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A flash flood is a result of

a) High intensity short duration rainfall..

b) Increased discharge than carrying capacity of the river

c) Low intensity long duration rainfall.

d) Blocking of drains.
Ans : a,d

While flash floods are often caused by heavy rainfall within a short period, they can also result
from other events, such as drain blockages and cloud bursts.

2.Which component is responsible for flooding a river basin

a) Peak flow rate

b) Total volume of water

c) Topography of the basin

d) all of the above

Ans; d

The correct answer is d) all of the above. Flooding in a river basin can be influenced by multiple
factors, including the peak flow rate, total volume of water, and the topography of the basin,
which all contribute to the dynamics of flood events.

3.Which of the following is used to estimate which areas will be inundated during a flood, based
on river height information?

a) Lidar and radar images

b) Flood maps/flood-plain hydraulic models

c) River gauging stations

d) Height of embankment

Ans: b
The correct answer is b) Flood maps/flood-plain hydraulic models. These tools use river height
information and other data to estimate which areas will be inundated during a flood event,
helping to predict and manage flood risk.
4.Which of the following statements is false?

a) Smaller lead time is better than larger lead time in flood forecasting

b) Flood forecasting is a rainfall runoff model.

c) forecasts of temperature are more accurate than forecasts of rainfall

d) all the above

Ans: d

a) Smaller lead time is not always better in flood forecasting. Sometimes, a longer lead time
allows for better preparation and response to potential flooding events.

The false statement is b) Flood forecasting is a rainfall runoff model. Flood forecasting involves
multiple factors beyond rainfall runoff, such as topography, soil conditions, and river basin

C)This statement is false. Forecasts of temperature and rainfall accuracy can vary depending
on various factors. Temperature forecasts rely on historical data, computer models, and
observational data, making them relatively accurate. However, predicting rainfall is more
challenging due to the complex nature of precipitation patterns. Factors such as local
topography, wind patterns, and atmospheric conditions can greatly impact rainfall, making it
more difficult to accurately predict. Therefore, forecasts of rainfall tend to be less accurate
compared to temperature forecasts.

5.Which of the following can reduce the risk of flooding?

a) zonings and building regulations for new developments

b) dams, detention basins and levees

c) flood awareness and education programs

d) all of the above.


The correct answer is d) all of the above.

Zonings and building regulations help ensure that new developments are not built in flood-prone
areas or are constructed to withstand potential flooding.
Dams, detention basins, and levees are infrastructure measures designed to manage and
control water flow, reducing the risk of flooding in downstream areas.

Flood awareness and education programs inform people about flood risks, safety measures,
and emergency preparedness, which can help minimize the impact of flooding events.

6. In the future, which of the following is expected to increase the risk of flooding?

a) population growth

b) urbanization

c) climate change

d) all of the above.

Ans: d

In the future, climate change is likely to result in an increased chance of flash floods and coastal
inundation. Australia’s growing population and urbanization are likely to place increased
pressure on our waterways and to increase the chance of flooding in cities and the number of
properties and people exposed to floodwaters.

7. Usually the largest floods in a stream occur

a) very frequently, several times in one-year

b) frequently, every few years

c) rarely, about every ten years

d) rarely, or once every few 100/500 years

Ans: b

8.Urbanization usually results in an increase in flood frequency because

a) less water is able to runoff in streams

b) less water is able to infiltrate in to the ground, so instead is discharged rapidly in to streams

c) more water is used by humans and then discharged to streams

d) rainfall is greater in urban areas than in rural areas

Ans: b

The correct answer is option b) less water is able to infiltrate into the ground, so instead is
discharged rapidly into streams.


Urbanization causes an increase in impervious surfaces, which increases surface runoff and
causes pluvial and flash floods.
Urbanization increases the amount of impervious surface area in a given region, which slows
hydrologic response time and hence raises flood risk.
Because less water infiltrates the ground as a result of urbanisation, there is more runoff. The
lag time, also known as flashy discharge, which is the quick rise and fall of floodwater, is
reduced as a result of this.

9. Urban floods are often caused

a) by thunderstorms

b) release of water from dikes and dams.

c) by inefficient drainage system and heavy rainfall

d) by river beds that are too high

9. Urban floods are often caused

a) by thunderstorms

b) release of water from dikes and dams.

c) by inefficient drainage system and heavy rainfall

d) by river beds that are too high

Ans: c

10. Which of the following is not flood mitigation measure?

a) Construction of embankment

b) Flood plain zoning

c) Identification of relief camps

d) Flood forecasting and warning

Ans: c

11. Flood early warning system consist of

a) Meteorological Hydrological -Hydraulic modules

b) Meteorological - Hydrological modules

c) Meteorological-Hydraulic modules

d) Rainfall-runoff modules only

Ans: b

The correct answer is b) Meteorological – Hydrological modules. These modules help predict
and monitor floods by analyzing weather patterns and water levels in rivers and other water

12.Which one is not true in case of a storage reservoir plant?

a) It stores the excessive discharge and later releases it.
b) It does not require a dedicated storage space for flood moderation.
c) A set of rules is required for operate the reservoir
d) A separate storage space is kept reserved for sediment deposition

Ans : b
The option that is not true in the case of a storage reservoir plant is:

b) It does not require a dedicated storage space for flood moderation.

Storage reservoir plants indeed require dedicated storage space for flood moderation, as they
store excessive discharge and release it later as needed.

13.Which one of the following does not fall under preparedness plan of a flood disaster?
a) Collection of sand filled gunny bags for emergency operation
b) To prepare inventory of rescue items
c) To stock medicine and food items
d) Apply watershed management practices to reduce flood intensity
Ans: b

The option that does not fall under the preparedness plan of a flood disaster is:

b) To prepare inventory of rescue items.

While preparing an inventory of rescue items is certainly part of preparedness, it doesn't

specifically pertain to the immediate actions taken during a flood disaster. It's more of a general
organizational task rather than a specific action for flood preparedness.

14.Which of the following set of data are required to prepare a flood hazard
(i) DEM of the area; (ii) River discharge; (iii) Human habitat; (iv) Sediment
(v) Information about embankment; (vi) LULC mapping
a) i, ii and iii
b) i, iii and vi
c) i, ii and v
d) i, iv and vi

Ans : i, ii, vi

To prepare a flood hazard map, the following sets of data are required:

(i) DEM of the area - Digital Elevation Model provides information about the topography.
(ii) River discharge - Data about the flow rate of rivers helps assess flood risk.
(vi) LULC mapping - Land Use and Land Cover mapping provides information about land types
and their vulnerability to flooding.

So, the correct option is:

i, ii and vi

15.Which responses are not included in flood response system?

a) Evacuation plan
b) Emergency search and rescue
c) Incident command system
d) Flood insurance

Ans: d

The response that is not typically included in a flood response system is:

d) Flood insurance.
While flood insurance is important for individuals and communities to mitigate the financial
impacts of floods, it is not typically considered part of the immediate response system to a flood
event. Instead, it's more of a proactive measure to manage risk before an event occurs..

16. Landslide vulnerability depends on –

a) Magnitude of Landslide
b) Elements at risk
c) Scale of Landslide
d) All of the above

Ans: d

The vulnerability to landslides depends on various factors, including:

b) Elements at risk - Such as population density, infrastructure, and land use in landslide-prone

So, the correct answer is:

17.Magnitude of a landslide comprises of –

a) Volume and Velocity of the slide material
b) Volume, Velocity and Depth of the slide material
c) Volume, Velocity, Depth and Runout of the slide material
d) Volume, Velocity, Depth, Runout and Aerial extent of slide material

Ans: d

The magnitude of a landslide comprises various factors, including its volume, velocity, depth,
runout, and aerial extent.

So, the correct answer is:

d) Volume, Velocity, Depth, Runout, and Aerial extent of slide material.

18. Landslide hazard increases when the slope material consists of –

a) Hard rock
b) Soft rock
c) Hard soil
d) Soft soil

Ans: b,d
Landslide hazard typically increases when the slope material consists of:

b) Soft rock or d) Soft soil.

Both soft rock and soft soil are more prone to failure and instability compared to hard rock or
hard soil, thus increasing the landslide hazard.

19. Recent land use changes indicate increased landslide hazard.

a) True
b) False

Ans: a

The statement is generally true. Recent land use changes can indeed indicate increased
landslide hazard. For example, deforestation, urbanization, or improper land management
practices can alter the stability of slopes, increasing the risk of landslides.

20. Drainage path or Stream path in hilly areas is not related to landslide.
a) True
b) False


The statement is false. Drainage paths or stream paths in hilly areas are indeed related to
landslides. Poorly managed or obstructed drainage paths can lead to increased water infiltration
into slopes, which can destabilize them and increase the likelihood of landslides. Therefore,
drainage paths play a significant role in landslide susceptibility and occurrence.

21. Tilted trees or vegetation indicates slope movement.

a) True
b) False


The statement is true. Tilted trees or vegetation can indeed indicate slope movement. When the
ground beneath trees or vegetation shifts, it can cause them to tilt or lean, providing visual
evidence of slope movement and potential instability. Therefore, observing tilted trees or
vegetation can be a warning sign of ongoing or past slope movement.

22. All kinds of cracks in the walls of structures or infrastructures indicates slope
a) True
b) False
Ans: b

The statement is false. While some cracks in the walls of structures or infrastructures may
indeed indicate slope movement, not all cracks are necessarily related to slope instability.
Cracks can also result from factors such as settlement, foundation issues, or normal wear and
tear. Therefore, while cracks can be a potential indicator of slope movement, they do not always
signify it.

23. Any significant change in water level in the wells is not a precursory sign for
a) True
b) False

Ans: b

The statement is false. Any significant change in water level in wells can indeed be a precursory
sign for a landslide. Changes in groundwater levels can affect the stability of slopes, especially
in areas with high water infiltration rates. Therefore, monitoring water levels in wells can provide
valuable information about potential landslide hazards.

24. Appearance or disappearance of mudding springs or flow changes is not considered as a

precursory sign of landslide.
a) True
b) False

Ans: b

The statement is false. The appearance or disappearance of mudding springs or changes in

flow patterns can indeed be considered precursory signs of a landslide. These changes indicate
potential alterations in groundwater flow and saturation levels, which can affect slope stability
and increase landslide risk. Therefore, monitoring such phenomena can help identify areas
prone to landslides and take preventive measures.

25. Rock fall events may be composed of a single block and/or numerous blocks.
a) True
b) Fal

Ans: a

The statement is true. Rock fall events can indeed be composed of a single block or numerous
blocks. The size and composition of the falling rocks can vary depending on factors such as the
geological characteristics of the slope, weathering processes, and the triggering mechanism of
the rock fall event. Therefore, rock falls can involve either a single large block or multiple smaller

26. A disease that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to as
a) Epidemic
b) Pandemic
c) Spanish flu
d) Hyper endemic

Ans: b

The correct answer is:

b) Pandemic

A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads across a large region, such as multiple countries
or continents, affecting a significant proportion of the population.

27. Bhopal Gas Disaster is a kind of

a) Natural disaster
b) Manmade disaster
c) None of the above

Ans: b

28. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by

a) Prime Minister of India
b) President of India
c) Governor of States
d) Chief Minister of States

Ans: a

29. Disaster Management includes:

a) Mitigation
b) Reconstruction
c) Rehabilitation
d) All of the above

Ans: d
Disaster Management includes:

d) All of the above

Mitigation, reconstruction, and rehabilitation are all integral components of disaster
management, along with preparedness, response, and recovery.

30. The level of risk of a disaster depends on

a) Nature of the hazard
b) Vulnerability of the elements which are affected
c) Economic value of the elements which are affected
d) All of the above

Ans: d

31. Which of the following groups of people is more vulnerable in the event of
a) Men, boys, old people
b) Men, women, boys
c) Women, children, old people
d) None of the above

Ans: c

32. In India, Cyclone is tracked through which satellite?

b) IRS
c) Ocean SAT
d) None of the above

Ans: a

Answer. In India, Cyclone is tracked through SCATSAT-1 satellite,INSAT-3DR

33. Intensity of an earthquake is measured by

a) Modified Mercalli scale
b) Richter scale
c) Seismograph
d) None of the above

Ans: a

34. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) calls a storm ‘Super cyclone”

when the wind blows
a) More than 120 km /hour
b) More than 100km/hour
c) More than 220km/ hour
d) None of the above
Ans: c

C. More than 220km/hour

The supercyclones are classified based on their wind speed of 260 km/hour, this is the standard
wind speed of a supercyclone around the world.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) labels a storm "Supercyclone" when it is above 220
km/hour in wind speed.

35. The cycle of disaster consists of the following components

a) Mitigation- Preparedness- Response- Recovery
b) Preparedness- vulnerability assessment- risk assessment- recovery
c) Mitigation- Risk assessment- Response and Recovery
d) None of the above

Ans: a

36. Which on eof the following is the Risk Equation


Ans : a

37. The Seismic Zone of the city of Kolkata is

a) Zone II
b) Zone III
c) Zone IV
d) None of the above

Ans: b

38. The following is a part of earthquake mock drill performed in school

a) Measuring the Intensity
b) Measuring the Magnitude
c) Drop-Cover-Hold
d) All of the above

Ans: c
39. Hospital Treatment Capacity (HTC) is defined as
a) the number of casualties that can be treated in the hospital in an hour
and is usually calculated as 10% of the total number of beds.
b) the number of casualties that can be treated in the hospital in an hour
and is usually calculated as 5% of the total number of beds.
c) the number of casualties that can be treated in the hospital in an hour
and is usually calculated as 3% of the total number of beds.
d) the number of casualties that can be treated in the hospital in an hour
and is usually calculated as 25% of the total number of beds.

Ans: b

40. Seismic Safety of Medical equipment like Ventilator in a hospital is - a) Displacement

b) Acceleration Sensitive
c) Both Displacement a& Acceleration Sensitive
d) None of the Above


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