RA s2023 186

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7 lat Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS Advisory No. 186s. 2023 October 5, 2023 In compliance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013 ‘This advisory is issued not for endorsement per DO 28, s. 2001, but only for the information of DepEd officials, personnel/staff, as well as the concerned public. (Visit deped.in/region8.deped.gov.ph) VALUES FORMATION AND SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION COUNCIL PHILIPPINES INTERNATIONAL INC. Attached is a letter from Leonardo P. Pedrosa Jr, National Team Leader, Values Formation and Spiritual Transformation Council Philippines International inc, Philippines, asking permission to conduct Moral Recovery and Spiritual Enrichment Orientation to the Grade 3 to 12 leamers for school year 2023-2024. It aims to promote provide and promote moral and spiritual values for the development of the human person committed to the building of a just humane society and an independent and democratic nation, and to arrest the moral decay of Philippine society by recovering and promoting positive Filipino values as a source of moral consensus, national identity and pride. Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no- disruption-of-classes policy stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. More information may be inquired from: LEONARDO P. PEDROSA JR. Regional Coordinator PVEP Inc.,Unit 126-b Albergo Hotel and Residences Viliamuor Drive, Baguio City, Benguet Philippines, 2600 Cp# 09659841070/096826 10361 Considering that this is an Adviso: given the discretion to act on this m4]jERAH , Schools Division Superintendents are OF EDUCATION al CLMD-ACA, de = ‘Address: Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Telephone No.; (053) 832-5738 Email Address: region8@deped.gov.ph Website: https://region8.deped.gov.ph (ER “perro [ys M)\ Values Formation and Spiritual =| 2m iy Transformation Council Philippines TASH. Basement Mult-purpose Building, Camp Crame, Quezon Cty mass) Sc cxameionen tL wn ea to 997 = < Member: Federation of Philippines Accredited Non-Government Organization TO: _ EVELYNR. FETALVERO, CESOIV is Regional Director DepEd Region 8 Brgy. Candahug, Palo Leyte PARTE OF CSUCATIE™ _. RRC? SUBJECT: To update our permit DATE: September 26, 2023 Dear Ma'am Evelyn, Greetings! We are from the office of Values Formation and Spiritual Transformation Council Philippines International Inc. of Camp Crame, a service providers legally recognized to conduct Dialogues, Lectures, and Seminars upon proper coordination with concerned offices in consonance with the National Government's Moral Transformation Program according to Presidential Proclamation No.62 (Moral Recovery Program) Last 2016, we had the permission from DepEd Region 8 Office to conduct Moral Recovery and Spiritual Enrichment Orientation to our Grade 3 to 12 learners last school year 2015-2016 and we would like to continue and update the permit this year. We enclose our documents, modules and their instructional contents for your perusal Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We look forward to a partnership with you in promoting a God-centered lifestyle and imbibing spiritually Enhance education. Please contact us by Email or phone if you have any questions. DR.NICOLAS R. AMATORIO President/ Chief Executive Officer PCSUPT WILLIE M TOLENTINO (ret) ‘National Adviser DR. ARMIE F.JESALVA, MD, DD Team Adviser Coll # 09659841070 / 09682610361 Email address: valuesformation@gmail.com FRANCISCO P. PERLADA FRANK CANABER DEREC C. BARAGENIO (CELSO SUGAROL JR LEONARDO P. PEDROSA JR. GUIDING FILIPINO PEOPLE TO, ‘ORI TIO! SE NOE ER coe ea Values Formation and Spiritual Transformation Council Incorporated #7 Basement MPC Building, Camp Crame, Quezon City SEC REG. CN200810343 TEL NO. 723-04-02 Loc. 4597 IE IND A‘ MORAL RECOVERY AND SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM RATIONALE ‘The promotion of moral values and spiritual enrichment in schools, government, and private offices as well as other sectors of the Philippines, comes under the preamble of the Constitution for which the Government is to embody and build a just and humane society in promoting the common good. In Article Il, Section 27 of the Constitution, the State provides that Government must “maintain honesty and integrity in public service and take positive effective measures against graft and corruption. Article XI, Section 1 directs “public officers must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibilty, integrity, loyalty, and efficacy, act with patriotism and justice and lead modest lives." Likewise in Article XIV, Section 3 (2), the Constitution provides that "all educational institutions shall inculcate... the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values; develop moral character and personal discipline and encourage critical and creative thinking. (3)..spiritual values shall be allowed to be taught to their youths or wards in Public elementary and high schools within the regular class hours by instructors designated.” Similarly, the Values Formation and Spiritual Transformation Council Incorporated (VFSTCT) thrust found strong support in the Philippine Constitution of 1987 in its vision of "a just and humane society,” which calls for shared culture and commonly held values such as "truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace”. (Preamble) Therefore, in response to the need to strengthen the moral resources of the Filipino people rooted in Filipino culture, values, and ideals that are Maka-Dios, Maka-Tao, Maka-Bayan, and Maka- Kalikasan, former President Fidel V Ramos, in His Executive Order No. 319 dated April 3, 1996, mandated urgent implementation of the Moral Recovery Program to bring about the needed change for progress. In the pursuit of this thrust, the Values Formation and Spiritual Transformation Council Incorporated (VFSTCI) has embarked on a Values Education and Spiritual Enrichment Program with the following goal and objectives: GOAL AND OBJECTIVE To provide and promote moral and spiritual values for the development of the human Person committed to the building of "a just and humane society” and an independent and democratic nation. To arrest the moral decay of Philippine society by recovering and promoting positive Filipino values as a source of moral consensus, national identity, and pride. OBJECTIVES: Proper implementation of the program will develop Filipinos to become MAKA — DIOS, MAKA — TAO, MAKA — BAYAN at MAKA — kalikasan. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ‘The activity is a One and half-hour lecture one school at a time that integrates the themes of Maka-Diyos (God-Centered), Maka-Tao (Love, Unity, and Solidarity), Maka-Bayan (National Pride and Patriotism), and Maka-Kalikasan (Stewardship for the Environment, Natural Resources, and Patrimony). The lecture is also customized to particular age-group and audiences. TARGET AUDIENCE OR PARTICIPANTS: Students from Grades 4 to 12 Parents (from kinder to grade 6) Teachers Local Government Units (optional upon proper coordination) iY AND TEACHING STRATE: 1. Lecture/discussion/ power-point 2. Film Showing/Presentation 3. Recreational Activities DURATION AND VENUE 1. One and a Half (1 1/2) Hours of Activity per school at a time aenNe 2. School; Function Room, Covered Gym/multi-Purpose (Qptional; Church Building) Ft \L CON 1. OVERVIEW OF MORAL RECOVERY PROGRAM(1* Speaker) 30 minutes > What is Moral Recovery Program > Legal Mandate of Moral Recovery Program > The Goal of the Moral Recovery Program » Why do we need Moral Recovery Program TI. CURRENT SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS(2" Speaker) — 30 minutes > Bridge to Recovery (for All) > BATA, AnoAngPangarap Mo? (for Primary) > Anti-drug Addiction (Video Presentationfor Secondary) » Parenting Lecture (for Parents) II. THE STRATEGY RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM(3" Speaker) 30 minutes > 5 to 10 minutes video presentation about the Love of God > Self- Reflection > Spiritual Retreat IV. _ HOW POSITIVE CHANGE BRINGS PROGRESS ® Monitoring progress should be maintained by the VFSTCI officer representative through weekly or monthly follow up Prepared by: VALUES FORMATION TEAM Email address: valuesformation@gmail.com L/w. FM. Reference: ‘THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Preamble Avticle Il, Section 27 Asticle XI, Section 1 ‘Article XIV, Section 3 (2), (3) EO 319, April 3, 1996 DECS Order No.6, s.1988 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 8 REGIONAL PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Camp Sec. Ruperto K Kangleon, Palo, Leyte CERTIFICATE OF APPEARANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Leonardo P. Pedrosa Jr of Values Formation & Spiritual Transformation Council Philippines, intemational Incorporated appeared before this office for Courtesy Cail with RD, PROB relative to conduct Values Formation & Spiritual Transformation Seminar on different schools in Eastern Visayas. This Certification is being issued for whatever purpose it may serve. Given this 27th day of September 2023 at Police Regional Office 8 Camp Sec. Ruperto K Kangleon, Palo, Leyte. Certified by: PCOL LASEO OIC, RPBMD | 1 ~ OYSd Gavo yau5 es Ud * 400 OW winsa mannan BZ wopysarg () : WOO ‘DNORWpK ASESESESE SE Se Se SS Se Sess 9 arta wa WO Bn Dae 2 Ef et “AND Worant aur due egg pie ano 0 ak ay 1 9UnG Jo hep TAG sp ua ‘ONT TONDO NOLLVYOUSNVYL TWALntas 9 NOLLVNYOd SAN TVA SUNASHYd ISHHL A NAW TEE MONY Aysraqmayy 30 34291 (yiwrgs) 4119 uozangy suas» Sauddiyrng ams 50 505; pay Saasenbpeay jeune, Himudog Suvouwoy pur uapessioy Sendo: sononta NVIIVLYD"¥ O1 Porno omg cmap 99 op EES lL PINES HONG Site) BaoSepepuERY AE pre 34 oy uoRequaneN. va “Hu 50.708 944 paved pute prow Su: HS OFMRIIDY BAER | -AOADLLTIW SANE XI “wou yom a 1g aan jossoms wets pa Ned SE yates, Sevest “Sala aq p> 9pm 9 Hey om) fe gt mona jo sungsysnad agi oy yoRMsanE step si) wey a4 utd stew pao 11 jo Aiuofem © pae Gear, sie abe yy i ee s3pH tse 241 Jo SiaquuoUT 99) 30 sparq-oat 1 Jo 9109 qh Sa pte 4119 PHEOY aE JM 3108 SuobeM k4 gon2 “6A CeRMUES 4H owtope “pax sua® soo (ous | pny daparey) © ONT HIS109 SOLLVWAOSSA V2: 8 NOLLVINNOS SATIVA Ni NI HONTOD NOLLVWHOASS VAL “IW LLRATdS ® NOLLVIKHOS SATIVA, Wat 241 79 Gonreamntanou SNE poposure ays HEH LEE) OL St STH SANASAMA ASAI AN SNORE EATY WONM NOLS HOMMOINE AO SIEM OLIN INS 40 ONIN 40 ALV LALLA) EPEDLAOOZN > ON Hay Auedwio-> erueyy onayy ‘Buoknyecueyy 52 4 sriuwear5 ‘¥Sa3 Baping 93S NOISSIWWOS JONVHOXa GNY SaLLiunoas SMart I-es. 40 oes

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