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3.4 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan fungsi sosial dan unsur Pertemuan Pertama: Pendekatan Berbasis Genre (Genre Based
unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait 3.1.1 Mengenali apa itu song Approach)
kehidupan remaja 3.1.2 Menentukan tujuan dari Song
kehidupan remaja A. Membangun Konteks (Building knowledge of
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK 3.1.3 Menjelaskan tujuan dari song
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK field).
social function of song dan lirik lagu
 Menguji siswa sebagai tahap awal
4.4 Menangkap makna secara  To entertain the listeners. 3.1.4 Membuat kesimpulan tentang
perkenalan materi dengan menggunakan
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan  To teach moral value tujuan song dan lirik lagu. pertanyaan dan siswa memberi respon
unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait through the lyrics of the sesuai pertanyaan yang di berikan untuk
kehidupan remaja songs. masing – masing siswa
 To provide a way of  Berdiskusi tentang tujuan dari song dan lirik
managing the lagu dan menjawab pertanyaan
realitionship between our  Membahas hasil kerja.
public and private
Pertemuan Kedua:
emotional life.
3.1.5 Membandingkan jenis-jenis B. Menelaah Model/Dekonstruksi teks
 To express personal (Modeling of text).
feeling and cultural  Mengamatai video singkat kemudian
3.1.6 Membuat kesimpulan tentang
values. menjawab pertanyaan dan menuyusun kalimat
jenis-jenis song
 To give someone to not menjadi pertanyaan jenis-jenis song..
only shares their  Membahas hasil kerja.
emotions with others, but  Membaca konsep dan berdiskusi, kemudian
membuat kesimpulan tentang jenis-jenis song
also to have an emotional (Buku:Pathway To English, task 4 hal:101; )
connection that just can't (discussion text statements listening on youtube
be experienced in any
other way
Pertemuan Ketiga: C. Latihan Terbimbing (Joint construction of
Generic Structure of Songs
3.1.7 Mengenali struktur song atau text)
lirik lagu  Membaca konsep tentang ‘struktur song’
The general structure of a
3.1.8 Menerangkan struktur song atau  Menjawab pertanyaan dan berdiskusi.
song consists of verse- lirik lagu  Membahas hasil kerja.
3.1.9 Menelaskan structure song atau  Peserta didik memperoleh balikan (feedback)
chorus-verse-bridge-chorus. lirik lagu dari guru tentang tujuan song, struktur song
It is better for us to learn 3.1.10 Membuat kesimpulan tentang dan unsur kebahasaan dalam song.
more about the complete struktur song atau lirik lagu (Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII,
structure of songs. hal:20-25)
Pertemuan ke empat:
a. Intro D. Unjuk Kerja Mandiri (Independent
3.1.11 Menjelaskan Perbedaan construction of text)
structure song dan lirik lagu  Membuat tugas mandiri berdasarkan instruksi
The introduction 3.1.12 Membandingkan struktur song yang diberikan.
establishes melodic, atau lirik lagu  Presentasi hasil kerja.
harmonic, and/or 3.1.13 Membuat draf tentang lirik lagu. (Buku:Pathway To English, task 116 hal:118)
rhythmic related to the
main body of song. Pertemuan ke lima:

3.1.14 Mengenali unsur kebahasaan

b. Verse dari song dan lirik lagu
3.1.15 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan
It is the section of the dalam song dan lirik lagu
song structure that tells 3.1.16 Menyimpulkan perbedaan dan
persamaan unsur kebahasaan
the story. This is the
dari song dan lirik lagu.
exposition, describing the Pertemuan ke enam:
scene or the person, or
an emotion. There are 3.1.17 Mengunakan unsur kebahasaan
usually two or three 3.1.18 Membuat tugas individu
verses in a row that have berdasarkan instruksi yang di
the same musical berikan oleh guru
structure, the same 3.1.19 Presentasi hasil kerja
rhyme and poetic meter,
but different words. The
second verse builds on
the picture painted in the
first verse, etc.

c. Refrain of Chorus

A chorus is the most

repeated section, so it's
the easiest remembered.
A chorus is the summary
of the song's story. All
the verses have been
leading up to the chorus,
and is usually the part of
the song people sing
along with. A chorus can
come at the beginning of
the song structure; it can
also start in the middle,
or come at the end. In
fact, some songs don't
have choruses at all.
Some people are usually
confused to differentiate
between choruses and
refrain. A refrain is any
line that repeats in the
song lyric, while a chorus
is any group of lines that

d. Bridge

This is the part of the

song that shifts. It can
suddenly change tempo,
or volume, or
instrumentation. The
bridge is the section that
gives the audience time
to reflect on the story, or
gives them the "climax"
or conclusion of the story
through verses and
chorus. Bridges can be
used to give the singer a

e. Outro or Coda

This is the end of the

road for the song. It can
repeat the intro, chorus
or a refrain as an outro,
or a bridge with an
instrumental solo.
1. Feature
2. Rhyme: The repetition of
similar sounds at the end of
words, often used to create a
catchy and memorable
3. Alliteration: The repetition
of initial consonant sounds
in words, used to create a
rhythmic effect and
emphasize certain words or
4. Onomatopoeia: Words that
phonetically imitate,
resemble or suggest the
sound that they describe,
such as "boom" or "splash,"
used to enhance the sensory
experience of the song4.
5. Metaphor: A comparison
between two things without
using "like" or "as," used to
create vivid and evocative
6. Personification: Attributing
human qualities or
characteristics to non-human
entities, such as objects or
animals, used to create a
more relatable and engaging
7. Figurative Language: The
use of language in a non-
literal sense to convey
meaning, emotions, or
themes, including
metaphors, similes, and
other literary devices

Ternate, 03 Januari 2022

Kepala SMA Negeri 10 Kota Ternate Guru Mata Pelajaran


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