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“2024 ANNO DE LA DEFENSA DE LA VIDA, LA LIBERTAD Y LA PROPIEDAD" Consulado General dela Repiiblica Argentina Nota Nro. 0.0.0.SA 04/2024 Johannesburg, 26" February 2024 Department of Home Affairs Republic of South Africa To the Director General Mr L.T. Makhode I have the honour to write to you regarding the return flight to the Republic of Argentina of the Argentine citizen Elvira SANCHEZ (passport number AAH885235), scheduled for next Friday, 1°" March 2024 (copy of the air ticket is attached). In this regard, | would kindly like to bring to your attention that MRS. SANCHEZ, aged 79, entered the Republic of South Africa on 22 October 2023 on a visitor's visa to visit her daughter, Argentine citizen Karina Norma Tejerina, a permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa, Permit Number PRP/62819/2022 CPT (copy attached). On 22 November 2023, considering the high cost of flights tickets between Argentina and South Africa and the time MRS. SANCHEZ had spent without seeing her daughter, who lives in a faraway country, MRS. SANCHEZ applied to the Department of Home Affairs for a renewal of her visitor visa (Proof of initiation of the renewal process is attached-TRR 4017318). Despite having initiated the renewal application in November 2023, MRS. SANCHEZ has not received any reply. Furthermore, on 21 December 2023, the "CIRCULAR: EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY CONCESSION IN RESPECT OF FOREIGN NATIONALS IN LIGHT OF A CONTINUED BACKLOG IN PROCESSING OUTCOMES ON WAIVER APPLICATIONS, VISA APPLICATIONS AND APPEAL APPLICATIONS" was issued by the Department of Home Affairs, which in its point 2 d) sets a deadline of 29" February 2024 to depart South Consulate General of the Argentine Republic Tel:0027 11 783 9032 Emalt Pico 9, Fredman Towers, 13 Fredman drive, Sandton Johannesburgo, Sudatica co Consulado General hela Repiblica Argentina "2024 AKIO DE LA DEFENSA DE LA VIDA, LA LIBERTAD Y LA PROPIEDAD" Nota Nro. 0.0.0.SA 04/2024 Africa for those visitors who have not received a response to their visa renewal application by 23 February 2024. In this context, and on the basis of the travel arrangements already made by MRS. SANCHEZ’, her return flight to Argentina is scheduled for next Friday, 1% March 2024. ‘That is to say, just one day after the deadline set by the Department of Home Affairs to avoid being declared undesirable. The purpose of this letter is to respectfully request the cooperation of His Excellency the Director of Home Affairs of the Republic of South Africa in facilitating the departure of MRS. SANCHEZ on 1* March without any penalty. In this regard, the Consulate of Argentine Republic would like to highlight that MRS. SANCHEZ has taken all the steps required by South African regulations to ensure that her visitor visa was extended. remain at your disposal for any further information you may require. | would like to take this opportunity to renew the assurances of my highest consideration. Yours faithfully, ja Laura Rodriguez — \onsul Adjunto Deputy Consul of Argentina Republic Cel. 0797501250 Email. Consulate General of the Argentine Republic Tel: 0027 11 783 0032 Emall:cona( Piso 9, Fredman Towers, 13 Fredman drive, Sandion- Jonannesburgo, Sudafica 20>>>>>>>549L 2257290 L0ZEALIL EOS VOUVOSEZSBBHVY P>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> VU IA TI>>ZIHINVSOUV Od A0Buls/ BON} @sNyUByS / Wud} ze inesinr 90 Ayjdxq 40 818g / OWeWIOUeA ep Byes Pa 22 Inf/Ar 90 eee} J0 o7@C / uo|ejura ep BYDeY ( Nf 5 4 \ ! \ ’ / Lg vg /owowy 998M xes soxeg ames uadYN3Y = SY YWW/UVW OL ABOUINY / PBPHOINY — YHIE JO B1Bq / CWA|WIOBN ep BYOeS £9LL2S9 WNILNASUY soquiny /oU081ed /|NQ AyjoUONEN / papijBuo;oUN, a VUTAT3 o SOWAN VOND /QQUON ZAHINY 1S / OPW ouy 4 SF2SBB8HVV mee senennes UL SLEL, WNIANSOMW WOTTENd ay 22-0 E20 (671) ANNA -yolusv HLNos 40 2I718Nday Lud TYNOLLYNYSINI OBWVL YO FS FESR INN aw am Se ATT FTI TICKETSHOP GMBH BUCHUNGSNR.: TVVSY7 LANDSBERGER STRASSE 88 DATUM: 18 APRIL 2023 DE-80339 MUENCHEN cana “ocean ms | TELEFON: 089-25251500 FAX 099-25251515 FLUG LA 8033 - LATAM AIRLINES GROUP SAM 21 OKTOBER 2023 DURCHGEFURHRT VON: LATAM ATRLINES BRASIL BUENOS AIRES, BA (J. NEWBERY) 21 OKT 11:35 SAO PAULO, SP (GUARULHOS INTL), TERMINAL 3 21 OKT 14:20 FLUG-BUCHUNGSREF.: LA/QZFOLF BUCHUNG BESTAETIGT, ECONOMY (Q) DAUBR: 02:45 BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE: ape MAHLZEIT: IMBISS ROLLSTUHL -BIS/AB SITZ IM PLUGZEUG- AUF ANFRAGE NON-STOP BUENOS AIRES, BA NACH SAO PAULO, SP FLUGZEUGEIGNE! LATAM AIRLINES GROUP, LA FLUGZEUG: AIRBUS A320 FLUG EA 8058 - LATAM AIRLINES GROUP SAM 21 OKTOBER 2023 DURCHGEFUEHRT VON: LATAN AIRLINES BRASIL ABREISE: SAO PAULO, SP (GUARULHOS INTL], TERMINAL 3 21 OKT 17:25 AMUNET: — COPADESEIRS BL IO: BIO TEAM! © RNETSRBS z SSREF.: LA/QZFILP BUCHUNG BESTAETIGT, ECONOMY (Q) DAUER: 09:45 BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE! apc MAHLZEIT FRUBHSTUECK/ABENDESSEN ROLLSTUHL -BIS/AB SITZ IM FLUGZEUG- AUF ANFRAGE NON-STOP SAO PAULO, SP NACH JOHANNESBURG FLUGZEUGEIGNER LATAM AIRLINES GROUP, LA FLUGZEUG: BOEING 787-9 PLUG IA 8059 - LATAM AIRLINES GROUP FRE 01 NAERZ 2024 DURCHGEFUEHRT VON: LATAM ATRLINES BRASIL. aptamer ee SUARULHOS INTL) , menemiaieaope 3 a FLUG-BUCHUNGSREF.: LA/QZFILF BUCHUNG BESTAETIGT, ECONOMY (Q) DAUBR: 11:15 BAGGAGE ALLOWANC! apc MAHLZSIT: ABENDESSEN/MITTAGESSEN ROLLSTUHL -BIS/AB SITZ IM FLUGZEUG- AUF ANFRAGE NON-STOP JOHANNESBURG NACH SAO PAULO, SP FLUGZEUGEIGNER: LATAM AIRLINES GROUP, LA FLUGZEUG: BORING 787-9 FLUG LA 8136 - LATAM AIRLINES GROUP FRE 01 MAERZ 2024 DURCHGEFUEHRT VON: LATAM AIRLINES BRASIL ABRETSE: SAO PAULO, SP (GUARULHOS INTL), TERMINAL 3 01 MAE 21:40 ANKUNFT: BUENOS AIRES, BA (NINISTRO PISTARINT), TERMINAL A 02 MAB 00:40 FLUG-BUCHUNGSREP.: LA/QZBULP BUCHUNG BESTAETIGT, ECONOMY (Q) AUER: 03:00 BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE: ape MAHLZET’ IMBISS ROLLSTUHL -BIS/AB SITZ IM FLUGZEUG- AUF ANFRAGE NON-STOP SAO PAULO, SP NACH BUENOS ATRES, BA FLUGZEUGEIGNER: LATAM AIRDINES GROUP, LA FLUGZEUG: AIRBUS A320 DER MITTELWERT DER CO2 EMISSION FURR DIF FLUEGE BETRABGT 1160.61 KG/PERSON QUELLE: ICAO CARBON EMISSIONS CALCULATOR http://www. icao. int /envi ronmental -protect ion/CarbonOf fset /Pages/default aspx GENERELLE INFORMATION BEI PRAGEN ZU IHRER BUCHUNG WENDEN SIE SICH BITTE AN IHR REISEBUERO UNTER TEL 030-92408294 FOLGENDER LINK FUEHRT ZU IHREM ONLINE-REISEPLAN: CLICK HERE SANCHEZ ELVIRA Datenschutzhinweis: Thre personenbezogenen Daten werden in Obereinstimmung mit den Datenschutzbestimmungen des jeweiligen Transportanbieters und, falls Thre Buchung aber einen Reservierungssystemanbieter ("GDS") erfolgt, mit deren Datenschutzrichtlinie verarbeitet. Diese sind unter der Internetadresse oder direkt vom Transportanbieter oder GDS verfigbar. Sie sollten diese Dokumentation, die fir Ihre Buchung gilt, lesen. Diese Dokumentation gibt beispielsweise an, wie Thre personenbezogenen Daten erhoben, gespeichert, genutzt, offengelegt und weitergeleitet werden. (Anwendbar far Interline-Trangport) Blase home affairs DHA-so2 Department Home Affairs REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA . SEEHOMS NANO OFACTNO. oF PERMIT NUMBER PRP/62819/2022 GPT REFERENCE NO. — PRP2478926 a a In terms of the provisions of section 26(b) of the Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002), Sumame. TEJERINA Maiden Sumame First Name (3) KARINA NORMA, Nationality ARGENTINA Date of birth 197112025 Gender FEMALE RSS has been authorised to enter the Republic of South Aftica for the purpose. ‘rif helshe on shat cepa ct epiean aad jour Dre eae puma. Una Deel Mes paren enters the Republic of South Africa far the purpose of permanent residence before or on 2028/02/07 the permenent residence permit shal lapse, Date of issue (202200208 5 ; DEPART NOMICERSEAMD AFFAIRS Makhode LT PRIVATE BAG X114 “ nn 08 PRETORIA 0001 —a8 setearimlen DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS 2022/0208 axvepWBDD Date printed Printed by: (system core) Conditions. (This pais isgued ence only and must be dul sfeguarded (i) Permanent residents who are absent frem the Republic for three yeers or longer may lose their right to permanent residange in the Ropubic, A prod of sbuenoe may onl be rtd by an acieion a lou the Renal (i) This permit shall apse iat anytime within va years fom the ssung ofthe perm, the goad fh spouse laonship no lerger ‘subsist, Save for the case of death. Control Number No. A 292347 le home affairs DHA.802 i Departmer Home Affairs REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PERMANENT RESIDENCE PERMIT ‘SECTIONS 26 AND 27 OF ACT NO. 13 OF 2002 PERMIT NUMBER PRP/62619/2022 CPT REFERENCE NO. —PRP2478926 {n terms of the provisions of section 26(b) ofthe Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002), Sumame TEJERINA Maiden Sumame First Name(s) KARINA NORMA Nationality ARGENTINA Date of birth s9rsiiaes __ Gender FEMALE ps been authorised fa enter the Repubti of Suh Africa forthe purpose of taking up permanent residence o if helshe on {he dete of provi of application elreadysojoums therein legaly, to reside permanently. Uniess the holder ofthis pert enters the Republic of South Africa far the purpose of permanent residence bbefare or on 2023/02/07 the permanent residence permit shall lapse. Date of issue 2022/0208 DEPART MOMICOSAID AFFAIRS Makhode LT PRIVATE BAG X114 DIREEFOR-GENERAL ‘Surname and inkials 2022 -02- 08 ‘DEF ‘OF HOME AFFAIRS: PRETORIA 0001 2022/0208 SXVBDWEDD Date printed Printed by: (system code) Conditions (}) This parmitis issued ance only and must be duly safeguarded 4) ermenent residents who ae absent from the Republic forthe yess o longer may log ther right p permanent esidence in the Republic A period ef abseroe may only be inisrusted by an admiasion and eclourn nthe Resebi {his permit shal lapse at anytime vthin two yeas frm the suing the pa, the goed fh spousal relationship no longer ‘subsist, save fr the case of death DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS] VERIIGATION OF Peauaneyr gece Fon 5 BSmoaae ty SaBENEE Control Number No. A 292347 comment a B80 i 4 NOTICE OF PERSONAL PARTICULARS ‘Any changesto the personal particulars inyout ID Book must be communicated to all relevant panies NOTICEIOF CHANGE OF ADDRESS Keep the NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS formn in this pocket to report a change of address or a ‘Change in particular of youir present address eg name of street and/or street number etc. Hand in at or post to the nearest regionalldistict office \ of / the DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS suntan TEJERINA, iy Formones KARINA NORMA ‘COUNTRY OF BIRTH

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