Histology Huzza!

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Rete apparatus (ridges formed from epidermis and dermis )
Epidermis lower to upper
Stratum basale: made of single layer of keratinocyte, which is resting on basal lamina,
nucleus well defined
merckel cells are found here ( uncapsulated/ nonmylienated touch,pain,temp and
vibration recptors)
Melanocyte are present
Cells are mitotically active
cancer can arise from their

stratum spinoism (thickest)

many layers of keratinocyte (pricklus)
Bundle of keratin filament tuna filament
Lamgchenr cells (antigen presenting cell)
Stratum basale +stratum spinoism=stratum malphgian

Startum granulism
nucleus present
not mitotically active
keratin are joined by keratin hyaline

Startum lucidum
No nucleus
No organelles
no mitosis
keratin are present and associated by tono filament
Non keratin protein called involarin

Startum corneum
Contains dead cell called sqaume

Dermis is made by irregular Ct

contains 2 layers
specialized encapsulated messineir corpsucule
Type 1 ,3 and Type 7 for anchorage.
reticular layer (dense irregular Ct)
Skin appendages
Pacinian corpsucule (pressure vibration) encapsulated
Romphini corpsucule (encapsulated)
krause end bulb (encapsulated) cold

all skin is thin except the one in palms of hands and feet
[03/05/2024, 06:19:40] ~ Huzza!: Thick skin
Prominent is Startum lucidum
Prominent Startum granulosm

Thin skin
75-150 um
Startum lucidum not prominent

[03/05/2024, 06:19:41] ~ Huzza!: hypodermis are not part of the skin

[03/05/2024, 06:19:42] ~ Huzza!: Nail

nail matrix site where nail are synthesized
lunula (whitish part of nail)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:42] ~ Huzza!: Hair

invaginates dermis and epidermis
Hair bulb expanded end
dermal sheath covers hair follicle
type of hair
type of hair
1. Valeous hair (eyelashes)
2. Terminal hair (scalp and eyebrow)
3. Linugo hair ( children/baby,)

Hair growth is from 16-46 years

Growth diminishes from 50 years

[03/05/2024, 06:19:43] ~ Huzza!: sweat gland

eccrine gland most abundant (simple cuboidal epithelium)
contains dark cell
light cell secrete watery secretion
myoepithelial cells presents
Extend on the epidermis

Sabceous gland
Secrete oil or sebum on the hair
type of holocrine secretion
Can extend to the dermis or hypodermis

apocrine secretion
Axilla and pubis
Apocrine secretion
Can extend to the dermis or hypodermis

Arector pilia muscles

Contraction leads to ercetion of hair giving goosebumps

[03/05/2024, 06:19:44] ~ Huzza!: Histology of trachea

mucosa (cells)
pseudostratfied ciliated columnar epithelium.
non ciliated columnar epithelium (serous cells)
denes (APUD CELLS) small granule cells (secrete catecholamines)
Basal cell (stem cells)
goblet cells
basal membrane ( as we progress the thickness will be decreasing)
basal membrane ( as we progress the thickness will be decreasing)
lamina propria (it contains loose areolar connective tissue,lyhmph nodes, blood vessels.

[03/05/2024, 06:19:44] ~ Huzza!: Submosa

contains dense irregular connective tissue
serous mucus gland

[03/05/2024, 06:19:44] ~ Huzza!: adventita

supporting structures

[03/05/2024, 06:19:45] ~ Huzza!:

Lines by thin skin (keratanized)
Anterior portion of the vestibule (thin skin) hair in the nose will be present called

submucosa layer
dense irregular connective tissue

[03/05/2024, 06:19:46] ~ Huzza!: Posterior portion of vestibule

Lined by respiratory epithelium.

[03/05/2024, 06:19:46] ~ Huzza!: histology of epithelial bulb

present on the roof of nose
((( Pacinian corpsucule found on the papillary layer of dermis)))

[03/05/2024, 06:19:47] ~ Huzza!: Olfactory bulb

It is on the roof of the nose
Responsible for smelling
mucus (same as respiratory with addition of the 3 cells)
contains bipolar neurons
olfactory cell end has vescile expanded end
central process
Sustentacular cells (supporting cells) columnar in shape
Apical surface has microvilli (absorption)
Apical surface has microvilli (absorption)
Electrical insulation

[03/05/2024, 06:19:48] ~ Huzza!: basal cell and sustentacular cells doesn't touch the
basal lamina
Basal cell has horizontal cell

in summary basal cell are stem cells

[03/05/2024, 06:19:49] ~ Huzza!: lamina propria has Bowman gland (produces watery
secretion to moist olfactory mucousa)
Produces ig, odor binding protein (facilitating odor)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:50] ~ Huzza!: adventitia

Contains concha

[03/05/2024, 06:19:51] ~ Huzza!: nasopharynx

all things are the same it has pharyngeal tonsils
adventita (smooth muscles)
(((startified squamous non keratanized epithelium))).

larynx (voicebox)
connect pharynx with esophagus
larynx related to esophagus is
larynx related to the respiratory is
hyaline cartilage is present(cricoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage,cuneiform
cartilage,aratinoid cartilage)
and elastic cartilage ( epiglottis, lower part of thyroid cartilage)

trachea and primary bronchi have the same histological arrangement

[03/05/2024, 06:19:52] ~ Huzza!: trachea

pseudostratfied startified ciliated columnar epithelium
Goblet cells 30 percent
Basal cells 30 percent
Basal cells 30 percent
Brush cells/small mucus granule cells 3 percent
Denes cells 3-4 percent
Non ciliated columnar cells/ serous cells 4 percent
basement membrane is the same but it thinner than the top
Lamina propria same
(Areolar connective tissue)
Adventita cartilages ( hyaline cartilage)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:52] ~ Huzza!: primary bronchiole

lined by respiratory epithelium
it will also contain cubiodal cells
Clara cell present
goblet cells are absent (it can lead to atelactasis due to mucus blockage)

terminal bronchioles
simple cubiodal epithelium
abundant Clara cells has abundant nucleus (mitosis to replace ciliated cells) (produces
surfactant like material which reduces surface tension thereby maintaining, protects against
airborne diseases )
clubs cells are present
airway disease mainly occur in terminal bronchioles

respiratory bronchioles

alveoli ducts
Simple squamous epithelial cells
Type 1 pneumocyte (simple squamous epithelium) covers about 95%
no Clara cells
from brionchioles no glands are present from there
pores of kohn connects the alveoli to other alveoli

type 2 alveoli
Granular pneumocyte another name septal
Opsonization enhances phagocytosis increasing its efficiency linked together by tight
macrophage in the alveoli dust cells
pneumoconiosis accumulation non biodegradable air particle ( common in miners)
anthracosis (miners lung coal miners
Asbistosis ( accumulation of asbistos)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:53] ~ Huzza!: Histology of digestive system.

histology of oral cavity
the oral cavity extend from lips to the *palatoglossal fold*
alimantary canal extend from oesophagus to anus
Features of oral cavity
vestibule (b/w cheek and teeth)
oral cavity proper
oral mucosa (generally stratified squamous).

oral mucosa can be divided into 3 (depending on the structure in the oral mucosa)
gingiva (gum)
hard palate
Are all called *mastecatory* mucosa
( epithelial squamous could be *parakeratinized* or fully keratinized)

Dorsum of the tongue is parakeratinized

The remaining mucosa is called *lining mucosa* (remnant mucosa)

epithelial lining is called oral epithelium *stratified squamous non keratanized epithelium*

Mucosa bearing taste bud is called *specialized mucosa*(found in tongue and posterior
aspect of oral cavity)

*Vermilion* in between external surface of lip and internal surface of lip.

Externally it is made up of *thin skin* ( hair present, Sabceous gland present)
Vermilion is also lined by thin skin but *no hair and no Sabceous gland present*
( startified squamous para keratanized epithelium for thin skin)

Inner surface of lips is lined by *oral epithelium*

Glands are present to moisten it (ebners gland)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:54] ~ Huzza!: Histology of the cheek

External surface is lined by thin skin.
Inner surface is lined by oral epithelium
minor glands present *von ebners gland*

[03/05/2024, 06:19:55] ~ Huzza!: Histology of palate

It seperates oral cavity from nasal cavity

it is divided into hard and soft palate (continoution is uvula)

hard palate has two parts Oral part and nasal part.
oral part is lined by mastecatory mucosa
it is lined by keratinized epithelium
nasal part is lined by respiratory epithelium

soft palate is divided into oral and nasal part

oral part is lined by oral epithelium
nasal part is lined by respiratory epithelium.

uvula posterior most part of soft palate (prevent bolus from entering trachea)
it is lined by oral epithelium.

[03/05/2024, 06:19:55] ~ Huzza!:

Largest organ in oral cavity
(Mainly made up of skeletal muscle).
extrinsic muscle of tongue are responsible for sideways movement of tongue.
rolling of tongue is by intrinsic muscles of the tongue made up of 3 muscles (horizontal,
sulcus terminalis divides tongue into anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3.
tongue has to surface.
superior surface (dorsal) and inferior surface (ventral)

anterior and posterior are made up of mastecatory mucousa

In the anterior 2/3 are projections called *lingula papilla*
posterior 1/3 has *tonsils* and is deviod of lingula papilla.

lingula papilla are:

filiform papilla (short and narrow) (around the curve of the tongue it is devoid of *taste
fungiform papillae (mushroom like on it's superior surface taste buds are present)
circumvallate pappilae (largest of all pappilae contains furrow (ridges where secretion
located on the anterior to sulcus terminalis or posterior on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
contains taste buds
foliate papillae ( it disappears after age of 2 located on the lateral side of the tongue on
the posterior aspect of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue)
If present it contains taste buds.

what are taste buds

Specialized recptors (intraepithelial with an onion shape)
There are about 2000 8000 taste bud in the oral cavity.
each tatse bud contains about 60-80 spindle shape cell

Height 60-80 um
Diameter 80 90
contains an opening called taste pore.
the fibers protruding are taste hair.
type 1,2,3,4 cells are present in the taste bud
type 1 cell dark cell
type 2 light
type 3 intermediate
type 4 basal ( stem cell which will differentiate to type 1)
differentiation 4 1 2 3.
type 4 will also make type 4

glands are also present in the dorsal surface ( in total there 3 glands)
anterior lingual gland are present on the anterior aspect of anterior 2/3. ( *blandin nuhn*)
posterior aspect of the anterior 2/3 of tongue called *von ebners gland* (same location as
circumvallate pappilae). They secrete watery secretion for taste appreciation
Posterior mucus gland on the posterior 1/3 of tongue
contain some taste buds

ventral surface of tongue is lined by *oral epithelium*

[03/05/2024, 06:19:56] ~ Huzza!: Salivary gland

basic functional unit is called acinus ( well developed mitochondria, ribosomes, zymogen,
granules, golgi apparatus)

identify reticular tissue location, and function?

Found in the stroma of glands and lymphatic vessel
It provide support.

Parenchyma of salivary gland is divided into acini and ducts

Acini (similar to exocrine pancreas and parotid gland)
(pancreas has Centro acini)

Salivary gland ( slide)

milk(20) and permanent (32) teeth

there are 8 teeth in each quadrant for milk teeth its 5

structure of teeth
crown ( part of teeth that is visible)
in between both is called cervix
root (Inside the socket can't be seen)
in the root it is covered by cementum

enamel ( hardest substance in the body)

formed by calcium hydroxyapatite (96%)
Found on the surface of crown.
contains glycoproteins, enamalin.
matrix is produced by ameloblast.
on daily basis ameloblast 4-8 um is formed.
you will have sections of hypocalcfied and hypercalcified rods called stria of zesterius

dentine ( second hardest part of body)

matrix contains 65-75% of calcium hydroxyapatite
type 1 collagen(20-25%)(containing gags)
matrix of dentine is produced by odentoblasts
contains hypocalcified dentine rod and normal calcified rod this alternate arrangements is
called line of *Owen*
6th week of gestation it will form dental lamina which will form a bud (this is called *BUD
cells from the bud will form 3 layered structure ( stage is called capit state)

additional layer will be formed making 4 layers ( bell stage)

dentoenamel junction is formed

cementum (similar to the bone)

50% calcium hydroxyapatite 50% organic
formed by cementoblast
macrophage responsible for resorption called cementoclast or odontoclast

richly vascularized, contains CT, lymphatics are present and well innervated.

Root contains the apical foramen

A space in the root is called periodontal space which contains periodontal ligaments.
alvelous is the space

gingiva (gum) is lined by parakeratinized epithelium

[03/05/2024, 06:19:58] ~ Huzza!: alimantary canal has 4 layers

mucosa has 3 sub layers
layer closes to the lumen is the *epithelial lining*
main function is absorption, *protection*
*lamina propria* mainly contains loose areolar connective tissue, glands, blood
vessel,lymph nodes, Galt
*Muscularis mocusa*
Made up of 1-3 layers of smooth muscles (circular, longitudinal muscle)

dense irregular connective tissue, glands
Nerve plexus *Meissner's plexus*

Muscularis externa
inner circular smooth muscle layer
outer longitudinal smooth muscles layer
between them is aurberch plexus

made up of mesothelial connective tissue
adventita you found in adipose tissue
serosa intraperitoneal of the alimentary canal (directly in contact with git organs)

[03/05/2024, 06:19:59] ~ Huzza!: esophagus (from inside to outside)

mucosa layer is made of *startified squamous non keratanized epithelium*
in Lamina propria esophagueal cardiac gland
1-3 layer of muscles

esophagueal cardiac gland is present

Muscularis externa layer

inner circular muscles
outer longitudinal smooth muscle
upper 1/3 skeletal muscles
middle 1/3 mixed skeletal and smooth muscles
lower 1/3 smooth muscles

mainly intraperitoneal

[03/05/2024, 06:19:59] ~ Huzza!: stomach (no goblet cells in stomach)

epithelial lining is *simple columnar epithelium*
lamina propria has gastric gland (simple tubular and branched gland) ( it is found in
cells present
Oxyntic cell ( parietal cells)
chief cells ( secrete pepsinogen)
Mucous neck cell (mucous secretion)
Denis/enterochrommaffin cells (cck, s cells, gastrin, serotonin,motilin)
Stem cells

The fundic gland contains all the cells

While the cardiac cells contain only the mucous cells and stem cells ( regenerative cells)

Stem cells are found in the isthmus and neck of the gastric gland.

Mucous neck cells are found in the neck.

While the other are in the fundus.

Muscularis mocusa
circular smooth muscles layer
longitudinal smooth muscle layer

Contains Meissner's plexus

Muscularis externa ( from inside to outside)

oblique smooth muscle layer.
circular layer.
longtidunal smooth muscle layer.

Note invagination of mucosa and submucosa layer forming mucosal fold ( rugae) ( found
only in stomach)
function of rugae is increase surface area.

[03/05/2024, 06:20:00] ~ Huzza!: small intestine is made up of


All have simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells. ( are interspace)
as we go down the goblet cells increase
but in respiratory system it decrease

lamina propria loose areolar connective tissue, lymphatics, glands

specific to ileum there are Peyer's patches ( aggregation of lyhmphoid tissues).

Muscularis mocusa same

submucosa layer
contains BRUNERS GLAND only in the duodenum
Peyer's patches present in ileum but begins to manifest and more prominent.

Muscularis mocusa
Same as others

Adventita and serosa

Specialization found only in small intestine.

microvilli are present on the simple columnar epithelium ( enterocyte )
intestinal mucosal fold is called *villi*
the space between the intervillous space is called crypt of lieburkuhn
paneth cells are present in crypts of lieburkuhn. ( secrete lysozyme)
mucosal and submucosal fold is called *plicae circularis*

The terminal end of ileum contains M cells which is attached to Peyer's patches
M cells are antigen presenting cells (APC)

Cell types in small intestine are

Denis cells
goblet cells
paneth cells

epithelial lining
simple columnar and goblet cells

lamina propria has no glands

Contains both serosa and adventita

same as the other layers (normal)

Specialization in the large intestine

microvilli present
crypts of lieburkuhn but no paneth cells
villi present
no plicae circularis
on the outer layer there is *taenia coli* formed by the thickened layer of longitudinal layer.
taenia coli is absent in appendix and rectum
haustra are present or circulations only found in the large intestine ( on external surface)
epiploic appendices are present from cacum to sigmoid colon

rectum ( same as large intestine except

goblet cells are more in rectum
Shallow crypts of lieburkuhn
contains paneth cells

[03/05/2024, 06:20:01] ~ Huzza!: anal canal

close to the rectum the epithelial lining is *simple columnar epithelium*
middle at the anal canal is simple cuboidal epithelial before the *anal valve*
distal to the anal valve is the startified squamous non keratanized epithelium.
distal to the above is startified sqaumous keratanized epithelium

Lamina propria
Sabceous gland
lymph node
hair follicle

Muscularis mucosa is the same

Specialization of anal canal

longitudinal fold of mucosal and submucosal is called column of morgagni
transverse fold of mocusal and submucosal is called anal valve.

Many lymphoid nodules are present in the appendix.

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