distribution role and capability to direct tourists to
destinations and suppliers. Despite the emerging role of SCM and sustainability, the applicability of SCM
Keywords: practices in tourism is not studied yet. This paper adapts and illustrates the value of using SCM concepts
Supply chain management
within tour operators’ business for integrating sustainability into tourism supply chains. After reviewing
the literature in SC management and collaboration, a model for implementing sustainable SCM is pro-
Tour operators
posed and its applicability is shown by analysing the case of TUI. The implications of the model and the
case study are discussed.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction contributes to employment and economic development [3,4,12], it

also leads to negative environmental and social impacts such as:
Intense competition forces companies to cluster and cooperate resource consumption, pollution and wastes generation [12,13],
in supply chains (SC) for enhancing agility, flexibility and perfor- disruption or destruction of local cultures, use of drugs and pros-
mance [1,2]. Increasing tourists’ concerns on environmental issues titution [12,13]. Sustainable tourism becomes a critical aspect,
also force companies to adopt sustainable supply chain manage- while their implementation is heavily influenced by tour operators,
ment (SCM) strategies [3,4]. Sustainability includes the achieve- because they can: (a) greatly influence the volume and direction of
ment of community wide good socio-economic, cultural and tourism flows; (b) integrate and affect attitudes and practices of
environmental long-term impacts, while SCM covers all aspects of numerous tourism suppliers and stakeholders; and (c) lead to
a product’s life such as raw materials, processing, manufacturing, widespread benefits due to their large size. Tour operators also
distribution, retailing, customer use and final product disposal. need to understand their role and responsibility for tourism sus-
Being part of a SC, firms realize that long-term sustainability is not tainability, because of the severe impacts assigned to their core
a firm, but rather a SC issue involving all downstream and upstream business (mass tourism), i.e. the assembly of standardised low-cost
players. Research in green SCM is also booming in the academic tourism packages appealing to tourists’ masses travelling to specific
circles [5,6]. The DIY retailer, B&Q, is a good example of sustainable well-known geographical areas. Research shows e.g. Refs. [14–16]
SCM [7] addressing the environmental and social impacts of all its that mass tourism should be adjusted to integrate and support
40,000 products, as products’ sustainability includes evaluation of sustainability, since it is better to address its impacts rather than
all suppliers’ tiers right back to source and internal operations simply transfer them elsewhere. Although tour operators’ impor-
product’s ethics (e.g. employment and working conditions). tant role for promoting sustainability is recognised e.g. Refs.
Tourism is not an exception, as firms increasingly realise that: [3,14,17], none effort exists so far investigating how tour operators
(a) the multidimensionality and variety of tourism packages (e.g. can apply SCM for integrating and implementing socio-economic,
transportation, accommodation, events) necessitates inter-firm cultural and environmental sustainable policies in SC.
collaboration [8]; and (b) collaborating with competitors, suppliers, By adopting a case study methodology, this study addresses this
customers, and/or firms in the SC is an imperative for surviving and gap by proposing and analysing the applicability of a sustainable
developing sustainable destinations [9,10,11]. Although, tourism tourism SCM framework from tour operators’ perspective. The
paper initially critically reviewed the literature for developing
a theoretical framework and using it for collecting and analysing
* Tel.: þ30 2310 801615; fax: þ30 2310 801625. findings. The theoretical underpinnings of the study are debated in
E-mail address: m.sigala@aegean.gr the first sections, whereby, the importance and the tools for

0959-6526/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1590 M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

building of collaborative SCM are analysed and synthesised into regions and local suppliers [17]. Tour operators can influence the
a SCM framework. The validity and reliability of data collection are dissemination (both flow and balance of direction) of tourists’ visits
justified in the methodology section, while the framework’s and activities amongst both local tourism enterprises and in-
applicability is shown by analysing the SC sustainable practices of ternational destination geographies and spaces [3]. They can also
TUI (a mega tour operator). Its theoretical and research implications promote and trigger suppliers’ actions towards the implementation
are also discussed. and co-development of sustainable tourism SCM practices, e.g. by
contracting and including in tour packages, only suppliers com-
2. Sustainable SCM in tourism: a tour operators’ perspective plying with sustainable standards [14,23]. As travellers are also SC
players, tour operators’ local guides and representatives should also
2.1. (Sustainable) SCM: concept and aims educate and make travellers aware about the environmental and
socio-cultural sensitivities of the destination, the potential impacts
SCM refers either to a process-oriented management approach of their consumption, and the preventive measures and behaviour
to sourcing, producing and delivering goods/services to end- they should adopt for avoiding negative impacts. Customers’
consumers or in a broader meaning to the coordination of the training, establishment and enforcement of tourists’ behaviour
various actors of the same SC [1]. SC members participate in code of conducts are also a tour operators’ sustainable practice [3].
coordinating activities spanning firms’ boundaries for fulfilling Generally, tour operators can influence the choice of travellers, the
end-customer needs and developing agile SC [19]. By promoting strategies of SC members and the development plans of
intra- and inter-firm integration, SCM requires firms to cooperate destinations.
for increasing overall SC performance, total business-process Overall, sustainability in tourism is a multi-sectoral (hotels,
excellence and end-consumer satisfaction, rather than competing restaurant, transport companies, etc.) and a multi-disciplinary
for a bigger profit share. SCM represents a new way of managing (economic, social and environmental) concept. In other words, tour
the business and building networks of long-lasting relationships operators’ package sustainability depends on the performance of all
with SC stakeholders [1,2]. the products, suppliers and links within the tourism SC. Recent data
For greening the SC, SCM concepts are applied. Hervani et al. [6] [22] also show that travellers’ satisfaction substantially depend on
found that several authors have applied sustainable issues in their service quality perceptions of all aspects of their holiday (e.g.
different SC activities such as product design, process design, and quality of see water, destination infrastructure and environmental
procurement. Seuring and Müller [20] showed that sustainable resources). To increase travellers’ satisfaction, tour operators have
SCM research emphasises the need to incorporate the sustainability a strong incentive to influence, monitor, control and support the
of all SC stages and of final products through their lifecycle and sustainable quality development of the totality of their tour pack-
development processes. In this study, sustainable SCM is defined ages’ components.
similarly, while considering the following tourism services issues Tour operators play a focal role for tourism sustainable SCM, as
(rather than only manufacturing); sustainable SCM: (a) refers to all according to Seuring and Müller [20] focal companies are the
SCM stages, but when applying SCM to tourism, one has to recog- companies governing, ruling a SC and/or coming in contact with
nise that tourism production and consumption take place simul- customers. In playing a focal role, tour operators should organise
taneously at the destination; (b) refers to the natural environment, multi-stakeholder dialogues for bringing together the different
socio-cultural and economic environment of tourism; and (c) views and interests of local authorities, the private sector, civil
encompasses a reversed logistics process creating feedback, con- society and NGOs. Hence, tour operators’ role can be exercised
tinuous learning and improvement processes. Sustainable SCM through relationships’ building aiming to collaboratively create
depends on the co-development of SC activities coordinated and a common voice and sustainable targets [17,23].
shared amongst all SC entities. Table 1 summarises literature e.g.
Refs. [3,11,13] for illustrating the above conceptualisation and 3. Theoretical framework
practice of sustainable SCM in tourism.
3.1. Implementing sustainable SCM and critical success
2.2. Sustainable SCM in tourism: tour operators’ role factors for SC collaboration

Despite the importance of collaboration for achieving tourism The SCM model of Cigolini et al. [24] was adopted for developing
sustainability [3,8,9,10,21] and the demonstrated applicability of the theoretical framework and identifying the critical success fac-
SCM in tourism [2], research fails to recognise SCM’s role for further tors for implementing sustainable SCM in tourism. This is because
analysing sustainability issues. The tourism SC (Fig. 1) comprises Cigolini et al. [24] have recently developed and tested a SCM model
the suppliers of all the goods and services creating and delivering that not only defines SCM, but it also identifies the constructs of
tourism products as well as tourists, since they actively participate successful SCM implementation. Since, sustainable SCM builds on
in tourism services’ production and consumption (co-producers). SCM, and then the former also needs to be based on the same
The major SC activity of tour operators is the bulk purchase of building blocks as the later. Cigolini et al. [24] identified two cate-
products (e.g. accommodation, transportation, excursions), their gories of SCM-related actions: SC techniques and SC tools. SC
bundling in tour packages and the later’s distribution–sale in techniques are the main building blocks defining the SC’s main hard
a single package price that is lower than the prices’ sum of the framework and control system, and shaping its configuration,
package’s products. By linking demand and supply, tour operators management rules and performance. SC techniques are related
play a crucial role in promoting, distributing products and facili- either to the configuration of a SC (e.g. warehouses, retailing system
tating information sharing in tourism SC. These tour operators’ and redesigning techniques) or to its management (e.g. JIT) and
activities vitally retain the survival of small and medium tourism their main aim is the achievement of cross-functional activities and
suppliers (SMTS), since, due to their limited resources and com- process alignment amongst SC members. SC tools are relation-
petencies, SMTS cannot promote and distribute their products. At specific assets or investments (e.g. an information system) enabling
destinations, tour operators can also promote the use of different the implementation and support of one or more SC technique(s). In
local products and companies and so, support economic de- this vein, sustainable SCM is considered as a SCM technique and
velopment, for example, by influencing their distribution channels aim based on which the tourism SC players need to integrate,
(e.g. travel agents and reps) to fairly distribute tourists to several coordinate and direct their SCM practices, and the next section
M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599 1591

Table 1
Definition and examples of TUI’s sustainable SCM

Stage of SC Activity Definition Example of TUI

Sustainable Sustainable Design and creation of a Selection and use of certified companies
SCM in tourism product tour package, e.g. Step-wise continuous certification of TUI firms. Until 2003, 28%
design B Inclusion and of all TUI Group turnover was generated by certified companies
selection of supplier (in 2002, it was 2%), while the Group’s aim for 2006 is to increase
this percentage to 35%. TUI companies are free to chose whether
B Design of the aims
they are certified in accordance with ISO standards or in
and nature of accordance with EMAS – the environmental audit of the EU
tourists’ activities at
Sustainable Selection, contracting TUI Group’s wide sustainability activities reflect social dialogue
procurement with and management of and cooperation with multiple tourism stakeholders and entities
suppliers and stakeholders of tour Priority selection and contracting with suppliers abiding to TUI’s
package environmental schemes and achieve annual sustainable targets
Sustainable As service production Development of environmental product declaration schemes
production takes place in the consumption place, it (EPDS) for the development of tourism products. For example,
involves producers, TUI’s criteria for the design of destination excursions include:
suppliers, consumers and B conceptional development in coordination with local
servicescape and so, sustainable experts and authorities;
sustainable management
B support for local cooperation practices
refers to:
B use of sustainable means of transport
B tourism
B increasing awareness of natural and cultural assets
B active involvement of tourists
B all suppliers’
Staff training and education (through seminars, videos, and in-house
and internal business making management schemes); training guide for tour guides and
up the tour assignment of a ‘‘TUI environmental ambassador’’ responsible for
package destination sustainability issues.
B tourists Exemplary consumer information on environmental aspects
Sustainable Sustainable management Environmental management reflected in areas ranging from
delivery– of tourist distribution brochure production, travel agencies incentive schemes and
distribution chain, e.g. travel agents priorities, programme planning, outward and return travel
Sustainable Feedback performance B Executive board responsibility for environmental performance
reverse measurement management, transparency and stakeholder dialogue
logistics mechanisms
B Worldwide environmental reporting of hotels, airlines,
destinations, shareholdings and at every step of the value
chain with a continuous improvement process

critically reviews the literature for identifying the SCM tools and importance of information is also highlighted in sustainable SCM
critical success factors for implementing the former. literature; Seuring and Müller [20] reported that insufficient or
Cigolini et al. [24] identified three SC tools namely information missing SC communication is a major barrier to sustainable SCM
tools, coordination and control tools, and organisation tools. implementation.
Information tools (e.g. online connections, automated identification Coordination and control tools are utilized to monitor and in-
systems such as barcodes and shared databases) are utilized to fluence the decision-making process, by measuring performances
gather, analyze, transmit and share data, regarding customer data, and setting rewards based on the achievement of certain results. A
end-to-end inventory status and locations, order status, costs SC performance metric system, including a set of parameters that
related data and performance status. Data sharing ensures that fully describe the performance metrics of both the whole SC (as
participating members will be able to make use of shared in- perceived by end customers, and of each actor of the chain), is
formation to help design and deliver products that fulfil customer a necessity for ensuring trustworthiness and accountability [25].
requirements more quickly and effectively. Visibility of perfor- Hence, instead of functional-cost-oriented metrics that are often
mance metrics enables members to address production and quality achieved at the expense of another member, integrated metrics are
issues more quickly permitting more agile demand planning. The required. However, research in SCM performance measurement has


Providers of tourism infrastructure Tour operators Leisure

Hotels, resorts, golf courts, restaurants, travelers
museums and other tourism related Travel Agents
Other tourism intermediaries
such as water and power supply, road etc
such as internet websites,
infrastructure airports etc
destination organizations etc

Direction of money, documents, and

information flows

Fig. 1. Tourism supply chain.

1592 M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

been limited, while reported performance metrics are focused in- issues, firm relations with external stakeholders, status of sus-
ternally and do not span across multiple SC members [6,26]. Her- tainable issues in company’s strategy and culture); organisational
vani et al. [6] summarised the problems of performance innovativeness (i.e. firm’s previous commitment and track record in
measurement in a SC inter-organisational environment as follows: implementing advanced organisational practices, e.g. TQM); and
non-standardised data, poor technological integration, geo- organisational monitoring (methods for measuring, analysing and
graphical and cultural differences, differences in organisational monitoring performance in key dimensions). Seuring and Müller
policy, lack of agreed metrics, or poor understanding of the need for [20] found inter-firm communication, training and performance
inter-organisational performance measurement, and complexity evaluation (on economic and social and environmental targets) of
due to numerous tiers and partners. Members’ commitment to purchasing and supplier’s staff as important factors for achieving SC
continuous improvement and learning is dependent on shared sustainability. For achieving SC environmental innovation, Greffen
performance metrics [27–29]. Thus, performance metrics should be and Rothenberg [38] highlighted the importance of building,
continually shared to identify SC bottlenecks in time and enable exploiting and using organisational networks going beyond com-
continuous and accelerating SC performance improvements. pany’s boundaries and involving external stakeholders, as the latter
The importance of communicating performance metrics is also bring competencies and knowledge not existing in a single
highlighted in the sustainable SCM literature. Many authors company.
[20,30,31] emphasised the need to monitor and communicate Several other authors [39] have identified similar tools for
evaluation metrics through reports, and enforce their achievement implementing SCM. Simatupang and Sridharan [40] also identified
through sanctions. Hervani et al. [6] added that performance three SC enablers: information sharing, decision synchronisation,
measurement in green SCM is also needed for regulatory, market- and incentive alignment. Information sharing refers to the ability to
ing and competitiveness issues, and its basic purposes include: see private data in partners’ systems and monitor the progress of
external reporting (economic rent) – which may also be legally products as they pass through SC stages. Information exchange has
mandatory, internal control (managing the business better), and been widely accepted as an indispensable SC tool e.g. Refs. [41–43].
internal analysis (understanding the business better and continu- Shore and Venkatachalam [44] revealed that information sharing
ous improvement). The literature [32,33] also advocates the use of capabilities require both hard (i.e. technology systems) and soft (i.e.
environmental management systems by SC players for enforcing trust, openness, and mutual benefits) factors all contributing to the
the SC adoption of minimum required sustainable performance long-term network stability [45,46]. Decision synchronisation is
standards. Authors [3,20,34,35] highlighted the need to enhance the ability to orchestrate decisions at different managerial levels
performance metrics by incorporating socio-cultural and environ- and time horizons for pursuing SC common goals [47]. It covers
mental criteria in suppliers’ evaluation schemes and selection. aligning strategic objectives, policies and metrics amongst SC
Gunasekaran et al. [36] and Brewer and Speh [37] summarised members (operational decisions), synchronizing mutual improve-
the main issues for developing a SC performance management as ments (tactical decisions) and synchronizing SC planning and
follows. First, information sharing, acquisition and monitoring are execution (strategic decisions). Incentive alignment refers to the
important for overcoming mistrust. Financial and non-financial SC process of sharing costs, risks and benefits amongst SC members
wide metrics need to be used and aligned with internal perfor- [40], and it is considered as a vital factor, as it motivates members to
mance systems. This is crucial as lack of alignment between SC and act in a manner consistent with the mutual SC strategic objectives.
internal performance metrics can lead to misunderstandings, Compensation fairness also ensures that aligned incentives moti-
conflicts and failures of targets, since managers prefer internal vate members to share equitable loads and benefits resulting from
performance measures they can control. Thirdly, as different SC collaborative efforts.
entities may have different goals and thus, prefer different metrics,
SC wide organisation and coordination is required to develop 3.2. Case study’s theoretical framework
commonly agreed goals and standardised performance metrics
based on which the performance of each SC entity would be In summarising the previous literature, it is argued that col-
measured and improved. In determining SC wide performance laboration in SCM requires three major factors [40]: (a) information
metrics, SC players also need to co-agree on who is the SC sharing; (b) decision synchronisation; and (c) incentive alignment.
stakeholder and customer whose value needs to be linked with These factors were used for developing a SC collaboration index,
sustainable performance. The links between sustainable socio- whose reliability and validity were recently proved in Ref. [48] and
environmental metrics and economic performance metrics need to it is useful here because: (a) its items can be tailored to any
be made explicit and shown [6,20]. Finally, an information system is relationship to gauge the levels of collaboration for any common SC
required for gathering and disseminating performance information practice; (b) it can be used for identifying gaps that need to be
amongst all SC players. eliminated; (c) it can be used for continuous SC performance
Information sharing is the starting point for any SC collabora- improvement, as findings showed a relationship between its con-
tion, as it aims to capture and disseminate timely and relevant in- structs and operational performance; and (d) it includes factors and
formation to enable decision-makers to plan and control SC issues that have also been reported as critical support factors for
operations, while by including performance metrics, information implementing sustainable SCM. Because of these, Simatupang and
sharing also enables SC continuous improvement. Sridharan [40,48] collaborative SC model and index were adapted
Organisation tools are needed to support cross-firm communi- in this study for identifying and analysing the processes, roles and
cation and coordination. Cigolini et al. [24] considered ‘‘interface practices that tour operators can develop for achieving sustain-
managers’’ as a key organisational tool facilitating data trans- ability tourism SC. The conceptualisation and analysis of the three
mission, supporting established processes, new project initiation collaborative SC constructs is presented in the previous section,
and tight coordination. Interface units should be cross-functional while Fig. 2 illustrates their interconnections.
and at all managerial levels (i.e. senior, middle and operational
level). Hervani et al. [6] highlighted the importance of three 4. Research methodology
organisational capabilities for implementing a green SC perfor-
mance measurement system: organisational resources and capac- This paper aimed to illustrate the usefulness and applicability of
ities (e.g. financial and knowledge resources, organisational SCM concepts for implementing sustainable SCM through the focal
structure, staff training and long-term orientation in sustainable SC role of tour operators. A case study methodology was adopted
M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599 1593

Motivates to reveal the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future’
Specifies Information sharing truthful information [16]. The sustainability policy of TUI is based on the long-term
information needs
planning projections for a fair, open, partnership-based and
Facilitates visibility Facilitates fair responsible configuration and harmonisation process for tourism
Justifies compensation development in the sense of economic yield, environmental com-
aligned incentives patibility and social cohesion. The organisation’s policy, culture and
Decision synchronization Incentive alignment
commitment to sustainable SCM are demonstrated in the groups’
Motivates to make
joint decision numerous sustainable practices spanning all SC stages (Table 1). TUI
adopts two strategies for achieving sustainable SCM [20]: (1)
Fig. 2. Enablers of SCM (adopted from Simatupang and Sridharan, 2004). avoiding risks from global SC by ensuring and influencing the
sustainable performance of all tourism suppliers and stakeholders
that TUI incorporates into each product and are involved in its SC;
for demonstrating through industry experience how a large tour
and (2) practicing SCM for sustainable products by monitoring the
operator, TUI, applies SCM for implementing sustainable SCM,
lifecycle development and sustainable requirements of its products.
aiming for theory testing and potential enhancement. TUI is
These strategies are regarded as complementary and supporting
selected because TUI is widely recognised as a leading tour operator
[20] and findings reinforce this.
having a strong commitment in sustainability (e.g. the German
According to Refs. [32,33] to enforce use and monitoring of
Manager Magazin’s Good Company Ranking 2006 listed TUI as
performance sustainability standards, TUI gives preference to the
having the best environmental management in a European com-
ISO 14001, because this is the globally valid, recognised and
parison survey) and so, the case study also reveals best practices
established standard. Being a global service company, ISO is
from an industry leader that others can learn. Case study research is
beneficial not only for TUI’s suppliers and subsidiaries (which are
also deemed as a good methodology for conducting research into
globally dispersed), but also for its global customers as, ISO
(sustainable) SCM field [18], because it enables data collection from
guarantees direct international comparability and benchmarking.
different and several SC stages, which is also achieved here.
In addition, numerous TUI subsidiaries have also established their
Case studies in sustainable SCM have been accused [18] for
own environmental codes of practice, policies or corporate
lacking theoretical underpinning, methodological rigor and so,
guidelines focusing on the following three areas: being a re-
data reliability and validity. To address these, the paper first crit-
sponsible business (internal sustainable management); being
ically reviewed and synthesised the relevant literature in the field
a good neighbour (external network sustainable management and
of SCM and sustainable SCM with the aim to develop a theoretical
collaboration, e.g. local communities, staff, tourists, authorities);
framework, which in turn was used for gathering and analysing
and protect holiday destinations (destination sustainable man-
findings. Content validity was enhanced by discussing theoretical
agement). This wide range of initiatives is incorporated within
models and findings with field experts at conferences. Findings’
a Group-wide framework by TUI’s voluntary commitment, while
reliability and validity were ensured by gathering and validating
there is also great cooperation amongst TUI’s subsidiaries for
data from multiple sources located at different countries and SC
jointly developing environmental programmes and schemes. For
example, the in-house ‘‘EcoResort’’ quality label was cocreated
The following data collection methods were used: semi-struc-
between TUI Hotels & Resorts and TUI’s Group Corporate Envi-
tured interviews with TUI staff (a person working for a TUI travel
ronmental Management.
agent in Greece and another working at the Environmental Man-
TUI’s commitment to enable foster and support environmental
agement department of TUI in Germany); interviews were struc-
information sharing and dialogue within its corporation and SC is
tured based on the three factors of the theoretical framework;
illustrated via the establishment of TUI Environmental Network
identification of company’s documentation including website
(TEN!) that promotes in-depth stakeholder dialogue (Fig. 3). TEN!
information, annual corporate environmental reports, information
was formed because effective environmental protection is only
and training material about sustainability included in the TUI staff
possible when everyone is pulling in the same direction. TEN!
Intranet portal; and open interviews with one Grecotel manage-
extends beyond the organisation’s borders and integrates staff and
ment staff (a Greek hotel chain partially owned by TUI), with the
company departments of all hierarchy levels with international
managers of two independent hotels in Greece contracting with
affiliates, contractual and external partners, authorities, policy
TUI and with one TUI rep working on a Greek island; open
makers and associations with the aim to promote networking,
interviews aimed to cross-check the reality of the found TUI sus-
dialogue and cooperation. The value chain networking configura-
tainability activities. Validated data were analysed using a content
tion of TEN! (Fig. 4) also illustrates TUI’s aim to integrate and apply
methodology by grouping findings based on the three factors of the
sustainable management along the whole tourism SC by linking up
actively involved TUI staff from different departments and at all
levels of the tourism SC.
5. Sustainable SCM in tourism: the TUI case study
5.2. Information gathering and sharing-reporting
Sustainability integration into a tour operator’s SC requires the
establishment of a coherent company policy and a performance Effective information gathering, sharing and dissemination
management system that set clear targets and actions for eco- require an initial establishment and commitment to a sustainabil-
nomic, environmental and social performance [3,12,17]. By using ity policy and action plan. All SC members need to commit re-
the above framework, this section demonstrates how TUI uses its sources and time for achieving sustainability policy and integrating
focal role for achieving sustainable SCM in tourism SC. it in their existing management systems [20,38,43]. Literature
[36,37] also shows that all tourism suppliers need to co-agree and
5.1. TUI’s sustainable SCM practices break down the sustainable policy and metrics in certain action-
able sustainable goals, whose current and future performance
Sustainable development for business means ‘adopting business levels-metrics achieved by all tourism suppliers need to be traced
strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and and monitored. An information sharing and gathering process
its stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining, and enhancing should include [23]: (1) a baseline assessment of tourism service
1594 M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

Fig. 3. TUI Environmental Network (TEN!).

suppliers; (2) a system for monitoring and reporting on progress (as To support achievement of sustainable targets at local–opera-
measured against the initial baseline); and (3) information gath- tional level (i.e. at each SC stage), environmental coordinators
ering and dissemination systems and procedures. and environmental officers are established at each TUI subsidiary
and/or contracted company. These are empowered to act in-
5.2.1. Information communication and coordination dependently within their source markets guided by the economic,
In the case of TUI, environmental monitoring, analysis and social and environmental policy frameworks. TUI’s Environmental
dissemination for the development of common actions are at the Management supports local officers by providing advice and
core of its sustainable corporate policy. Controlling the standards coordination.
involves a multi-phase environmental monitoring system, which is
optimised by a Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). To achieve 5.2.2. Performance metrics: development and use
reporting and information sharing, IT solutions, organisational The central Environmental Management department annually
structure (including creation of departments’ functions and as- surveys and analyses the environmental performance of TUI af-
signment of roles to responsible staff), and systems to standardise filiated companies (e.g. hotels, airlines, travel agents, travel
the gathering of environmental indices are developed and prepared guides, etc.) on the basis of standard Group-wide criteria (Table 2)
for Group-wide application. Environmental reporting is an integral that consider various references and socio-cultural criteria in-
part of in-Group reporting, Group financial information, public cluding the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and OECD guidelines,
relations work and the continuous development of TUI’s environ- the requirements of financial markets (non-financial aspects), of
mental strategy. sustainability experts within the scientific community and of
Concerning the organisational structure enabling environmen- consulting companies. Thus, TUI’s performance criteria and met-
tal performance monitoring and continuous improvement, TUI rics include indicators in all three areas (social, economic and
Group’s Corporate Environmental Management is assigned as environmental), while they are cooperatively established by
a core coordination platform of environmental activities re- achieving agreement and understanding of several stakeholders
sponsible for co-operating with the environmental officers that are [6,20,36,37].
established in each company of the Group. The Corporate Envi- The monitoring questionnaire covers aspects ranging from en-
ronment Management is also responsible for promoting in-depth vironmental policy, environmental risks and preventative measures,
stakeholder dialogues through the TUI Environmental Network to certification and practical environmental protection measures
(TEN!). Corporate Environment Management not only benefits by (Table 3). The environmental checklists help control the imple-
acquiring and sharing expertise and knowledge outside TUI’s mentation of sustainable measures by individual hoteliers, hotel
networks [38], but also by aligning its economic and environmental chains, airlines, travel agents as well as the whole tourism sector in
goals with the enhancement of TUI shareholders’ and stakeholders’ holiday regions. Therefore, in addition to compiling all environ-
value [27,28,30,31]. Overall, it plays a major strategic and opera- mentally relevant information at a Group level, systematic envi-
tional role by assisting strategically TUI’s Corporate centres and by ronmental monitoring also gives an important boost to improve the
advising environmental coordinators of the Group’s companies on environmental performance of all TUI affiliated companies within
the operating side of the business. Hence, this department’s role is the context of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP).
regarded as the ‘interface manager’ [24] enabling coordination and TUI affiliated companies also accept their social responsibility
communication within TUI companies, its subsidiaries and TUI’s for sustainable social development, nature and environmental
external network of tourism stakeholders. protection. Their endeavours to carry out their business in an
M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599 1595

Fig. 4. TUI Environmental Network (TEN!) integrating TUI Group’s business along the supply chain.

environmentally and socially compatible way range from dialogue environmental) perspectives of sustainability reporting of TUI
with various interest groups to active involvement in several Group, as it involves internal and external environmental net-
associations and initiatives, staff training on sustainability and working within TUI’s Corporate Centre and the Group’s companies
provision of educational scholarship to staff and their dependent found in all SC stages.
family members. Fig. 5 illustrates the complexity, multi- Standardised Group-wide reporting is currently planned for
stakeholder and multi-dimensional (economic, socio-cultural, 2006, however, standard metrics used in future activities need to
1596 M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

Table 2 5.2.3. Performance monitoring process: data collection, reporting

Environmental criteria reporting (2005) of TUI Group companies and use
1. Organisation The TUI Service or agency managers in each holiday region are
responsible for up-to-date reporting. To check environmental
Environmental policy
B quality in the holiday regions, nominated staff from TUI Service and
Statutory compliance/legal compliance
B incoming agencies question local authorities, environmental
B Environmental risk factors groups, etc., and report back to TUI’s Environmental Management
B Environmental organisation on the current state of the environment. The reports reflect TUI
B Certified environmental management systems environmental criteria for holiday regions and must look at all of
2. Activities in 2005 the criteria in detail where possible. The environmental reports are
supplemented by numerous appendices reflecting TUI environ-
B Environmental impacts of business operations mental criteria for destinations and including reports by public and
B Environmentally-friendly business practices/operations private sector organisations, local press releases, environmental
education brochures produced in the regions covering nature and
B Innovation, conserving resources, reducing emissions and climate
environmental protection, samples of guest information material
provided by TUI hotels, feedback from TUI airlines’ passengers as
B Conservation of species and biodiversity
well as photographs and maps. This information is analysed by TUI
B Memberships, cooperation projects
Environmental Management and made available to TUI headquar-
B Environmental communication
ters’ departments that posses strategic functions and the environ-
B Expenditure in 2005
B Savings and other benefits in 2005
mental coordinators in the affiliated companies. TUI Environmental
Management has undertaken continuous monitoring of the envi-
3. Environmental objectives for business year 2006 and beyond ronmental situation in tourism destinations since 1990, and
4. Any other relevant information coordinated the environmental monitoring of contracted hotels
(since 1992).
Source: http://tip.tui.com.
All the surveyed Group companies and the TUI’s executive
committee receive detailed feedback on environmental reporting
address the following inhibitor factors: different business models of quality and all the implemented measures. Results are published in
TUI companies (e.g. hotels and airlines) which inhibit metrics’ various internal and external company places. TUI has enhanced its
comparability; many tourism companies (particularly small with public dissemination activities for responding to the demands of
limited financial and knowledge resources) are not owned by TUI sustainability ratings and providing the information required by
Group and so, collection and reporting of metrics are difficult; the independent index providers, research organisations and speci-
same holds for several external contractors; the existence of alised investment funds. Table 3 summarises the major dissemi-
different monitoring systems, regulations and metrics in different nation media and channels used for external dissemination of TUI’s
destination countries; and the economic and workforce constraints sustainable SCM practices whereby Internet-based channels are
that make it difficult to convince partners, suppliers and contrac- dominant media. This is not surprising since TUI believes that
tors of the need to engage in time-consuming recording of envi- Internet-based environmental communication is miles ahead of the
ronmental performance indicators. Findings confirm theoretical print media in terms of up-to-dateness, accessibility, transparency,
claims arguing the difficulty in defining appropriate metrics SC dialogue capability and reduction in distribution losses. ‘‘For us, the
wide performance and in reaching SC agreement and application. internet is the ‘‘motor’’ of environmental communications’’ Dr. Wolf
To overcome some of these barriers, it is argued that governments Michael Iwand, Director of TUI AG Group Corporate, Environmental
should cutback in bureaucracy and reduce unnecessary over- Management (TUI Environmental Report, 2006, www.tui-
regulation to avoid location disadvantages in an international group.com).
competitive marketplace [3]. As concerns internal reporting, it is currently a major aim of TUI
Group to incorporate and use the special environmental know-how
of Environmental Management into the Corporate Centre Legal
Table 3 Affairs & Human Resources and other departments (Finance, Con-
Media and channels for external reporting tracting, and Procurement).
B the Environmental Chapter in the TUI AG Annual Report
The results of TUI’s global environmental monitoring are also
B the TUI Intranet Portal (TIP) featuring a ‘‘document centre’’ and passed on to tourism managers in local, regional and national
‘‘Experts corner’’ for peer learning and knowledge exchange seminars, workshops and conferences, etc. The results are also
B the Environmental Coordinators’ Conference passed on to regional and national governments in the form of
B The ‘‘TUI Times’’ staff newspaper recommendations. All of this activity is part of TUI’s endeavours to
B Company wide e-mail based Environment Newsletter three times a year jointly find sustainable solutions with all of its network partners.
B the internet: www.tui-environment.com TUI’s environmental monitoring and report information dissemi-
B the Group Environmental Reporting nation are also enabled through www.tui-umwelt.com providing
B TUI AG has been registered at the independent internet platform in-depth reports on TUI’s cooperation partners and pending
www.sustainable-investment.org since December 2003. This website projects. This website also aims to get tourists more aware, involved
was developed under the auspices of UNEP to improve transparency for and gain their cooperation in sustainability.
sustainable investment in Europe. Environmental reports are used for various purposes, e.g. TUI
B Seminars and conferences Deutschland, TUI Suisse and TUI Austria use them to prepare the
B Dissemination in financial markets, e.g. TUI AG was selected for the consumer information included in their TUI brochures. In addition
Ethibel Pioneer Index, and since 18th September 2006, TUI AG is to providing the group with information, systematic monitoring
selected as an index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability World
also raises the awareness of local residents and decision-makers of
environmental and sustainability issues. Overall, through in-
B information concerning hotels and destinations is published in TUI
formation collection and dissemination TUI Group aims to achieve
the following: early identification of environmental risks within the
M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599 1597

Fig. 5. TUI Group sustainability reporting.

value chain; editing and further development of the Company’s comprehension of sustainable development. It is because of
Environmental Reporting; analysis and benchmarking of environ- this that TUI is both nationally and internationally present as
mental achievements of the Group companies; communication qualified and engage contact persons for politics, the sciences,
with stakeholders and shareholders; customers protection, in- lobbies and the economy;
formation and awareness; continuous improvement process. B organisational structure and key organisational positions with
Hence, TUI aims to exploit and perceive the dissemination of specific responsibilities and roles that reflect the company’s
sustainability performance metrics as a learning experience and commitment to sustainability policy and issues;
continuous improvement exercise [27–29]. B the alignment of the Group’s environmental goals with its
stakeholders’ value;
B the provision of feedback, raising awareness of suppliers, des-
5.3. Decision synchronisation, technical and organisational support
tinations and other stakeholders;
amongst the different tourism suppliers and stakeholders
B social dialogue and collaborative activities negotiated and
agreed through the TEN! network.
TUI recognises that sustainability is a multi-stakeholder issue
requiring internal monitoring and control but also an intensive
external dialogue, close cooperation, a great deal of government
lobbying, and persuasion of contractual partners such as hoteliers, 5.4. Incentive alignment
agencies and environmental protection organisations. Thus, TUI’s
sustainability commitment and activities’ development are shown The effective implementation of good decision synchronisation is
through dialogue as well as collaborative networks creation with not guaranteed without the provision of some incentives to SC
other interested groups such as nature conservationists, politicians stakeholders that can motivate their actions towards the attainment
and media to raise awareness, create opportunities for developing of sustainable goals e.g. Refs. [20,40]. Thus, the third sustainable SC
dialogues amongst different tourism stakeholders, enhance a com- critical factor is the provision of incentives to sustainable suppliers
mon tourism voice and lobbying power and provide technical and by recognising and rewarding improvements on key environmental,
educational support and opportunities. Many of these external social and economic issues. For example, TUI has established and
partners are also part of TUI’s TEN network. Examples whereby TUI awards its International Environment Award every year to people,
seeks to achieve synchronisation in developing collaborative sus- non-governmental organisations or regional initiatives which have
tainable activities by exploiting the resources of multiple stake- made vital and model contributions to the protection and conser-
holders are shown in Fig. 6. vation of nature and the environment in TUI destinations.
Based on interview data with TUI staff, the following issues are However, full integration of sustainability issues into a tour
regarded as important factors for enabling TUI to achieve and foster operator’s business and incentive practices requires more than the
decision synchronisation amongst its SC members: annual sponsor of an award such as altering the way purchasing
choices are made, suppliers’ contracts are written, public relations
B its continuous monitoring system through out the whole value practices are conducted and internal operations are organised.
chain; Ways in which TUI rewards and motivates tourism suppliers to
B the information management system integrating internal and achieve sustainable goals include the following.
external stakeholders and enabling informed decisions. TUI gives emphasis in suppliers’ evaluation schemes for selecting
Transparency and open dialogue are part of the company’s and contracting with tourism suppliers [34,35]. TUI integrates
1598 M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599

As a member of the Environment and Culture Committee of the German Travel Agency and Tour Operator Association (DRV), TUI is actively
involved in the environmental performance monitoring of the world's major airlines. TUI is a founding member of www.econsense.de - Forum for
Sustainable Development of German Industry, whose members include leading national and global companies. Joint discussions are held to air the
duties a nd opportunities for sustainable development internally within the industry, and externally on the basis of d ialogue with politicians,
stakeholders from non-governmental organisations (NGOs), science and the general public. The forum is interested in stimulating ideas and
supporting sustainable development with specific activities by debating the strategies and responsibilities of i ndustry and politics. TUI is also a
founder member of the Tour Operators´ Initiative (TOI), which works in partnership with UNEP, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organisation) the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism O rganisation) (March, 2000), and aims to support and engage in
collaborative activities making a positive contribution to the natural, social and cultural environment. TUI has been actively involved in several
committees promoting national and international dialogue on sustainability issues.
TUI AG Airlines
Aldabra Marine Programme with the University of Cambridge Thomsonfly
Environmental Policy Committe of the BDI (Federation of German Industries) Born Free Foundation
Archelon/Sea Turtle Protection Society Greece Business in the Community
German Transport Forum (air transport and sustainability) Environmental Group der British Air Transport Association
Econsense – Forum for Sustainable Developmentof German Industry (BATA)
Green Business Network
Shipping IACA International Air Charter Association
Hapag Lloyd Cruises Sustainable Aviation Group
AECO Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators
IAATO International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators Hotels & Resorts
WWF Artic Programme Oslo Grecotel
WWF England - 2003 Green Shipping Group Archelon/Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece
Promoting species protection and local culture in the Doron
Tour Operat ors Society
TUI Deutschland Greenpeace Hellas
“Environment and Culture” Committee, German Travel Agency and Tour Operator Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and
Association (DRV) Cultural Inheritance
ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature
Sexual Purposes) MedSOS MEDITERRANEAN SOS Network

Fig. 6. Examples of TUI Group’s collaborative activities for tourism sustainability.

sustainability criteria and monitoring into suppliers’ contracts, e.g. sustainability during all stages of tourism SC by analysing the case
the filling out of annual checklists providing TUI with information study of TUI. Although the case study cannot be considered as
on the measures and activities implemented by the hoteliers to a representative case of average practices in tourism, it provided
protect the environment at their hotels is a contractual obligation. several good practices that policy makers and tourism suppliers can
TUI applies preferential contracting with those suppliers achieving adapt for enhancing tourism sustainability. The study’s implica-
sustainable goals (use sustainability contracting standards). Training tions are important, since they are based on theoretically sound and
and rising suppliers’ awareness on sustainability issues [20] is also robust arguments. Efforts were also undertaken for ensuring both
deemed important; e.g. TUI’s suppliers are convinced and trained on the content as well as external reliability and validity of case
importance of Sustainable Development for tourism during the En- study findings such as literature reviews, discussion of preliminary
vironmental Coordinators’ Conference annually organised by TUI. TUI findings with experts at conferences, collection and cross-check
suppliers’ are also motivated for their efforts by providing continuous of findings from multiple sources located at different SC stages
positive feedback on their environmental activities and reporting. and countries.
TUI uses tourism demand forces and pressures [20] for moti- However, future research should further investigate the global
vating suppliers to adopt sustainable practices. This is achieved by adoption of sustainable SCM not only from the tour operators’ but
publishing good sustainable performance internally and externally also from other tourism suppliers’ perspectives. Particularly, future
e.g. in travel agents’ catalogues, brochures, websites, publications of studies should investigate the circumstances under which tourism
list with rankings of suppliers, in intranets. For example, hotels with suppliers will be willing and are capable to adopt such SCM sus-
outstanding environmental measures are highlighted in the TUI tainable practices. The need to undertake dyadic and multiple
brochures produced by TUI Deutschland, TUI Suisse and TUI Austria stakeholders view is also highlighted in the literature [20]. The case
by the designation ‘‘Environmentally-compatible hotel manage- of TUI has shown that the group is facing problems and difficulties
ment’’. Hotels managed in an environmentally proper way are also in persuading external contractor and small tourism suppliers that
marked (with a green triangle) in the index of holiday brochures are not owned by the group to gather and report the necessary
making it easier for travel agent staff to advice customers. TUI has information. Given the great number of SMTS as well as their
also launched the provision of several sustainable awards that are importance for the socio-economic viability of several destinations,
presented to qualified suppliers in widely promoted conferences studies investigating on how to overcome these problems, engage
and events. For example, 10 of the TUI’s hotels with the highest and support SMTS in sustainable SCM in tourism are critically
customers’ evaluation scores receive the ‘‘TUI Environment Cham- important. In examining such issues, one hypothesis could be that
pion’’ award based on the results of the questionnaires filled in by to commit resources and time for achieving sustainable goals,
hotel guests. These 10 hotels are highlighted on the Internet, tourism suppliers should be guaranteed long-term partnerships
brochures and travel agents. An award ceremony also takes part for and sustainable volume of tourists from tour operators. Otherwise,
giving the hotels a trophy and certificates to all their staff. tourism suppliers may see none benefits in working together and
complying with tour operators’ sustainable plans.
6. Conclusions and implications for future research By taking a tourism suppliers’ perspective, future studies can
also examine additional circumstances that are considered as
Achieving product and service sustainability nowadays has critical for the implementation of sustainable SCM practices in
become an indispensable requirement of demand and tourism is tourism, such as the negotiation and development of commonly
not an exception [3,4]. This study aimed to show the applicability agreed standardised sustainable metrics, factors inhibiting and/or
and usefulness of SCM as a critical management tool for ensuring facilitating knowledge exchange within sustainable networks. In
M. Sigala / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1589–1599 1599

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