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- Briefly explain the purpose of the questionnaire, emphasizing that it aims to understand experiences
related to love bombing in relationships. Assure participants of anonymity and confidentiality.

2. Demographic Information:

- Age:

- Gender:

- Relationship status:

- Length of current/most recent relationship:

3. Open-ended Questions:

- Can you describe any experiences you've had with receiving excessive affection or attention from a

- How did you feel when you were being "love bombed"?

- Did you notice any changes in your partner's behavior or attitude during the love bombing phase?

- Looking back, do you think the love bombing was genuine or manipulative? Why?

- How did the love bombing phase affect your relationship dynamics?

- Did you confront your partner about the love bombing behavior? If so, how did they react?

4. Structured Questions:

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how intense was the affection or attention you received during the love bombing

- Did the love bombing phase occur early in the relationship, later on, or throughout?

- Early

- Later

- Throughout

- How did you perceive your partner's motives during the love bombing phase?

- Genuine affection

- Attempt to control or manipulate

- Unsure

- Did the love bombing behavior continue after the initial phase? If yes, how did it evolve over time?

5. Additional Comments:

- Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with love bombing or its impact
on your relationships?

6. Conclusion:

- Thank participants for their time and willingness to share their experiences. Reiterate the importance
of their contributions to understanding this phenomenon.

This questionnaire provides a balance between open-ended questions to allow participants to express
their experiences in their own words and structured questions to gather specific information for
analysis. Adjustments can be made based on the specific focus of your research and the target


Certainly! Here's an example of an open-ended questionnaire exploring the experience of love bombing

1. Can you describe a time when you felt like you were being excessively showered with attention,
affection, or compliments in a relationship? How did it make you feel?

2. What initially attracted you to the person who engaged in love bombing behaviors?

3. Did you notice any red flags or warning signs during the love bombing phase of the relationship? If so,
what were they?

4. How did the intensity of the attention and affection from your partner change over time? Were there
any specific events or moments that marked a shift in their behavior?

5. Reflecting on your experience, how do you define "love bombing"? How does it differ from genuine
expressions of love and affection?
6. How did the experience of love bombing impact your self-esteem, self-worth, or sense of identity?

7. Did you feel manipulated or controlled by your partner during the love bombing phase? If so, in what

8. Were you aware of the term "love bombing" before experiencing it in your relationship? How did
learning about it affect your understanding of your experience?

9. How did the relationship progress or change after the love bombing phase ended? Did you continue
the relationship, and if so, what was the dynamic like?

10. Looking back, what advice would you give to someone who suspects they may be experiencing love
bombing in their relationship?


1. Can you tell us about a time when you felt overwhelmed by attention or affection from a partner?
How did it make you feel?

2. What attracted you to your partner initially? Did they shower you with compliments or attention early
in the relationship?

3. Did you notice any warning signs or changes in behavior from your partner during the intense
attention phase?

4. How did your partner's behavior change after the intense attention phase? Did they become less
attentive or affectionate?

5. How did the intense attention from your partner affect your feelings about yourself and the

6. Did you feel like your partner was trying to control or manipulate you during the intense attention
7. Were you familiar with the term "love bombing" before experiencing it? How did learning about it
affect your understanding of your relationship?

8. What advice would you give to someone who thinks they might be experiencing love bombing in their


1. Background Information:

a. Gender:

- Male

- Female

- Non-binary / Other (please specify)

b. Age:

- Under 18

- 18-25

- 26-35

- 36-45

- 46-55

- 56 or older

c. Relationship Status:

- Single

- In a relationship

- Married

- Divorced

- Other (please specify)

2. Experience with Love Bombing:

a. Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt you were subjected to love bombing? (Love
bombing is an intense period of affection and attention from a partner, often followed by manipulation
or abuse.)

- Yes

- No

b. Can you describe your experience with love bombing? What behaviors or actions did your partner
engage in during this phase?

3. Emotional Impact:

a. How did you feel during the love bombing phase of your relationship?

- Loved and appreciated

- Excited and hopeful

- Overwhelmed and confused

- Other (please specify)

b. How did the experience of love bombing affect your self-esteem and sense of worth?

4. Transition to Toxic Behavior:

a. At what point did you realize that the love bombing was not genuine and was part of a manipulative

- Early on in the relationship

- After some time had passed

- Only after the relationship ended

- Other (please specify)

b. What were some signs or red flags that indicated the transition from love bombing to toxic

5. Coping Mechanisms:
a. How did you cope with the emotional aftermath of being love bombed?

- Seeking support from friends or family

- Therapy or counseling

- Self-reflection and introspection

- Other (please specify)

b. Did you confront your partner about their behavior? If so, how did they respond?

6. Reflections:

a. Looking back, what do you wish you had known or realized earlier about love bombing and its
potential consequences?

b. What advice would you give to someone who suspects they are being love bombed?

7. Additional Comments:

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with love bombing or any other
insights you believe are important for understanding this phenomenon?

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