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Aspects of military hydrogeology and groundwater

development by Germany and its allies in World War I

Article in Geological Society London Special Publications · February 2012

DOI: 10.1144/SP362.6


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2 authors:

Dierk Willig Hermann Häusler

Federal Armed Forces GE University of Vienna


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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Aspects of military hydrogeology and groundwater

development by Germany and its allies in World War I
Dierk Willig and Hermann Häusler

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2012, v.362;

doi: 10.1144/SP362.6

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Aspects of military hydrogeology and groundwater development by

Germany and its allies in World War I
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office, Frauenberger Strasse 250, 53879 Euskirchen, Germany
Department of Environmental Geosciences, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14,
1090 Vienna, Austria
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The German Army developed a military geological organization during World War I
largely as a response to near-static battlefield conditions on the Western Front, in Belgium and
northern France. In 1916 it was assigned to support military survey, but in late 1918 it was reas-
signed to the engineer branch of the Army. It contained over 350 geologists and associated tech-
nicians by the end of the war. Military geologists contributed advice on engineering geology
and hydrogeology (principally on water supply, but also site drainage). They compiled a large
number and wide range of groundwater prospect maps to guide military planning, at scales typi-
cally from 1:250 000 to 1:25 000. They contributed advice to guide effective use of groundwater
by means of dug or bored wells, ‘Abyssinian’ driven tube wells, and protected capturing of springs.
Field hygiene was of particular concern, and military geologists helped to avoid contamination of
groundwater, for example by appropriate siting of cess-pits and cemeteries. A few officers made
use of dowsing in attempts to locate groundwater, including at least one German in support of
Ottoman Turk campaigns SW from Palestine towards the British-held Suez Canal, their Austro-
Hungarian allies in campaigns south against Italy and in the Balkans, but with relatively insignif-
icant success.

Water is the essence of life, and the availability of numerous unpublished reports of which are now
sufficient pure water is the basis for human activities. mostly preserved in the Bundeswehr Geoinforma-
Consequently, adequate drinking water is also a tion Office at Euskirchen in Germany (Willig 2009).
prerequisite for military operations. In wars fought
in past centuries, polluted drinking water and inade-
quate hygiene could result in disastrous epidemics, The German situation early in
in diseases afflicting both military forces and asso- World War I
ciated civilian populations. The number of soldiers
killed by such epidemics was typically much In the German Army at the start of World War I, in
higher than that of those killed in action. In conflicts August 1914, measures taken for ensuring an ade-
that involved German-speaking nations, a change in quate water supply to military forces were based
this ratio did not occur until the Franco-Prussian on the ‘Kriegssanitätsordnung’ of 1907. These
War of 1870– 1871 (Rebentisch 1980). Thereafter, medical regulations for the military (Kriegsminis-
clean water and good hygiene became standard terium 1907/1914) specified principles for the
requirements for German soldiers. ‘assessment of drinking water; verification of
This paper gives examples of how German central water collection facilities, especially those
military geologists helped to provide adequate with sand filtration; protection of wells [from
drinking water and sanitation for combat troops in contamination]; marking of good drinking water
World War I. For brevity, it focuses mainly on supply points; exploitation of groundwater in river
the Western Front, across Belgium and northern plains with favourable soil conditions; construction
France, rather than the Eastern Front (facing of ‘Abyssinian’ driven wells subject to suitable
Russia) or southern fronts manned principally geological conditions [as described below, and illus-
by Germany’s allies (mostly by armies of the Austro- trated in Fig. 11]; water trucks and drinking water
Hungarian and Ottoman Turk empires). Data are preparation devices; purification of drinking water
drawn partly from references selected from a wide and service water by means of filters; boiling
range of contemporary and postwar German- water; chemical agents and accelerated filtering’
language publications, partly from archive docu- (translated from Hambloch & Mordziol 1915,
ments contained in the Heringen Collection, the p. 8). The ‘Kriegssanitätsordnung’ also identified

From: Rose, E. P. F. & Mather, J. D. (eds) Military Aspects of Hydrogeology.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 362, 85– 103, DOI: 10.1144/SP362.6
# The Geological Society of London 2012. Publishing disclaimer:
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responsibilities for compliance with hygiene regu- Table 2. Daily requirements for water to support
lations related to water supply. Army physicians military operations in a desert climate (from Range
were responsible for the use of mobile drinking 1919)
water preparation systems in the area of operations,
and hygiene advisers for making recommendations Useful animals
concerning the supply of drinking water and the dis- Camel 25 l/day
posal of sewage water. In arid areas, physicians at Donkey 20 l/day
Sheep/goat 5 l/day
corps and division levels were responsible for ensur- Mule/horse 30 l/day
ing an adequate water supply. Ox/buffalo 35 l/day
Water was not only needed for quenching sol- Appliances
diers’ thirst. Water of good quality was needed for Truck 50 l/day
drinking by pack animals and cavalry mounts, and Locomotive 10 – 20 m3/day
the livestock that provided fresh meat. Water fit Gas preparation for tethered 2 – 4 m3/day
for human consumption was required for food prep- observation balloon
aration by troops in general and especially within
field bakeries and field butchers. It was needed in
large quantities to supply camps for troops and pris- analysis, it was mandatory to boil it before use
oners of war, and to supply military hospitals. (Selter 1918). This presented no problem if the
Relatively untreated water, of lower quality, was water, like other beverages, was supplied through
required for the cleaning of barrack quarters, mili- field kitchens.
tary hospitals, field bakeries and butchers. It was As conflict on the Western Front became less
required to provide baths, laundries and delousing mobile, it was soon realized that in some areas
centres; for mixing concrete and washing of gravel groundwater might be developed as a means of
prior to its use in concrete mix; as coolant for use water supply, and that geologists could assist with
in machinery and vehicles (especially locomotives); this development (cf. Kranz 1937). Thus, late in
and for spraying to prevent generation of dust clouds 1914, for those German troops then occupying a
during earthwork construction (to reduce the risk of zone inland from the Belgian coast, a professor of
detection of this activity by the enemy). geography and assistant physician of the Landsturm
The required quantities of water depended on the (part of the German reserve army) called Siegfried
number of consumers, the physical stress they were Passarge was assigned specifically as a geologist
under and the climatic conditions in which the mili- to support the consulting hygienic officer of the
tary action took place. Tables 1 and 2 give contem- German 4th Army (Kranz 1938).
porary German estimates of water consumption per Lessons quickly learned during the war included
soldier and horse on the Western Front, and for the fact that a requirement-oriented water supply
animals and appliances in an arid climate. could only be ensured if the following prerequisites
More detailed information about military water were met:
consumption has been documented by Range
(1921), Peltret (1936), Volkskommissariat (1939), (1) Identification of the amount of water required;
BMVg (1995), Umweltministerium (1995) and (2) Pro-active planning, taking into account the
Willig et al. (2002). overall military conditions (mobile or static
When World War I began, it was assumed within warfare, and the availability of water distri-
the German Army that conflict would be brief and bution maps); consideration of climatic con-
mobile. Water was therefore supplied from existing ditions and seasonal variations in water supply;
facilities, through routine logistic channels. Early in (3) Involvement of an appropriate number and
the conflict, water was typically extracted and trans- range of water supply experts;
ported to the forces in the field using barrels and (4) Holding available labour and material
tanks (Fig. 1), before the source had been thoroughly resources for the treatment, storage and distri-
examined to assess water quality. Because the water bution of water (pipeline material, cisterns,
had not been subject to chemical/bacteriological transport and storage tanks).
Stabilizing of the Western Front in late 1914 resulted
in static warfare and ever increasing demands for
Table 1. Drinking water consumption in the field by
German troops (after Wilser 1921)
material. The problems in static warfare, particularly
those related to water supply, showed that expert
advisory services were urgently required. In order
Soldier in front line position 2 – 4 l/day
Soldier in readiness 5 – 10 l/day to ensure water supply and to comply with hygienic
Soldier in camp 20 – 30 l/day requirements, it was necessary to have a detailed
Horses 30 – 80 l/day knowledge of the subsoil situation. Soon, major pro-
blems had to be faced in water supply. As there was
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Fig. 1. Water supply to German troops in World War I by hand pumping from a well and transport by drum mounted on
a horse-drawn cart (from a contemporary postcard: author Willig’s collection).

no express directive concerning the involvement of supply and, at the same time, disposal of sewage
geologists in water supply, and the number of military water. After some initial difficulties, military geol-
geologists was initially small, they were at first asked ogists within the army were grouped into teams,
for advice only sporadically. and tasked additionally with providing an advisory
However, on the basis of this early experience, service including construction of underground
Salomon (1916b) distinguished between three facilities, guiding mine warfare, development of
zones of water supply that became evident in military sites, drainage of field fortifications, pro-
static warfare: a forward zone exposed to hostile curement of construction material and siting/
infantry, mortar and artillery fire; a second zone routing of earth telegraphy (Kranz & Scupin 1937;
further back, but still within reach of hostile artil- Kranz 1940).
lery; and a rear zone forming the ‘military hinter-
land’. In this third area, water was supplied under
near-peacetime conditions, subject to enough suit- Military geological organization
able water being available. If this were not the
case, the local civilian population would have to Contemporary literature provides little precise
bear drastic limitations to their own water supply information on the numbers of geologists initially
for the benefit of the occupying troops. employed as such in German forces during World
In the hinterland of the Western Front, existing War I. According to Kranz (1915, p. 2, translated)
supply facilities were examined and improved, ‘approximately 115 geologists and miners with geo-
if necessary, by water expert commissions that logical training were under arms’ in the German
were also responsible for building new facilities. and Austro-Hungarian armies of 1915. A handful
Ideally, these water commissions consisted of a of geologists in uniform who were engaged in
hygiene expert, a military geologist and experts in geotechnical work from the beginning of the war
hydraulics and well construction. In the two zones pioneered the creation of a military geological
closest to the frontline, the activities of these organization as a ‘bottom-up’ initiative. Major
experts were obviously only possible to a limited credit for this must go to Captain Walter Kranz,
extent. In the artillery fire zone, facilities such as who had been working as a government engineering
water towers and rigs for well construction that geologist in the Strasbourg region from November
were visible from afar could only be built if 1914, to the Professor Passarge already mentioned,
enough cover from observation was provided. The and to Professor Hans Philipp, who had been
closer one came to the line of the fire trenches, the assigned (in the rank of lieutenant) to support No.
more of a problem it became to supply the troops. 121 Infantry Division in the Priesterwald region of
Personnel carrying food and beverages into the Alsace from May 1915 (Kranz 1917a –c; Rose
most forward zone were often on suicide missions. et al. 2000; Häusler 2003). These pioneers were
One of the primary tasks of the first military not deterred by the resistance of some higher
geologists arriving at the front was to ensure water ranking Army officers to their initiative.
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Formation of a military geological organization Vermessungs-Abteilungen, such as printing machines.

began on the Western Front in 1915 with the for- On the other hand, the Geologenstellen were typi-
mation of geology teams within high commands cally stationed inconveniently far from their main
of the Army (Häusler 2000). Subsequently, by customer, the engineers. On 13 March 1918, the
directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army in the
Army in the Field, military geology was annexed Field therefore ordered military geology to be put
to the field of surveying on 6 September 1916. under the control of the engineer branch (Kranz
Major Boelcke, the Chief of Military Surveying 1927). However, this reorganization was not
but not himself a geologist, was thus also made implemented before the Armistice on 11 November
Chief of Military Geology. However, he was 1918 brought hostilities to a close.
assisted in his command role by a geologist as a Although most German military geologists
consultant: an experienced academic geologist served on the Western Front, there were also
appointed as a Second Lieutenant in the reserve teams on other fronts, notably in the Balkans, and
army, R.J. Wilser (Wochinger 1919; Willig 1999; in Palestine to support Turkish operations against
cf. Häusler 2000, 2003). the British.
Geology teams formed up to this time were The precise overall and peak personnel strengths
incorporated into the surveying branch of the of the military geologist organization are not known.
Army. Each of the then 28 survey sections (Vermes- However, according to Kraus (1941/1968), a total
sungsabteilungen, commonly abbreviated as Verm. of 28 army geology teams with 126 geological
Abt.) was assigned a geology team (Geologenstab experts existed on 18 October 1918, near the close
or Geologenstelle). The chain of command thus of hostilities. In addition, there were at that time
led down from the Chief of Military Survey, via 241 assistant geologists who served as technicians
the survey sections attached to individual armies, or cartographic draughtsmen. At the end of the
to the respective geology team (Fig. 2). Addition- war, it therefore seems that the military geological
ally, the Chief of Military Survey could seek service consisted of ‘367 geologists and individuals
information from advisory centres at provincial with pertinent training’ (Willig 1999, pp. 33/34,
institutions and technical colleges that had access translated).
to geologists as consultants. Geologists thus
worked to support the general staff of specific
armies primarily through the associated survey Military geological advisory services
section. Initially, about 50 military geologists were regarding water supply
appointed to survey sections to serve in this way.
Once the organization was operational and All force headquarters could request geologist advi-
the services that could be rendered by geologists sory services concerning subsoil-related issues. This
became widely known and accepted by troops, advisory support was given either face-to-face in the
the uncoordinated activities of the relatively few field or through written reports. The substantial
earlier military geologists were succeeded by support services rendered by military geologists
much more systematic work. included the preparation of special-purpose maps
Experiences gained during the war showed that depended on the intended use (e.g. water
that the combination of military geology and sur- supply or mining). Water supply maps at scales of
veying had more disadvantages than advantages. 1:80 000 and 1:250 000 (e.g. Rose 2009, fig. 16),
On the one hand, geologists had direct access for example, were compiled for planning purposes.
to the high-standard technical equipment of the They were then printed by the survey sections to


Vermessungsabteilungen der Armeen Auskunftsstellen der

und Hochschulen

Geologenstäbe Beratende Geologen

Fig. 2. Chain of command for German military geologists immediately prior to 13 March 1918 (from Wochinger 1919);
for translation, see text.
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which the geologists were assigned, and afterwards booklet (Geologen-Gruppe 1918) issued by the
distributed to the force headquarters. local ‘survey’ unit: ‘Vermessungs-Abteilung No. 2’.
Late in the war, water supply and other geotech- This companion booklet is an especially full and
nical maps were printed at more detailed scales: detailed example of the type often published with
1:50 000 and especially 1:25 000. Figure 3 shows water supply maps, to illustrate different means of
an example of a 1:50 000 map from a ‘Kriegsgeolo- water extraction by capturing of springs in various
gie’ [war geology] booklet (Schmidt 1918) issued in ways and emplacement of different kinds of wells
the final year of the war, when warfare on the (as explained more fully below, with examples pro-
Western Front finally became more mobile as first vided as Figs 10 –13).
German forces and then the Allies achieved signifi- In addition to such general regional accounts,
cant advances. This water supply map [Wasserver- specific technical reports along with proposals for
sorgungskarte] has been overprinted in colour to engineering works were issued for individual
distinguish ground according to six categories of water abstraction projects. In all of these accounts,
water occurrence and means of supply (Fig. 4), geological and other specialist terms had to be
and to indicate sources of drinking and ‘service’ explained and/or illustrated carefully to make the
water classified into three major categories (Fig. 5). booklets and reports readily intelligible to non-
Rose (2009) has illustrated and described specialist military users.
examples of similar ‘water supply’ (effectively For example, the Heringen Collection of the
groundwater prospect) maps but at a scale of Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office in Euskirchen
1:25 000. His examples come from three different (a collection explained by Willig 2009) contains
German army areas of the Front, and illustrate 364 expert reports written by Geologische-Gruppe
three different styles, an indication of the lack of V.A.8, Lothringen: the geological team of ‘Vermes-
overall standardization even late in the war. The sungsabteilung 8’ which was in 1917 based in the
map he illustrates as representative of those pre- province of Lorraine [Lothringen], in the France/
pared for Army Group C, deployed in the France/ Germany borderland. This unit was incorporated
Germany borderland of Alsace, is one of a set of within Army Group A: a Group commanded by
nine printed for this region (as indexed by Rose General Ludwig von Falkenhausen, and like other
2009, fig. 18), a set complemented (like specialist major German units, also known by the name
maps for many other regions) by an explanatory of its commander as an alternative to letter

Fig. 3. German water supply map, original at scale of 1:50 000, for an area between the Maas and Mosel rivers
near Germany’s western border; the west–east cross-section at the bottom illustrates a westward dipping bedrock
sedimentary sequence from Early to Late Jurassic in age. From Schmidt (1918); for explanation, see text and
Figures 4 and 5.
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Fig. 4. Part of lower key to map illustrated as Figure 3. In translation, the six categories represent (from the top down):
zone of springs; zone of [dug] shaft wells; zone of bored wells; water-bearing gravels/sands; waterless limestone
areas of highland plains; waterless clay areas of the Woevre plain. Adjacent tables on the map summarize for each of
these six regions (1) conditions of water occurrence and (2) the means of obtaining a water supply.

designation. Army Group A was deployed in the to have a direct impact on the quality of potentially
vicinity of Strasbourg, to the SE of Army Group drinkable groundwater.
C. Its geological team was headed by a reserve Walter Kranz, the ‘father’ of German military
army officer, Second Lieutenant Wagner, and con- geology, presented a doctoral thesis (Kranz 1917c)
sisted of four military geologists/assistants with based on lessons learned during the early years of
military ranks and five military geologists in the war that is of particular significance. Its title
uniform designated as ‘Beamtenstellvertreter’: an may be translated as ‘On soil filtration, the position-
appointment for geologists who had not held mili- ing and protection of water abstraction with special
tary rank prior to being called to arms. An analysis consideration of military requirements’, and so indi-
of the team’s reports (Fig. 6) reveals that water cates how important matters of water supply and
supply and drainage tasks formed a major com- sanitation had become to the German Army.
ponent of its overall work (Geologen-Gruppe
1917a–d ). From July through August 1917, in par-
ticular, 62% (69 tasks) were related to water supply Water supply methods
(Geologen-Gruppe 1917b).
Advisory services related to water issues inc- An extensive range of contemporary methods for
luded imparting information about water hygiene utilizing springs and groundwater is illustrated by
to avoid troops polluting their own drinking water explanatory booklets issued for Army Groups B
through ignorance of the local geological con- (STOVERM 1918a, b) and C (Geologen-Gruppe
ditions. Figure 7 illustrates some of the potential 1918). That issued for Army Group C, commanded
problems. Cess-pits and cemeteries sited at unsuita- by General Hermann von Strantz, is particularly
ble locations may pollute groundwater, so wells informative. It was compiled by the geological
should be sited accordingly. Conversely, military team assigned to ‘Vermessungs-Abteilung No. 2’
cess-pits and cemeteries should be sited so as not to accompany a set of nine ‘water supply’ maps,
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Fig. 5. Upper key to map illustrated as Figure 3. Top symbols (in red) distinguish water supplies for villages and farms:
drinking water (usable without boiling) (round symbols) contrasted with lower-quality ‘service’ water (usable only after
boiling) (square symbols), both categorized according to supplies available for average occupancy (by soldiers), in
descending order: abundant (solid symbol), adequate (symbol with diagonal division) and inadequate (symbol mostly
blank). The lower eight symbols (in blue) distinguish natural and artificial water outlets and supplies, in descending
order: spring with yield .1 l s21; spring with low but continuous yield; spring with intermittent (i.e. seasonal) flow;
borehole for water (with depth in metres); solitary well, outside village; water treatment facility; pipeline with water
tower (H), pumping station (P) and filling-station outlets; and pipeline planned or under construction.

as noted above, for an area of responsibility that development, mine warfare, extraction of construction
comprised a section of the front line to the NW of material, etc. It is rather to provide the forces with an
Army Group A. This booklet contains the following overview of the groundwater situation in the area and
(translated) introductory remarks to qualify the of resultant water supply options and is to list all exist-
ing, natural and man-made water outlets and facilities.
maps it accompanies: The companion booklet contains clear sample draw-
ings of simple field water supply facilities, including
As already reflected by its name [‘water supply’], this some short notes on their use. The map and the compa-
map is to support water supply and cannot be used just nion booklet are to prevent wasted effort, time and
like that for other military geological tasks such as site material at places where water supply is futile. They
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of the ‘drum shaft’ procedure also used to construct

vertical access shafts in mine warfare (Kraus
undated, p. 112). In this procedure, heavy concrete
rings succeeding an iron bottom ring are used.
Unconsolidated soil is loosened manually to initiate
a shaft and then hoisted out by means of a winch on
an axle stand (Fig. 9). This winch is also used for
lowering the rings into the developing shaft, succes-
sive rings being added from the top as the shaft is
deepened. When reaching groundwater level, the
water table is lowered by means of pumps so that
the aquifer can be penetrated to maximum depth.
Fig. 6. Tasks undertaken in 1917 by the military geology Field engineer units, field bakeries and field
team assigned to Vermessungs– Abteilung 8 categorized hospitals had the necessary equipment for construc-
to show the high proportion involved with water supply tion of Abyssinian wells (Christian undated), a well
and/or drainage (based on 364 projects in type (Fig. 11) so named from its use by British
Geologen-Gruppe 1917a –d ) troops campaigning in Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia)
during the 19th century, but also known as Norton
are to show the forces in the field where and how they tube wells from an early patent.
can satisfy their water requirement most appropriately. Railroad construction companies as well as
(Geologen-Gruppe 1918, p. 1) engineer units had boring and well construction
There were essentially three options for the supply equipment (for wells with a maximum depth of
of drinking and lower-quality service water, with 40 m; Hambloch & Mordziol 1915). It is question-
the option adopted being determined by the geologi- able, however, whether all of the 63 railroad con-
cal situation in the theatre, the technological possi- struction companies eventually in operation had
bilities and the tactics of the military situation: such equipment. Deep borings and reconnaissance
borings were sometimes made by contractors.
(1) The use of local surface water, by direct Thus in his account of the military geological con-
abstraction and treatment of water from ditions in the Upper Rhine region (Kraus undated),
lakes or rivers. Professor Kraus, the former head of the geology
(2) The use of local groundwater, by means of dug team operating with Army Group B, describes test
(i.e. shaft) wells, driven wells (i.e. Abyssi- borings for water supply made by the contractor
nian/Norton tube wells), bored wells, captur- Meyer from Nuremberg.
ing of springs or construction of infiltration The geology team serving with Army Group C
galleries, where appropriate, involving wells published a memorandum that described the
sited in river banks to obtain gravel-filtered military boring methods then in common use
river water, or induced recharge of an aquifer. (Vermessungs-Abteilung No. 2, 1916). In addition,
(3) The use of purified surface water and ground- the military geologist Herbst (1916) provided gui-
water distributed from a remote source by dance on the calculation of the costs of boring com-
means of a field pipeline network. pared with those for installing pipelines. Such
Surface water is mostly polluted in its natural state, information allowed the most cost-effective option
and some degree of effort must therefore be put into to be chosen in individual cases. In addition, his
treating it before it can be used for purposes other memorandum contained a list of efficient German
than sanitary or cleaning activities. To this end, boring contractors.
static, mobile and hand-held water purification Borehole depth at that time was normally con-
systems and devices were developed and used in strained to about the depth of the water table,
the field (e.g. Fig. 8) (Thiem 1916). because of the difficulty of draining the hole during
Groundwater is normally less contaminated than construction. Exceptionally, the newly developed
surface water, and its use is therefore generally pre- method of freezing the ground, developed for shaft
ferred. This implies the use of existing wells (where building in mine warfare, was used to penetrate
undamaged and uncontaminated) or the construc- water-logged strata (Infanterie-Division 1917).
tion of new wells, a procedure that usually requires Springs were captured wherever this was practi-
significant technical effort (Figs 10–12). cal to provide a water supply, but it was realized that
On the Western and Eastern Front, shaft wells the outflow needed to be controlled by appropriate
(Figs 9 & 10) were dug, lined and equipped by tech- engineering works (e.g. Figs 12 & 13) if contami-
nically well-trained soldiers or by specific well- nation by surface waters was to be avoided.
construction teams from the corps of engineers. If large troop concentrations have to be supplied
Where appropriate, such wells were dug by means in confined spaces, a piped supply network that
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Fig. 7. Three examples from Kranz (1940) that show diagrammatically how water supply may be contaminated: by
leakage from a cess-pit contaminating a well through groundwater flow despite an intervening hill (top); by seepage
through graves in a cemetery contaminating a spring below (middle); and by runoff from a hill slope into an
earth-impounded reservoir being contaminated through boggy ground conditions en route.

brings water into the combat zone is ideal. This pipeline came from four wells in the Halluin area,
requires a highly productive water source, adequate all between 156 and 256 m deep. Their construction
material and time to construct the water storage and was approved by A.O.K. 4 (the High Command of
distribution network (pipeline system, storage the 4th Army) and started on 1 April 1915. The
tanks/water towers, pumping stations, and power water was primarily earmarked for combat troops.
lines for the pumps), and an organization to The pipeline system led as far as the relatively
operate and maintain it. safe marshalling areas, and had an overall length
Such a system was installed on Wytschaete (of cast iron pipes of 50 –150 mm diameter) of
Ridge near Ypres in Belgium, and operated by about 250 km. The system supplied an area of
the Technischer Betrieb XIII Armeekorps, Abt. 155 km2. A total of 6000 m3 of water were extracted
Kriegswasserleitung, Stab I Pionier Bataillon 13 every day from 2000 taps. Guards were responsible
(Technischer Betrieb XIII Armeekorps 1916; see for maintaining the water pipelines and protecting
also Behr undated, pp. 30–31). The water for the them from sabotage.
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(in translation) that: ‘Anyone who does not believe

in dowsing rods will know for certain that only a
geologist will be able, on the basis of his analyses
and observations, to determine with reasonable or
perfect certainty whether it is possible to construct
a well in certain places’. In the same paper he com-
pared the relation between a geologist and a dowser
with that of a physician and a charlatan (see also
Salomon 1916a, b). Moreover, the German military
geologist Dr. Paul Range, who served with the
Turkish army in the ranks of captain and major in
Sinai and Palestine, reported that 75% of all bore-
holes proposed by dowsers yielded water, but less
than half of them could be used as drinking water
(Range 1920).
The situation was less clear-cut in the allied
Austro-Hungarian Army, although it too employed
military geologists on all its major operational
fronts, seemingly about 60 in total by the end of
the war (Häusler 2000). In parallel with the develop-
ment of geophysical instruments for subsurface
investigations at the beginning of the 20th century,
the use of the dowsing rod as an aid to the location
Fig. 8. Portable water filters used by the German army of groundwater was tested by geoscientists and
in World War I: model AF II (left) and field filter F 4 physicians (Häusler 1986). These tests indicated
(right) (from Berkefeld, undated). that a positive reaction of the dowsing rod was influ-
enced by the dowser himself and what he wished to
Use of dowsing rods in the search for water find. Nevertheless, several articles on the supposed
successful use of the dowsing rod (Wünschelrute)
In the German Army, the attitude of military geol- for military purposes during World War I were pub-
ogists towards the use of dowsing rods was ambiva- lished in the German journal ‘Die Wünschelrute’.
lent, to say the least. Kranz (1915, p. 251) stated The rod, it was claimed, had military applications

Fig. 9. Soldiers during well construction using the ‘drum shaft’ method, at Masuria on the Eastern Front in 1915 (from a
photograph in author Willig’s collection).
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Fig. 10. Diagrammatic cross-section through a field-type shaft well with side pump, as constructed by German troops in
World War I (from Geologen-Gruppe 1918).

in that it could be used for mine detection on battle- graduate engineers Major Friedrich Musil and
fields as well as in rivers, and for groundwater Lieutenant-Colonel Karl Beichl – have been cred-
exploration in arid regions. Because the technique, ited with successfully supporting Austro-Hungarian
if successful, would be able to detect groundwater forces with up to 20 million litres of water per day
without the more time-consuming and expensive (Flachenegger 1953).
subsoil investigations associated with routine geo- Of these two, the career of Karl Beichl (Fig. 14)
logical or geophysical work, the Austro-Hungarian with respect to water supply can be traced particu-
Army sometimes used dowsers to explore for larly well from documents in the military archives
potable groundwater in arid regions, even when (Kriegsarchiv) of the Austrian State Archives
military geologists were attached. The best (Häusler 1986), and from an account by Waagen
examples of this use come from karstified limestone (1918) that described several of Beichl’s experi-
regions of SW Europe, where two officers – the ences during the war.
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Fig. 11. Diagram showing ‘Abyssinian’ well technology: (a) completed drive well with pump fitted to the top of an iron
tube driven into shallow ground, and water entering the tube via perforations in the lower section, behind the drive
point; (b) the ‘driving’ apparatus, comprising a pulley-operated weight, used for hammering the tube into the ground
by blows on a clamp attached for this purpose to the upper tube; (c) a bored ‘Abyssinian’ well, in which the iron tube is
driven into a gravel-packed borehole (from Geologen-Gruppe 1918).

The archive documents show that in February Construction Department (Ingenieur-Offiziersk-

1914, the then Captain Beichl was serving in the orps, k.u.k. Militärbauabteilung) of the 13th Corps
Engineer Corps of the Imperial and Royal Military in the city of Zagreb (now the capital of Croatia),
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Fig. 12. Diagrammatic cross-sections illustrating means of abstracting groundwater from a water-bearing stratum
beneath chalk and overlying impermeable clay: (a) natural spring at foot of the slope, but groundwater outflow
contaminated by mixing with waters percolating through superficial deposits at the slope surface; (b) the same spring
with engineering works installed, including gravel pack behind a rear-perforated reservoir, with a clay/concrete seal
above to prevent ingress of potentially contaminated near-surface water (from Geologen-Gruppe 1918).

in the Balkan Peninsula. When asked for a prognosis crossing water-bearing strata at 38 and 41 m depth,
of groundwater as a water supply source for the for- where he recommended drilling. When a borehole
tress of Petrovara, situated near the River Danube, was discontinued at a depth of 36 m due to lack
he identified coal at a depth of 80–83 m (correlated of water, he requested a deeper borehole down
as belonging to the Karlowitz coalfield) supposedly to 41 m, and then down to 75 m. Captain Beichl
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Fig. 13. Diagrams to illustrate appropriate capturing of a horizontally confined spring discharge. Cross-section M–M1
shows engineering works with a gravel pack adjacent to a sand aquifer beneath coralliferous limestone, with clay or
loam emplaced to form an impermeable seal above (top). The plan shows lines of sections M–M1, F–L and F– R, and
the lateral extent of the gravel pack (middle), cross-sections F –L and F–R (bottom) (from Geologen-Gruppe 1918).

also warned that a pavilion near the fortress should As documented in his diary, in addition to
not be used during thunderstorms because of its dowsing countless shallow wells at depths of 10 –
supposed position above three major water-bearing 15 m, Beichl also dowsed for oil in cooperation
horizons, a detail not subsequently tested, but with the Geological Survey of Austria north of
which probably impressed his higher military Vienna in January 1915, and for oil and gas fields
command at that time, as he soon went on to in Hungary. Presumably the then Major Beichl
achieve higher rank. impressed his general, the Archduke Eugen of
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The following year, in July 1916, Beichl sup-

ported the high command of the Austro-Hungarian
fifth army (k.u.k. 5. Armeekommando – Quartier-
meisterabteilung) in Adelsberg (today Postojna in
Slovenia), where a group of military engineers
headed by Colonel Trieb (Ingenieurgruppe Oberst
Trieb) enhanced the water supply to the town,
sited in a region of karstified limestone, by the con-
struction of pits down to 15 m.
On 1 May 1917, Beichl was promoted to the rank
of Lieutenant-Colonel in the well construction
department (Brunnenbauabteilung) of the Austro-
Hungarian Army of the Isonzo. Reports dated May
1917 show that he was tasked with the identification
of groundwater and the provision of military water
supplies in the karstified region of Istria for the
17th Corps.
During the war overall, Beichl thus served
actively within several military commands, notably
in various departments of the Austro-Hungarian 5th
army. He also supported the Austro-Hungarian
Navy (K.u.K. Reichskriegsministerium, Marinesek-
tion, 5. Abteilung) by prospecting for mines in the
River Danube west of Belgrade. He documented his
experiences and described very carefully the differ-
ences between dowsing for water, thermal water,
coal, oil and gas, techniques that were also tested in
laboratory experiments. These records credit Beichl
with considerable skill in the use of dowsing rods
for military purposes, most of all for identifying
groundwater occurrence. Because of his engineering
expertise in drilling deep wells, he was certainly suc-
cessful in supporting the Austro-Hungarian army
with potable water at several locations on the SW
Front, in Southern Tyrol, Carinthia and Istria, in the
Fig. 14. Lieutenant-Colonel Karl Beichl, of the Karst Mountains, in Hungary, in the Carpathian
Austro-Hungarian Army, who in May 1915 was Mountains, and on the Turkish Front.
decorated with the Franz Josefs Medal for his work as Beichl was thus a talented water engineer if not a
a diviner in locating military water supplies in the hydrogeologist. However, in the field he sometimes
limestone karst terrain of the Isonzo region, then in
southern Austria but now part of modern Slovenia and
had close contacts with geologists, notably Drs.
northern Italy. The River Isonzo rises in the Julian Alps Hermann Vetters and Lukas Waagen of the Geo-
and flows south through a steep-sided valley to the logical Survey of Austria, who themselves tested
Friulian Plain, flanked to the east by the Bainsizza and the dowsing rod for special purposes. The
Carso Plateaux, a stark landscape of ridge and stone. The ‘method’ of dowsing for groundwater remained a
Isonzo region formed the focus of 12 battles between very subjective one but it was, nevertheless, used
the Austro-Hungarian and Italian armies between June again as an aid to determine sources for water
1915 and November 1917. (Photo courtesy of the supply at the beginning of World War II.
Kriegsarchiv, Austrian State Archives, Vienna.)

Water supply in arid regions

Austria, Prince of Hungary and Bohemia and Com-
mander of the Southwest Front, when on 27 March Water supply is of particular importance when mili-
1915 he reportedly used dowsing to detect a tary operations are conducted in an arid climate.
golden cigarette case, which the Archduke had An example of this from World War I is provided
lost. In May 1915, he was decorated with the by the Ottoman Turk campaigns SW from Palestine
Franz Josefs Medal for his accomplishments in pro- across the Sinai Peninsula in an effort to wrest the
viding water supplies to military forces in karst Suez Canal from British control. These operations
areas of the Isonzo region. were supported by the Germans as Turkish allies.
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Among other technical services, they organized When a second Turkish attack was made towards
water supply. To this end, the military geologist the Suez Canal, in summer 1916, many small water
Dr. Paul Range and a water engineer, Dr. Schuhma- supply points had to be established along the
cher, among others, were sent to serve on the Pales- advance route in order to avoid large troop concen-
tine Front from autumn 1915 to 1918, Range in the trations and consequently minimize losses caused
forward operational area, and Schumacher in the by air attacks. The intention was to drive Abyssinian
rear area. They were placed in control of a water wells in regions with a high level of groundwater,
supply task force consisting primarily of Turkish but it was not possible to supply the necessary
soldiers. equipment in time, so shaft wells were dug instead.
In the autumn and winter of 1915, the then For dug wells with an edge length of 1.5 m, twenty-
Captain Range (later to be promoted Major) carried four 1 in (25 mm) thick timber planks per metre
out a detailed investigation of water sources and depth were needed. For approximately 300 wells
groundwater conditions in the Sinai Peninsula fol- with an average depth of 2.5 m each, 18 000 timber
lowing the first attempted Turkish advance (Range planks plus timber for the cover were required.
1919, 1920, 1921). Based on these studies, he A Well Sinking Company (Brunnenarbeiter-
planned the systematic exploitation of the potential kompagnie) was formed for this work. It consisted
water resources available to supply Turkish forces of 160 personnel, subdivided into three platoons
within the developing theatre of operations. A with 40 personnel each, plus another 20 soldiers
Turkish labour ‘battalion’ consisting of eight and 20 cameleers held ready for special purposes.
Turkish officers and, initially, 600 Turkish soldiers The platoons were again subdivided into detach-
as well as 10 German war volunteers was available ments. Each platoon had 12 camels to transport
to implement his proposals, plus three military material. The company commander was a Turkish
boring rigs. These were used for well boring under captain but the platoon and detachment leaders
the command of the German Second Lieutenant were German war volunteers who were proficient
Beyer. In the winter of 1915/16, six wells were in Turkish. In sandy soil, this company could
bored with an overall depth of 333 m. In addition, complete four 2.5-m, three 3-m or two 4-m dug
23 wells to a total depth of 313 m were dug by wells per day.
hand. In the rear area to the north, a total of 131 In the winter of 1916/17, the Turks had to with-
additional shaft wells were dug and lined with wood. draw to the Gaza-Birseba (Beersheva) line. In
Some of the drilled wells were sited by a dowser: summer 1917, 40 000 soldiers and more than
Major Otto von Graeve, well known (Braikovich 10 000 animals had to be supplied with water there.
1917) to have served in 1915 with the Turkish Given the need for 20 l per man, 30 l per animal
army in Sinai and there to have used a divining and 100 m3 of reserves, 1200 m3 of water had to be
rod. However, according to Wagner (1955), only provided each day. During fighting in winter 1917/
one of his many predictions proved correct. Near- 18, a Well Drilling Section (Fig. 15) was formed by
contemporary accounts note that 75% of wells order of Field Marshal Otto Liman von Sanders,
sited by a diviner struck water, but less than 50% newly appointed to command the combined
had an adequate yield (Range 1920, p. 96) and German-Turkish forces on the Palestine Front.
that six wells sited by von Graeve fell into this This period ended with the collapse of the
‘inadequate yield’ category (Range 1921). Turkish Army in September 1918. It was only

Fig. 15. Organization of the German/Turkish military water-drilling section in Palestine during 1917/18; translated
from Range (1921).
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Table 3. Cumulative drilling/digging lengths of ‘drum shaft’ emplacement; ‘Abyssinian’ tube

achieved by German-led well boring units in wells driven in weak strata also to shallow (,7 m)
Palestine (according to Range 1921) depth; boreholes drilled to greater depths; and cap-
turing of springs so as to prevent potential contami-
In Sinai 1915 – 1916 646 m nation by surface waters. They also provided advice
Task force I 1916 – 1918 3134 m to prevent contamination of groundwater by inap-
Task force II 1917 – 1918 519 m propriately sited cess-pits and cemeteries. Hygiene
Total 4299 m
in the field was of great concern to German troops,
to prevent casualties due to water-borne disease
rather than enemy action.
possible to save the boring rigs and part of the equip- A major innovation was the compilation by the
ment. Two members of the Well Drilling Section military geologists of ‘water supply’ maps at a
were reportedly killed during the retreat, and 52 of variety of scales, notably 1:250 000, 1:80 000,
140 other ranks were listed missing. Most of the sur- 1:50 000 and eventually 1:25 000, to guide planning
vivors, including the heads of the drilling task by non-geologist staff officers. Developed in differ-
forces, were taken prisoner by the British. Including ent styles in different army command areas, essen-
drilling by their parent units before re-organization, tially these were simplified geological maps
Task Forces within the Well Drilling Section colour-coded to indicate the effect of ground con-
had achieved a cumulative well length of 3653 m ditions on potential sources of water supply, and
(Table 3). Overall, German expertise had contribu- the best means of obtaining a supply (whether
ted to wells totalling 4299 m in length in this from surface or groundwater).
theatre of the war. Military geologists rather than dowsers were
used for predicting sources of potable groundwater,
although a few charismatic officers in the German
Conclusions and Austro-Hungarian armies did use dowsing to
influence the choice of sites for new wells, notably
It is evident that provision of an adequate water in arid regions of Palestine and karstic limestone
supply was important to the allied German, Austro- regions of the southern Alps and northern parts of
Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish armies in action in the Balkan Peninsula. Few sites chosen in this way
World War I. Although the Austro-Hungarian proved truly successful.
armies made use of a significant number of military Wartime experience in the military applications
geologists (about 60 in total, according to Häusler of geology gave rise to an extensive literature (in
2000), partly to facilitate groundwater use, German) generated by the many military geologists
German armies deployed a far greater number in who obtained academic or geological survey
total. These mostly supported troops in the near- appointments on return to civilian life. The books
static battlefield conditions of the Western Front by Wilser (1921, 1924–1930), Wasmund (1937),
across Belgium and northern France, but also pro- von Bülow et al. (1938), Kranz (1938) and Mordziol
vided significant geotechnical expertise to the com- (1938), all of which include sections, sometimes
bined German-Turkish forces operating in the arid whole chapters, on military aspects of hydrogeol-
climate of Sinai and parts of Palestine. ogy, are of particular significance. They were
From scattered use of military geologists on the useful as textbooks to help train a new generation
Western Front in 1914 and 1915, a German military of German military geologists for World War II
geological organization was eventually formed as (Häusler 1995).
such, in 1916. Initially under the auspices of military
survey, this developed into an organization compris-
ing over 350 geologists and associated technicians
that was earmarked for transfer to engineer
command in 1918, as conflict ended. Behr, F. M. undated. Über Trinkwasserbeschaffung im
German military geologists were employed on a Felde. Special issue from Verlag ‘Das Wasser’,
wide range of tasks associated with engineering Leipzig.
geology as well as hydrogeology, but a high pro- Berkefeld. undated. Berkefeld- Filter, Preisliste Nr. 15.
portion of their tasks was typically concerned with Berkefeld Filter Gesellschaft und Celler Filterwerke
provision of adequate water supplies for combat GMBH, Celle.
BMVg. 1995. Wasserversorgungskonzept des Heeres.
troops and the drainage of waste water from areas Bundesministerium der Verteidigung -FüHV3.
where troops were concentrated. Geologists Braikovich, F. 1917. Wünschelrute und siderisches
guided abstraction of groundwater by efficient Pendel. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin.
siting of shaft wells, dug by hand to shallow Christian. undated. Trinkwasserversorgung im Felde.
depths or deeper if utilizing the mining technique Verlag ‘Das Wasser’, Leipzig.
Downloaded from by guest on April 17, 2012


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