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International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108 – 118

A comparative study of experimental maturation of peat, brown coal

and subbituminous coal: Implications for coalification
Suping Yao a,*, Chunyan Xue a, Wenxuan Hu a, Jian Cao a, Chuanlun Zhang b
Department of Earth Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory and Marine Sciences Department, University of Georgia, P.O. Box Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802, USA
Received 16 February 2005; received in revised form 22 June 2005; accepted 13 July 2005
Available online 26 September 2005


Laboratory experiments were performed on a peat, a brown coal, and a subbituminous coal using closed-system pyrolysis. The
samples were heated isothermally for 48 h from 150 to 500 8C. All three samples had similar pathways of thermal evolution, which
can be divided into four phases based on vitrinite reflectance (Rm). Phase 1 (b 250 8C or b 0.6% Rm) was characterized by a rapid
increase in CO2, phase 2 (200–350 8C or, 0.6% b Rm b1.1%) by simultaneous generation of oil and gas, and phase 3 (350–400 8C,
1.1% b Rm b 1.3%) and phase 4 (N400 8C, Rm N 1.3%) by production of methane. Phase 3 and phase 4 also caused the
condensation of aromatic rings, which resulted in a rapid increase in Rm in the solid residue and decrease in the potential of
hydrocarbon generation. The yield of gas, however, varied from sample to sample. The amount and composition of bitumen
generated also differed significantly among these samples.
The results indicated that coalification under these experimental conditions appeared to have similar evolutionary pathways
regardless of the original stage; the quantity and the composition of products, however may vary during the coalification process. In
this study, the difference mainly occurred during the process from peat to high volatile bituminous coal, which generated a large
amount of CO2 and bitumen that contained over 95% polar compounds. This study also demonstrated that early-stage coalification
occurred mainly as a loss of oxygen in organic matter. Results of this comparative study enhanced our understanding of the
mechanisms of coalification.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Experimental coalification; Pyrolysis; Peat; Brown coal; Subbituminous coal; Methane; Carbondioxide

1. Introduction ature physical and chemical processes (Stach et al.,

Coalification includes stages from burial of plants Prior to coal formation, microorganisms play impor-
to coal formation. The early stage of coalification tant roles in biogeochemical cycling of organic matter
from peat to brown coal is mainly mediated by in peat (Casagrande and Given, 1980; Hu, 1998; Perry
low-temperature biogeochemical processes. The later et al., 1979; Ren, 1987). Based on the types and con-
stage is from brown coal and/or bituminous coal to tents of amino acids, Casagrande and Given (1980)
anthracite coal, which is mediated by higher temper- estimated that about 5–10% of organic matter in a
peat deposit in Florida, USA, comes from microbial
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 25 83592921. biomass. Wang et al. (1997) observes that the content of
E-mail address: (S. Yao). the mineral–bitumen matrix is closely related to micro-
0166-5162/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118 109

bial activity in Panchiao basin, China. Microorganisms very important process and has two important jumps
can even turn humic material to sapropel material, during coalification. Thus, this process has implications
which contains more hydrogen and is oil-prone during for studying the mechanism of hydrocarbon generation
maturation processes (Hu, 1998; Ren, 1987). from coal because it is known to often generate large
Deposition of organic matter in different environ- amounts of oil and gas.
ments can lead to the formation of different coals Experimental simulations and naturally matured
(Heijden et al., 1994; Moore, 1995; Peng et al., samples have been used to determine the coalification
1999; Phillips and Dimichele, 1990; Scott, 1989; mechanisms for different coals. However, results are
Teichmüller, 1989). Thompson et al. (1985) suggest sometimes inconsistent among the different approaches;
that re-worked coastal plain peats could form drift there is also considerable overlap in the range of tem-
deposits along coastal margins resulting in enriched perature for degradation simulations. Additionally var-
liptinite. Noble et al. (1991) and Mukhopadhyay et al. iations in one or several physical or chemical properties
(1991) also note that delta plain coals can be oil- with rank, age, geographical distribution, or environ-
prone. Powell (1987) recognizes that in certain non- ment of deposition, make it unlikely that any small
marine environments the oil-potential of Type III selection of coals could be truly representative of all
kerogens and coals is enhanced because bacterial deg- coals. Thus, data obtained from any suite of coals, and
radation of these materials results in the enrichment of conclusions drawn from their study, can only be trans-
oil-prone components. ferred elsewhere with caution.
Numerous experiments have been performed to ex- In this study, artificial simulation experiments were
amine the changes in structure and composition of performed on peat, brown coal, and low-rank bitumi-
organic matter during coalification (Bailey and nous coal collected from Tengchong–Lianghe areas of
Cohen, 1993; Cohen and Bailey, 1997; Lucas et al., Yunnan Province in China. These coals were from the
1988; Orem et al., 1996; Rollins et al., 1991; Shearer, same location and were believed to have found in
1994; Wu and Zhang, 1993). It is generally accepted similar depositional environments from similar source
that the maturation process is mainly driven by the rise materials; however, they had different burial depths
of temperature and duration of time. For example, and ranks of coalification. The object was to compare
organic matter exposed to higher temperature for a the thermal simulation processes in each type of ma-
shorter period of time has the same maturity as organic terial and understand the mechanisms of coalification
matter exposed to lower temperature for a longer period for different types of organic matter. The results may
of time (Stach et al., 1982). This suggests that temper- enhance our understanding of natural coalification,
ature and time compensate for each other as effects on especially the transformations from peat to bituminous
organic matter maturity. Therefore, it seems to be valid coal.
to simulate the natural maturation process in the labo-
ratory by increasing temperature during a short period 2. Materials and methods
of time.
In the past couple of decades, the process of oil and 2.1. Field location and sample description
gas generation has been successfully simulated in the
laboratory (e.g., Han et al., 2001; Huang, 1996; Peters Samples used in this study include a peat, a brown
et al., 1981; Rohrback et al., 1984). These simulations coal (R m = 0.29%) and a subbituminous coal (R m =
have used both open and closed systems. In particular, 0.52%) from the Tengchong–Lianghe basin (Fig. 1),
algae were frequently used to simulate hydrocarbon Yunnan Province, China. The peat is a near-surface
generation from such organisms (e.g., Song, 1991; deposit of Quaternary age, the brown coal is from the
Wu and Zhang, 1993). Recently, experiments have Pliocene Mangbang Formation, and the subbituminous
also been performed on lipids, lignins, barks, spores, coal is from the Miocene Nanlin Formation and Mio-
pollen and bacterial spores for their potential for oil cene in age. These samples are particularly rich in
generation (Li et al., 1999; Yao and Jin, 1996). The vitrinite (81–87%) and contain abundant exinite (8–
catalytic effects of water and minerals on hydrocarbon 11%) (Table 1).
generation have also been examined (e.g., Huang et al., The Tengchong-Lianghe basin is located in the su-
1995). ture belt between the India plate and Eurasian plate.
Simulation studies have also been intensely con- And it is one of a series of inter-mountain basins
ducted on coals because of their potential to generate formed as the result of Himalayan movement. The
oil and gas (Law and Rice, 1993). Bituminization is a basement rock of the basin is granite formed during
110 S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118

Fig. 1. The location of Tengchong-Lianghe basin samples used in the study.

Yanshan movement. And the overburden mainly con- is characterized by maroon fluorescence color. Algae
sists of clastic and volcanic rocks. also occur in the peat.
The Nanlin Formation, at the bottom of this section Although these samples are from different diagenetic
(Fig. 2), consists of grey siltstone, grey-white fine phases, the types and amounts of macerals from the
conglomerate, grey-black carbonaceous mudstone, and samples are very similar (Table 1). This may be because
a coal seam. The subbituminous coal is located in the the organic matter was likely deposited continuously in
middle of the Nanlin Formation (Fig. 2). The Man- similar environments in the Tengchong-Lianghe basin
gbang Formation is above the Nanlin Formation (Fig. from Early Tertiary to Quaternary.
2) and is made up of granitic sand and conglomerate,
fine sandstone and siltstone, and basalt. The brown coal 2.2. Experimental procedure
is located at the bottom of the Mangbang Formation.
The Quaternary deposits are at the top of the section The artificial experimental system used in this study
and consist of volcanic rock, sand and mud at the is the same as those used in Bailey and Cohen (1993),
bottom, and peat at the top. The peat is black in color Landais and Gérard (1996), and Han et al. (2001). In
and low in content of fibers. The macerals in the peat brief, the samples were crushed to 60 mesh (0.25 mm).
mainly consist of ulminite, fusinite, and semifusinite; The crushed peat/coals were placed in a high-pressure
sporinite and cutinite are also present. The fiber matrix stainless steel reactor (80-mm in internal diameter and
120-mm in length). For each set of experiment, the
Table 1 reactor held about a 20-g sample. Distilled water was
Petrographic data for the unaltered original samples added in the reactor to generate vapor pressure during
Samples Vitrinite (%) Inertinite (%) Liptinite (%) the heating process, which was to simulate high-pres-
Peat 87 (Ulminite) 5 8 sure environments under geologic conditions. After
Brown coal 85 5 10 that, the reactor was sealed and heated in a tempera-
Subbituminous coal 81 8 11 ture-programmed furnace. Eight rounds of experiments
S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118 111

Fig. 2. Chrono-and lithostratigraphy of the Tengchong-Lianghe basin. Note the similarity in sedimentary environment but different ages and
diagenetic phases of the peat, brown coal and subbituminous coal.

were conducted at difference temperatures between 150 Analysis of gases was performed using GC according
and 500 8C. The furnace temperature increased at 5 8C/ to Gérard et al. (1994).
min and was held for 48 h isothermally after reaching
each chosen temperature. 3. Results
After pyrolysis, the valve of the reactor was opened
and the generated gases and oil were collected and 3.1. Vitrinite reflectance
determined. The reactor was then opened and the reac-
tion residues were weighed and extracted with chloro- As temperature increases from 150 to 500 8C, the
form in an ultrasonic bath for 24 h. The extracts from vitrinite reflectances (Rm) of all three samples increase
the residue and the oil expelled during pyrolysis col- systematically (Table 2). This is consistent with obser-
lectively contributed to the quantity of bitumen. vation of natural rank series (Taylor et al., 1998) and
The solid residues after chloroform extraction were numerous maturation simulation experiments (e.g.,
mounted with epoxy into drilled holes on plastic rods. Cohen and Bailey, 1997; Huang, 1996; Murchison,
The mounted sample-plugs were polished and exam- 1978; Peters et al., 1981; Rohrback et al., 1984; Han
ined for maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance et al., 2001). However, the alteration trend of Rm vs.
using a Leizt MPVIII microscopic photometer system. temperature is nonlinear and different for the three
Rock-Eval pyrolysis was conducted according to types of coals (Fig. 3). We define four phases of mat-
Espitalié et al. (1985). The chloroform extracts and uration based on the variation in Rm with temperature.
oil were fractionated into saturated, aromatic and The first phase occurs below 200 8C for the peat and
polar compounds by liquid chromatography on micro- the brown coal, and below 250 8C for the subbitumi-
columns. Before fractionation, asphaltenes are precipi- nous coal (Fig. 3). Rm increases very slowly and does
tated in hot heptane and recovered after filtration. not exceed 0.66% in any samples in this phase.
Chromatographic analyses of saturates were performed The second phase is between 200 and 3508C. In this
on a Hewlett Packard 6890 gas chromatograph (GC). phase, Rm increases from 0.47% to 1.37% for the peat,
112 S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118

Table 2
Summary of artificial maturation experimental results
T (8C) Peat Brown coal Subbituminous coal
Rm Oil Gas Total Rm Oil Gas Total Rm Oil Gas Total
(%) mg/gTOC (%) mg/gTOC (%) mg/gTOC
OS n.d 27.0 n.d 27.0 0.29 20.9 n.d 20.9 0.52 25.3 n.d 25.3
150 0.32 71.7 0.4 72.1 0.35 37.3 0.1 37.4 0.6 25.6 0.5 26.1
200 0.47 106.2 2.1 108.3 0.39 40.6 0.4 41.0 0.6 34.6 0.8 35.4
250 0.72 73.6 13.0 86.6 0.58 38.3 1.6 39.9 0.66 28.4 0.9 29.3
275 0.93 64.2 13.8 78.0 0.66 40.6 3.8 44.4 0.75 33.7 1.6 35.3
300 1.06 68.7 19.9 88.6 0.76 53.3 7.0 60.3 0.82 43.9 3.7 47.6
350 1.37 113.8 81.2 195.0 1.11 128.8 46.1 174.9 1.07 118.7 32.8 151.5
400 2.08 50.5 164.0 214.5 1.81 63.9 131.0 194.8 1.34 62.7 96.7 159.3
500 2.66 45.5 239.7 285.2 2.42 29.2 209.0 238.2 1.87 30.2 164.0 194.0
OS=original samples; Gas=hydrocarbon gas; total=hydrocarbon gas and oil; n.d.=no data.

from 0.39% to 1.11% for the brown coal, and from significantly smaller for these samples above 400 8C
0.66% to 1.07% for the subbituminous coal. (2.08% to 2.66% for the peat and from 1.81% to 2.42%
The third phase (350 to 400 8C) and fourth phase for the brown coal).
(N400 8C) exhibit different variations in Rm among For the subbituminous coal, however, Rm increases
peat, brown coal, and the subbituminous coal (Fig. 3). in the same slope in Phase III and Phase IV as in Phase
In the third phase, Rm increases with a greater slope II (from 1.07% at 350 8C to 1.87% at 500 8C).
than in Phase II for the peat (1.37% to 2.08%) and To summarize, with increasing temperature Rm
brown coal (1.11% to 1.81%). The increase in Rm is increases fastest for the peat followed by the brown
coal and the subbituminous coal. The Rm of the sub-
3 bituminous (1.87%) at 500 8C only corresponds to
2.5 IV semianthracite. At the same temperature, however, the
Rm of the peat (2.66%) and brown coal (2.42%) indi-
Ro (%)

1.5 cates a maturity at the anthracite stage of coalification.

3.2. Rock-Eval pyrolysis
0.5 I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 The initial petroleum potential or hydrogen index
Temperature (ºC) (HI) is significantly higher (211 mg/g) for the subbitu-
2.5 minous coal than the peat and brown coal (about 160 mg/
Brown Coal IV
2 g) during the artificial maturation. A non-linear decrease
III in HI is recorded (Fig. 4). This decrease shows three
Ro (%)

stages. The first stage is from room temperature (24 8C)
1 II
to 200 8C, during which the HI of the three samples
0.5 I shows no or slight change (Fig. 4). The second stage is
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature (ºC)
2.5 200 Brown Coal
HI (mg / g TOC)

Subbituminous Coal Bituminous Coal

2 IV 150
Ro (%)

1.5 I
III 100
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature (ºC) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3. Evolution of the vitrinite reflectance as a function of Fig. 4. Evolution of the residual petroleum potential (Hydrogen Index,
temperature. HI) as a function of temperature.
S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118 113

from 200 to 350 8C, during which the HI decreases At 350 8C, the extractable bitumen increases by
sharply and reaches a minimum value of 10–16 mg/g at three times in both brown coal and subbituminous
the end for all three experiments (Fig. 4). The last stage coal compared to that generated at 200 8C; the extract-
is from 350 to 500 8C, which only exhibits a slightly able bitumen of the peat, on the other hand, is almost
further decrease in HI (b 3 mg/g) at the end (Fig. 4). the same as that at 200 8C (Fig. 5). The generation of oil
These results correspond to changes in Rm (Fig. 3). decreases quickly above 350 8C and becomes lower
The rapid changes in HI and Rm both occur between than that of the original sample at 500 8C.
200 and 350 8C for all the samples. This stage generates The generation of hydrocarbon gas is also similar for
large amounts of oil and gas and results in a significant all three samples above 300 8C (Fig. 5). The yield of
decrease in HI of the remaining solids. hydrocarbon gas increases very slowly at the beginning
of the experiments, and then slightly decreases between
3.3. Generation of gas and oil 200 and 300 8C. However, it goes up sharply between
300 and 350 8C and continually increases above 350 8C
One significant consequence of increase in temper- at a relatively slow rate (Fig. 5). The hydrocarbon gas
ature during the artificial maturation of these samples is yield of the peat is higher than that of both brown and
the generation of gas and/or oil (Table 2), which is subbituminous coal below 400 8C. When temperature
summarized in Fig. 4. By using temperature as the continues to rise, the generation of hydrocarbon gas
vertical scale, each of the plots simulates a simplified from the three samples decreases, especially from the
homogenous geological scenario, in which gas and oil peat.
may be generated from a source material as burial depth At the end of the heating process (500 8C), a total of
(and temperature) gradually increases. 203.6 mg hydrocarbon gaseous products/gTOC is gen-
Between the beginning of the experiments and 200 erated from the peat, 209 mg from the brown coal, and
8C, the total yield of gas and oil increases slowly for all 164 mg from subbituminous coal. These results show
samples. A peak in generation is pronounced for the peat that the process of peat artificial coalification is consis-
at 200 8C but is much less for the brown coal and the tent with that of brown coal and subbituminous coal.
subbituminous coal (Fig. 5). The total yield decreases
until 250 8C (275 8C for subbituminous coal) and then 3.4. Compositions of gases
slowly increases between 250 and 300 8C. The yields of
both oil and gas acutely increase between 300 and 350 CO2 and CH4 make up the bulk of the total gas
8C, peaking at about 350 8C (Fig. 5). for all three samples. The variation of total gas differs

Fig. 5. The evolutional pattern of oil and gas generation from peat, brown coal and subbituminous coal as a function of heating temperature,
showing a similar evolutional trend despite different coalification stages in original samples.
114 S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118

considerably from sample to sample (Fig. 6A).
Below 300 8C, the peat has the fastest production

(S+A) / (N+B)
of total gas (1.1 cm3/gTOC/8C) and the subbitumi- 0.4

nous coal the slowest production (b0.2 cm3/gTOC/ 0.3

8C); the brown coal has an intermediate rate of pro- 0.2

duction (0.6 cm3/gTOC/8C) (Fig. 6A). Above 300 0.1 Brown Coal
Subbituminous Coal
8C, the rate of total-gas generation is similar for all 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
three coals (about 1.6 cm3/gTOC/8C). The final yield Temperature (ºC)
of total gas, however, is not the same; the peat has
the highest yield (654.0 cm3/gTOC), the brown coal Fig. 7. Change in the chloroform-extract composition in terms of
(S + A) / (N + B) with temperature. S = saturates, A= aromatics,
the second (473.7 cm3/gTOC), and the subbitumi-
N = non-hydrocarbons and B = asphaltenes.
nous coal the lowest (328.4 cm3/gTOC) (Fig. 6A).
These results suggest that about 50% yield may be increases above 300 8C (Fig. 6C). As a result, the ratio
lost during coalification from peat to subbituminous of CO2 versus total gas goes up to the maximum at
coal. about 200 8C and the ratio of CH4 versus total gas goes
CH4 and CO2 have different change tracks as the up at all times. The amount of CH4 exceeds that of CO2
temperature increase (Fig. 6B and C). The amount of at 500 8C in all samples (Fig. 6B, C).
CO2 rapidly increases until 350 8C and then almost
stops increasing above 350 8C (Fig. 6B). At 350 8C, the 3.5. Compositions of extractable bitumen
amount of CO2 from peat is slightly higher than that of
brown coal and about 6 times higher than that of the The composition of the chloroform extracts include
subbituminous coal. saturates (S), aromatics (A), non-hydrocarbons (N), and
In contrast to the evolution of CO2, the amount of asphaltenes (B). These extracts are characterized by a
CH4 slowly rises below 300 8C and then rapidly gradual decrease for all three samples of the contribu-
tion of the polar compounds with increasing tempera-
A ture and an increase in the percentage of saturates and
aromatics (Fig. 7).
Total Gas cm3 / gTOC

600 Peat
Brown Coal The ratio of (S + A) / (N + B) can reflect the degree of
Subbituminous Coal
400 evolution of source rocks when the type of organic
300 matter of the source rocks is similar. This ratio indi-
200 cates that the contents of the saturated and aromatic
hydrocarbons is very low and the percentage of the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 polar compounds in chloroform extracts in peat and
B brown coal is greater than 10 times that of subbitumi-
nous coal at 300 8C (Fig. 7). But the contents of polar
CO2 (cm3 / g • TOC)

compounds rapidly decrease in peat and brown coal
150 between 300 and 350 8C (Fig. 7). So the content of the
100 polar compounds is higher in peat and brown coal at
50 low temperature and relatively lower for subbitumi-
nous coal.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature (ºC) 3.6. Changes in n-alkanes
CH4 (cm3 / g • TOC)

250 Gas chromatography allows detailed observation of

200 changes in saturated hydrocarbons during maturation.
Samples experiencing low maturity (from original sam-
ple to 300 8C) are marked by the predominance of high
molecular weight n-alkanes of C25–C29 range. With
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 increasing temperature, the maximum of n-alkanes is
Temperature (ºC) progressively shifted from 29 to 23 for peat, and from
Fig. 6. Changes in total gas (A), CO2 (B) and CH4 (C) as a function of 29 to 25 for brown coal and subbituminous coal (Table
temperature. 3). This progressive shift may be attributed to the
S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118 115

Table 3
Summary of GC analysis results
Peat Temperature (8C) OS 150 200 250 275 300 350 400 500
Maximum of n-alkanes nC21 / nC22+ CPI nC29 nC29 nC24 nC27 nC25 nC27 nC25 nC23 nC23
0.3 0.21 0.27 0.1 0.16 0.17 0.45 0.72 0.59
1.51 1.36 0.9 0.96 1.19 1.82 1.7 1.19 1.03
Brown coal Temperature (8C) OS 150 200 250 275 300 350 400 500
Maximum of n-alkanes nC21 / nC22+ CPI nC29 nC29 nC29 nC29 nC29 nC29 nC25 nC25 nC25
0.12 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.43 0.55
2.31 2.34 2.15 1.36 1.16 1.06 1.27 1.34 1.26
Subbituminous coal Temperature (8C) OS 150 200 250 275 300 350 400 500
Maximum of n-alkanes nC21 / nC22+ CPI nC29 nC29 nC29 nC29 nC29 nC27 nC25 nC25 nC25
0.12 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.41 0.37 0.23
1.47 1.44 1.48 1.35 1.36 1.37 0.96 1.23 0.76
OS—original sample.

enhanced secondary cracking of high molecular weight and an increase above 300 8C in amounts of hydrocar-
n-alkanes (Behar et al., 1991). bon with molecules weighs lower than C21 during
With increasing maturation, the Carbon Preference artificial maturation.
Index (CPI) (Bray and Evans, 1961) gradually
decreases from 150 to 500 8C (Fig. 8A), thus revealing 4. Discussions
the disappearance of the initial predominance of odd
n-alkanes in the C23–C29 range. However, the CPI Results of the artificial coalification experiments
evolution is not linear and shows two inflexion points performed in this study demonstrate that the thermal
(250 and 300 8C for peat sample, 300 and 350 8C for evolution process from peat to anthracite stage is char-
brown coal, and 350 and 400 8C for subbituminous acterized by three distinct phases, which differ in quan-
coal). Monthioux (1986) interpreted this progressive tity and compositions of products generated.
decrease as an evidence for absence of recombination When vitrinite reflectance is used to measure matu-
reactions during confined pyrolysis. rity of source material, 0.5% Rm is generally accepted
Fig. 8B is the plot of \ nC21 / [ nC22 versus tem- as the oil generation threshold. Moreover, this threshold
perature. This plot shows that oil generation is marked may vary from 0.35% to 0.60% Rm depending on the
by high molecule weight hydrocarbons below 300 8C type of organic matter (Taylor et al., 1998; Tissot and
Welte, 1984). These values are consistent with the
A results of the simulation experiments in this study.
2.5 Coalification stage and vitrinite reflectance are different
2 in the original samples so that the timing of hydrocar-
1.5 bon generation of these samples may also be different

(Fu et al., 1990; Teichmüller, 1989). However, the
Peat experimental data show that the timing of peak oil
0.5 Brown Coal
Bituminous Coal and gas generation of the three samples during the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 artificial maturation is generally similar (Fig. 4). The
Temperature (ºC) three samples reach maximum generation rates at about
B 200 and 350 8C although original samples have differ-
0.7 Peat ent coalification stages.
Brown Coal
0.6 Bituminous Coal The vitrinite reflectance shows four stages with three
≤nC21/ ≥nC22

0.5 turning points occurring at 200, 350 and 400 8C. The
0.4 first two turning points are also peaks in oil generation.
Because of the release of a large amount of liquid, the
aromaticity of the residual solids increases, which
results in increase in their vitrinite reflectance.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 The difference in the vitrinite reflectance in the three
Temperature (ºC) samples can be used as a proxy relating to the different
Fig. 8. Change of CPI (A) and \nC21 / [nC22 ratio (B) of peat, coalification stages that the three samples experience. It
brown coal and subbituminous coal with temperature. is generally accepted that organic matter exposed to
116 S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118

higher temperature for a shorter period may have the proved by previous observation (Stach et al., 1982;
same maturity as organic matter exposed to lower Taylor et al., 1998).
temperature for a longer period (Stach et al., 1982). The beginning of the second peak of oil generation
Subbituminous coal has experienced the processes of observed in this study generally corresponds to the
early-stage biogeochemistry and a longer period of second coalification jump (Stach et al., 1982). It is
maturation. But buried peat may have just passed the also consistent with the oil-generation peak of predom-
biogeochemical processes and is a few million years inantly humic organic matter during the natural matu-
younger than the subbituminous coal at least. So below ration process (Huang et al., 1995), where macerals
200 8C, the peat needs higher temperature to reach the undergo striking physical and chemical changes includ-
same vitrinite reflectance as the subbituminous coal. ing rapid generation of liquid products.
Previous studies on coalification mechanisms have Considerable differences also exist in the thermal
found that organic matter undergoes two types of reac- evolution among the three samples. First, yields of
tions with increasing thermal stress: decomposition and CO2 from peat and brown coal are 5–10 times more
condensation (e.g., Derbyshire et al., 1989; Derbyshire, than from subbituminous coal before 350 8C. While
1991; Taylor et al., 1998). Decomposition results in CO2 is the main type of gas generated from peat and
generation of gaseous and liquid materials, whereas brown coal, CH4 is the main component of gas in
condensation enhances aromaticity. The experimental subbituminous coal. Secondly, bitumen generation
results of this study are generally consistent with the peaked at vitrinite reflectance of about 0.6% and
previous observations. In addition, the results indicate 1.0% with the first peak generating far more bitumen
that rapid decomposition is accompanied by rapid con- from the peat sample than from brown coal and subbi-
densation. This explains why the two major hydrocar- tuminous coal. But the amounts of bitumen generation
bon generation phases are accompanied by strong in the second peak from the brown coal and subbitu-
increase in vitrinite reflectance (Table 2). Moreover, minous coal are more than that from peat. And polar
peat decomposes more organic matter and produces compound molecules containing many oxygen-bearing
more hydrocarbon than the other samples during the groups are the main components of the bitumen from
artificial maturation. As a result, the rate of Rm% pyrolysis of the peat sample. In brown coal and subbi-
increase in the peat is faster than that of the brown tuminous coal, hydrocarbons increase rapidly during
coal and subbituminous coal. the second peak of bitumen generation. Finally, the
One marked difference among the three samples is vitrinite reflectance of the peat and brown coal sample,
in the quantity and compositions of products generated which is originally lower than that of subbituminous
during the first stage of coalification. Peat generates coal, increase faster in the second phase and exceeds
more CO2 and polar compounds in the chloroform than that of the subbituminous coal at about 0.7% (250 8C)
brown coal and subbituminous coal. And simultaneous and 1.3% (350 8C) vitrinite reflectance, respectively.
with oil and gas generation, peat reflectance rapidly Although the original samples have different matu-
increases, whereas that of subbituminous coal becomes ration stages, they do not affect the nature of the
less reactive to thermal stress. The characteristic of the products for late-stages of coalification. Actually,
brown coal is between peat and subbituminous coal. when temperature rises above 350 8C, gases are con-
There exists both decomposition and condensation tinuously generated and shorter chain alkanes start to be
from peat to bituminous coal. Decomposition results produced (Fig. 7), as previously formed bitumen or oil
in oxygen removal, which is why peat can generate is cracked. Thus, CH4 becomes the end product above
abundant CO2 and polar compounds in the first phase, 500 8C for all the samples (Han et al., 2001).
while subbituminous coal cannot. Condensation results
in smaller molecules being recombined into the net- 5. Conclusions
work of macro-molecules of the peat. Peat generates
fewer hydrocarbons than subbituminous coal in the The study reveals that the peat, brown coal, and
second phases, because peat has not undergone the subbituminous coal have similar thermal evolution
condensation process from peat to coal, so that abun- pathways during artificial maturation experiments. All
dant volatile matter is lost in the first phase. The three samples have low maturity with Rm vitrinite
differences in the quantity and types of products gen- reflectance at 0.29% for the brown coal, and 0.52%
erated in this phase among the three samples (Figs. 4–8) for the subbituminous coal. With increasing tempera-
show the influence of early-stage coalification on the ture, the maturity of the samples goes up systematically,
outcomes of thermal reaction. This phenomenon is also with the peat and the brown coal achieving anthracite
S. Yao et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 66 (2006) 108–118 117

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