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Banana Peeling Charcoal

There is no significant difference among the different treatments of squash kuhol patty in terms of taste,
texture, appearance, and aroma as perceived by the respondents.

T1 T2 T3
Hardness 4.66 4.74 4.82
Texture 4.72 4.64 4.54
Heat 4.46 4.76 4.38
Longetivity 4.16 4.28 4.32
Smoke Emission Color 3.84 3.8 3.84
Average 4.37 4.44 4.38

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average e
Column 1 5 21.84 4.368 0.13492
Column 2 5 22.22 4.444 0.16688
Column 3 5 21.9 4.38 0.1286

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
0.01669 0.00834 0.05817 0.94374 3.88529
Between Groups 3 2 7 8 6 4
Within Groups 1.7216 12 7

Total 3 14

In the table above, the computed F value (0.058178) is lesser than the critical value (3.885294) at 0.05
significance level. This showed that there is a very low significant difference between treatments. Hence, the
null hypothesis, “there is no significant difference in the hardness, texture, heat, longevity and smoke emission
between the banana peelings as an alternative charcoal as perceived by the respondents.” is accepted.

LSD: Not applicable.
The test of the Least Significant Difference (LSD) is only used when the null hypothesis is rejected
since it calculates the smallest significant between two means. Since the null hypothesis is accepted, it also
shows that the means between and among treatments are almost the same.

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