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ORG March 2011

reprint R1103E

spotlight on the next big job

Reinventing Your
Personal Brand

How to change your image and create

exciting new opportunities by Dorie Clark

This document is authorized for educator review use only by DANIEL REMONDEGUI, ${institution} until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Spotlight on the Next big job


t Co

Reinventing Your
Personal Brand

How to change your image and create

exciting new opportunities by Dorie Clark

2 Harvard
This Business
document ReviewforMarch
is authorized 2011
educator review use only by DANIEL REMONDEGUI, ${institution} until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
For article reprints call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500, or visit
ARTWORK Leandro Erlich, Le Cabinet du Psy, 2005
furnishings (couch, bookshelf, desk, seats), glass, fluorescent lights

Installation at Nogueras Gallery/Blanchard, Barcelona
Dorie Clark (dorie@ is the CEO
of Clark Strategic Com-
munications, a consulting

firm that helps clients build
their brand reputation and
increase sales.

You’ve worked long and hard, sacrificing to build a program or a sabbatical is available—and seek out a
solid reputation. When you’re out of the room, you mentor who can guide you.
know what they’re saying: He’s an innovative mar- Next you need to build the skills necessary for
keter. She’s a terrific patent lawyer. He knows every- your new path. If you’ve been a game developer for

thing about the Latvian export market. But what if the past decade, you may understand the technology
you now want to rebrand yourself? better than anyone else in the company. But if you
People reinvent themselves all the time—to take want to move into video game marketing, technical
on a new challenge, shift into more-meaningful savvy isn’t enough; ask yourself what else you need
work, or rebut perceptions that have hindered their to know—and how to learn it. For Heather, a non-
career progress. Sometimes the changes are major profit manager who decided to make a new career
(a financial services manager moves into retail, a of her interest in transportation engineering, that
venture capitalist becomes a life coach). Sometimes
the rebranding is subtle, as for an executive who
meant returning to school for a doctorate and devel-
oping her expertise early on as a faculty research as-
wants to advance but needs to overcome the knock sistant. Learning the skills you need will give you the
that he’s “not good with numbers.” Taking control confidence to start publicizing your new identity—
of your personal brand may mean the difference be- and the credibility required to assume it.
tween an unfulfilling job and a rewarding career. As
Longfellow noted, “We judge ourselves by what we 2. Leverage Your Points of Difference
feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what What’s your unique selling proposition? That’s what
we have already done.” Your path may make perfect people will remember, and you can use it to your ad-
sense to you, but how can you persuade others to vantage. After losing popularity to newer, even more
embrace your new brand—and take you seriously? right-wing talking heads, the conservative pundit
These days, I consult on strategy and marketing Ann Coulter had to reinvent herself. She didn’t en-
for Fortune 500 companies, major nonprofits, and tirely abandon her old brand; she reconfigured it
government agencies. But I have also been a journal- to compete in a new marketplace. Leveraging her
ist, a political operative, a nonprofit executive direc- unique blend of blonde vixen and conservative fire-

tor, and a documentary filmmaker—and I studied brand, Coulter is now courting gay Republicans who
theology at Harvard along the way. In addition to enjoy diva-style smack talk.

doing my own rebranding, I’ve advised scores of ex- As Coulter understood, previous experience can
ecutives who were looking for a new direction. I’ve distinctively color your new brand and help you
learned that five steps are key to reinventing yourself stand out. Heather, the former nonprofit manager,
for the business marketplace, whether your desired says, “I tried to offer the value-added of having a dif-
changes are large or small. ferent perspective.” She’d say to her new engineer-
© Leandro Erlich, Courtesy Sean Kelly Gallery, New York

ing colleagues, “You know how to build roads. But

1. Define Your Destination I worked in the community where you’re building
Rebranding isn’t easy, and if your plan is poorly the road, and here’s how it impacts people.” Heather
thought out, you’ll end up confusing yourself and says, “That was my foot in the door.”

others. Start by determining where you really want Finally, use distinguishing characteristics to your
PHotography: Leandro Erlich Studio

to invest your energy. Check out relevant industry advantage, even if they’re not strictly relevant to
trade journals, do informational interviews, even your work. Robert Reich, the former U.S. secretary of
try some internships. (They’re not just for college labor and my previous employer (I headed up commu-
students anymore; VocationVacations, for instance, nications when he ran for Massachusetts governor),
enables people to apprentice with professionals, is under five feet tall. He knew that people seeing
ranging from schooner captains to alpaca ranch- him for the first time would be surprised—and he
ers to brewmasters.) If you’re looking to advance or didn’t want his height to be a distraction. So he’d
shift laterally within your company, see if a shadow loosen up crowds with a joke or two about his stature
This document is authorized for educator review use only by DANIEL REMONDEGUI, ${institution} until May 2023. CopyingMarch 2011is Harvard
or posting BusinessofReview
an infringement 3
copyright. or 617.783.7860
Spotlight on the next big job

and, in the same vein, titled his campaign book I’ll Be scious rebranding was directly challenged in a Fast
Short. Like it or not, “short” was part of his brand— Company profile that quoted a number of former
and he shrewdly leveraged it. staffers deriding his purportedly abrasive manage-
ment style. Successful rebranding doesn’t involve
3. Develop a Narrative inventing a new persona—it’s a shift in emphasis
You used to write award-winning business columns… that should prompt others to say, “I can see you do-
and now you want to review restaurants? It’s human ing that.”
nature to have many interests, to seek new experi-
ences, and to want to develop new skills. Unfortu- 4. Reintroduce Yourself

nately, however, people often view that as the sign of Once you’ve embraced your rebrand, making new
a dilettante. It’s unfair, but to protect your personal contacts is the easy part—they’ll take the new you at
brand, you need to develop a coherent narrative that face value. The harder slog is reintroducing yourself
explains exactly how your past fits into your present. to your existing network.
“I used to write about the business side of many indus- The truth is, the vast majority of people aren’t
tries, including food and wine,” you might say. “I re- paying much attention to you. That means their per-
alized that my big-picture knowledge of agricultural ceptions are probably a few years out of date—and
trends and business finance uniquely positioned me
to cover restaurants with a different perspective.”
it’s not their fault. With hundreds (or thousands) of
Facebook friends and vague social connections, we
It’s like a job interview: You’re turning what could be can’t expect everyone to remember the details of
perceived as a weakness (“He doesn’t know anything our lives. So we have to strategically reeducate our
Successful about food, because he’s been a business reporter for friends and acquaintances—because they’re going to
20 years”) into a compelling strength that people will be our buyers, recommenders, or leads for new jobs.
remember (“He’s got a different take on the food in- First make sure that all your contact points (Face-
doesn’t dustry, because he has knowledge most other people book, LinkedIn, personal website, and so forth) are
involve don’t”). consistent and up-to-date. Jason, an IT contractor
The key is not to explain your transition in terms from New York City, had a successful business doing
inventing a of your own interests (“I was bored with my job and hands-on database administration. When he sought
new persona. decided to try something else,” or “I’m on a personal to rebrand himself as an IT strategy consultant, he
journey to find the real me”) but to focus on the value rolled out a new website and e-newsletter to ensure
your prior experience brings. This is particularly rel- that he was sending clients and colleagues the right
evant for the fresh-out-of-college set, whose early message. Don’t forget to reach out by phone or e-mail

career opportunities have been hobbled by the re- to all the people on your list—individually—to let
cession. A stint flipping burgers may not be the ideal them know about your new direction and, where ap-

résumé builder, but you can get credit for learning propriate, to ask for help, advice, or business. (Blast
valuable skills on the front line of a customer service e-mails are a start, but they too often go unread.)
organization—if you tell your story well. In some cases your reintroduction may also in-
One caveat is that your narrative must be consis- volve addressing negative perceptions—and being
tent with your past. Politicians are pilloried for ob- disciplined about sticking to new behavior that bet-
vious, poll-driven personality changes. (Witness Al ter reflects your aspirations. Before his U.S. Senate
Gore’s unsuccessful reinvention of himself during victory, Al Franken was known for fiercely partisan
the 2000 presidential campaign from eco-wonk to political comedy (including his book Rush Lim-
podium-banging “people versus the powerful” cru- baugh Is a Big Fat Idiot) and theatrics like screaming

sader for the proletariat.) You, too, will be called out matches with Bill O’Reilly. But on the campaign trail
fast if you’re seen as abandoning your roots, shad- and in office Franken has used only the gentlest hu-
ing the truth, or not acknowledging your history. It mor, made an effort to forge bipartisan relationships,
was big news last year when Alex Bogusky, the hip- and focused on serious policy issues, garnering sev-
ster impresario of Crispin Porter + Bogusky—an ad eral early legislative successes.
agency famed for its work on behalf of corporate cli- Also think strategically about your “unveiling.”
ents such as Burger King and Coke—left advertising Are there projects you can get involved with that will
to champion environmental causes and run a center showcase your new interests and abilities (or help
for activists in Boulder, Colorado. His socially con- you develop them)? Volunteering on political cam-

4 Harvard
This Business
document ReviewforMarch
is authorized 2011
educator review use only by DANIEL REMONDEGUI, ${institution} until May 2023. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860
For article reprints call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500, or visit

Idea in Brief
People use career There are five key 3. Develop a narrative that de- 5. Prove your worth by estab-
changes to reinvent steps in any personal scribes your transition in terms lishing and promoting your
themselves all the rebranding: of the value it offers others. track record.

time, but it’s important
1. Define your destination and 4. Reintroduce yourself, using Traces of your old brand may
to manage one’s brand
acquire the necessary skills. digital media and seizing op- linger, but a carefully consid-
in such transitions.
portunities to showcase your ered strategy and the ability
Doing so can spell the 2. Craft a unique selling capabilities. to create unique value in your
difference between a proposition and distinguish changed role will help your
bungled change and a yourself by leveraging your new brand take hold.
successful one. points of difference.

paigns or for charitable causes is one high-profile zations in your field. Make a focused effort to publish
way to make new contacts and develop new skills. in respected journals, speak at industry conferences,
Leveraging opportunities within your company is or take on a leadership role in your trade association.
another. If a major new initiative is launching, try to The resulting visibility, connections, and credibility
jump on board. If competition is too fierce, you can
take on jobs that others don’t want (such as adminis-
py can pay major dividends. When the Rhode Island
consultant Alan Weiss took on the presidency of
trative duties) but that will help you meet people and the National Speakers Association, New England,
build crucial connections. in the mid-1990s, the high-profile position not only
brought him new business (he traces $250,000 in
5. Prove Your Worth earnings directly to it) but helped him broaden his
Every art student has a portfolio ready to be shown reputation and launch new offerings (he subse-
at a moment’s notice. It’s no different in the business quently wrote two books on professional speaking
world. There’s a wide gulf between my knowing that and now provides high-end training).
you’ve launched a new business and trusting that Finally, you have to be consistent and commit-
you’ll do a good job for clients. I may like you a lot, ted as you move forward. A desire to expand into
but unless I see proof of your skills, I’ll hesitate to international work won’t go far if you don’t make
put my own reputation on the line by sending you the effort to learn new languages or the nuances of
referrals. other cultures. And a onetime charitable gift is nice
That’s where blogs, podcasts, videocasts, and but quickly forgotten. The key is long-term effort.

other forms of social media come in. The first step Michael Milken—once best known as a 1980s high-
is securing your own internet domain name and flier jailed for securities violations—dramatically

starting to produce unique intellectual property. redeemed his reputation through more than three
The second, even more critical, is ensuring that your decades of committed philanthropy. He has raised
material offers real value. You can quickly establish hundreds of millions of dollars to combat prostate
your expertise if you help people solve a problem cancer, melanoma, epilepsy, and more, earning a
or do something better, as was the case with Brian 2004 Fortune cover story (and mega-rebrand) titled
Clark (no relation), a former attorney who founded “The Man Who Changed Medicine.”
the website Copyblogger and has built a huge follow- Especially in the internet era, traces of your old
ing with frequent tip-laden posts on how to improve brand will never completely disappear—and as long
web content and gain online followers. as you’re thoughtful about what you’ve learned along

Sharing the content you’ve created allows po- the way, that’s OK. The challenge is to be strategic
tential customers or employers to test-drive your about identifying how you wish to be perceived, de-
approach before making a large commitment. (If veloping a compelling story that explains your evo-
you’re a graphic designer, having contacts check out lution, and then spreading that message. Consider it
an image gallery of corporate logos you’ve created “search engine optimization” for your life: The more
may inspire one of them to send you that major new connections you make, and the more value and con-
account.) tent you regularly add to the stream, the more likely
After you’ve demonstrated your ability, solidify it is that your new brand will be known, recognized,
your rebrand by associating with the leading organi- and sought out.  HBR Reprint R1103E
This document is authorized for educator review use only by DANIEL REMONDEGUI, ${institution} until May 2023. CopyingMarch 2011is Harvard
or posting BusinessofReview
an infringement 5
copyright. or 617.783.7860

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