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2020학년도 1학기 기말고사

과목 코드
1학년 영어
13 2020.07.29

① It seems that the Mayan prophecy turned out to be wrong.

② They are about to embark on a mission to find hidden treasure.
③ There are clear indications that many complaints have been fabricated.
④ I could not help overhearing what they said, because I was
1. 아래 문장의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?〔2.4점〕
sitting next to them.
∙ Although some cats affection and attention from ⑤ Life will present you with innumerable lessons, and none of
people, other cats do not. which will be useful to you unless you recognize them.
∙ As appetite is increased, we tend to high calorie
and sugary foods, which can cause weight gain. 6. 다음 우리말에 대한 영작에서 밑줄 친 부분이 알맞게 쓰이지 않은
것을 2개 고르면? [2.1점]
① grant ② crave ③ dilute ④ interpret ⑤ diagnose
① 전체 영화산업은 십대 영화팬들에게 좌지우지된다.
→ The entire movie business is at the mercy of teenage moviegoers.
2. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 알맞지 않은 것은?〔2.3점〕 ② 고대의 많은 미신은 지진을 지구를 지탱하는 거대한 생물들이 뒤
① He has emerged as the most prominent political figure on the planet. 흔든 탓으로 돌렸다.
② They said that taking a bath is good for relieving fatigue and stress. → Many ancient myths attributed earthquakes from the stirring
③ When I was self-employed, our income would fluctuate from of giant creatures that supported the earth.
month to month. ③ 그 범인은 그 돈이 그의 집에서 발견된 사실을 설명할 수 없었다.
④ What I want to underline here is that we can do nothing → The criminal couldn’t account for the fact that the money was
without their permission. found in his house.
⑤ Since the transplant of the financial crisis, more females have ④ 그 학생들은 자신들의 잘못에 대해 사과하는 것을 피하려고 했다.
→ The students tried to avoid making an apology with their wrongdoing.
joined the labor force.
⑤ 박물관 투어에 관심 있는 사람들은 1층에서 등록할 수 있다.
→ Those who are interested in a museum tour can sign up for it
3. 다음 중 밑줄 친단어의 반의어(antonym)로 알맞지 않은 것은?〔2.3점〕 on the first floor.
① Lift your legs into the air until they are vertical(↔ horizontal)
to the ground. 【7~8】다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
② Scholars cooperate with one another because they find it Firefighter Casey Lessard was busy rescuing people at a crash
mutually beneficial(↔ harmful). scene when he saw an injured child. The 4-year-old boy was
③ Music, sports, hobbies, and crafts are invaluable(↔ worthless) waiting for the next ambulance. Other members of his family, in
for a child’s mental development. worse condition, had already been taken to the hospital. The boy
④ They have also had a profound(↔ essential) impact on American was not so badly injured but was crying more out of fear and
music and culture. confusion than from any pain he was suffering.
⑤ They discussed the company’s expenses and dwindling(↔ increasing) Lessard imagined how scary it would be to be the child, left
revenue. alone without knowing what was happening. He took a moment to
think about what he could do to comfort the distressed child.
Then he took out his smartphone and played for the boy a
4. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 영영풀이로 알맞지 않은 것은?〔2.2점〕
cheerful animation called “Happy Feet.” The dancing penguins on
① We knew nothing about the impending death of our grandfather.
the small screen calmed the boy down.
(→ not completely trusting or certain about something)
The moment was captured in a photograph and spread fast on
② I only had time to skim through the documents before I came here.
the Internet, warming many hearts all over the world. Later, when
(→ to read something quickly in order to understand the main points)
the news media carried the story that the child’s family was
③ They think that TV impairs a child’s ability to think and to
struggling to pay their medical bills, donations came in from
interpret the world. everywhere. The firefighter’s kindness worked a small miracle.
(→ to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective) ①What Lessard demonstrated is called empathy − the ability to
④ North Korea is run by a repressive regime that treats its understand other people’s thoughts and feelings and ②acting on
population with remarkable brutality. the basis of that understanding. Like Lessard, ③highly empathic
(→ controlling what people do, especially by using force) people imagine them into the experiences of other people to find
⑤ The company may purchase the exclusive rights to advertise out how to best help them. ④Empathy is not a talent only special
during an event. people have. Whoever has a healthy mind ⑤has the capability to
(→ limited to only one person or group of people) read other people’s minds. It’s only a matter of degree. Modern
neuroscience tells us that we are all born with empathy and
5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?〔2.2점〕 exercise it all the time.

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

7. 다음 중 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2.5점] 10. 다음 중밑줄 친 ①~⑤의 문맥상 영영풀이로 알맞지 않은 것은?〔2.2점〕
① 아이의 다른 가족들은 부상 상태가 아이보다 더 안 좋았다. ① to watch something or someone carefully
② 아이는 두려움과 혼란스러움보다는 통증 때문에 울고 있었다. ② to behave in a similar way to someone or something else
③ 아이를 진정시킨 것은 스마트폰에 나오는 춤추는 펭귄이었다. ③ the state of wanting to do or have something very much
④ 나중에 아이의 가족은 치료비를 내는데 어려움을 겪고 있었다. ④ very interested in something and not paying attention to anything else
⑤ 현대의 신경과학에 의하면 우리는 모두 공감능력을 가지고 태어난다. ⑤ not different or special or unexpected in any way

8. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중, 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 2개 고르면?〔2.3점〕 [서술형1〕윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)에 주어진 단어들을 알맞게 배열하여
아래와 같은 조건에 맞도록 가정법 과거 문장으로 영작하시오. [6점]
[영작 조건]
【9~10, 서술형1】다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. ① 의미 : 이것은 우리로 하여금 그들의 경험을 마치 우리의 경험인
In 1990, a team of neuroscientists led by Dr. Giacomo Rizzolatti 것처럼 겪게 한다.
made a historic discovery while monitoring a monkey’s brain. ② 철자 오류 시 0점
What they discovered was “mirror neurons” in our brain that run a ③ 필요하면 단어의 형태를 바꿀 것.
simulation of other people’s experiences. When we ①observe ④ 주어진 단어들은 모두 한 번만 사용할 것.
other people, mirror neurons ②imitate their facial expressions and
physical responses in our minds to create a virtual experience.
(A)This / through / us / as / ours / goes / their experiences / 11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 2개 고르면? [2.5점]
the experiences / be / lets / if. I came up with ①what I consider a brilliant idea – biofuel. I
The discovery of mirror neurons proved that empathy is a bought a diesel truck and had it ②convert to run on vegetable oil.
natural human sense, like sight or hearing. Just as we are Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of diesel engines, actually intended for
constantly looking around without focusing on any specific object, farmers ③grow their own fuel. These days, I no longer go to a
we empathize without being conscious of doing so. When we learn gas station ④to get fuel. I pay regular visits to a local Chinese
that our friends are nervous before an audition, we may imagine restaurant and collect waste cooking oil. It does not cost money
their ③anxiety and try to cheer them up. When we see someone and does not send carbon into air. The only problem is that the
begging on the street, instead of simply walking by, we may truck smells like fried chicken, and driving it ⑤makes me terribly
consider what it is like to sleep out on a cold winter night and hungry!
leave some money for them. We may want to do whatever we
can to help the person. These little conscious acts of empathy
help make our lives happier and our world a better place for 【12~13】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
everyone. 한 곳을 고르시오.
Just as we can close our eyes to what we do not want to see,
12. [2.4점]
( B ), we can also turn off our empathy. When we are too
stressed out or too ④absorbed in ourselves to look out for If it were not for electricity and transportation, we would have
others, our empathy goes to sleep. When we believe that life is a to live like primitive people.
series of competitions that one must win in order to survive, we
To begin with, I gave up city life. Do you know what the two
put empathy on hold and behave selfishly. We may do harm to
things in our lives that burn the most fossil fuels are? Electricity
others and ignore their pain.
and transportation. ( ① ) But who could live entirely without
People with broken empathy make no connection with others,
them? ( ② ) We certainly cannot. ( ③ ) So I wanted to set up a
but 99 percent of ⑤ordinary people are affected by the feelings
more sustainable system of providing for them, different from the
of people close to them. When we see our friends laughing, our
current one that is so dependent upon fossil fuel energy. ( ④ ) It
mirror neurons fire up and mimic their laughter in our minds,
was difficult for me to do this in a city as big as New York. ( ⑤ )
making us happy. ( C ), we can never be truly happy when
people around us are sad. Selfish behavior that hurts others
cannot bring us happiness. 13. [2.4점]

Still, it was not easy for me to get electricity from sunlight.

9. 윗글의 문맥상 (B)와 (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3점]
As for electricity, my answer was solar energy. ( ① ) It’s also
( B) ( C)
the reason I chose New Mexico. ( ② ) The sun shines almost all
① however In addition
year round there. ( ③ ) Solar panels are surprisingly expensive,
② therefore Nevertheless
and I had trouble putting them in place. ( ④ ) It was worth the
③ however In contrast
effort, though. ( ⑤ ) Now a large part of the electricity used on my
④ therefore In contrast
farm is provided by my DIY solar system. After going solar, my
⑤ however Nevertheless
farm uses only one tenth of the fossil fuel energy used by the
average American household.

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

[서술형2〕다음 글을 읽고, 아래〈보기〉표현과 같은 의미가 되도록 16. 주어진 글다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.5점]
빈칸 (A)에 알맞은 한 단어를 가정법의 형식으로 쓰시오. [4점]
The sun is slowly getting brighter as its core contracts and
I’m not a farmer by trade. I just try my best to grow what I
heats up. In a billion years it will be about 10 percent brighter
eat. Eating locally is another way of reducing carbon emissions.
than today, heating the planet to an uncomfortable degree.
Not only people but also food travels in this world of global trade.
The tomatoes in your lunch salad may have come from Chile. To (A) Oxygen will be left in the stratosphere — perhaps misleading
bring them to you consumed a lot of jet fuel. I grow fruits and aliens into thinking the planet is still inhabited — while the
vegetables and raise some chickens for daily eggs, just for my hydrogen is light enough to escape into space. So our water
dinner table. I also raise goats for milk and ice cream. ( A ) ice will gradually leak away.
cream, my happiness couldn’t be complete! (B) Water evaporating from the oceans may set off a runaway
<보기> greenhouse effect that turns Earth into a damp version of
Were it not for ice cream, my happiness couldn’t be complete. Venus, wrapped permanently in a thick, white blanket of
cloud. Or the transformation may take some time and be
more gentle, with an increasingly hot and cloudy atmosphere
【14~15】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 able to shelter microbial life for some time.
한 곳을 고르시오. (C) Either way, water will escape into the stratosphere and be
broken down by UV light into oxygen and hydrogen.
14. [2.6점]
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
That tricks the mind into thinking the goal has been achieved, ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
draining the incentive to “get energized to go and get it,” she

Researchers asked college student volunteers to think through a 【17~18】다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오.
fantasy version of an experience (looking attractive in a pair of
17. [2.7점]
high-heeled shoes, winning an essay contest, or getting an A on
a test) and then evaluated the fantasy’s effect on the subjects Dreams are a natural part of sleep, and everybody has them,
and on how things unfolded in reality. ( ① ) When participants whether they remember them or not. But how much people dream
envisioned the most positive outcome, their energy levels, as depends on who they are and how old they are. ①For instance,
measured by blood pressure, dropped. ( ② ) They reported having a marriage has an effect on dreaming. ②One study showed that
worse experience with the actual event than those who had conjured unmarried women dream more than married ones. ③Men dream
more realistic or even negative visions as well. ( ③ ) To assess less than women, whether they are married or not. ④Having
subjects’ real life experiences, the researchers compared lists of recurrent dreams is a very common experience. ⑤Younger people
goals that subjects had set for themselves against what they had tend to dream quite a lot. On the other hand, by the time they
actually accomplished and also relied on self-reports. ( ④ ) “When reach retirement age, people dream a lot less often.
we fantasize about it — especially when you fantasize something
very positive — it’s almost like you are actually living it,” says
one of the study’s co-authors. ( ⑤ ) Subjects may be better off 18. [2.6점]
imagining how to surmount obstacles instead of ignoring them. Word of the clinic spread, and new patients arrived every day.
At first it was twenty per day, then fifty, then one hundred ....
15. [2.6점] Dr. Jang built an operating table with boards and performed
Also, most people who were sick were too poor to pay their surgeries. ①Soon Dr. Jang’s free clinic faced a problem-the
medical bills. growing waves of patients made it difficult for his clinic to treat
them all. ②By the end of the war, his clinic had treated more
Jang Gi Ryeo, a doctor and social worker, was born in
than 200,000 patients for free, but he was not able to maintain
Yongcheon, Pyeonganbuk-do in 1911. He was working at a
hospital in Pyeongyang when the Korean War broke out. He his clinic that way any longer. ③He had to find a way to continue
barely escaped from the war and arrived in Busan. ( ① ) One treating poor patients, but he also needed to buy medical supplies
son had accompanied him, but he had to leave the rest of his and pay the staff at the clinic. ④After discussing the matter at
family behind. ( ② )With waves of people escaping from the length with his staff, he set up the Blue Cross Medical Association,
war, the city was crowded and had little order. ( ③ ) Hurriedly the first medical insurance system in Korea. ⑤Plans were under
built houses filled every corner of the city, as people tried to way to introduce subsidized private medical insurance. Over the
survive each day as it came. ( ④ ) Few people would go to next twenty years, the organization grew and Dr. Jang was able
hospitals when they were sick, and when they did, they often didn’t to help thousands of patients, some who could pay and others
get much help. There were too few hospitals and doctors. ( ⑤ ) who could not.
They just put up with their illnesses and many of them died.

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

[서술형3〕다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 단어를 아래 우리말에 맞게 각 The patient was at a loss.

각 한 단어씩 쓰시오. [4점, 각각 1점] “I can’t do that. That would get you into trouble!”
University students in several of my seminar classes sat in a “The hospital won’t let you go until you ③will pay the bill, but
circle and each student took turns telling the others his or her you don’t have the money. What can you do? You have to go to
name. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were your farm for your family. It can’t ④be helped.”
asked to ①write ( ) the names of as many other students as Later at night, when other patients ⑤had gone to bed, the
they could remember. In almost every case, students wrote down farmer and his wife quietly approached the back door. When they
the names of students that were seated far away from them. opened the door carefully, they were surprised to find Dr. Jang
However, surprisingly, they weren’t able to recall the names of standing outside. He handed the man some money.
students who were seated close to them. This effect was worst “It’s not much, but you’ll need it to take the bus home.”
for the students who sat on either side of them. What was the The farmer and his wife were speechless, weeping and thanking him.
reason for such findings? The student who was next in line for an
introduction was clearly ②( ) edge and after finishing his or her 21. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
introduction, he or she ③was preoccupied ( ) calming his or her 것은? [2.4점]
nerves. The effect was clearly ④due ( ) the social anxiety they Although his patients were his main objects of devotion, Dr.
experienced immediately before and after having to introduce Jang had long been missing what was most important in his life:
themselves to the entire group. his wife. She was living in Pyeongyang with the rest of their
① 적다, 쓰다 ( ) ② 초조한 ( ) children. After the ①division of the two Koreas was finalized,
③ ~에 몰두하다 ( ) ④ ~때문에 ( ) they had to live apart. Dr. Jang lived in a small home, looking
forward to the day when he could once again be with his wife.
When he missed her the most, he would sing songs she had
19. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.5점]
taught him.
An extraordinary successful and economical example of weed
He once had a rare opportunity to meet his wife. When the
control can be found in Australia. Around 1787, a man brought
governments of the two Koreas ②held talks for the reunions of a
the prickly pear, a kind of cactus, into Australia. Some of the
small number of families separated by the war, he was offered
prickly pears escaped from his garden. Having no natural controls
the opportunity to meet her. It was the government’s gesture in
in this new territory, they spread immensely, eventually occupying
③recognition of his devotion to ④attending to needy people. He
about sixty million acres. To eliminate them, Australian scientists
surprised government officials, however, by ⑤handing down the offer.
were sent to North and South America to study enemies of the
“There are ten million people in the north and the south who
prickly pears. After trials of several species, three billion eggs of
want to meet their families. How can I take such a special
an Argentine moth were spread in Australia. Seven years later,
offer, leaving so many people behind?”
the dense growth of the prickly pear had been destroyed and the
once uninhabitable areas reopened to settlement and grazing. The
whole operation had cost less than a penny per acre.
[서술형4〕다음 빈칸에 우리말 해석에 맞는 가장 알맞은 영어 단어
로 쓰시오. [6점, ①②번 3점씩]
① The Effective and Exemplary Case of Removing Weed
At the repeated requests to take the offer, he said at last.
② How to Promote Indigenous Species in Australia
“All right then, but with one condition. If I go to Pyeongyang, I
③ Why Australia Has A Great Reputation as Conservation of Nature
will stay with my wife for the rest of my life. Or I will bring
④ The Advantage of Living in Australia
her to Busan. May I do that?”
⑤ Useful Strategies for Better Future
Of course, he could not, so the officials ①had ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
leave him behind.
20. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2.5점]
Dr. Jang ②( ) away without seeing his wife and children again.
A patient was uneasy. His surgery had gone well, and he had
After his death, a worn out letter was found in his pocket. It was
fully recovered, but he was not allowed ①to go home. The
from his wife.
problem was that he did not have money to pay the hospital bill.
“I knew you were living the life over there that I thought you
His wife, standing next to him, was also very worried. The man
would, taking care of poor patients, but not of yourself. Maybe
was a farmer, and it was planting season. If he did not return to
the reason we are living these long years apart is that we have
his farm soon, he would have nothing to harvest in the fall. What
yet to be with each other again.”
should he do?
Dr. Jang was an outstanding doctor who had any number of
After much hesitation, he went to Dr. Jang’s office, the director
opportunities to become rich and famous. However, his eyes were
of the hospital. “They ②won’t let me go home, even though I told
always fixed on the needy. “The heart of medicine is the
them I would pay the bill after the harvest. They don’t believe
understanding of patients’ suffering,” he said. People called him a
me.” Dr. Jang thought for a while. He had seen similar cases
foolish doctor, but he took it as praise. “When people call me a
before. In such cases, he usually picked up the patient’s bill, not
fool, I consider my life a success.”
expecting to be paid back. This time, however, he did not have
① ~할 수밖에 없었다 : ( ) ( ) ( )( )
enough money. All right, he decided.
“Tonight, I will leave the back door open. Just leave.” ② 사망했다, 돌아가셨다 : ( )

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

22. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.5점] [서술형6〕다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바를 가장 적절하게 나타
In modern Western cultures, it seems that the view that the 내는 문장(첫 문장 제외)을 찾아 그 내용을 우리말로 쓰시오. [5점]
degrees of sentiment felt by people for humans and for animals War is inconceivable without some image, or concept, of the
are positively related is supported by popular public opinion. A enemy. It is the presence of the enemy that gives meaning and
British researcher found that people walking in a park in London justification to war. ‘War follows from feelings of hatred’, wrote
were significantly more likely to be spoken to by a passersby if Carl Schmitt. ‘War has its own strategic, tactical, and other rules
accompanied by a dog. Experimental studies in which participants and points of view, but they all presuppose that the political
are asked to assess photographs of people with or without an decision has already been made as to who the enemy is’. The
accompanying pet have also found that people pictured with a dog concept of the enemy is fundamental to the moral assessment of
tend to be perceived as happier, friendlier and less threatening war: ‘The basic aim of a nation at war in establishing an image of
than those pictured without an animal present. The general the enemy is to distinguish as sharply as possible the act of
conclusion from these studies remains the same: in societies killing from the act of murder’. However, we need to be cautious
where keeping pets is accepted and participated in by the about thinking of war and the image of the enemy that informs it
majority, it likewise is regarded as reflecting _______ social in an abstract and uniform way. Rather, both must be seen for
personalities in those who indulge in it. This may simply reflect a the cultural and contingent phenomena that they are.
human tendency to believe that people who live and behave in
similar ways to ourselves are likely to be nicer and more
trustworthy. [서술형7〕다음 글의 밑줄 친 this trade의 구체적인 내용을 찾아
① negative ② passive ③ necessary ④ positive ⑤ poor 우리말로 쓰시오. [5점]
For thousands of years, farmers at harvest time have selected
seeds, cuttings, or tubers from superior plants to save for the
23. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳 next planting. Farmers often protected the stored seeds from
은? [2.3점] insects or animals by sealing them in clay pots or burying them
in baskets covered with ash. They also often stored tubers in
But I can assure you that it is a very freeing feeling that you
cold areas and either replanted cuttings immediately or kept them
admit your mistakes and decide to make a change.
dry until the next planting time. Farmers thus saved their genetic
Mistakes are really not that big of a deal. In fact, as most of stocks from season to season. They could exchange remaining
us acknowledge, we need to make mistakes in order to learn and stocks with neighbors or exchange them in the local market. Due
to grow. ( ① ) But the problem, I believe, comes when we are to this trade, the plant variety became widespread in a region.
unwilling to either acknowledge or examine the mistakes we Organized seed production, however, did not begin until the early
make, thus leading to the tendency to repeat them — sometimes 1900s.
over and over. ( ② ) So we need to overcome many repeated
mistakes, such as getting too involved in others’ arguments and
trying to fit too many activities into a single day. ( ③ ) Take a 24. 다음 글의 밑 줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
look at your own mistakes. ( ④ ) Are you engaged in repeated 않은 것은? [2.5점]
behavior and mistakes that you might be able to change? In most Invasions of natural communities by non-indigenous species are
cases, the answer is ‘yes.’ ( ⑤ ) That way, you won’t be currently rated as one of the most important global-scale
destined to repeat them. environmental problems. The ①loss of biodiversity has generated
concern over the consequences for ecosystem functioning and thus
understanding the relationship between both has become a major
[서술형5〕다음 글의 요지를 25자 내외의 우리말로 쓰시오. [5점] focus in ecological research during the last two decades. The
You see the world as one big contest, where everyone is “biodiversity-invasibility hypothesis” by Elton suggests that high
competing against everybody else. You feel that there is a set diversity ②fosters the competitive environment of communities and
amount of good and bad fortune out there. You believe that there makes them more difficult to invade. Numerous biodiversity
is no way that everyone can have everything. When other people experiments have been conducted since Elton’s time and
fail, you feel there’s a better chance for you to succeed. several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the often
However, there is not a limited supply of resources out there. observed ③negative relationship between diversity and invasibility.
When one person wins, everyone wins. Every victory one person Beside the decreased chance of empty ecological niches but the
makes is a breakthrough for all. Whenever an Olympic swimmer increased probability of competitors that prevent invasion success,
sets a new world record, it inspires others to bring out the best diverse communities are assumed to use resources more completely and,
within them and go beyond that achievement to set new records therefore, ④facilitate the ability of invaders to establish. Further, more
of human performance. Whenever a geneticist unlocks new secrets diverse communities are believed to be more stable because they use a
of the DNA molecule, it adds to our knowledge base and enables more ⑤expansive range of niches than species-poor communities.
us to better the human condition. Remember that life is a game
where there are multiple winners.

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

25. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.6점] 27. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3점]
Individual authors and photographers have rights to their Savannas pose a bit of a problem for ecologists. There is an
intellectual property during their lifetimes, and their heirs have axiom in ecology that ‘complete competitors cannot coexist’: in
rights for 70 years after the creator’s death, so any publication other words, where two populations of organisms use exactly the
less than 125 years old has to be checked for its copyright same resources, one would be expected to do so slightly more
status. The duration of copyright protection has increased steadily efficiently than the other and therefore come to dominate in the
over the years; the life-plus-70-years standard was set by the long term. In temperate parts of the world, either trees dominate
Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, which increased the (in forests) or grasses dominate (in grasslands). Yet, in savannas
50-year limit established by the 1976 Copyright Act. Supporters grasses and trees coexist. The classic explanation proposes that
of such legislation like to defend these increases with tales of trees have deep roots while grasses have shallow roots. The two
starving writers and their impoverished descendants, but in reality plant types are therefore able to coexist because they are not in
the beneficiaries are more likely to be transnational publishing fact competitors: the trees increase in wetter climates and on
companies. And note that copyright laws serve a dual purpose. In sandier soils because more water is able to penetrate to the deep
addition to protecting the rights of authors so as to encourage the roots. Trees do indeed have a few small roots which penetrate to
publication of new creative works, copyright is also supposed to great depth, but most of their roots are in the top half-metre of
place reasonable time limits on those rights so that outdated the soil, just where the grass roots are.
works may be incorporated into new creative efforts. Therefore, ① contemplative cooperators cannot cooperate
the extended copyright protection frustrates new creative ② complete competitors cannot coexist
endeavors such as including poetry and song lyrics on Internet ③ complicated opponents can collaborate
sites. ④ cooperative individuals are correlated
① 확장된 저작권 보호는 새로운 창작 욕구를 저해한다. ⑤ constructive competitors can correspond
② 몇몇 국가의 저작권 수혜자 선정에는 문제가 있다.
③ 저작권법을 지정할 때 저작권자가 참여해야 한다.
④ 저작권에 대한 기간과 범위는 국가에 따라 달라야 한다.
⑤ 시와 노래 가사에 대한 저작권법을 더욱 강화해야 한다.
Thank you for your work.

26. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하려고 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 “Sweet is pleasure after pain”
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3점]
From an evolutionary perspective, fear has contributed to both
fostering and limiting change, and to preserving the species. We
are programmed to be afraid. It is a survival need, as is stability,
which is another force of nature that can limit the capacity to
change. Stable patterns are necessary lest we live in chaos;
however, they make it difficult to abandon entrenched behaviors,
even those that are no longer useful, constructive, or health
creating. And fear can keep you from changing when you don’t
want to risk a step into unknown territory; for example, some
people choose not to leave an unfulfilling job or a failing
relationship because they fear the unknown more than the known.
On the other hand, fear can also motivate change in order to
avoid something you’re afraid of, such as dying young ― as one
of your parents might have.

Fear (A) the capacity to change in order to maintain

stable condition while it also (B) change to avoid
uncomfortable situation.

(A) (B)
① limits ……………… constrains
② fosters ……………… motivates
③ motivates ……………… encourages
④ constrains ……………… fosters
⑤ discourages ……………… limits

본 시험 문제의 저작권은 배재고등학교에 있습니다. 무단으로 전송/복제/배포하면 저작권법에 의해 처벌 받을 수 있습니다.

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