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CLASS XI (SESSION 2023-2024)

Dear students,
Every year we look forward to the exciting summer vacation to spend time with family
and friends. This summer, apart from having a lot of fun, we expect you to try to develop
new skills, enhance your knowledge and read a lot of books. To resonate with the
Experiential Learning Approach and to make learning more fun and fruitful the Art-
Integrated Projects are specially designed to ignite a passion for discovery and
experimentation among the learners, while utmost care has been taken to ensure a safe
and healthy learning experience for our most treasured learners.
1. Ensure timely submission of holiday homework after the reopening of the school.
2. Try to incorporate creativity and innovation.
3. Revise all the topics that have been taught by your subject teachers in the new session.
4. Take up an activity at home which you enjoy for example sketching, dancing, gardening etc.
Q1. Read the lesson ‘The Address’ and answer the following questions-
(a) Research on the political backdrop of the lesson and write a paragraph on it.
(b) Write a pen portrait of the narrator.
(c) ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament that follows war. Comment.
(d) Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?
Q2. You are a Software Engineer with five years of experience in a leading IT firm. You are
looking for a job change. Draft a classified advertisement to be published in a leading
newspaper under the classified columns.
Q3. You are Ayushi. You require a salesman for your gift shop in Kirti Nagar, New Delhi. Draft
an advertisement to be published in the classified column of The Times of India.
Q4. You want to let out your 3BHK flat in Ghaziabad. Prepare an advertisement to this effect
for publication in a newspaper giving the location of the building, nature of accommodation,
rent expected, etc.
Q5. Project Work-Internal Assessment
Read the play Mother’s Day from Snapshots and make a project-
The Project should be done individually-
First Page-Cover page, with title of project and details of students
Second Page-Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
Third Page-Introduction to the theme
Fourth Page-Students’ input on the play, their interpretation
Fifth Page- Character Sketches
Sixth Page- Character Sketches
Seventh Page- Speech Writing-Empowering Mothers
Eighth Page- Debate Writing- Are mothers given their due respect?
Ninth Page-Conclusion-convey a message
Tenth Page- List of resources/bibliography
➢ Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 should be done in the note-books.
➢ Q5 should be done on A-4 sized sheets and after the completion of the project should
be compiled within a file.


Project Work
Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may state with journal
entries and their ledgering, preparation of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss Account
and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes and profit (loss), assets and liabilities are to be
depicted using pie chart / bar diagram. This may include simple GST related transactions.
1. The total length of the project will be of 30 to 40 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder on A4 size sheet.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
5. Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and year.
6. List of contents.
7. Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
8. Introduction.
9. Topic with suitable heading.
10. Observations and findings of the visit.
11. Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study).
12. Appendix
13. Teacher’s observation.
2. It is suggested to undertake this project after completing the unit on preparation of
financial statements. The student(s) will be allowed to select any business of their choice or
develop the transaction of imaginary business. The project is to run through the chapters and
make the project an interesting process. The amounts should emerge as more realistic and
closer to reality.
3. A list of options to the students to select a business form. You can add to the given list:
1. A beauty parlour 10. Men's wear 19. A coffee shop
2. Men's saloon 11. Ladies wear 20. A music shop
3. A tailoring shop 12. Kiddies wear 21. A juice shop
4. A canteen 13. A Saree shop 22. A school canteen
5. A cake shop 14. Artificial jewellery shop 23. An ice cream
6. A confectionery shop 15. A small restaurant 24. A sandwich shop
7. A chocolate shop 16. A sweet shop 25. A flower shop
8. A dry cleaner 17. A grocery shop
9. A stationery shop 18. A shoe shop
After selection, advise the student(s) to visit a shop in the locality (this will help them to
settle on a realistic amounts different items. The student(s) would be able to see the
things as they need to invest in furniture, decor, lights, machines, computers etc.
A suggested list of different item is given below for the transactions:
1. Rent 19. Wages and Salary
2. Advance rent [approximately three months] 20. Newspaper and magazines
3. Electricity deposit 21. Petty expenses
4. Electricity bill 22. Tea expenses
5. Electricity fitting 23. Packaging expenses
6. Water bill 24. Transport
7. Water connection security deposit 25. Delivery cycle or a vehicle purchased
8. Water fittings 26. Registration
9. Telephone bill 27. Insurance
10. Telephone security deposit 28. Auditors fee
11. Telephone instrument 29. Repairs & Maintenance
12. Furniture 30. Depreciations
13. Computers 31. Air conditioners
14. Internet connection 32. Fans and lights
15. Stationery 33. Interior decorations
16. Advertisements 34. Refrigerators
17. Glow sign 35. Purchase and sales
18. Rates and Taxes



Project work

The objective of introducing this project among the students is to give a first hand experience
to them regarding the different types of business units operating in their surroundings, to
observe their features and activities and relate them to the theoretical knowledge given in
their text books. The students should select a place of field visit from the following: – (Add
more as per local area availability.)
1. Visit to a Handicraft unit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
3. Visit to a Whole sale market (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains, garments, etc.)
4. Visit to a Departmental store.
5. Visit to a Mall.

Project 1: Visit to a Handicraft Unit

The purpose of visiting a Handicraft unit is to understand nature and scope of its business,
stake holders involved and other aspects as outlined below
a) The raw material and the processes used in the business: People /parties/firms from which
they obtain their raw material.
b) The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered.
c) The countries to which exports are made. d) Mode of payment to workers, suppliers etc.
d) Working conditions.
e) Modernization of the process over a period of time.
f) Facilities, security and training for the staff and workers.
g) Subsidies available/ availed.
h) Any other aspect that the teachers deem fit.
Prroject II: Visit to an Industry.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Nature of the business organisation.
b) Determinants for location of business unit.
c) Form of business enterprise: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Undivided Hindu Family, Joint
Stock Company (a Multinational Company). d) Different stages of production/process
e) Auxiliaries involved in the process.
f) Workers employed, method of wage payment, training programmes and facilities available.
g) Social responsibilities discharged towards workers, investors, society, environment and
h) Levels of management.
i) Code of conduct for employers and employees.
j) Capital structure employed- borrowed v/s owned.
k) Quality control, recycling of defective goods.
l) Subsidies available/availed. m) Safety Measures employed.
n) Working conditions for labour in observation of Labour Laws.
o) Storage of raw material and finished goods.
p) Transport management for employees, raw material and finished goods.
q) Functioning of various departments and coordination among them (Production, Human
Resource, Finance and Marketing)
r) Waste Management.
s) Any other observation.

Project III: Visit to a whole sale market: vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc.

The students are required to observe the following:
a) Sources of merchandise.
b) Local market practices.
c) Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc.
d) Nature of the goods dealt in.
e) Types of buyers and sellers.
f) Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed.
g) Factors determining the price fluctuations.
h) Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.
i) Weekly/ monthly non-working days.
j) Strikes, if any- causes thereof.
k) Mode of payments.
l) Wastage and disposal of dead stock.
m) Nature of price fluctuations, reason thereof.
n) Warehousing facilities available\availed.

Project IV: Visit to a Departmental store

The students are required to observe the following:
a) Different departments and their lay out.
b) Nature of products offered for sale.
c) Display of fresh arrivals.
d) Promotional campaigns.
e) Spaces and advertisements.
f) Assistance by Sales Personnel.
g) Billing counter at store – Cash, Credit Card/ Debit Card, swipe facility. Added
attractions and facilities at the counter.
h) Additional facilities offered to customers
i) Any other relevant aspect

1. The project should be done on A4 SIZE sheet.
2. Ackowledgement and certificate is already sent in class groups. Hard copy of the
same should be attached in the project work.
3. Project file should be prepare individually in legible handwriting.
4. Students should refrain from outsourcing their projects.
5. Students should prepare the project on the topics allotted. It is as follows:

1-10 Visit to a Handicraft Unit

11-20 Visit to an Industry

21-30 Visit to a whole sale market:

vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc

31-40 Visit to a Departmental store

40-54 Visit to a Mall

6. Select a suitable day free from rush/crowd with lean business hours.
7. Students may carry their cameras (at their own risk) with prior permission for
collecting evidence of their observations.
8. Maximum pages-40 , Minimum Pages-30

• Questions
Question 1. For which of the following types of business do you think a sole
proprietorship firm of organization would be more suitable, and why?
(i) Grocery store (ii) Medical store
(iii) Legal consultancy (iv) Craft centre
(v) Internet cafe (vi) Chartered accountancy firm
Question 2. For which of the following types of business do you think a
partnership firm of organization would be more suitable, and why?
(i) Grocery store (ii) Medical store
(iii) Legal consultancy (iv) Craft centre
(v) Internet cafe (vi) Chartered accountancy firm
Question 3. Explain the following terms in brief:
(i) Perpetual succession (ii) Common seal
(iii) Karta (iv) Artificial person
Question 5. If registration is optional, why do partnership firms willingly go
through this legal formality and get themselves registered? Explain.
• Solve unit test 1 question paper.

Project work – The student who has been given the individual project topic, will collect material
information on that topic.

Guidelines for Project Work

The objectives of the project work are to enable learners to:

● probe deeper into theoretical concepts learnt ● analyse and evaluate real
world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments ●
demonstrate the learning of economic theory

● follow up aspects of economics in which learners have interest and

develop the communication skills to argue logically

The expectations of the project work are that:

● learners will complete only ONE project in each academic session ●
project should be of 3,500-4,000 words (excluding diagrams &

graphs) and should be hand-written

● it will be an independent, self-directed piece of study

Scope of Project
Learners may work upon the following lines as a suggested flow chart:
Checklist for Economics Project

● Introduction of topic/title
● Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies
● Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
● Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified ● Short-
term and long-term implications of economic strategies suggested in the
course of research

● Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research

work and for presentation in the project file

● Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file ●

Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources
section, bibliography etc.

Students are required to keep following essentials in mind while preparing the project.
1. Explanation of the concept
2. Meaning and definition
3. Application of the concept
4. Diagrammatic explanation
5. Numerical explanation related to the concepts etc., if any
6. Students’ own views/perception/opinion and learning from topic.

NOTE: Marks will be given on the basis of following parameters

a) Relevance of the topic
b) Knowledge content/ research work
c) Presentation Technique
d) Viva-voce

Mode of presentation/submission of the Project

At the end of the stipulated term, each learner will present the research work in the Project
File to the External and Internal examiner. The questions should be asked from the
Research Work/ Project File of the learner. The Internal Examiner should ensure that the
study submitted by the learner is his/her own original work. In case of any doubt,
authenticity should be checked and verified.

List of Topics for Projects

● Effect on PPC due to various government policies
● Opportunity Cost as an Economic Tool
● Goods and Services Tax Act
● Human Development Index
● Self-help group
● Solar Energy,a Cost-Effective Comparison with Conventional Energy Sources
● Invisible Hand(Hand Smith)
● Bumper Production-Boon or Bane For the farmer

● Any other newspaper article and its evaluation on basis of economic principles
● Any other topic
B) Complete all notes of Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data of
Statistics in Notebook.

MATHEMATICS : CLASS XI – (2023 – 24)

Section-A : Project
Content of project


Compile your work in the PROJECT FILE in the following order:

1. Cover page (as follows)
By Name----------------------------------- Class ------------Section --------------- Roll No. -----------------
2. Acknowledgement
I would like to thank Mr./Mrs. ___________________ my MATHS Teacher, my Principal Ms.
SHALINI AGGARWAL and MATHS H.O. D: Ms. ANTARPREET KAUR for their support and
guidance in completing my project on the given topic. It was a great learning experience. I
would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of my group members
(names of all group members). The project would not have been successful without their
cooperation and inputs. I would also like to thank my parents and other friends who helped
me a lot in finalizing this project within the stipulated time frame.
Student’s Signature __________
This is to certify that (Student’s name) _________________of class (class & Sec.) ________
has successfully completed his/her MATHS INTEGRATERD PROJECT on the topic/theme
(topic’s name) ______________ as suggested by Mr./Miss/Mrs./ (teacher’s name)
______________during the academic year 2023-24 as per the guidelines given by CENTRAL
Sign of teacher ______________________
Teacher’s name ______________________
Teacher’s Signature

3. Project (start writing your project…)

Section-B : Worksheet
Q1. A = { x : x ≠ x } represents
(A) { x } (B) { 1 } (C) { } (D) { 0 }
Q2. A = {a, {b,c},d} . Which of the following is true
(A) b ∈ A (B) {a} ∈ A (C) {b,c} ∁ A (D) {b,c} ∈ A
Q3. If A and B are two non empty set then ( A – B ) ∪ ( B – A ) equals to
(A) ( A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∪ B) (B) (A ∪ B) – (A – B) (C) (A ∪ B) - ( A ∩ B) (D) (A ∪ B) – B
Q4. Q2. A = { 1, {2,3}, 4} , How many subsets of set A?
(A) 3 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 16
Q5. A = { a, b, c, d, e } , How many proper subset of A ?
(A) 32 (B) 30 (C) 31 (D) 33
Q6.If A = {1,2,3} , B = {a,b,c} then number of relations in AXB is
(A) 9 (B) 6 (C) 29 (D) 26
Q7. F(x) = - x2 then the range of the fuction is
(A) (-∞, ∞) (B) (0, ∞) (C) (-∞, 0] (D) (-∞, 0)
Q8. (A∩A’)’ = ?
(A) ∅ (B) A (C) A’ (D) Ṳ
Q9. n(A) = 3 ,n(B) = 2 then (A∩A’)XB = ?
(A) AXB (B) BXA (C) ∅ (D) AUB
Q10. If A= {1,2,3,4} and x4 = number of subsets of A, then the value of x is
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 16 (D) 8
Q11. If R = { (x,y) : x2 + y2 ≤ 4 , x,y both belongs to Z } then Domain of R is
(A) {0, 1, 2} (B) { 0, -1 , -2} (C) { 0 ,-1 , -2 , 1 ,2 } (D) None

Q12. A survey show that 63% people read a newspaper A, where as 76% read newspaper B.
If x% of the people read both newspaper then

(A) x = 35 (B) x = 63 (C) 39≤ 𝑥 ≤ 63 (D) x = 39

Q.13. If X and Y are two sets then X ∩ (𝑋 ∪ 𝑌)’ is equal to

(A) X (B) Y (C) ∅ (D) X ∩ 𝑌

Q14. If set A = { (x,y) : y = 1/x, x≠ 0, 𝑥 ∈ 𝑅} , set B = { (x,y) : y = - x , x∈ 𝑅} then

(A) A ∩ 𝐵 = 𝐴 (B) A ∩ 𝐵 = 𝐵 (C) A ∩ 𝐵 = ∅ (D) A ∪ 𝐵 = 𝐴

Q15. Let n(A) = m and n(B) = n. Then total number of non-empty relations that can be
defined from A to B is

(A) mn (B) 2mn (C) nm – 1 (D) 2mn - 1

Q16. Fill in the blanks
(i). If Z is a complex number then z.𝑧 = ……..
(ii).( A – B ) ∪ ( B – A ) U ( A ∩ B) = …………………
(iii). |x| < a = - a < …… < a
1 1
(iv) If x > y then 𝑥 ……. 𝑦

(v) If x + iy = 𝑎−𝑖𝑏 then the value of x2 + y2 is ……..

(vi) In the region of x < 4, all the points of the line x = 4 are …………….. (Included/Excluded)
Question no. 17 to 22, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason(R)
(A) Both Assertion(A) and Reason(R) are true and Reason(R) is the correct explanation of
(B) Both Assertion(A) and Reason(R) are true and Reason(R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) Assertion(A) is True and Reason(R) is wrong
(D) Assertion(A) is false and Reason(R) is true.
Q17. Assertion(A) : i2n = 1 for all n Ԑ Z, where Z is set of integers.
Reason(R) : i2 = -1 where i is an imaginary number
Q18. Assertion(A) : 9x2 – 12x + 4 ≥ 0 for all x ∈ 𝑅
Reason(R) : Square of real numbers cannot be negative
Q19. Assertion(A) : A non vertical line will divide the plane into left and right half planes.
Reason(R) : The solution region of a system of inequalities is the region which satisfies
all the given inequalities in the system simultaneously.
Q20. Assertion(A) : Number of proper subsets of a set = 2n - 1, where n = number of elements
in the set.
Reason(R) : Every set is the subset of itself.
Q21. Assertion(A) : For any two sets A and B, A – B Ϲ B’
Reason(R) : If A be any set then A ∩ 𝐴′ = ∅
Q22. Assertion(A) : If A = { x, y, z } and B = { 3, 4 }, then number of relations from A to B is 2 5
Reason(R) : Number of relations from A to B is 2n(A) x n(B) .
Question 23, 24 and 25 are based on case study

Q23. In a survey of 600 students Dwarka International school, 150 students were found to
taking Tea and 225 taking Coffee, 100 were taking both tea and coffee. then

(i) how many students take either tea or coffee?

(ii) how many take tea but not coffee?

(iii) how many take coffee but not tea?

(iv) how many students were taking neither tea nor coffee?
Q24. The Cost function of any product is the sum of variable cost and Fixed cost. The
variable cost is depend on the number of unit and the fixed cost is not depend on the
number of unit. Revenue function is the product of number of unit and the price per unit.
The difference between the Revenue function and the Cost function is the Profit function.
Suppose the variable cost of a product is given by V(x) = 20x and the fixed cost is 5000.
Each product is sold at the rate of rupees 30, where x is the number of units produce and
(i) what is the maximum number of unit so that cost is less than 10000?
(ii) Write the Revenue function.
(iii) write the profit function
(iv) How many items must be sold to realize some profit?
Q25. In a class XI of 25 students, it was found that 15 had taken Mathematics, 12 had taken
physics and 11 had taken chemistry, 5 had taken mathematics and chemistry, 9 had taken
mathematics and physics, 4 had taken physics and chemistry and 3 had taken all the three
subjects . Find the number of students that had taken
(i) Only Mathematics
(ii) Physics and Chemistry but not mathematics
(iii) Only one of the subjects
(iv) none of the subjects.
Q26. Solve of the linear inequation |x + 2| < 5.
Q27. If A and B are two given sets then find the value of A∩ (𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)c
Q28. Find domain and range of the function f(x) = 2 - | x – 5 |
Q29. Give examples of two functions which Domain and Range are same.
Q30. Write domain and range of Reciprocal function.

Suggest topics
➢ Test for CWSN (any 4 items out of 27 items. One item from each component: Aerobic
Function, Body Composition, Muscular strength & Endurance, Range of Motion or Flexibility)

➢ CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting Volleyball, Wheel
Chair Basketball, Unified Badminton, Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind Cricket, Goal
ball, Floor ball, Wheel Chair Races and Throws, or any other Sport/Game of choice

➢ Children with Special Needs can also opt any one Sport/Game from the list as alternative
to Yogic Practices. However, the Sport/Game must be different from Test - ‘Proficiency in
Games and Sports’

*Record Project File shall include:

➢1: Fitness tests administration. (SAI Khelo India Test)

➢ 2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle

➢ 3: Anyone one IOA recognized Sport/Game of choice. Labelled diagram of Field &
Equipment. Also, mention its Rules, Terminologies & Skills.
Including games basketball,handball,hockey,cricket, kabaddi, kho-

1. The project should be done on A4 SIZE sheet.
2. Hard copy of the Project file should be prepare individually in legible
3. Project should not be less than 30 pages
4. Students should prepare the project on the topics allotted. It is as follows:

B. Make proper notes of the chapter 2 and 3

C. Revise all the chapter completed till may (for test)


Section-A : Project
Content of project

Compile your work in the PROJECT FILE in the following order:

4. Cover page (as follows)
By Name----------------------------------- Class ------------Section --------------- Roll No. -----------------
5. Acknowledgement
I would like to thank Mr./Mrs. ___________________ my Computer Science Teacher, my
Principal Ms. SHALINI AGGARWAL for their support and guidance in completing my project
on the given topic. It was a great learning experience. I would like to take this opportunity to
express my gratitude to all of my group members (names of all group members). The project
would not have been successful without their cooperation and inputs. I would also like to
thank my parents and other friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the
stipulated time frame.
Student’s Signature __________
This is to certify that (Student’s name) _________________of class (class & Sec.) ________
has successfully completed his/her COMPUTER SCIENCE INTEGRATERD PROJECT on the
topic/theme (topic’s name) ______________ as suggested by Mr./Miss/Mrs./ (teacher’s
name) ______________during the academic year 2023-24 as per the guidelines given by
Sign of teacher ______________________
Teacher’s name ______________________
Teacher’s Signature

6. Project (start writing your project…)

Section-B : Worksheet
1. To find average and grade for given marks,
2. To find amount for given cost-qty-discount,
3. To calculate cost perimeter-wise/ area-wise,
4. To calculate interest (Simple and Compound)
5. To calculate profit-loss for given Cost and Sell Price
6. To calculate EMI for Amount, Period and Interest,
7. To calculate tax (examples from GST/Income Tax)

Note: Complete above practical program in practical file and

send on email-id :
Holiday Homework
Class 11
a) Folk art on canvas.(size of canvas 14X18)

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