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Prehistory ➢ Religions
➢ Seals and Images
❖ Prehistoric Time Periods
❖ Economic Aspects of Indus Valley
❖ Sources of Information of Pre
➢ Harappan Trade
❖ History of Palaeolithic Or Old Stone
➢ Agriculture
❖ History of Mesolithic Or Middle ➢ Domestication of animals

Stone Age ➢ Weights and Measures

❖ History of Neolithic Age Or New ❖ Decline of Harappan Civilisation
Stone Age ➢ Theories on Causes of Decline
❖ History of Chalcolithic Age
➢ Interplay of Multiple Factors
➢ Major Chalcolithic Cultures
❖ History of Early Iron Age History of Early Vedic/Rigvedic

❖ Geographical Distribution and Period

Characteristics of Pre-History ❖ Sources for Information about

Harappan/Indus Vedic Society and Culture

Valley Civilisation ❖ Extent and Geography of the Rig

Vedic Period
❖ Phases of Evolution of Harappan
❖ Evolution of Political Organisation
❖ Societal Setup
❖ Geography and Archaeological
Findings of Indus Valley Civilisation ❖ Economic Aspects

➢ Important Urban Towns ❖ Issues Concerning Religion and

➢ Town Planning Culture

❖ Socio-Cultural Aspects of Indus ➢ Deities

Valley Civilisation ➢ Customs
➢ Script and Language ➢ Literature
➢ Crafts

History of Later Vedic Period Jainism and Buddhism

❖ Extent and Geography of the Later ❖ Factors Responsible for their

Vedic Period Advent

❖ Development of Early Political


❖ Social Organisation and Hierarchy ❖ Birth and Life of Mahavira (540-

468 B.C.)
❖ Economic Activities
❖ Tirthankaras of Jainism
❖ Issues Concerning Religion and
❖ Teachings of Mahavira
Culture ❖ Important Tenets of Jainism
➢ Deities ❖ Five Doctrines of Jainism
➢ Customs ❖ Three Jewels of Jainism

➢ Literature ❖ Organizational Setup and Sects of

➢ Philosophies
❖ Jain Councils

History of South India: The ❖ Literature of Jainism

Sangam Dynasties ❖ Jain Architecture

❖ Associated Terminology
❖ Sangam Literature ❖ Overall Contribution
❖ Important Kings, Capital, Emblem,
Most Important Developments of:

➢ Cholas ❖ Birth and Life of Buddha (563-483

➢ Cheras BC)
➢ Great Events
➢ Pandyas
❖ Teachings of Buddha
❖ Aspects of:
➢ 3 Jewels
➢ Administration ➢ 4 Noble Truths
➢ Society ➢ 5 Principles
➢ Economy ➢ 8-fold Path
❖ Concept of Bodhisattvas
➢ Religion
❖ Organisation (Sangha) and Sects of
➢ Culture
❖ Dynasties of Foreign Origin ❖ Buddhist Councils
❖ Trade and Commerce with the ❖ Spread of Buddhism and Royal
Outside World Patronage

❖ Art and Architecture ❖ Literary Sources of Buddhism

➢ 3 Pittakas

❖ Causes for the Decline ❖ Aspects of Mauryan Polity
❖ Overall Contribution of Buddhism ➢ Administration (Important
(UNESCO World Heritage Sites) Offices)
➢ Society
Age of Mahajanapadas (Pre-
❖ Foreign Relations
Mauryan Period)
❖ Decline of the Mauryas

❖ Polity: Republics and Monarchies

History of Post Mauryan Period
❖ The 16 Mahajanapadas
❖ Sources of Information about this
❖ Rise of Magadha
❖ Important Dynasties
❖ Shungas
➢ Haryanka dynasty
❖ Kanvas
➢ Shishunaga Dynasty
❖ Chedis
➢ Nanda Dynasty
❖ Satavahanas
❖ Persian Invasions
➢ Political Setup
❖ Alexander’s Invasion
➢ Administration
❖ Society and Rise of Cities/Towns
➢ Economy
❖ Economy during Mahajanapadas
➢ Society
➢ Religion
❖ Administrative Setup
➢ Art and Architecture

Mauryan Empire ➢ Literature

❖ Indo-Greeks
❖ Sources of Information about the
❖ Origin, Time Period, Important
Period Kings and their Titles and Most
➢ Inscriptions Important Development under:
➢ Coins and Sites ➢ Parthians
➢ Literary Sources (Indian Texts ➢ Sakas
and Travellers Account) ➢ Kushans (Kanishka’s Rule)
❖ Political History of the Mauryas
History of Gupta Age (Golden
➢ Chandragupta
Age )
➢ Bindusara
➢ Ashoka and His Successors ❖ Sources of Information about Gupta
❖ Ashoka’s Inscriptions and Sites
❖ Important Gupta Kings
❖ Ashokan Reign
➢ Srigupta
❖ Ashoka and Buddhism
➢ Chandragupta I
❖ Ashoka Policy of Dhamma

➢ Samudragupta Harshvardhan and Southern
➢ Chandragupta II
Dynasties in 7th Century India

➢ Kumaragupta I ❖ Military Conquests of

➢ Skandagupta Harshvardhan

❖ Decline of Guptas ❖ Administration

❖ Aspects of Gupta Rule ❖ Economy
➢ Administration ❖ Society and Culture
➢ Economy
❖ Religion
➢ Society
➢ Harsha and Buddhism
➢ Religion and Culture
❖ Art and Architecture
➢ Art and Architecture
➢ Divers Literature and Notable ❖ Pallavas of Kanchi and Chalukyas

Authors of Badami

❖ Foreign Travellers Visit and their ➢ Administration

Account ➢ Economy
❖ Urban centers in Gupta period
➢ Society and Culture
❖ Development of Science and
➢ Religion
➢ Art and Architecture
❖ Later Guptas
❖ Other Important Dynasties


❖ The Rajputs
Early Medieval Period (750-1200)
❖ Rashtrakutas (Time Period,
and Dynasties
Important Kings and Most Important
❖ The Pratiharas (Time Period, Development)
Important Kings and Most Important ❖ Indian Feudalism
Development) ❖ Administration
❖ The Palas (Time Period, Important ❖ Economy
Kings and Most Important ❖ Society and Culture
❖ Art and Architecture
❖ The Tripartite Conflict
❖ Cholas Dynasty
❖ The Senas (Time Period, Important
❖ Chola Rulers (Time Period, Important
Kings and Most Important
Kings and Most Important

❖ Chola Administration ➢ Provincial Kingdoms and
❖ Socio-Economic Life during Chola Resistance
Rule by Indian Chiefs
❖ Education and Literature ❖ Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451 AD)
❖ Art and Architecture ❖ Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526 AD)
❖ The Cheras (Time Period, Important ➢ Behlul Lodhi
Kings and Most Important ➢ Sikander Lodhi
Development) ➢ Ibrahim Lodhi
❖ The Yadavas (Time Period, ❖ Administration
Important Kings and Most Important ➢ Important Administrative
Development) Departments under Delhi
❖ Contact with South-East Asia Sultanate

Islamic Invasions ❖ Economy: Various Initiative by

Different Kings
❖ Mohd Bin Qasim’s Invasion: The ❖ Military and Attacks by Mongols
Arab Conquest of Sindh
and other Turks
❖ Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni
❖ Society and Culture
❖ Invasion of Muhammad Ghuri
❖ Developments that led to - Decline

The Delhi Sultanate of the Sultanate

❖ Slave Dynasty (1206 - 1290 AD) Mughal Rule

➢ Qutubuddin Aibak
➢ Iltutmish
❖ First Battle of Panipat
➢ Rajia Sultan
❖ Challenges of Babur after the Battle
➢ Ghiyasuddin Balban
of Panipat
➢ Various Aspects of Rule under
❖ Struggle with Rana Sanga
❖ Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320 AD) Humayun
➢ Jalaluddin Khilji
❖ Problems of the Eastern Areas and
➢ Alauddin Khilji
➢ Various Aspects of Rule under the Afghans
Khiljis ❖ Babur’s Contribution and
❖ Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414 AD) Significance of his Advent into India
➢ Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
❖ Humayun and the Afghans
➢ Mohd. Bin Tughlaq
❖ Early Activities of Humayun, and
➢ Firuz Shah Tughlaq
➢ Various Aspects of Rule under the Tussle with Bahadur Shah
Tughlaqs ❖ The Gujarat Campaign

❖ The Bengal Campaign, and Socio-religious Initiatives
Struggle with Sher Khan
❖ Social and Political Background of ❖ Relations with the Ulama and Social
Bihar and the Rise of Sher Shah to Reforms
Power ➢ The First Phase (1556-73)
❖ The Sur Empire (1540-56) ➢ The Second Phase (1573-80) -
❖ Contributions of Sher Shah the Ibadat Khana

➢ Coinage ➢ Third or Final Phase - Din-i-

➢ Architecture Ilahi
❖ Jahangir’s Rule and Challenges
Jalaluddin Akbar ❖ Territorial Consolidation and
Expansion of the Empire - Mewar,
❖ Conflict with the Afghans - Hemu
East India and Kangra
❖ 2nd Battle of Panipat
❖ Arrival of British Envoys in
❖ Battle of Haldighati
Jahangir’s Court
Expansion of Empire ❖ State and Religion in the First Half of
the Seventeenth Century
❖ Early Expansion of the Empire
(1560-76) - Malwa, Garh-Katanga, Shah Jahan - Consolidation and
Eastern India (Bihar and Bengal), Expansion of the Empire
Kabul, Kashmir, Khandesh, Parts of
Ahmednagar ❖ Development of Art and

❖ Relations with the Rajputs - Growth Architecture

of a Composite Ruling Class ❖ Evolution of the Mughal Ruling

❖ Rebellions, and Further Expansion Class and the Mansabdari System

of the Empire in the North West

❖ Akbar’s Concept of Suzerainty
❖ Expansion of Empire
Administration ❖ Aurangzeb and the Deccani States

❖ Central and Provincial - the Vikalat, (1658-87)

the Central Ministries, Provincial ➢ Treaty of Purandar (1665)

Government, District and Local ❖ Marathas and the Decean (1687-
Government 1707)
❖ The Working of Government - the ❖ Assessment of Aurangzeb and the
Ruler, Land-Revenue System, the Jagirdari Crisis
Dahsala System, the Mansabdari
Foreign Relations
System and the Army
❖ Concept of Navaratnas ❖ Akbar and the Uzbeks

❖ The Question of Qandahar and ❖ Trend of India’s Economy and
Relations with Iran Prospects during the First Half of
❖ Shah Jahan’s Balkh Campaign the Eighteenth Century

❖ Mughal - Persian Relations - the

Society under Mughals
Last Phase
❖ Rural Society
Later Mughals
❖ Towns and Town Life
❖ Bahadur Shah (Shah-i-Bekhabar) ❖ Artisans and Master-Craftsmen
(1709- 1712) ❖ Women
❖ Jahandar Shah (1712- 1713)
❖ Servants and Slaves
❖ Farrukhsiyar (1713-1719)
❖ Standard of Living
❖ Rafi-ud-Darajat (1719)
❖ The Ruling Classes - Nobility, Rural
❖ Rafi-ud-Daula (Shah Jahan II)
❖ The Middle Strata
❖ Muhammad Shah (Rangeela)
(1719-48) ❖ The Commercial Classes

❖ Ahmad Shah (1748-54)

Rise of the Marathas
❖ Alamgir II (1754-58)
❖ Shah Jahan II (1758-1759) ❖ The Marathas and their Policy of

❖ Shah Alam II (1759-1806) Expansion

❖ Akbar II (1806-37) ➢ Maratha Confederacy

❖ Bahadur Shah II/ Zafar ❖ The Marathas and Nizam-ul-Mulk

❖ Rise of Regional States, Beginning ❖ The Maratha Advance into Gujarat

of Foreign Invasions of India (1725- and Malwa

48) ❖ The Maratha Advance into Doab
and Punjab:
Economy during Mughals
➢ First Phase (1741-52);
❖ Inland Trade ➢ Second Phase (1752-61);
❖ Overseas Trade - Role of Foreign ❖ Third Battle of Panipat
❖ Chhatrapati Shivaji (1627-1680)
❖ Companies - Position of Indian
➢ Administration
Merchants Over-land Trade
➢ Ashtapradhan
❖ The Mughal State and Commerce
➢ Successors

❖ The Peshwas (1713-1818)

➢ The Bhonsles ❖ Military

➢ The Gaekwads ❖ Conflicts of the Bahmani Successor

States with Vijayanagar
➢ The Holkars
❖ Social and Cultural Aspects
➢ The Sindhias
❖ Art and Architecture
❖ Economy in 18th Century

❖ Social and Cultural Life Bhakti and Sufi Movements

Bhakti Movement
Vijaynagar Empire
❖ What was the movement about?
❖ Sources Information about
➢ Causes for its Formation
Vijayanagar Empire
➢ Features of the Movement
❖ Dynasties that Ruled Vijayanagar
➢ Associated Literature
❖ Groups of Saints
➢ Sangama
➢ Sagun
➢ Suluva
➢ Nirgun
➢ Tuluva ➢ Nayanars (Tiru Neelakanta,
➢ Aravidu Meiporul, Viralminda,
❖ Administration maraneedi, Karaikkal

➢ Ashtadiggajas Ammaiyar (woman))

➢ Alvars (Andal, Thirumazhisai
❖ Economy
Alvar, Thiruppaan Alvar,
❖ Social Aspects
Nammalwar, Kulasekara)
❖ Art and Architecture
❖ Saints (Acharyas) and Their
❖ Literature Contribution
➢ Foreign Travelers and their ➢ Shankaracharya
Account ➢ Ramanujacharya
➢ Nimbark
Bahmani Kingdom
➢ Madhvacharya
❖ Successor States of Bahmani ➢ Nathpanthis (Siddhas and
Kingdom Yogis)

➢ Ahmednagar ❖ Vaishnavism (Saran Movement)

and associated Saints
➢ Bijapur
➢ Ramananda
➢ Golconda
➢ Kabir Das
➢ Berar
➢ Gurunanak Dev
➢ Bidar
➢ Purandar Das
❖ Economy
➢ Dadu Dayal

➢ Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Sufi Movement
➢ Shankardeva
❖ Causes of Creation
➢ Vallabhacharya
❖ Features (Characteristics and
➢ Guru Ghasidas
➢ Surdas
❖ Pir-Murid Tradition
➢ Meerabai
❖ Use of Music in Sufism
➢ Haridas
❖ Important Orders (Silsila) of Sufism
➢ Namdev
➢ Chisti
➢ Dhaneswar
➢ Suhrawardi
➢ Eknath
➢ Naqshbandi
➢ Tukaram
❖ Impact of Sufi Movement
➢ Ramdas

❖ Impact of Bhakti Movement


Arrival of Europeans in India ❖ The Danes in India (Important

Settlements, Personalities, Causes of

❖ Responsible Factors for Arrival of
❖ The English
❖ The Portuguese in India
➢ Farrukhsiyar 's Farman
➢ Vasco Da Gama
➢ Causes of English Success
➢ Pedro Alvarez Cabral
❖ The French (Important Settlements,
➢ De Almeida
Personalities, Causes of Decline)
➢ Albuquerque
❖ Anglo-French Rivalry
➢ Nino Da Cunha
❖ First Carnatic War
❖ Causes of Failure of Portuguese
❖ Rise of the Hyderabad State
empire in India
❖ The Second Carnatic War
❖ The Dutch in India (Important
❖ The Third Carnatic War
Settlements, Personalities, Causes of
❖ The Columbian Exchange

Expansion of East India ➢ Nepal
➢ Bhutan
➢ Tibet
❖ Settlements at Various Places ➢ Burma
❖ British Conquest of Bengal ➢ Afghanistan
➢ Battle of Plassey ❖ Other Important Approaches at
➢ Battle of Buxar Expansion
➢ Treaty of Allahabad ➢ Doctrine of Ring Fence
➢ Dual Polity in Bengal (Diwani ➢ Doctrine of Masterly Inactivity
and Nizamat)
➢ Policy of Proud Reserve
❖ 4 Anglo - Mysore Wars
➢ Fall of Tipu Sultan Form of Administration before

❖ 3 Anglo - Maratha Wars 1857

➢ Prominent Maratha Families
❖ The Dual System
Ruling from Different Places
❖ Regulating Act
➢ Important Treaties of Surat,
❖ Pitt’s India Act
Purandar,Salbai, Bassein,
❖ The Charter Acts
Poona, Gwalior and Mandsor
➢ Marathas Defeat and its ❖ Evolution of Modern Judicial

Reasons System

➢ Dissolution of Maratha ➢ Law Commission

Confederacy ❖ Developments of Civil Services
❖ The Subsidiary Alliance System and ➢ Cornwallis Code
its Impact ❖ British Indian Army
➢ States under Subsidiary ❖ Impact of British Administration
❖ Economic Policies of The British

Second Phase of British ❖ Various Stages of Colonialism

Expansion In India ➢ Phase of Mercantilism (1757-

❖ 2 Anglo-Sikh Wars
➢ Phase of Free Trade (1813-
➢ The Conquest of Sindh and
➢ Phase of Finance Imperialism
❖ Doctrine of Lapse and its Victim
(1858 onwards)
❖ Land Revenue Systems of the
❖ Annexation of Oudh
Colonial Masters
❖ EIC’s Relations with Neighboring
➢ Ryotwari
➢ Mahalwari

➢ Permanent Settlement ➢ Discontent Among Sepoy’s
❖ Associated Terms of British ❖ Major Events
Revenue System ➢ Meerut Mutiny
❖ Impact of British Policy on Indian ➢ Siege of Delhi
➢ Fall of Delhi
❖ Drain of Wealth Theory
❖ Important Places and Associated
➢ Nationalist Economists
Leaders of the Revolt
Broader Impact British ❖ Important British Officers during
Administration Suppression of Revolt

❖ Causes of Failure of the Revolt

❖ Industrialization—Ruin of Artisans
and Handicrafts men ❖ Nature and Impact of the Revolt

❖ Impoverishment of Peasantry ❖ Various Outcomes of the Revolt

❖ Emergence of New Land Relations, ➢ GoI Act 1858

Ruin of Old Zamindars ➢ Administration
❖ Stagnation and Deterioration of ➢ Military
❖ Scholars Take
❖ Commercialization of Indian
❖ Books and Authors on the Revolt
❖ Development of Modern Industry Changed Government Post 1857
❖ Rise of Indian Bourgeoisie
❖ Acts between 1858-1947
❖ Critique of The Colonial Economy
❖ Administration - Central,
➢ Economic Drain
Provincial, Local
❖ Famine and Poverty
❖ Changes in the Army
❖ Nationalist Critique of Colonial
➢ Peel Commission
❖ Abolition of the Dual System ❖ Public Services

❖ Changes in Social Setup ➢ Ilbert Bill Controversy

❖ Policy of Equal Federation

The Revolt of 1857
❖ Princely States
❖ Causes of the Revolt ❖ Foreign Policy
➢ Economic Causes ❖ Evolution of Local Government
➢ Political Causes
➢ Mayo’s Resolution
➢ Administrative Causes
➢ Ripon’s Resolution (1882)
➢ Socio -Religious Causes
➢ Royal Commission on
➢ Influence of Outside Events
Decentralization (1908)

➢ Resolution of May (1918) and ❖ Education Under Dyarchy
Dyarchy (1919) ❖ Hartog Committee (1929)
➢ GoI Act, 1935 and After ❖ Wardha Scheme of Basic Education
❖ Labour Law Related Changes (1937)

❖ Changes in Socio-Cultural Stance ❖ Sergeant Plan of Education

❖ Kothari Education Commission
Evolution of Administrative and (1964-66)
Police Services ❖ Development of Vernacular
❖ Proclamation of 1858
❖ Development of Technical
❖ Indian Civil Services Act, 1861 Education
❖ Aitchison Committee on Public ❖ Evaluation of British Policy on
Services (1886) Education

❖ Islington Commission (1912)

Press during British Rule
❖ Montford Reforms (1919)
❖ James Augustus Hickey’s Bengal
❖ Lee Commission (1924)
❖ Government of India Act, 1935
❖ Different Publications and Journals
❖ Evolution of Police 1791 ❖ Legislative Attempts at Curbing
➢ Police Commission of 1860 Growth of Press

➢ William Bentick’s Contribution ➢ Censorship of Act, 1799

➢ Licensing Regulations, 1823
Education during British Rule
➢ Press Act/Metcalfe Act, 1835

❖ Charter Act of 1813 ➢ Licensing Act, 1857

➢ Registration Act, 1867
❖ General Committee of Public
➢ Vernacular Press Act, 1878
➢ Newspaper (Incitement to
➢ Orientalist-Anglicist
Offences) Act, 1908
➢ Indian Press Act, 1910
❖ Efforts of Thomson
➢ Indian Press (Emergency
❖ Wood’s Dispatch (1854) Hunter Powers) Act, 1931
Education Commission (1882-83) ➢ Press regulating Act, 1942
❖ Indian Universities Act, 1904 ❖ Struggle by Early Nationalists to

❖ Government Resolution on Secure Press Freedom

➢ Various Newspapers/Journals
Education Policy—1913
and Their Authors
❖ Saddler University Commission

❖ During and After the First World ❖ Mahadev Govind Ranade
War ❖ Annie Besant–Theosophical Society
❖ During the Second World War ❖ Syed Ahmad Khan
❖ Post Independence ❖ Baba Dayal Das
➢ Press Inquiry Committee,1947 ❖ Pandita Ramabai

❖ Sarojini Naidu
Socio-Religious Reform
Movements ❖ Jyotiba Phule

❖ Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

❖ Aspects of Women Emancipation

➢ Legislation and Women Struggles of the Working Class

❖ Initial Efforts for Working Class’s
➢ Education Conditions
➢ Widow Remarriage ❖ All India Trade Union Congress
❖ Factors leading to Reform (AITUC)
Movements ❖ Trade Union Act, 1926
❖ Directions of Reforms ❖ Trade Disputes Act, 1929
❖ Hindu Reform Movements ❖ Meerut Conspiracy Case (1929)
❖ Reform Movements Among
Peasant and Tribal Uprisings

❖ Sikh Reform Movement ❖ Responsible Factors for Tribal

❖ Parsi Reform Movement Revolts

➢ Parsi Religious Reform ❖ Tribal Movements

Association ➢ Bhil Uprising

❖ Significance of Reform Movements ➢ Kol Uprising

❖ Impact of Reform Movements ➢ Santhal Rebellion

➢ Singphos Rebellion
Important Personalities
➢ Jaintia and Garo Rebellion
❖ Raja Ram Mohan Roy
➢ Rampa Rebellion
❖ Swami Vivekananda
➢ Chuar Uprising
❖ Swami Dayananda Saraswati
➢ Munda Rebellion
❖ Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
➢ Khonda Dora Uprisings
❖ Keshab Chandra Sen
➢ Tana Bhagat Movement
❖ Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
❖ Peasant Movements

➢ Reasons of Resistance among ❖ Debate over INC being a Safety
Peasants Valve

➢ Champaran Satyagraha ❖ The Moderate Congress (1885-

➢ Kheda Peasant Struggle 1905)

➢ Bardoli Movement ❖ Success and Limitations with

➢ Tebhaga Movement Moderate Approach

➢ Telangana Movement ❖ Opinion Against Economic

Exploitation Administrative
❖ Revolts Rooted in Religion, Culture
Reforms Constitutional Reforms
and Economy
❖ Economic Critique of Imperialism
❖ Sanyasi Revolt
❖ Constitutional Reforms and
❖ Wahabi Movement
Propaganda in Legislature
❖ Pagal Panthis
❖ Campaign for General
❖ Faraizi Revolt
Administrative Reforms
❖ Kuka Movement
❖ Government’s Response towards
❖ Moplah Uprisings
❖ Rebellions Rooted in Military
❖ Militant Nationalism (1905 to 1918)
➢ Responsible Factors for
❖ Paika Rebellion
Growth of Militant Nationalism
❖ Ramosi Uprising
❖ Revolutionary Activities
❖ Sawantwadi Revolt
➢ Revolutionary Activities In
❖ Reasons for Limited Success of the
Delhi & Punjab
➢ Revolutionary Movements
❖ Indian National Congress’ Initial
influenced by Socialism
Phase and Revolutionary
➢ Yugantar
➢ Anushilan Samitis
❖ Pre-INC Organisations
❖ Hindustan Republican Association
❖ Pre-INC Campaigns and their
❖ Chittagong Revolt Group
❖ Revolutionary Activities Abroad
❖ Early Phase Indian National
❖ Differences between the Moderates
and the Extremists
❖ Key Sessions of the Indian National
Congress (INC)

First Phase of National ❖ Gandhi Ji in South Africa (1894-

Movement (1905-1917) 1914)

❖ Gandhi Ji in India (1915 Onwards)

❖ Important INC Sessions
❖ Champaran Satyagraha (1917)-
❖ Movement Under Extremist
First Civil Disobedience
❖ Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918) - First
❖ Mass Participation
Hunger Strike
❖ Government Repression
❖ Kheda Satyagraha (1918)- First
❖ Movements of All India Muslim
League (1906)
❖ Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
❖ Swadeshi Movement and (1909)
Associated Leaders
❖ Rowlatt Satyagraha and
❖ Morley Minto Reforms (1909) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (April
❖ Comparative Account of Moderates 13, 1919)
and Extremists ❖ Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-
❖ Annulment of Partition of Bengal 22)
❖ Home Rule League Movement (1916) ❖ Developments that led to NCM

❖ Developments that led to Home ❖ Major Events of this Time

Rule League ❖ Khilafat Movement (1919-20)
❖ Limitations with Home Rule Leagues ❖ Development of the Khilafat-Non-
❖ Lucknow Session of INC (1916): Cooperation Programme

Lucknow Pact ❖ Chauri Chaura Incident (5th Feb

❖ Reasons of Readmission of 1922)

Extremists ❖ Congress-Khilafat Swaraj Party

❖ Reasons of Muslim League pact ❖ Swarajists and ‘No Changers'

with Congress ❖ Formation of Swarajist Party

❖ Montague Statement of August ➢ Achievements

(1917) ➢ Challenges
❖ The Constructive Programme
Second Phase of National
❖ Indian Statutory Commission/
Movement (1918- 1929)
Simon Commission (1927)
❖ National Movement in Light of First ➢ Recommendations
World War
➢ Response of Various Groups
❖ Nehru Report (1928)

❖ Two Decisive Sessions of INC ➢ Reasons for failure of Cripps

➢ Lahore Session, 1929 Mission

➢ Allahabad Address (1930) ➢ Comparing August Offer and

❖ Jinnah’s Fourteen Points Demand Cripps Mission

(1929) ❖ Quit India Movement (August

❖ Leaders in this phase and their Revolution) (1942)

Contribution ➢ Reasons for the Struggle

❖ AICC Meeting (Gowalia Tank,

Third Phase of National
❖ Parallel Governments

❖ Civil Disobedience Movement ❖ Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and

❖ Extent of Participation and
❖ Tokyo Conference: March 1942
Possibility of Settlement
❖ Bangkok Conference- June 1942
❖ Leaders in this Phase and their Role
❖ Neta Ji in Japan (1943)
❖ Gandhi-Irwin Pact
❖ Provisional Government of Free
❖ Comparing NCM and CDM India, Singapore (October 1943)
❖ The Three Round Table Conferences ❖ C. Rajagopalachari Formula (1944)
(RTCs) ❖ Desai Liaquat Pact (1945)
❖ Karachi Session of INC (1931) ❖ Muslim League’s Response

❖ Communal Awards (1932) ❖ Congress’ Response

❖ General Elections, 1945
❖ Poona Pact (1932)
❖ Rin Mutiny (1946)
❖ Government of India Act, 1935
❖ Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)
❖ Congress Ministries after Provincial
❖ Direct Action Day (August 16th, 1946)
Elections of 1937
❖ Interim Government
❖ Resignation of Congress Ministries
❖ Constituent Assembly
(1939) ➢ First Meeting and Election to
❖ Congress Working Committee at the Constituent Assembly
Wardha ❖ Objective Resolution
❖ Decision on Mass Struggle ❖ Atlee’s Declaration and Transfer of
❖ Pakistan Resolution (23 Mar 1940) Power

❖ August Offer (1940) ❖ Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947)

❖ India Independence Act (1947)
❖ Individual Satyagraha (1941)
❖ Integration of States
❖ Cripps Mission (1942)

Governors, Governor-Generals ❖ Lord Northbrook (1872-1876)

and Viceroys ❖ Lord Lytton (1876-1880)

❖ Lord Rippon (1880-1884)

❖ Governor of Bengal (Before 1773)
❖ Lord Dufferin (1884-1888)
❖ Governor Generals of Bengal (1773-
❖ Lord Lansdowne (1888-1894)
❖ Lord Elgin-II (1894-1999)
❖ Governor Generals of India (1832-
❖ Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
❖ Lord Minto-II (1905-1910)
❖ Viceroy and Governor Generals of
India (1858-1947) ❖ Lord Hardinge-II (1910-1916)

❖ Lord Chelmsford (1916-1921)

❖ Lord Reading (1921-1926)
❖ Robert Clive (1754-1767)
❖ Lord Irwin (1926-1931)
❖ Lord Warren Hastings (1773-1785)
❖ Lord Willingdon (1931-1936)
❖ Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793)
❖ Lord Linlithgow (1936-1944)
❖ Sir John Shore (1793-1798)
❖ Lord Wavell (1944-1947)
❖ Lord Arthur Wellesley (1798-1805)
❖ Lord Mountbatten (1947-1948)
❖ Lord George Barlow (1805-1807)

❖ Lord Minto-I (1807-1813) Important Congress Sessions

❖ Francis Rawdon Hastings (1813- ❖ Bombay (1885)

1823): (Marques of Hastings) ❖ Benaras (1905)
❖ Lord Amherst (1823-28) ❖ Calcutta (1906)
❖ Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835) ❖ Lucknow(1916)
❖ Sir Charles Metcalfe (1835-1836) ❖ Amritsar (1919)
❖ Lord Auckland (1836-1842) ❖ Calcutta (1920)
❖ Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844)
Important Committees and
❖ Lord Hardinge-I (1844-1848)
❖ Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856 great
imperialist and colonialist) ❖ Commissions on Famine

❖ Lord Canning (1856-1857 and 1858- ➢ Campbell Commission

1862) ➢ Stratchy Commission

❖ Lord Elgin-I (1862-1863) ➢ Lyall Commission

❖ Lord Lawrence (1864-1869) ➢ MacDonnell Commission

❖ Lord Mayo (1869-1872) ❖ Law Commissions

➢ First Law Commission, 1834, TB Constitutional Development In
Macaulay. India
➢ Second Pre-Independence
❖ Regulating Act 1773
Law Commission, 1853 – Sir
❖ Pitt's India Act of 1784
John Romilly.

➢ Third Pre-Independence Law ❖ Charter Act of 1793

Commission, 1862 - Sir John ❖ Charter Act of 1813

Romilly. ❖ Charter Act of 1833

➢ Fourth Pre-Independence Law ❖ Charter Act of 1853

Commission, 1879 – Dr Whitley ❖ Government of India Act 1858

Stokes. ❖ The Indian Councils Act 1861
❖ Currency Commissions ❖ Indian Councils Act 1892
➢ Mansfield Commission ❖ Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley -
➢ Fowler Commission Minto Reforms Government of India

➢ Babington Smith Commission Act 1919 or Montague - Chelmsford

➢ Hilton Young Commission Reforms

❖ Other Important Commissions ❖ Government of India Act 1935

❖ Indian Independence Act, 1947


➢ Comparison with
Visual Arts
Achamenian Pillars
❖ Harappan Period ➢ Stupa- 9 Early Stupas of
➢ Sculpture Buddhism
➢ Seals ➢ Symbolism of Stupas in
➢ Pottery Buddhism

➢ Architecture-Town Planning ❖ Post-Mauryan Period

❖ Mauryan Architecture ➢ Caves and Their Types in this

➢ Sculpture (Stone) Period

➢ Pottery (NBPW) ➢ Stupa

➢ Architecture-Cave ➢ Sculpture (Gandhara,

Architecture, Pillars Mathura, Amravati School)

❖ Gupta Period

➢ Sculpture ➢ Provincial Style (Malwa or

➢ Cave architecture (Ajanta, Pathan Style)

Ellora, Elephanta, Nasik, ➢ Mughal Style

Udayagiri, Junagadh Caves) ➢ Sikh Style of Architecture
➢ Sarnath Style of Sculpture ➢ Avadh (Oudh) Style
➢ Fresco Mural Painting ➢ Rajput Architecture

❖ Modern Architecture
Temple Architecture
❖ European Influence
❖ Evolution of Temple Architecture-
➢ Portuguese
Separately in North and South India
➢ Danish
❖ Types of Temple Architecture ➢ British
(Nagara, Dravida, Vesara Hoysala) ❖ Indo-Gothic Architecture
and their subtypes ❖ Neo-Roman Style
➢ Temples of Khajuraho ❖ Post-Independence Period
➢ Temples of Odisha ❖ Notable Architects

➢ Temples of Gwalior ❖ Buddhist and Jaina Influence

➢ Temples of Gujarat ➢ Sculpture

➢ Architecture
➢ Temples of Rajasthan
❖ Medieval School of Sculpture
➢ Temples of Bengal
❖ Modern Indian Sculpture
➢ Temples of Assam

➢ Temples of Himachal Pradesh Paintings

➢ Temples of Jammu and ❖ Cave Paintings

Kashmir ❖ Tradition of Mural Paintings in India
➢ Pallava Period Temples ❖ Tradition of Miniature Paintings in
➢ Chola Period Temples India
❖ Paintings in the Deccan
➢ Pandya Temples
❖ Mughal Painting
➢ Vijayanagar Period Temples
❖ Regional Paintings
➢ NayakaTemples
➢ Rajput School of Painting
➢ Temples of Kerala
➢ Rashtrakuta Period Temples ➢ Pahari School of Painting
❖ Indo-Islamic Architecture ➢ Tanjore Paintings
➢ Imperial Style (Delhi ➢ Mysore Paintings
Sultanate) ➢ Kalamkari Paintings

❖ Miniature Painting in South India ➢ Genesis of Martial Arts
❖ Modern Paintings ➢ Forms of Traditional Martial
❖ Contemporary Paintings Arts
➢ Animal Sports
Pottery Tradition
❖ Indian Theatre
❖ Ochre Coloured Pottery(OCP) ➢ History of Theatre in India
❖ Black and Red Ware (BRW) ➢ Classical Sanskrit Theatre
❖ Painted Grey Ware (PGW) ➢ Traditional Theatre
❖ Northern Black Polished Ware ➢ Regional Theatre
(NBPW) ➢ Modern Theatre in India
❖ Glazed and Unglazed Pottery ➢ Renaissance of Indian Theatre
❖ Numismatics
➢ Cinema in India
❖ Coinage
➢ History of Indian Cinema
Performing Arts ➢ Classification of Indian
Cinema Film
❖ Music in India
➢ Classical Indian Music Indian Puppetry
➢ Hindustani Music
❖ String Puppets
➢ Different Gharanas or Schools
➢ Carnatic Music ❖ Shadow Puppets

➢ Main Pillars of Indian Music ➢ Rod Puppets

➢ Forms of Indian Music ➢ Glove puppets

➢ Musical Instruments ➢ Modern Puppetry
➢ Institutions Related to Music in ➢ Tribal Puppetry
➢ Folk Music Religion, Language and

❖ Dances in India Literature

➢ Concept of Dance in India ❖ Religions in India

➢ Concept of Ashta Nayika ➢ Pre-Vedic Religion
➢ Rasa and Bhava ➢ Hinduism
➢ Eight Classical Dance Forms ➢ Buddhism
in India
➢ Jainism
➢ Folk Dances ➢ Sikhism
➢ Modern Dances ➢ Islam
❖ Sports in India ➢ Christianity
➢ Various Type of Sports ➢ Zoroastrianism

➢ Judaism ❖ Places of Cultural Interest
➢ Philosophy in India ❖ The Calendar & the Eras
➢ Bhakti Movement ❖ Science and Technology in Ancient
➢ Saints of Bhakti Movement India

❖ Languages and Literature in India ❖ Recent developments

➢ Classical Language ➢ Important Festivals

➢ Sanskrit Literature ➢ Kheer Bhawani festival
➢ Pali Literature ➢ Mahapushkaram
➢ Prakrit Literature ➢ Bathu kamma
➢ Tamil Literature ➢ Manipur Sangai Festival
➢ Telugu Literature ➢ Losar festival
➢ Malayalam Literature ➢ Intangible Cultural Heritage
➢ Kannada Literature under UNESCO has inscribed
➢ Odia Literature ´Kumbh Mela’

➢ Assamese Literature ➢ Sankalp Parva-Sankalp se

➢ Bengali Literature Siddhi’

➢ Paryatan Parv
➢ Gujarati Literature
➢ Bharat Parv
➢ Rajasthani Literature
➢ Orange Festival Nagpur
➢ Punjabi Literature
➢ Marathi Literature ➢ Protest against Sunburn fest
➢ 2017 Teesta Rangit Tourism
➢ Hindi Literature
➢ Persian Literature
➢ Ganga sagar mela
➢ Urdu Literature
➢ Nabakalebar Rath Yatra
➢ Influence/Contribution of
foreign languages & Literature ➢ Chapchar Kut Festival

to India language ➢ Hornbill Festival

➢ Wangala Festival
➢ Schemes for Cleanliness of
❖ Government Cultural Institutions in Tourist Places
India ➢ Swachh Bharat Swachh
❖ UNESCO’s List of Cultural Heritage in Smarak
India ➢ ‘Swachh Bharat Swachh
❖ Protection and Promotion of Indian Paryatan’
Culture and Heritage :Legal ➢ Incredible India 2.0 Campaign
➢ Schemes for Development of
❖ Schemes and Awards Cultural Heritage
❖ Personalities Related to Culture ➢ Sanskriti App

➢ Cultural Mapping of India ➢ Project Mausam
❖ Schemes for Monument ➢ International Buddhist
Development Conclave
➢ HRIDAY Scheme ➢ World’s Heritage
➢ Swadesh Darshan Scheme ➢ UNESCO inscribes Yoga in the
➢ PRASAD Scheme representative list of

➢ AdarshSmarak Yojana Intangible Cultural Heritage of

➢ Cultural Scheme Monitoring
System ➢ UNESCO Creative Cities
➢ Schemes for promotion of
Culture ➢ UNESCO Global Geopark

➢ Schemes for Serious Literature ➢ National Virtual Library of

and Litterateurs India

➢ National Mission on ➢ Jallikattu

Monuments and Antiquities ➢ Kambala

➢ National Mission on ❖ GI Tags
Manuscripts ➢ Definition
➢ Gandhi Heritage Sites Mission ➢ GI vs. Trademark
➢ Muziris Heritage Site ➢ Rights under GI
➢ International Initiatives for ➢ Latest addition
Cultural Development and




❖ Universe ➢ Time Zones, Local and

➢ Theories of development of Standard Time and the

Universe International Date Line,

➢ Galaxy Calendar

➢ Star formation ➢ Eclipses - Solar, Lunar

➢ Earth’s magnetic field
➢ Planet formation
➢ Earth’s Geological time scale
➢ Solar system
❖ Origin of Life on Earth
➢ Moon

➢ Asteroid Geomorphology
➢ Meteor
❖ Earth’s Interior
➢ Kupier belt
➢ Crust
➢ Comets
➢ Mantle
➢ Dwarf planets ➢ Core
❖ Evolution of Earth ➢ Direct and Indirect Sources of
➢ Geological History of Earth Information
➢ Evolution of the Layered ➢ Theories – Suess Theory
Structure of Earth ❖ Geology and Rock system
(Lithosphere,Atmosphere and ➢ Physical Characteristics–
Hydrosphere) Crystal Form, Cleavage
➢ Latitude and Longitude Fracture, Lusture, Color, Streak

including important Parallels ➢ Transparency, Structure,

and Meridians Hardness, Specific Gravity

➢ Motions of the Earth - ➢ Major Elements of the Earth’s

Rotation, Revolution and their Crust

effects ➢ Minerals

➢ Inclination of the Earth’s Axis

and its effects

✓ Minerals – Feldspar, Quartz, ➢ Waves: P,S, Body, Surface,
Pyroxene Amphibole, Mica , Shadow Zone
Olivine ➢ Types of Earthquakes
✓ Metallic minerals – precious
➢ Effects
Ferrous, Non Ferrous
➢ Frequency and Intensity
✓ Non-metallic Minerals –
➢ Locating an Epicenter
Sulphur, Phosphates,
Cement ➢ Ring of Fire

➢ Rocks (Aggregate of Minerals) ❖ Volcanism (Types and Associated

✓ Petrology Concepts)
✓ Rocks & landforms ➢ Shield
✓ Rocks & Soils ➢ Composite
✓ 3 Family of Rocks ➢ Caldera
✓ Igneous
➢ Flood Basalt
✓ Sedimentary
➢ Mid Ocean Ridge
✓ Metamorphic
➢ Landforms (intrusive)
❖ Geomorphic Processes
➢ Batholiths
➢ Earth’s Surface
✓ Gradation, Degradation & ➢ Lacoliths

Aggradation ➢ Lopoliths
➢ Endogenic Forces ➢ Phacoliths
✓ Diastrophism ➢ Sills
✓ Orogenic
➢ Dykes
✓ Epeirogenic
❖ Distribution of Continents & Oceans
✓ Earthquakes
➢ Theories
✓ Plate movements
➢ Continental Drift Theory
✓ Volcanism
✓ Alfred Wegner
➢ Exogenic Forces
✓ Denudation Processes ✓ Pangea, Panthalasa

✓ Weathering ✓ Laurasia, Gondwanaland

✓ Mass movements ➢ Evidence in support of

✓ Erosion Transportation & Continental Drift Theory
Deposition ✓ Jigsaw Fit
❖ Earthquakes and Volcanism
✓ Rocks of Same age across
➢ Earthquakes oceans

✓ Tillite

✓ Placer Deposits ➢ Mushroom , Table & Pedestal

✓ Distribution of Fossils Rocks

➢ Isostasy ❖ Depositional Landforms - wind

➢ Sea Floor Spreading ➢ Barchans

➢ Forces of Drifting ➢ Seif

✓ Pole Fleeing Force ❖ Erosional Landforms - water

✓ Tidal Force ➢ Valleys

➢ Post Drift Studies ➢ Rills

➢ Convectional Current Theory ➢ Gullies

➢ Mapping of the Ocean Floor ➢ Valleys – V Shape , Gorge

(Hard Rocks), Canyon
➢ Plate Tectonics
✓ Lithospheric Plates - Major
➢ Potholes & Plunge pools
Plate - Minor Plates
➢ Incised or entrenched
➢ Plate Boundaries – Divergent
– Convergent – Transform
➢ River Terraces – paired &
➢ Rates of Plate Movements
➢ Force of plate movement
❖ Depositional Landforms - water
➢ Indian Plate
➢ Alluvial Fans
❖ Landforms and their evolution
➢ Delta
➢ Causes (Geomorphic
➢ Flood plains, Natural Levees,
Point Bars
➢ Geomorphic Agents
➢ Meansders, Slip off bank,
✓ Erosional or Destructional
Undercut bank
✓ Depositional or
➢ Oxbow lake
➢ Braided Channels
➢ Agents and their Impacts -
❖ Ground Water (Karst Topography)
Wind, Running Water, Ground
➢ Permeable Rocks
Water, Glaciers, Waves &
➢ Percolation
➢ Bedding Plains
❖ Erosional landforms - wind
➢ Limestone and Dolomite
➢ Pediments and Pediplains
➢ Playas
❖ Balkans, Adjacent to Adriatic
➢ Deflation Hollows and Caves

➢ Erosional Landforms ➢ Stacks
➢ Pools - Swallow Hole, Valley ❖ Depositional Landforms - Waves
Sinks (Uvalas), Sinkholes, and Currents
Collapse sinks (Dolines), ➢ Beaches and Dunes
Lapies, Ridges, Limestone ➢ Bars, Barriers, Spits
❖ Weathering
➢ Caves – Altering bed of Rocks
➢ Factors
(Shale sandstone quartzite,
➢ Geological
Caves and Tunnels
➢ Climatic
❖ Depositional landforms - Ground
➢ Topographic
➢ Vegetative
➢ Stalactites
➢ Major Processes
➢ Stalagmites
➢ Chemical
➢ Pillar Columns
➢ Physical or Mechanical
❖ Erosional Landforms - Glaciers
➢ Biological
➢ Cirque of Tarn Lakes
❖ Chemical – Forces and Chemical
➢ Hors and Serrated Regions – Action
➢ Solution
➢ Glacial Valleys / Troughs –
➢ Carbonation
➢ Hydration
➢ Depositional Landforms
➢ Oxidation & Reduction
➢ Glacial Tills
❖ Physical Forces Gravitational,
➢ Moraines
Expansion, Water Pressure
➢ Eskers ➢ Unloading & Expansion
➢ Outwash Plains ➢ Temperature changes and
➢ Drumlins Expansion
❖ Waves and Currents ➢ Freezing, Thawing, & Frost
➢ High Rocky Coasts and Low Wedging
Sedimentary Coasts ➢ Salt Weathering
❖ Erosional Landforms - Waves and ❖ Biological Weathering
Currents ➢ Burrowing
➢ Cliffs ➢ Wedging
➢ Terraces ➢ Plant Roots
➢ Caves ➢ Effects of Weathering

✓ Exfoliation (Flakin) – ➢ Volcanic Islands
Exfoliation Domes ➢ Fracture Zones
➢ Significance of Weathering ➢ Hotspots
➢ Soil Formation ➢ Coral Islands

➢ Biomes and Biodiversity ➢ Atoll

➢ Leaching / Enrichment ❖ Temperature and Salinity

➢ Mass Movements ➢ Temperature Distribution of

the Ocean Water (Vertical
➢ Activating causes
and Spatial)
➢ Forms of movement – Heave
❖ Factors affecting Temperature
Flow Slide
❖ Important Data of Landforms
➢ Latitude
across the world
➢ Unequal distribution of land &
➢ Rivers and lakes Water
➢ Mountain and Peaks ➢ Prevailing wind
➢ Plateaus ➢ Ocean Currents
➢ Horizontal & Vertical
❖ Hydrosphere
Salinity of the Ocean Water
➢ Water on the Surface of the
Earth ❖ Factors affecting salinity
➢ Hydrological Cycle ❖ Evaporation and precipitation
➢ Component ❖ Fresh water flow from rivers
➢ Processes ❖ Ocean currents
❖ Submarine Relief Features ❖ Horizontals distribution of salinity
➢ Oceans ❖ Vertical Distribution of salinity
➢ Relief of the Ocean floor ❖ Density of Ocean Waters
❖ Divisions of the ocean floor ❖ Waves, Ocean Currents, Tides
➢ Continental Shelf ❖ Movements of ocean Water
➢ Continental Slope ❖ Factors influencing Movement
➢ Deep sea plain ➢ Temperature
➢ Oceanic deep and Trenches ➢ Salinity
❖ Minor relief features ➢ Density
➢ Mid oceanic ridges ➢ Motion – Horizontal and
➢ Seamount Vertical Currents
➢ Submarine canyons ❖ Waves
➢ Guyots

➢ Motion of waves and water ❖ Major Ocean currents of the World
molecules ❖ Effects of Ocean Currents
➢ Characteristics of wave
➢ Crest and Trough Marine Resources

➢ Height ❖ Underground water resource

➢ Amplitude
❖ Surface water resources
➢ Period
❖ Inland water resources: Utilization
➢ Length
of inland water resources
➢ Speed
❖ Oceanic Water Resources (Marine
➢ Frequency
❖ Tides
➢ Relation between ❖ Utilization of oceans by man

Gravitational Forces and Tides ❖ Water consumption patterns

➢ Tidal currents ❖ Conservation of Water Resources
➢ Types of Tides ❖ Techniques of Water Conservation
➢ Based on Frequency – Semi
❖ Ocean Deposits and Corals
Diurnal, Diurnal, mixed
➢ Terrigenous Deposits
➢ Based on SME position –
spring and Neap Tides ➢ Volcanic Deposits

❖ Importance of Tides ➢ Biotic deposits [Neritic and

❖ Ocean Currents Pelagic (Calcareous, Siliceous

➢ Primary Force that initiates
the movement ➢ Abiotic Deposits

➢ Heating of solar energy ➢ Coral Reefs

➢ Wind ➢ Great Barrier Reef

➢ Gravity Climatology
➢ Coriolis force
❖ Atmosphere
➢ Secondary force that
➢ Composition
influence the currents to flow
➢ Gases
❖ Types of ocean currents
➢ Water Vapour
➢ Based on Depth i.e. Surface
➢ Dust Particles
currents & Deep water
➢ Structure
➢ Exosphere
➢ Based on Temperature i.e.
Cold and Warm Currents ➢ Thermosphere

➢ Mesosphere ➢ Heat Budget of the Planet

➢ Stratosphere Earth

➢ Troposphere ➢ Macro Budget

➢ Albedo
➢ Altitude vs. Temperature
➢ Shortwave Radiation
❖ Concept of Inversion of
➢ Long wave Earth Radiation
➢ Variation in the net Heat
➢ Temperature
Budget at the Earth’s Surface
➢ Factors controlling Temp
❖ Winds and Pressure belts
➢ Atmospheric Circulation and
➢ Distribution of Temp Month of Weather Systems
➢ Atmospheric Pressure
➢ Range of Temp Month of
➢ Vertical variation of pressure
➢ Horizontal distribution of
➢ Inversion of Temperature
❖ Insolation and Heat Budget
➢ World Distribution of Sea Level
➢ Solar Radiation Heat Balance
Temperature Insolation
➢ Factors affecting the velocity
➢ Aphelion and Perihelion
and direction of the Wind
➢ Variability of Insolation at the
surface of the Earth ➢ Pressure Gradient Force

➢ Day Season Year ➢ Frictional Force

➢ Rotation on Axis, Angle of ➢ Coriolis Force

Inclination of sun rays, Length ➢ Pressure and Wind (Cyclonic
of the day & Anticyclone Circulation)
➢ Transparency of Atmosphere, ➢ General Circulation of the
configuration of land in terms
Atmosphere – Pattern of
of its aspect.
Planetary Winds
➢ Heat Balance
➢ Latitudinal Variation of
➢ Heating and cooling of
Atmospheric Heating
➢ Emergence of Pressure Belts
➢ Conduction
➢ Migration of Belts Following
➢ Convection
apparent Path of Sun
➢ Advection
➢ Terrestrial Radiation ➢ Distribution of continents &

➢ Rotation of the Earth ➢ Types – Cirrus, Cumulus,

➢ Circulation Stratus, Nimbus

➢ Simplified Global Circulation – ➢ High – Cirrus, Cirrostratus,

Hadley Cell , Ferrel Cell Cirrocumulus

➢ Seasonal Wind ➢ Middle – Altostratus,

➢ Local Wind Altocumulus

➢ Land and Sea Breezes ➢ Low – Stratocumulus,

➢ Mountain and Valley Winds
➢ Vertical Development –
❖ Air Mass, Fronts, Cyclones and Jet
Cumulus and Cumulonimbus
❖ Climatic Zones of the World
➢ Air mass & fronts
➢ Koppene’s Classification
➢ Cyclones
Climatic Zones
➢ Thunderstorms
➢ World Climate
➢ Tornadoes
➢ The Hot, Wet Equatorial
➢ Monsoons
➢ Fronts
➢ The Tropical Monsoon and
❖ Precipitation
Tropical Marine Climates
➢ Water in the Atmosphere
➢ The Savanna or Sudan
➢ Water Vapour
➢ Precipitation and its types
➢ The Hot Desert and Mid-
➢ Convectional, Orographic and
Latitude Desert Climates
Frontal/ Cyclonic Rains
➢ The Warm Temperate
➢ World Distribution of Rainfall
Western Margin
➢ Humidity – Absolute and (Mediterranean) Climate
➢ The Temperate Continental
➢ Saturation – Dew Point (Steppe Climate)
➢ Evaporation and ➢ The Warm Temperate Eastern
Condensation Margin (China Type Climate)
➢ Dew ➢ The Cool Temperate Western
➢ Frost Margin (British Type Climate)
➢ Fog & Mist ➢ The Cool Temperate
❖ Clouds Continental (Siberian)

➢ The Cool Temperate Eastern ➢ Causes and factors of
Margin (Lauren-tian) Climate deforestation: Immediate

➢ The Arctic or Polar Climate causes of deforestation

➢ Indirect deforestation
➢ Underlying causes of
❖ Soil Characteristics deforestation

➢ Factors Responsible for Soil ➢ Conservation of forests

Formation ➢ Forest conservation strategies

➢ Stages of Soil Formation ➢ Reforestation

➢ Soil Forming Processes ➢ Monoculture plantation

➢ Soil Profiles and Horizons ➢ Afforestation

➢ Soil Classification ➢ Types of forestry

➢ Soil Erosion and Conservation ➢ Social forestry

➢ Agroforestry
❖ Vegetation resources

➢ Types of natural vegetation Human and Economic

➢ Forests Geography of the World
➢ Significance of forests
❖ Demography and Census
➢ Economic significance,
➢ Concept of human resources
Ecological significance
➢ Factors affecting the
➢ Cultural significance
distribution of Population
➢ Factors of forest development
➢ Geographical Factors
➢ Extent of forest cover
➢ Availability of water
➢ Classification of forests
➢ Landforms
➢ Grasslands
➢ Climate
➢ Desert vegetation
➢ Soils
➢ Tundra Vegetation
❖ Economic Factors
➢ Economic utilization of forests
➢ Minerals
➢ Deforestation
➢ Urbanization
➢ Deforestation in tropical
➢ Industrialisation
➢ Socio-cultural factors
➢ Deforestation in temperate
forests ❖ Population Growth

➢ Rate and extent of ➢ Growth of Population

deforestation ➢ Growth Rate of Population

➢ Natural growth of Population ➢ Pattern of population density
➢ Positive Growth of Population globally
➢ Negative Growth of ➢ Population increase in the
Population world
❖ Components of Population Change ❖ Population Composition
➢ Crude Birth Rate ➢ Sex composition
➢ Crude Death Rate ➢ Sex Ratio
➢ Migration – Place of Origin ➢ Natural Advantage vs Social
and Place of Destination Advantage
➢ Immigration ➢ Age Structure
➢ Emigration
➢ Age – sex Pyramid
➢ Push Factors and Pull Factors
➢ Expanding Populations
❖ Trends in Population Growth
➢ Constant Population
➢ Doubling time of world
➢ Declining Population
➢ Literacy – literacy Rate
➢ Spatial pattern of Population
➢ Rural Urban Composition
➢ Occupational Structure
➢ Impact of Population Change
❖ Demographic Transition ➢ Religion based Composition

➢ Demographic Transition ❖ Population problems

Theory ➢ Population problems of

➢ Demographic Cycle developing countries

❖ Theories of Population Growth ➢ Population problems of

➢ Malthusian theory developed countries

➢ Marxian theory ➢ Population Policies: of China,

➢ Demographic Transition of India
Theory ❖ Census 2011
➢ Optimum population ➢ Census Terminologies
➢ Over-population ➢ Relevant Data
➢ Under-population ❖ Human Development
➢ Growth vs Development
❖ Population Control Measures ➢ The four pillars of
➢ World population distribution, Development
Density and Growth ➢ Equity
➢ Continent-wide distribution of ➢ Sustainability
population ➢ Productivity

➢ Empowerment ➢ Collective Farming
➢ Approaches to Human ➢ Mining
Development ➢ Factors affecting Mining
➢ Measuring Human
➢ Methods of Mining –
OpenCast and underground
➢ Income Approach mining
➢ Welfare Approach ➢ Secondary Activities
➢ Basic Needs Approach ❖ Manufacturing
➢ Capability Approach ➢ Characteristics of Modern
➢ International Comparisons of large scale Manufacturing
Human Development ➢ Specialisation of Skills/
❖ Economic Activities methods of Production,
➢ Primary Activities Mechanisation -
➢ Hunting and Gathering Technological Innovation
Pastoralism ➢ Access to market, Access to
➢ Nomadic Herding labour Supply, Access to

➢ Commercial livestock Rearing Sources of Energy, Access to

➢ Agriculture Transportation and

communication Facilities
❖ Subsistence Agriculture
➢ Government Policy
➢ Primitive Subsistence
Agriculture ➢ Classification of
Manufacturing Industries
➢ Intensive Subsistence
Agriculture ❖ Industries based on Size

➢ Plantation Agriculture ➢ Small Scale manufacturing

➢ Extensive Commercial Grain ➢ Large Scale manufacturing

Cultivation ❖ Industries based on Inputs

➢ Mixed Farming ➢ Agro Based Industries

➢ Dairy Farming ➢ Mineral Based Industries

➢ Mediterranean Agriculture ➢ Chemical based Industries

➢ Viticulture ➢ Forest based Raw material

using Industries
➢ Market Gardening and
Horticulture – Truck Farming ➢ Animal Based Industries
➢ Industries based on
➢ Cooperative Farming

❖ Industries based on Ownership ➢ Population Factors
➢ Tertiary, Quaternary and ➢ Stage of Economic
Quinary Activities Development
➢ Types of Tertiary Activities ➢ Extent of Foreign Investment
➢ Retail trading ➢ Transport
➢ Trade and Commerce
➢ Important aspects of
➢ Wholesale Trading International Trade
➢ Transport
➢ Volume of Trade
➢ Communication
➢ Composition of Trade
➢ Services
➢ Direction of Trade
➢ Tourism
➢ Balance of Trade
➢ Medical Services
➢ Types of International Trade
➢ Quaternary Activities
➢ Case of Free Trade
➢ Quinary Activities
➢ WTO – World Trade
➢ Concept of Digital Divide
Organisation and Regional
❖ Transport and Communication
Trade Blocs
❖ Transport
➢ Gateways of International
➢ Modes of Transportation
➢ Land Transport
❖ Ports
➢ Roads
➢ Industrial Ports
➢ Railways
➢ Commercial Ports
➢ Water Transport
➢ Sea Routes ➢ Comprehensive Ports

➢ Inland Waterways ➢ Inland Ports

➢ Air Transport ➢ Out Ports

➢ Pipelines ➢ Oil Ports

❖ Communications ➢ Port of call

➢ Satellite communication ➢ Packet station
➢ Cyberspace internet ➢ Entrepot Ports
❖ International Trade ➢ Naval Ports
➢ History of international Trade ❖ Settlement
➢ Basis of International Trade ➢ Types and Patterns of
➢ Difference in national settlements

➢ Compact of Nucleated ➢ Mountain System
Settlements ➢ Classification of The

➢ Dispersed settlement Himalayan System

➢ Rural Settlements ➢ Regional Division of the

➢ Factors affecting location of
➢ The Peninsular - Peninsular
rural settlements
➢ Patterns of Rural settlements
➢ Plains - Northern Plains of
➢ Urban Settlements India
➢ Classification of Urban ➢ Lakes
Settlements ➢ Deserts
➢ Factors affecting location of ➢ Indian Coasts and Islands

rural settlements ❖ Drainage System

➢ Classification of Drainage
➢ Functions of Urban Centre
➢ Himalayan Drainage
➢ Classification of Towns on the
➢ Indus river system
basis of Forms
➢ Indus drainage system
➢ Types of Urban Settlements
➢ Ganga River System
➢ Town, City, Conurbation, ➢ Brahmaputra river system
Megalopolis, Million City ➢ Peninsular River System
➢ Issues of Urbanization in India ➢ East flowing Rivers

➢ Rural Urban Migration ➢ West flowing Rivers

➢ Mains Rivers and their
➢ Emergence of Slums
➢ Inclusive Cities/Smart cities
➢ Famous cities and river banks

Indian Geography ❖ Climate

➢ Factors influencing the
❖ Physiography of India climate of India
➢ Geological Region ➢ Monsoon
➢ Location ➢ Mechanism of the Monsoon
➢ Physiographic Sub-Units ➢ Classical Theory

➢ Himalayans ➢ Modern theory

➢ Northern Plains ➢ Air mass theory

➢ Jet stream theory
➢ Peninsular Plateau
➢ El Nino and La Nina
➢ Thar Desert
➢ Seasonal rhythm
➢ Coastal Plain
➢ The Islands

➢ Koppen’s Climatic ➢ Gender composition of the
classification Population
➢ Indian Droughts and Floods ➢ Trends in Sex Ratio in India
❖ Soils in India
➢ Child sex ratio in age group 0-
➢ Soil Acidity
6 yrs
➢ Soil textures
➢ Sex ratio of age 7 years and
➢ Minerals of Soil
above population
➢ Soil Erosion
➢ Soil Conservation ➢ Old Age People

❖ Natural Vegetation ➢ Health Indicators

➢ Vegetation ❖ Settlements and Urbanization

➢ Rural Settlements
➢ Mangroves
➢ Factors affecting settlement
➢ Distribution of Forest Area
➢ Forest Problems in India
➢ Settlement types
❖ Population
➢ Urbanization
➢ Size, growth rate and ➢ Urban Agglomeration / Cities
distribution of population
❖ Land Resource
➢ India in World Population
➢ Land-use
➢ Demographic transition
➢ Land capability classification
➢ Census in India ➢ Causes of Land Degradation
➢ Ranking of States and Union ➢ Impact of Land Degradation
➢ Territories by population: 2001 ➢ Steps taken by GOI
& 2011
➢ Sustainable Land
➢ Population Growth Rates
➢ Population: States and UT
❖ Mineral Resource
➢ Decadal growth rate ➢ Types of minerals: Metallic
➢ National Population Policy minerals
➢ Density of population ➢ Non-metallic mineral
➢ Literacy ➢ Distribution of minerals and
➢ Literacy in major states mining regions

➢ Literacy rate in India: 1951-2011 ➢ Distribution, production and

➢ Ranking of States and UTs by international trade of Metallic
206 literacy rate: 2011 minerals: Ferrous metals

➢ Ferro-alloys and non-ferrous

➢ Manganese ➢ Coal fields and coal

➢ Chromium production

➢ Nickel ➢ Byproducts of coal

➢ Tungsten ➢ Conservation of Coal

➢ Antimony ➢ Petroleum

➢ Copper ➢ Nature and properties of

➢ Bauxite and Aluminium petroleum

➢ Zinc ➢ Origin and recovery

➢ Lead ➢ Exploration

➢ Tin ➢ Petroleum refining

➢ Gold ➢ Petroleum reserves

➢ Silver ➢ Producing areas

➢ Platinum ➢ Consumption of petroleum

➢ Mineral chemicals ➢ International trade

➢ Mica ➢ OPEC and its role in oil trade

➢ Potash ➢ Natural gas: Reserves and

➢ Phosphate
➢ Hydro-electricity
➢ Nitrates
➢ Advantages of hydro-
➢ Sulphur
➢ Conservation of mineral
➢ Ideal conditions for
generation of hydro-
❖ Energy Resources
➢ Classification of energy
➢ Distribution of potential
➢ Production of conventional
➢ Hydro-electric power
➢ General trends of energy
generation in India
production and consumption
➢ Atomic (nuclear) energy
➢ Reserves and sources of
➢ Atomic: source minerals:
➢ Coal
➢ World distribution of Uranium
➢ Nature and origin of coal
➢ Production of Uranium
➢ Constituents and kinds of coal
➢ Thorium

➢ Production of Atomic ➢ Chemical Pesticides and
(Nuclear) Energy Insecticides

➢ Nuclear Energy ➢ Modern Techniques-

➢ Alternative (non- Tractor|Harvesters

conventional) sources of ➢ The downside of the use of

energy Chemicals- Soil turned toxic-

➢ Solar energy Biomagnification has taken

➢ Wind energy place transfer of toxins, traces

of lead to the human body.
➢ Geothermal power
➢ The 1990s- Second Green
➢ Tidal energy
Revolution- Organic Farming
➢ Wave energy
➢ Replacement of Chemicals
➢ Biomass energy
with Biofertilizer and
❖ Agriculture Basic Terminologies
➢ Performance of the
➢ Negative Impact of Green
agriculture sector
➢ Types of farming in India
➢ Ecological implications
➢ Dry zone farming
➢ Loss of Biodiversity
➢ Organic farming
➢ Loss of Genetic Biodiversity
➢ Cropping seasons in India
➢ Soil Toxication
➢ Cropping Pattern in India
➢ BioMagnification and
➢ Agriculture regionalization
➢ Infrastructure factors: Seeds;
➢ Eutrophication
Fertilizers; Irrigation
➢ Socio-Economic Impacts
➢ Land use pattern in India
➢ Increased regional imbalance
➢ Institutional Factors as land
(GoI going for
equidistribution- 90:10 in NE
➢ Horticulture sector in India
➢ Agricultural revolutions
➢ Increased Intra-regional
➢ Green Revolution Technology imbalances
➢ HYVs Seeds ➢ Agricultural laborers
➢ Irrigation ➢ Price Policy for Agriculture
➢ Nutrients- Chemical ➢ Agricultural marketing
Fertilisers- N, P, K
➢ Agricultural Insurance

➢ Agricultural Census ➢ Doubling the farmers income:

➢ Major schemes in agricultural Ashok Dalwai Committee


➢ National Policy for farmers ➢ Agro Irradiation Centers

➢ Impact of climate change on ➢ Agricultural Marketing and

agriculture Farm Friendly Reforms Index

➢ What is sustainable ➢ National Food Security Act

agriculture? ➢ Digitization and Agriculture
➢ Use of IT in agriculture ➢ Direct Benefit Transfer in
➢ Agriculture Issues and Fertilizer Sector
Challenges ➢ Draft Regulation on
❖ Developments in Agriculture Field Fortification of Foods

➢ NITI Aayog proposed the idea ➢ Law Commission

of taxation of agricultural Recommendation on Food

income Laws
➢ Concept of Modern Terminal
➢ Removing agricultural
commodities from the
➢ Animal Husbandry, Dairying
essential commodities Act:
and Fisheries
NITI Aayog
➢ e-Pashuhaat Portal
➢ Feminization of Agriculture
➢ Schemes of Biotech Kisan and
➢ e-auction portal : e-Rakam Cattle Genomics
for selling agricultural ➢ Rashtriya Gokul Mission
produce ➢ Mission Fingerling
➢ “AGRI-UDAAN” – Food and ➢ Ornamental Fishing

agri-business acceleration 2.0 ➢ Agricultural Science Congress

➢ Ethanol Blending
to bring startup revolution
➢ National Bureau of Plant
➢ APEDA (Agricultural and
Genetic Resources
Processed Food Products ➢ Amendments to the NABARD
Export Development Authority Act, 1981
➢ Revenue Insurance Scheme
➢ SMAM (Sub-Mission on for Plantation Crops
Agricultural Mechanization) ➢ Neem Coating of Urea
➢ Jute-ICARE Project ➢ National Agriculture Market
➢ Project CHAMAN

❖ Productivity of Crops ➢ Location of iron and steel
(Conditions of growth, Varieties industry

Methods of cultivation, Production ➢ Development of iron

pattern) manufacture

International trade ➢ Distribution of iron and steel

➢ Wheat industry

➢ Rice ➢ Global steel production

➢ Maize (Corn) ➢ International trade in Steel
➢ Barley ❖ Textile Industry
➢ Tea ➢ Cotton Textile Industry:
➢ Coffee Location of the industry

➢ Cocoa ➢ Recent trends in localization

➢ Tobacco ➢ Distribution and production of

❖ Fiber Crops cotton textiles

➢ Cotton ➢ Woolen textile industry:

Location of the industry
➢ Jute
✓ Substitutes of Jute: Flax, ➢ Silk textile industry: Raw silk

Hemp manufacture

➢ Raw Silk ➢ Silk textile manufacturing

➢ Natural Rubber ➢ Synthetic (artificial) silk

❖ Sugarcane industry

➢ Conditions of growth ➢ Distribution of man-made

➢ Production pattern fiber and fabrics

➢ International trade ❖ Engineering Industries

➢ Sugar Beet—Conditions of ➢ Machine tools and machines:

growth Areas of production

➢ Production pattern ➢ Industrial machinery: Textile

➢ Sugar industry
➢ Agricultural machinery
➢ Sugar consumption
➢ Manufacturing of transport
➢ International trade
❖ Industry
➢ Automobile industry
➢ Industrial development
➢ Shipbuilding
➢ Iron and Steel Industry
➢ Aircrafts Industry

❖ Fertilizer industry: Nitrogen Britain, Germany, Belgium,
fertilizers Netherlands, France, Italy,
➢ Phosphate fertilizers Eastern Europe, Poland,

➢ Potash fertilizers Former USSR

➢ Agro-industries ➢ Eastern Asia—Japan, China,

➢ Synthetic rubber industry India, High tech patterns.

➢ Pulp and paper industry: ❖ Transport

Essential conditions for pulp ➢ Importance and development
production of transport
➢ Production of paper and ➢ Means of transport
paper board ➢ Transport costs and
➢ Newsprint economic distance
❖ Cement industry ➢ Operating costs in transport
➢ Distribution of cement ➢ Relative importance of means
of transport: Railways, Roads,
➢ Recent trends: Main global Pipeline, Oceans, Air transport
➢ Profits and freight rates
➢ Petroleum refining industry:
➢ Government’s transport policy
➢ Ocean transport routes
➢ Site selection of petroleum
➢ Inland waterways
➢ Main regions of inland
➢ History of oil refineries
➢ World pattern of oil refining
➢ Railways: Factors affecting the
➢ Petroleum products
❖ Industrial Regions
➢ Distribution of railroads in the
➢ Characteristics of industrial world
regions ➢ Air transport: Factors
➢ Delimitation of an industrial influencing air transport
region ➢ Air transport in various
➢ Principal industrial regions of continents
the world ➢ Pipeline transport
➢ Industrial regions of Anglo ➢ Petroleum (oil) pipelines
America—USA, Canada, ➢ Gas pipelines
Western Europe and Central

❖ New Development in Transport ➢ Smart Railway Station
Sector ➢ Yatri Mitra Seva
➢ Rural electrification ➢ National Highways
corporation: First green bond
➢ Time and costs overruns of
➢ Vehicle Fleet Modernization
infrastructure projects
➢ India’s First Mega Coastal
➢ Transit Oriented Development
Economic Zone (CEZ) to come
up in Maharashtra
➢ Logistic sector gets ➢ Logistic Efficiency

infrastructure status Enhancement Programme

➢ AIIB approves $150 million for ➢ Indian Bridge Management

India infrastructure fund System
➢ Ro-Ro Ferry service ➢ National Road Safety Policy
➢ Bharatmala project for ➢ TARANG
construction of 24,000 km of
➢ E-trans
highway connecting Western
➢ DEEP (Discovery of Efficient
and Eastern part
Electricity Price
➢ Union Ministry of shipping is
planning to expand Logistics
Data Bank (LDB) ➢ Trading of Energy Saving

➢ Railways India Development Certificates

Fund ➢ Powers for all 24x7

➢ National Infrastructure ➢ Draft National Electricity Plan

Investment Fund ➢ Habitat Commitment Index
➢ Defence Innovation Fund ❖ Industrial Sector and Many
➢ Flexi Fare Method in Railway Initiatives
➢ Rail Cadre Management ➢ Disinvestment of PSUs
➢ TRI-NETRA in Railways ➢ Report titled “India’s Labor
➢ National Rail Plan 2030 Market: A New Emphasis on

➢ India’s First Caterpillar Train Gainful Employment

➢ Green corridor concept ➢ Wage code Bill in line of

➢ Made in India ‘Medha’ train recommendations of 2nd

➢ Antyodaya Express

National Commission on ➢ Trade Receivables
Labour Discounting System

➢ CAR for the operation of ➢ SME Business Environment

Drones in India. Index

➢ Draft Evaluation template for

World Regional Geography
the star rating of Minor
Minerals ❖ Continents Countries and Cities

➢ Online database containing ➢ Continents and Important

Cities of the World
GIS-Enabled portal Maps land
related information ➢ Important Cities Situated on
the Banks of Rivers
➢ Chennai-Bangalore Industrial
➢ Changed Names of Some
Cities, States, and Countries
➢ Apex Corridor Development
➢ Distinctive Names of
➢ Tamra Portal
Geographical Epithets
➢ Mining Surveillance System
➢ Regional Grouping of
➢ Coal Mitra
Countries of the World
➢ M-SIPS for Electronic Sector ➢ Economic Classification of
➢ Indian Enterprise Countries of the World
Development Service




Evolution of The Constitution ➢ Important Committees of the

Constituent Assembly and
❖ The Company Rule (1773-1858)
their Chairmen
➢ Regulating Act, 1773
➢ Working of the Constituent
➢ Amending Act, 1781 Assembly
➢ Pitt’s India Act, 1784 ➢ Important Milestones and
➢ Amending Act of 1786 concepts related to

➢ Charter Act, 1793 Constituent Assembly

➢ Charter Act, 1813 ➢ Objective Resolution

➢ Charter Act, 1833 ➢ Changes by the

Independence Act, 1947
➢ Charter Act, 1853
➢ Functions Performed by
❖ The Crown Rule (1858-1947)
Constituent Assembly
➢ Government of India Act, 1858
➢ Drafting Committee
➢ Indian Councils Act, 1861
➢ Enactment and enforcement
➢ Indian Councils Act, 1892
of the Constitution
➢ Indian Councils Act, 1909
➢ Important Facts about Indian
➢ Government of India Act, 1919 Constitution
➢ Simon Commission
Salient Features of Indian
➢ Government of India Act, 1935
➢ Indian Independence Act, 1947
❖ Constitution and Types
❖ Making of Indian Constitution
➢ What is a Constitution?
➢ Sources
➢ Types of Constitution
✓ Seminal Sources
➢ Functions of the Constitution
✓ External Sources
➢ Historical evolution of the
✓ Developmental Sources
✓ Constitutional Practices
➢ Constituent Assembly

➢ Objectives of the Constitution ➢ Integrity
➢ Unitary features ❖ Amendment of the Constitution
➢ Federal features ➢ Procedure for the Amendment
❖ Types of Political System of Constitution (Article 368)

➢ Types of Political System ➢ Types of Amendments

➢ Constitutional Government ➢ Amendability of FR’s

➢ Parliamentary form of ➢ Ingredients of basic structure

government ➢ Major Constitutional

➢ Reasons for adopting Amendments

Parliamentary System ➢ Supreme Court as the final

interpreter and Guardian of
➢ Distinction between Indian
and British Models the Constitution
➢ Criticism of the Amendment
➢ Features of the Presidential
❖ Types of Majorities
➢ Features of Semi-Presidential
System ➢ Absolute Majority

❖ Preamble and Values in the ➢ Effective Majority

Constitution ➢ Simple Majority

➢ Objectives as per the ➢ Special Majority

Preamble ❖ Evolution of Basic Structure
➢ Whether the Preamble is a Doctrine
part of the Constitution or ➢ Elements of Basic Structure
not? ❖ Important Doctrines and Concepts
➢ Whether the Preamble can be ➢ Doctrine of severability
amended or not? ➢ Validity of Re-Constitutional
❖ Ideals (as mentioned in the Laws
Preamble) ➢ Doctrine of Eclipse
➢ Democratic ➢ Doctrine of Harmonious
➢ Sovereign Construction
➢ Socialist ➢ Doctrine of Pith and
➢ Secular Substance
➢ Republic ➢ Doctrine of Colorable
➢ Justice Legislation (Article 246)
➢ Equality ➢ Doctrine of Territorial Nexus
➢ Liberty
➢ Doctrine of Laches
➢ Fraternity
❖ Other Constitutional Dimensions

➢ Schedules and Subjects ➢ Methodology of Acquisition of

➢ Official Languages Citizenship

➢ Modes of Losing the

Union and Its Territory
Citizenship of India
❖ Article 1-4 ➢ Concept of dual citizenship
➢ Article 1: Name and Territory ➢ Special privileges enjoyed by
of the Union citizens in India
➢ Committee/commission for ➢ Rights and Duties of Citizens
State Re-organization ➢ Comparison between Citizens
➢ The State Reorganization and Aliens
Commission(SRC) 1953 ➢ Comparison between NRI, PIO,
➢ Article 2: Admit or Establish and OCI Cardholder
new State ❖ Indian Diaspora
➢ Article 3: Formation of new ➢ Pravasi Bhartiya Divas
States and alternation of
➢ Non-Resident Indians
areas, boundaries or names
of existing States Fundamental Rights Part III

➢ Article 4: Laws made under ❖ Meaning

articles 2 and 3 to provide for
❖ Objectives
the amendment of the First
❖ Evolution
and the Fourth Schedule and
❖ Importance
❖ Reasonable Restriction on
➢ Delimitation Commission
Fundamental Rights
Citizenship ❖ Article 12: Definition of state

❖ Article 13: Laws Inconsistent with

❖ Constitutional Provisions (Article 6-
Fundamental Rights:
➢ Concept of Judicial Review
➢ Constitutional provisions of
❖ Equality Rights
➢ Concept of Rule of Law
➢ Citizenship Act, 1955
➢ Article 14: Equality before the
➢ The Citizenship (Amendment) law or the Equal protection of
Act, 2016 Law
➢ Citizenship Amendment Act, ➢ Article 15: Prohibition of
2019 Discrimination On the

grounds of religion, race, ➢ Article 26: Freedom to
caste, sex or place of birth manage religious affairs
➢ Article 16: Equality of ➢ Article 27: Freedom as to
Opportunity In matters of payment of taxes for
Public Employment promotion of any particular
➢ Article 17: Abolition of religion.
➢ Article 28: Freedom as to
➢ Article 18: Abolition of Titles attendance religious
➢ Due Process of Law instruction or worship in
➢ Procedure Established by Law educational institutions
❖ Right to Freedom ❖ Cultural and Educational Rights
➢ Article 19: The Six Freedoms ➢ Article 29: Protection of
with Reasonable Restriction interest of Minorities
➢ Article 20: Protection in ➢ Article 30: Right of minorities
respect of conviction for to establish and administer
offenses educational institutions
➢ Article 21: Protection of life
❖ Right to Constitutional Remedies
and personal liberty
(Article 32): Writs
➢ Article 22: Protection against
➢ Habeas Corpus
arrest and detention
➢ Mandamus
❖ Legal, Constitutional and
➢ Certiorari
Fundamental Rights: Right to
➢ Prohibition
Property, Right to Vote etc.
❖ Right against Exploitation ➢ Quo Warranto

➢ Article 23: Prohibition of ❖ Other Dimensions of FR’s

Trafficking human beings and ➢ Article 33: Modification in

forced labour application of FRs regarding

➢ Article 24: Prohibition of Armed Forces

employment of children in ➢ Article 34: Restrictions on FRs
factories, etc when Martial Law is in Place
❖ Right to Freedom of Religion ➢ Article 35: Parliament to
➢ Article 25: Freedom of make laws regarding FRs
conscience and free
profession, practice and
propagation or religion

Directive Principles of State ❖ Directive Principle Outside Part IV

Policy (DPSP) Part IV ➢ Article 335 in Part XVI

➢ Article 350-A in Part XVII
❖ Evolution, objectives, and features
➢ Article 351 in Part XVII
➢ Basic Features

➢ Different Types Principles Fundamental Duties

➢ Amendments ❖ Article: 51A

➢ Implementation ➢ Features
❖ Socialistic Principles covering ➢ List of Fundamental Duties
following articles
➢ Relation between of
➢ Article: 38 Fundamental Rights and
➢ Article:39 Duties
➢ Article: 39A ➢ 86th Constitutional
➢ Article: 41 Amendment Act 2003 : RTE

➢ Article: 42 ❖ Other Developments

➢ Article: 43 ➢ Universal Declaration of

➢ Article: 43A Human Rights (1948)

➢ Fundamental Duties –
➢ Article: 47
Awareness Campaigns is the
❖ Gandhian Principles covering
Duty of Centre
following articles
➢ National Anthem - Mandatory
➢ Article: 40
In Cinema Halls - Article 51(a)
➢ Article: 43
➢ Prevention of Insults
➢ Article: 46
toNational Honour Act, 1971
➢ Article: 47
➢ Triple Talaq Issue
➢ Article: 48
➢ Uniform Civil Code
❖ Liberal-Intellectual Principles ➢ MGNREGA: Right to Work
covering following articles
➢ Making Aadhaar mandatory
➢ Article: 44
System of Governance
➢ Article: 45
➢ Article: 48 ❖ Centre-State Relations
➢ Article: 48A ➢ Legislative Relations
➢ Article: 49 ➢ Related to Territorial Powers

➢ Article: 50 ➢ Related to Legislative Powers

➢ Article: 51

➢ Related to Parliament’s ➢ Conditions of Office
Powersto make Laws in State ➢ Term of Office
➢ Sarkaria Commission’s ➢ Election /Re-election
Opinion on Legislative ➢ Manner of Election
Relations ➢ Impeachment of the President
➢ Administrative Relations ➢ Impeachment of the President
➢ Delegation of Union Functions
➢ Vacancy in the Office of
to the States
➢ Sarkaria Commission’s
➢ Powers of the President
Opinion on Administrative
➢ Executive powers (Article 53)
➢ Financial Relations ➢ Legislative Powers

➢ National Integration Council ➢ Financial Powers

❖ Inter State Relation and Related ➢ Ordinance Issuing Power

Issues (Article 123)
➢ Inter state water dispute ➢ Judicial/Pardoning Power
➢ Inter state councils ➢ Military
➢ Inter state trade and
➢ Diplomatic
➢ Emergency Powers
➢ Zonal Councils
❖ Vice President
❖ Special Provisions for some States
➢ Provisions for Maharashtra ➢ Qualification
and Gujarat, Nagaland, ➢ Conditions of Office
Assam and Manipur
➢ Term of Office
➢ Provisions for Jammu and
➢ Election
Kashmir (Article 370) (now
➢ Removal
❖ Types of Emergencies ➢ Vacancy

➢ National Emergency ➢ Functions of the Vice-

➢ Constitutional/State President (Ex-officio
Emergency /President’s Rule Chairperson of Rajya Sabha)
➢ Financial Emergency ❖ The Prime Minister

Union Executive ➢ Appointment

➢ Eligibility
❖ President
➢ Powers and Functions of
➢ Eligibility
Prime Minister

➢ Relationship between the ➢ Devices of Parliamentary
President Proceedings

and the Prime Minister ➢ Parliamentary Privileges and

➢ Deputy Prime Minister
➢ Collective Privileges of the
➢ Prime Minister’s Office
❖ Union Council of Minister
➢ Individual Privileges
➢ Article 74: Council of Ministers
➢ Houses of the Parliament
to aid and advice President
❖ Parliament (Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
➢ Article 75: Other Provisions as
and President)
to Ministers
➢ Lok Sabha Composition
➢ Article 77: Conduct of
Business Of the Government ➢ Rajya Sabha Composition

of India ➢ Presiding Officers of the

➢ Article 78: Duties of Prime Parliament
Minister ➢ Speaker
➢ Nature of advice by Ministers
➢ Powers & Functions of the
➢ Strength of the Council
➢ Appointment of a Non-
➢ Deputy Speaker
legislator as a Minister
➢ Panel of Chairpersons of Lok
➢ Collective responsibility of the
➢ Individual Responsibility of ➢ Speaker Pro Tem

Ministers ➢ Chairman of Rajya Sabha

➢ Concept of Derivability ➢ Deputy Chairman of Rajya
❖ Role of Bureaucracy Sabha

➢ Panel of Vice-Chairpersons of
Union Legislature
Rajya Sabha
❖ Organisation of Parliament
➢ Chairman and Deputy
➢ Organisation of Parliament
chairman of the Council of
➢ Qualifications and
Disqualifications for being a
➢ Membership of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
(Article 84) ➢ Secretariat of Parliament

➢ Functions of the Parliament ➢ Leaders in Parliament and

➢ Functioning of the Parliament Whip

➢ Sessions of Parliament

➢ Devices of Parliamentary ➢ Article 153: Governors of
Proceedings States

➢ Comparison between ➢ Article 154: Executive power of

different types of Funds
➢ Powers of Governor
➢ Role and powers of
➢ Executive power
➢ Legislative power
➢ Special Power of Rajya Sabha
➢ Financial Power
➢ Position of Rajya Sabha with ➢ Judicial Power (Article 161 )
respect to Lok Sabha ➢ Discretionary power
➢ Parliamentary Privileges ➢ Article 155: Appointment of
➢ Sovereignty of Parliament Governor

❖ Legislative Procedure and ➢ Article 156: Term of office of

Committees of Parliament Governor

➢ Legislative Procedure in ➢ Article 157: Qualifications for

Parliament Appointment as Governor

➢ Joint Sitting (Article 108) of ➢ Article 158: Conditions of

Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Governor’s office

➢ Ordinary Bill ➢ Article 159: Oath or

affirmation by the Governor
➢ Money Bill
➢ Article 160: Discharge of the
➢ Financial Bill
functions of the Governor in
➢ Constitution Amendment Bill
certain contingencies
➢ Lapsing of Bills
➢ Article 162: Extent of executive
➢ Annual Financial Statement:
power of State
Budget (Article 112)
➢ Recommendations on the
➢ Demand of Grants
office of Governor
➢ Appropriation Bill
➢ ARC (Administrative Reforms
➢ Cut motions Commission)
➢ Stages in Enactment of ➢ Sarkaria Commission
➢ National Commission to
➢ Other Grants Review the working of the
➢ Related Information of Budget Constitution
➢ Parliamentary committees ❖ The Chief Minister and the CoM
➢ Powers and Functions of Chief
State Executive
❖ Governor ➢ In Relation to Council of
➢ Article 152: Definition Ministers

➢ In relation to the Governor Union Territories and Special
➢ In Relation to State Legislature
➢ Other Powers and Functions
➢ Composition of the Council of ❖ Union Territories

Ministers ➢ Creation of Union Territories

➢ Responsibility of Ministers ➢ Administration of UT’s

➢ Advocate-General for the ➢ Special provisions for Delhi

State ➢ Special Category Status
❖ Schedule and Tribal Areas
State Legislature
➢ Administration of Schedule
❖ Legislative Assembly Areas
➢ Legislative Assembly (Vidhan ➢ Administration of Tribal areas
Sabha) ➢ Fifth Schedule and Sixth
➢ Powers and Functions Schedule
➢ Speaker & Deputy Speaker
The Judiciary
➢ Parliament’s Control over
State Legislature ❖ The Supreme Court
❖ Legislative Council (Article 169) ➢ Chief Justice of India
➢ Qualifications ➢ Acting Chief Justice of India
➢ Powers and Functions
➢ Appointment of Supreme

Local Government Court Judges

➢ Qualifications for Supreme

❖ Panchayati Raj
Court Judges
➢ Evolution of the Panchayati
➢ Removal of a Supreme Court
Raj Institution (PRI)
➢ 73rd Amendment Act of 1992
➢ Process of Impeachment
➢ Compulsory and Voluntary
Provisions ➢ Ad hoc and Retired Judges

❖ Urban Local Government ➢ Salaries and allowances of

➢ 74th Constitutional Supreme Court Judges
Amendment Act ➢ Chief Justices of India (Since
➢ Types of Urban Governments 1951)
In India ➢ Jurisdiction of the Supreme
❖ PESA Act,1996 Court
➢ Judicial Independence
➢ Judiciary Executive Relations

➢ Difference between Indian ➢ Election Commission:
and American Judiciary Universal Adult Franchise,
➢ Concurrence Vs Consultation Right to Vote
➢ Judicial Review and Judicial ➢ Elections and Electoral System
Activism in India
➢ Concept of Public Interest ➢ Electoral Reforms Since 1988
Litigation (PIL)
➢ All India Services
❖ The High Courts, Subordinate
➢ Union Public Service
Courts & Lok Adalats
Commission (UPSC)
➢ The High Courts
➢ State Public Service
➢ Jurisdiction of the High Courts
Commission (SPSC)
➢ Subordinate Courts
➢ Joint State public Service
➢ Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008
Commission (JSPSC)
➢ Alternative dispute Resolution
➢ National Commission For SCs
➢ Lok Adalat
➢ National Commission For STs
➢ All India Judicial Service
➢ Special Officer for Linguistic
➢ E-governance in Judiciary
➢ Judicial Impact Assessment
➢ The Advocate General
➢ Judges Standards and
(Article 165)
AccountabilityBill, 2010
➢ National Legal Services ❖ Extra-Constitutional

Authority (NALSA) ➢ Special officer for linguistic

Constitutional & Extra-
➢ Central Information
Constitutional Bodies
❖ Constitutional Bodies ➢ State Information
➢ Finance Commission Commission
➢ Constitution ➢ Lokpal and LokAyukta
➢ Functions ➢ National Human Rights
➢ Comptroller And Auditor Commission
General of India ➢ State Human Right
➢ Attorney-General of India Commission

➢ Appointment ➢ CVC (Central Vigilance

➢ Functions and Responsibilities Commission)

➢ NITI Aayog (National ➢ Criticism of pressure groups
Institution for Transforming

➢ NITI Aayog Vs the Planning ❖ Governing Institutions in India

Commission ❖ Structure of
Political Dynamics
❖ Political head
❖ Political Parties and Election ❖ Secretariat organization secretary
➢ Salient features of ❖ Functions of the secretariat
Representation of Peoples Act,
❖ Functions of attached and
subordinate office
➢ Criminalization of politics
❖ Other organizations
➢ Negative or neutral voting
❖ Public sector undertakings
➢ State funding of Election
❖ The Executive organization
➢ Irregularities in polling
❖ Advantages of the separation of
➢ Types of Political Parties secretariat and executive
➢ Party System in India organization.
➢ Political Parties in India ❖ Strengths and weaknesses of the
➢ Problems in the working of existing structure
parties ❖ Recommendations for improving
➢ Casteism and Politic the Organizational structure

➢ 10th Schedule and Anti-

Audit and other Transparency
defection measures
❖ Pressure Groups
➢ Meaning and Techniques
➢ Types of Pressure Groups in
India ❖ Lokpal

➢ Role of pressure group in ❖ Lok Ayukta

developing countries ❖ Role of SHG, NGOs, Civil Society

➢ Functions of pressure groups ➢ SHGs

in India ➢ Characteristics and Role of

➢ Pressure groups methods SHGs in development

➢ Pressure groups and ➢ NGOs

Democracy ❖ Functions of NGOs in development

➢ Micro Finance Institutions (Prevention of Atrocities)
Amendment Act
Salient features and Role of MFIs
❖ Important Schedules of
in development
❖ Cooperatives ❖ Order of Precedence
❖ Social Sector Legislation
Welfare Schemes
➢ The Juvenile Justice (Care
andProtection of Children) Act ❖ Health

➢ Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, ➢ National Health Mission

2016 ➢ National Ayush Mission
➢ Child Labour (Prohibitionand ➢ Jan Aushadhi Scheme
Amendment) Bill, 2016 ➢ Mission Indradhanush
➢ Maternity Benefit Bill, 2016 ➢ NFHS-4 survey
➢ Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal ➢ Education
Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT)
➢ Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat
➢ Mid Day Meal Scheme
➢ Mental Health Care Bill, 2013
➢ GIAN (Global Initiative
➢ Protection of Children from
ofAcademic Networks)
Sexual Offenses (POCSO)
➢ SWAYAM (Study Webs of
➢ Anti Trafficking Bill with
Active –Learning for Young
Stringent Penalty
Aspiring Minds)
➢ HIV and AIDS (Prevention and
➢ Start-up and Skill
Control)Bill- 2014 -
➢ Start Up India Scheme
➢ Domestic Violence Act, 2005 -
➢ Stand up India Scheme
SC WidensAmbit
➢ National Student Start-up
➢ Rights of Persons with
DisabilitiesBill, 2014 with more
➢ National Skill Development
➢ Transgender Persons
➢ Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
(Protection of Rights)Bill 2016
➢ The Scheduled Castes and
➢ Deen Dayal Antyodaya
the Scheduled Tribes

➢ Skill Development Initiative ➢ Accessible India Campaign
Scheme (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan)

➢ Self-Employment & Talent ➢ Rural and Urban Development

Utilisation (SETU) ➢ Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
➢ Atal Innovation Mission ➢ Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday
➢ Vulnerable Sector Abhiyan

➢ Social Security ➢ Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

➢ Atal Pension Yojana Rurban Mission

➢ Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti ➢ Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram

Bima Yojana Jyoti Yojana

➢ Pradhan Mantri Suraksha ➢ Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak

Bima Yojana Yojana

➢ Nai Roshni Scheme ➢ Swachch Bharat Abhiyan

➢ USTAAD Scheme (Upgrading ➢ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-

the Skills and Training in Gramin

Traditional Arts/Crafts for ➢ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Development) - Urban

➢ Nai Manzil Scheme ➢ Housing for all by 2022

➢ Women and Child ➢ Smart Cities Mission

Development ➢ Hriday - National Heritage
➢ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao City Development and

➢ Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Augmentation Yojana

➢ Digital Gudda Guddi Board ➢ Amrut (Atal Mission for

➢ Ujjawala Scheme Rejuvenation and Urban

➢ Janani Suraksha Yojana
➢ Inclusive growth
➢ Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakram ➢ Measurement criteria

➢ SC/ST ➢ Government initiatives for

inclusive growth
➢ Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana
➢ Basic Amenities:
➢ Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram
➢ Disability
➢ Sustainable Development

➢ Rural Development

➢ Rural development and ➢ SAKAAR
poverty alleviation ➢ Digital India
➢ Review of the existing ➢ Namami Gange Project
Programmes (Integrated Ganga
➢ Development Administration Conservation Mission Project)

➢ Panchayati Raj ➢ Ganga Gram Yojana

➢ Agriculture and Rural ➢ Khelo India

Development ➢ PRAGATI (Pro-Active
➢ Miscellaneous schemes Governance and Timely

➢ Digilocker Implementation)

➢ Bharatnet Project (National ➢ Indian Community Welfare

Optical Fibre Network) Fund (ICWF)

➢ INSPIRE (Innovation in Science

Pursuit for Inspired Research)




❖ Macroeconomic Concepts ➢ Difference between Gross

➢ Meaning of Economics Domestic Product (GDP) AND

➢ Types of Economies Gross National Product (GNP)

➢ Sectors of an Economy ➢ Difference between GDP

(Gross Domestic Product) and
❖ Microeconomic Concepts
GVA (Gross Value Added)
Measurements in Economy ➢ India’s National Income

❖ National Income Concepts and Estimates

Methods of Calculation ➢ New Series of National

➢ National Income Statistics (Base Year 2011-12)

➢ Real National Income ➢ Annual Estimates of

➢ Calculating National Income Expenditures on GDP

➢ Gross Fixed Capital Formation ➢ Per Capita Income

(GFCF) ➢ Purchasing Power Parity

➢ National Organizations ➢ Lorenz Curve

Related to National Income ➢ Philip’s Curve

Accounts ➢ Gini Coefficient

➢ Central Statistical ❖ Business Cycle
Organization (CSO) ➢ Inflation
➢ Economic Growth Vs ➢ Reports & Indices
Economic Development ➢ Concepts and Types of
➢ Measures of Economic Growth Inflation
➢ Procyclical and Counter ➢ Causes of Inflation
Cyclical Economic policies ➢ Effects of Inflation
➢ Methods of GDP calculations ➢ Measures of Inflation


➢ Producer Price Index ➢ Indian currency system

➢ GDP Deflator ➢ Broad and Narrow Money

➢ Core Inflation ➢ Money multiplier

➢ Change in Reporting of ➢ Digital Money

Inflation ➢ New Monetary Aggregates

➢ Measures to Check Inflation?? ➢ Monetary Policy

➢ Fiscal Measures ❖ Banking in India

➢ Administrative Measures ➢ Scheduled Commercial Banks

➢ Monetary Measures ➢ Nationalized Banks

➢ Economic Growth and ➢ Public Sector Banks

Development ➢ State Bank of India
➢ Economic Growth ➢ Private Banks
➢ Economic Development ➢ Foreign Banks
➢ Measurement of Economic ➢ Regional Rural Banks
➢ Scheduled Co-operative
➢ Inclusive Growth
➢ Physical Quality of Life Index
➢ Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
❖ Methods of Credit Control
➢ Millennium Development
➢ Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Goals (MDGs)
➢ Different Levels of Economic ➢ Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

Development ➢ Repo Rate

➢ Terminologies with respect to ➢ Reserve Repo Rate

Recession ➢ Call Rates
➢ Types of Economy Recovery ➢ Marginal Standing Facility
➢ Economy and Environment (MSF)
➢ Environment Taxes ➢ Bank Rate
➢ Carbon Tax ➢ Banking Sector Reforms in
➢ Green Accounting India

Money and Banking ➢ Differentiated Banks

➢ Payment Banks
❖ Money Function and Classification
➢ Small Banks
➢ Money Concept
➢ New banking license
➢ Measures of Money Supply in
India ➢ White Label ATM

➢ Unified Payments Interface ➢ Indian Post Payment Bank

➢ Bank Board Bureau (IPPB)

➢ Marginal Cost of Funds Based ➢ Indian Gold Coins/Gold Bullion

Lending Rate (MCLR) Scheme

➢ Priority Sector Lending ❖ Financial Market and its

Certificates Instruments

➢ Concept of Micro ATM ➢ Concept and functions of

➢ Banking Reforms financial markets

➢ Basel Norms ➢ Importance of money market

➢ Banking Ombudsman ➢ Types of capital market

➢ Development Financial ➢ Distinguish between capital

Institutions market and money market

➢ Insurance Companies ➢ Nature and functions of a

stock exchange
➢ New Developments in
Economic Sector ➢ Advantages of stock
➢ Government to recapitalize
the PSB’s ➢ Limitations of stock
➢ RBI rule and regulation for
peer to peer (P2P) lending ➢ The stock exchanges in India

➢ Domestic Systemically ➢ Insurance Industry -

Important Banks (SIBs) of Insurance Industry and

India Reforms

➢ Financial Inclusion in India ➢ Role of Financial Regulators:

➢ The Concept of Bad Bank

➢ Alternative Mechanism Panel Public Finance

for PSB consolidation
❖ Budgeting
➢ Employee Provident Fund of
➢ Union Budget
➢ Plan and Non Plan Expenditure
➢ Enforcement Department In
➢ Revenue Receipts
➢ Tax Revenue Receipts
➢ Gold Monetization Scheme
(GMS) ➢ Non-Tax Revenue Receipts

❖ Fiscal Policy

➢ Fiscal Responsibility and ➢ Meaning of Economic
Budget Management (FRBM) Planning

Act, 2003 ➢ Objectives of?Planning

➢ Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, ➢ Strategies of Planning

Primary Deficit ➢ Harrod Domar strategy

➢ Nehru Mahalanobis strategy
➢ Deficit and Surplus Budget
➢ Gandhian strategy
➢ Deficit Financing
➢ LPG strategy
❖ Centre State Distribution
➢ Regional and National
➢ Finance Commission (Article Planning
280) ➢ Imperative and Indicative
❖ Tax Structure in India Planning
➢ Important concepts ➢ History of Planning in India

➢ Methods of Taxation ➢ Visvesvaraya Plan, Gandhian

(Progressive, Regressive, Plan FICCI Proposal, Congress

Plan Bombay Plan
➢ Planning Commission and
➢ Types of Taxes (Direct Tax,
National Development
Indirect Tax )
➢ Value Added Tax – VAT in ➢ Central Planning – 5 Year
Plans, 20 Point Program,
➢ Goods and Services Tax –
GST, GST Council
➢ Decentralized Planning
➢ Service Tax
➢ Multi-Level Planning
➢ DTC – Direct Tax Code
➢ Central sector and Centrally
➢ Comparison between
Surcharge and Cess Sponsored Schemes

➢ Distribution of Tax Revenues ❖ Planning Institutions

➢ Important Institutions ➢ Planning Commission

➢ Steps taken to reduce Tax ➢ NITI Aayog
Avoidance in India ➢ National Development
➢ Taxation related terms and Council (NDC)
❖ Five Year Plans in India
❖ Government Debt
➢ 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017)
Planning ➢ Alternative Scenarios During
12th Plan
❖ Meaning , Objectives and History

➢ Economic Reforms ➢ International Fund for
Agricultural Development
External Sector
❖ Foreign Trade Concepts ➢ International Labour
➢ Balance of Payments Organization (ILO)
➢ Foreign Capital – FDI, FPI, FII, ➢ International Maritime
QFH Organization (IMO)
➢ Foreign Exchange–Exchange ➢ International Monetary Fund
➢ FERA & FEMA ➢ International
➢ Capital Account Convertibility Telecommunication Union
in India (ITU)
➢ India's External Debt ➢ United Nations Educational,
➢ NRI Deposits Scientific and Cultural
➢ Trade Composition Organization (UNESCO)
❖ Trade Policy and Agreements ➢ United Nations Industrial
➢ Import Cover Development Organization

➢ Import/Export Controls (UNIDO)

➢ Foreign Trade policy 2015-20 ➢ Universal Postal Union (UPU)

➢ Export Promotion ➢ World Bank Group (WBG)

➢ General Agreement on Tariffs ➢ International Bank for

and Trade Reconstruction and

❖ Exchange Rate Development (IBRD)

➢ Exchange Market ➢ International Finance

➢ LERMS Corporation (IFC)

➢ NEER ➢ International Development

Association (IDA)
➢ World Health Organization
❖ International Organization
➢ World Intellectual Property
➢ United Nations
Organization (WIPO)
➢ Food and Agriculture
➢ World Meteorological
Organization (FAO)
Organization (WMO)
➢ International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO)

➢ World Tourism Organization ➢ Double Tax Avoidance Treaty
(UNWTO) ➢ Preferential Trade Agreement
➢ World Trade Organization with Chile
(WTO) ➢ Advance Pricing Agreement
➢ Asian Development Bank ➢ National Committee on Trade
➢ Asian Infrastructure Facilitation
Investment Bank (AII) ➢ E-tourist Visa
➢ New Development Bank ➢ India’s Asylum Policy
➢ African Development Bank ➢ Investor-State Dispute
❖ Trade Agreements Settlement (ISDS)

➢ RCEP ❖ Human Development and

➢ TPP Sustainable Development in India

➢ NAFTA ➢ Human Development

➢ MERCOSUR ➢ Approaches to Human

➢ Southern African Development

Development Community ➢ UNDP Human Development

(SADC) Report (HDR)

➢ ASEAN ➢ Comparison between Gender

➢ SAFTA Inequality Index, Global

Gender Gap Index, Gender
❖ New Developments in External
Parity Index
➢ World Happiness Report
➢ Global foreign exchange
committee ➢ World Bank- Human Capital
➢ Price capping of medical
devices in India ➢ Sustainable Development

➢ Review of the International ➢ Sustainable Development

Investment Agreement (IIA) Goals (SDGs) 2030

➢ India signed the OECD ❖ Poverty

multilateral convention to ➢ Definition and Indices

prevent BEPS (Base Erosion ➢ Poverty in India

and Profit Shifting) ➢ Human Poverty Index (HPI)
➢ Second Exchange Traded ➢ Expert Groups for Estimating
Fund (ETF) Bharat 22 Poverty

➢ Multidimensional Poverty ➢ Financial Inclusion Schemes

➢ National Multidimensional ➢ Health Schemes

Poverty Index INDEX (N-MPI) ➢ Women Empowerment?
➢ Terminologies related to Programmes
Poverty ➢ Other Women Empowerment?
➢ Socio Economic and Caste Programmes
Census (SECC) ➢ Social? Security
❖ Employment ❖ Committees
➢ Employment and ➢ Ratan P Watal Committee on
Unemployment Digital Payment
➢ Poverty Eradication and ➢ Committee for Market
Employment Related Related Infrastructure Institution (MII)
programs ➢ P. J. Nayak Committee
❖ Unemployment ➢ Deepak Mohanty Committee
➢ Types of Unemployment in Report on Medium-term Path
India on Financial Inclusion
➢ Key Employment and ➢ Narasimham Committee
Unemployment Indicators Report on Banking Sector
➢ Terminologies related to Reforms
Unemployment ➢ Uday Kotak Committee on
➢ Inequality Corporate Governance

➢ Causes of Inequality ➢ Nachiket Mor Committee

❖ Government Schemes and

Agriculture Sector in Indian
➢ New Social Welfare Schemes
❖ Key statistics
➢ Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti
Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) ❖ Economic Survey on Agriculture

➢ Other Social Protection? ❖ Union Budgets on Agriculture

Programmes? ❖ Important terminologies related to

➢ Rural Infrastructure and Cropping

Development ❖ Cropping Seasons

➢ Urban Infrastructure, Housing ❖ Major Crops and Producing States

and Sanitation ❖ Farming Systems

➢ Education Schemes ❖ Agriculture Inputs

❖ Irrigation ❖ Important Industrial Locations

❖ Fertiliser/Plant Nutrients ❖ Strategic and Critical Minerals

❖ Finance/Credit ❖ Economic Reforms of 1991

❖ Seeds ❖ Industrial Policies of India

❖ Distribution ❖ Industrial Policy Resolution

❖ Agriculture Market ❖ Disinvestment

❖ Import/Export ❖ Types of Public Sector Enterprises

❖ FCI and MSP (PSEs)

❖ Sustainable Agriculture ❖ Financial Model

❖ Sugarcane Pricing ❖ Special Economic Zones (SEZ)

❖ Important Agriculture and Income ❖ National Investment &

Support Schemes Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ)

❖ Committees related to Agriculture ❖ Production Linked Incentive (PLI)

❖ Other Agriculture related Scheme

Institutions ❖ Industrial Corridors

❖ Contract Farming ❖ Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC)

❖ Organic Farming ❖ Related Schemes and Initiatives

❖ Zero Budget Natural Farming ❖ National Infrastructure Pipeline


❖ Major Agreements and concepts ❖ National Logistics Efficiency and

under WTO (World Trade Advancement Predictability and

Organization) Safety Act (NLEAPS)

❖ Rainbow Revolution in Agriculture ❖ Micro, Small, and Medium

❖ Animal Husbandry Enterprises (MSMEs)

❖ Land Reforms ❖ Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

❖ Important Reports
Industry & Infrastructure in
Indian Economy Service Sector in Indian Economy

❖ Classification Of Industries ❖ Spread of Service Sector

❖ Index of Industrial Production (IIP) ❖ Service Sector Performance

❖ Eight Core Sectors ❖ National Investment and

❖ Economic Survey 2021-22 Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)

❖ Difference between PMI and IIP ❖ Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

❖ Logistics Performance Index (LPI) ❖ WTO and Services

❖ Logistics Ease Across Different ❖ Government Schemes & Initiatives

States (LEADS) Report, 2022 ❖ Services: Economic Survey 2021-22
❖ Champion Services Sector (CSS) ❖ It and Telecom Services



❖ Policy Development of S&T in India ➢ List of Various Centre

➢ Role of S&T in the Developing Institutions and Bureaus

World ➢ Ministries and Department for
➢ S&T Policy in India science and Technology
➢ The S&T Policy Resolution in ➢ Institutional structure
1958 ➢ Department of Science &
➢ S&T Policy of the 1983 Technology
➢ S&T Policy of the 2003 ➢ CSIR
➢ S&T Policy 2013
➢ Survey of India
➢ Science and Technology for
➢ Science and Engineering
Human Resource
Research Council
➢ Technology Development
➢ Awards related to Science
➢ New Initiatives Aligned with
➢ National Accreditation Board
the National Agenda
for Testing and Calibration
➢ India and World collaboration
in science projects
➢ Technology Vision Document Space
❖ Space Research Programme, Orbits
➢ National Biotechnology
and Launch
Development Strategy 2015-
2020 ➢ Space Technology

➢ National Intellectual Property ➢ Indian Space research

Rights Policy Programme

➢ Organ donation rules in India ➢ ISRO and ANTRIX

➢ Policy on Synthetic Biology ➢ Orbits Type
❖ Different Organization Institution ➢ Satellite Launching Systems
and Various Department for the ➢ Terminologies Related to the
S&T Space Science

❖ Satellites, Launch Vehicles and ➢ Thirty Metre Telescope
India Satellite Programmes ➢ Resourcesat-2A
➢ Earth Observation Systems ➢ Astrosat
➢ Satellite Communication in ➢ Sunspot
India ➢ Magnetars
➢ Remote sensing applications ➢ Neutron stars
- IRS Systems
➢ Air-breathing propulsion
➢ INSAT Satellite Application system
➢ GSAT Satellite Application ➢ Space Junk
➢ Launch vehicle Technology ➢ Graveyard Orbit
➢ GSLV and Various Engine ➢ Supercluster of galaxies
➢ Recent National and known as “Saraswati”.
International Space Missions ➢ NASA: Asteroid impact and
➢ Cryogenic rockets deflection assessment
✓ Global Positioning System mission.

✓ Galileo ➢ Commercial use of Lithium-

✓ GLONASS Ion battery technology

✓ IRNSS ➢ Hyperspectral imaging

✓ GAGAN satellite

➢ Chandrayaan – I & II ➢ Water propulsion system in

➢ Mars Orbiter Mission
➢ Saturn-cassini Mission
➢ Space Organisations
➢ OSIRIS-Rex passed by earth to
➢ Space race/Space junk
reach asteroid Bennu
❖ New Developments
➢ Hackathon # Open Gov Data
➢ South Asia Satellite:
Hacking Marathon
➢ Google Lunar X Prize
➢ Neutrino Observatory
➢ Solar Mission- ADITYA
➢ NASA-ISRO synthetic aperture
➢ Gravitational Waves
radar satellite (NISAR)
➢ Spitzer Space Telescope
➢ GSAT-17 heaviest
➢ Chandra X-Ray Observatory
communication satellite of
➢ Multi Application Solar

➢ Astrosat, Chandra and Hubble ➢ Rukmini
Jointly detect massive cosmic
IT and Communication

➢ Scientists create first global ❖ Different Regulatory Bodies in India

map of water on moon for ICT

➢ World’s largest aircraft “Strato ➢ Ministry of Communication

launch” and information Technology

➢ Mission on Mars ➢ Initiatives in 12th five year plan

➢ Solar mission Aditya L-1 in ➢ Major Policy Initiatives

2019 National Optical Fibre network

➢ Gravitational waves news ➢ Spectrum Management

➢ Radio galaxies ➢ Government initiatives

➢ Indigenously developed S- ➢ Cyber Law

Band Doppler weather radar ❖ Computer Terminology and

➢ Kelvin waves Fundamental

➢ ISRO made satellite based ➢ History of Computers

chip system ➢ Types of Computer

➢ TDRS-M NASA ➢ Component of Computer

➢ Neutrino Observatory system

➢ Indian Space Vision-2025 ➢ Computer Languages

➢ ‘NIRBHAY’ subsonic cruise ➢ Generation of computers

missile ➢ Computer Terminologies

➢ Brahmos ➢ Supercomputer and its

➢ INS Koltar applications

➢ INS Kiltan ➢ Display technologies

➢ NAG missile ➢ Cathode ray

➢ Hydrogen bomb ➢ LCD

➢ Vikram OPV ➢ LED

➢ Integrated Quarter Master ➢ Plasma Monitors

Package ➢ OLED

➢ INS Kalvari ❖ Mobile Generations and Technology

➢ Prithvi II ➢ Definition and Impact of ICT

➢ Air Independent Propulsion on Society

➢ Evolution of ➢ Bharat QR
Telecommunication ➢ Contemporary debates
➢ Media Transmission ➢ Net Neutrality
➢ Internet of Things
➢ Wireless , Optical Fibers, VSAT
➢ Big Data Initiative and Privacy
SIM IMEI 3G 4 G VolTE Wi Max
➢ Cyber crime and security
➢ Mobile generations
➢ Spectrum Policy, BroadBand
(Smartphone and other
related concepts)
➢ Spectrum Policy in India
➢ Internet, Types of Network and
➢ Spectrum
e- Governance
➢ Mobile Spectrum
➢ Internet

➢ WWW ➢ Broadband Policy in India

➢ IP ➢ Cloud Computing

➢ URL ➢ Big Data

➢ HTTP ➢ Encryption

➢ Computer Security Tools: ➢ Biometrics

firewalls, hackers ➢ Virtual Reality

➢ Global Internet Governance ➢ Digital India

➢ Internet of things ➢ QR Codes

➢ Internet Protocol ➢ Recent Developments in IT &

➢ VPN Telecom

➢ Networking : Bluetooth , ➢ Quantum computing

WiFIHotSpot ➢ Project brainwave

➢ National E Governance Plan ➢ Sagar Vani System

➢ Recent Developments ➢ Locky Ransomware, Petya,

➢ Government initiatives WannaCry

➢ Digital India Initiative ➢ India’s first technology and

➢ MeghRaj innovation support center

➢ Code Free for India (TISC)

➢ E-Kranti ➢ Net neutrality

➢ Bharat Net project ➢ National cyber coordination


➢ Hortinet ➢ Robotics in India

➢ Digital Transaction ➢ Machine vs Computer vs

Methodologies Robots

➢ Block chain Technology ➢ Parts of a Robots

➢ Bitcoins ❖ Classification of Robots

➢ Cyber Swachhta Kendra ➢ Rolling Robots

➢ Digital Transaction ➢ Walking Robots

Methodologies ➢ Autonomous Robots

➢ Bharat Net Project ➢ Artificial Intelligence

➢ Wi-Fi Technology ➢ Advantages and

Disadvantages of Robot
➢ Digital Terrestrial Television
❖ Applications of Robotics
Transmission System
➢ Industrial Sector
➢ Internet of Things
➢ Aerospace
Materials, Nanotechnology and ➢ Healthcare Delivery
➢ Outer Space

❖ Superconductivity Laser, Artificial ➢ Exploration

Intelligence ➢ Military Robots
➢ History Classification and ➢ Disaster Areas
Properties of Superconductors ➢ Entertainment
➢ Application of ➢ Agriculture
➢ Domestic work
➢ Types and Applications of
❖ Nanotechnology
➢ What is Nanoscience and
➢ Artificial Intelligence and
➢ Origination of Nanoscience
➢ Advantages and
and Technology
Disadvantages of Artificial
➢ Basics of Nanoscience
➢ Nanomaterials
❖ Robotics
➢ Applications of
➢ What is Robotics?
➢ Robotics Terminologies
➢ Nano medicine
➢ Laws of Robotics

➢ Semiconductors and ➢ Shaurya Missile
computing ➢ ASTRA Missile
➢ Food ➢ Dhanush
➢ Textiles ➢ Prahaar
➢ Sustainable energy ➢ Brahmos Missile System
➢ Environment ➢ Anti-Ballistic Missile System
➢ Transport ➢ Frigates Destroyers and
➢ Space Aircraft Carriers

➢ Carbon Nanotube ➢ AWACS

➢ Graphene ➢ Light Combat Aircraft

➢ Quantum Dots ➢ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

➢ Nanobots ➢ Stealth technology

➢ Agriculture ➢ Chemical Weapon

➢ Adverse Health and ➢ Biological Weapon

Environmental Impacts of ➢ Submarines
Nanotechnology ➢ Indian Submarines and Naval
➢ Social and Ethical Impacts Ships
➢ Nano-science and Nano- ➢ Commissioned Submarines
technology in India ➢ Project 75

Defence ➢ INS Astradharini

❖ Defence Technology Nuclear Technology

➢ Organizations ❖ Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Fuels

➢ Missile system and ➢ Types of nuclear reactions
classification (based on (Fusion and Fission)
launch vehicle, Range and ➢ Nuclear Fuel – Stage 1, Stage 2
propulsion system) and Stage 3

➢ Ballistic vs Cruise Missile ❖ Nuclear Programme in India

➢ N-Power Policy of India
➢ IGMDP Integrated Guided
➢ Advantages of Nuclear Energy
Missile Development
➢ Risks with Nuclear Energy
➢ Institutions involved in Nuclear
➢ Prithvi,Trishul, Nag, Akash, Agni
energy Development, AERB

➢ Safety standards in Nuclear ➢ DNA sequencing
Power plants ➢ Nucleic acid probes
➢ Nuclear Reactors in India
➢ Genomics and proteomics
➢ Kudankulam Project
➢ Bioprocess/fermentation
➢ Jaitapur Plant
❖ Organisations /Institutions
❖ Biological fuel generation
➢ Department of Atomic Energy
➢ Global warming and the
significance of fossils fuels
❖ Radioactivity
➢ Radiation and Radioactivity ➢ Biofuels from biomass

➢ Radiation Technologies and ➢ Bioethanol from biomass

Applications ➢ Biodiesel
➢ Radioactive Waste and ➢ Methane
Nuclear Waste Management
➢ Hydrogen
➢ Nuclear & Radiological
❖ Environmental Biotechnology
➢ Microbial Ecology
IPR and Related Issues Environmental Biotechnology

❖ Intellectual Property Rights ➢ Waste water and sewage

(Meaning and Types) treatment

➢ Copyrights ➢ Landfilling technologies

➢ Trademarks ➢ Composting

➢ Patents ➢ Bioremediation

➢ Industrial Design ➢ Detect and monitoring of

➢ Trades Secrets pollutants

❖ IPR and Agriculture ➢ Microbes and the geological

❖ Plant and Forest biotechnology

❖ Biotechnology in India ➢ Plant biotechnology

➢ Department of BT ➢ Forest biotechnology

➢ Various Fields of BT ❖ Animal and Insect biotechnology

➢ R&D ➢ Genetic manipulation and

❖ Genetics and Biotechnology transgenic animals

➢ Industrial genetics ➢ Genetically engineered

➢ Genetic engineering hormone and vaccines

➢ Animal organs for human ➢ Patent protection Trade
patients secrets

➢ Genetically modified insects ➢ Plant breeders’ rights

❖ Food and Beverage Biotechnology ❖ Development in Biotechnology

➢ Food and beverage ➢ Achievements of

fermentations Biotechnology indifferent

➢ Microorganisms as food, fields

Enzymes and food processing ➢ Genome sequencing of Ragi

➢ Amino acids, vitamins and done for the first time in the

sweeteners world

➢ Organic acids and ➢ GM mustard policy

polysaccharides ➢ DNA as storage device

➢ Public acceptance and safety ➢ Biomarker

of new biotechnology foods ➢ Algae based footwear
❖ Biotechnology and medicine ➢ Artificial Womb
➢ Pharmaceuticals and ➢ GM Mosquito
biopharmaceuticals ➢ DBT launched “Sohum” an
➢ Antibiotics innovative newborn hearing
➢ Vaccines and monoclonal screening device
antibodies ➢ Biotech-KISAN scheme
➢ Biopharmaceuticals/ ➢ India’s first biomass to
therapeutic proteins ethanol plant & its
➢ Pharmacogenetics commercialization

➢ Molecular biology and human ➢ Digital Biopiracy

disease ➢ Genetically Modified Mosquito
➢ Diagnostics in developing ➢ Designer Babies’ or Three
countries Parents Babies
➢ Gene therapy ➢ National Biotechnology
➢ Systems biology and Development Strategy 2015-
medicine 2020

➢ Stem cell biotechnology

❖ Protection of biotechnological
❖ Origin of Life and Cells
➢ Cell Structure

➢ Membranes ➢ Hypothalamus

➢ Cell-Cell Interactions ➢ Pineal body (epiphysis)

➢ Energy and Metabolism ➢ Pituitary gland (hypophysis)

➢ Respiration ➢ Thyroid

➢ Cell Division ➢ Adrenal glands

➢ Sexual Reproduction ➢ Reproductive glands

❖ Genetics ❖ Respiratory System

➢ Inheritance ➢ External and Internal

➢ DNA, The Genetic Material
➢ Respiratory system in Plants
➢ Gene Expression
➢ Respiratory System in Insects
➢ Gene Regulation
➢ Respiratory System in
➢ Mutation
Humans and Animals
➢ Recombinant DNA Technology
❖ The Transport System in Organisms
❖ Classification of Living Things
➢ Transport system in a Cell
➢ Classification and Domains of
➢ Transport System in Plants
➢ Transport System in Animals
➢ General Biology/Classification
➢ Blood Vascular System
of Living Things/Viruses
➢ The Lymphatic System
➢ Prokaryotes
❖ Skeletal and Muscular Systems
➢ Eukaryotes
➢ Bone and Skeleton System
✓ Protista
✓ Plants
➢ Ligaments (Syndesmology)
✓ Fungi
➢ Muscular System (Myology)
✓ Animals
➢ Vertebrates
❖ Evolution of Life
❖ Reproductive System
➢ Evolution of Life
➢ Asexual Reproduction in
➢ Animal Evolution
➢ Human Evolution
➢ Asexual Reproduction in
❖ Tissues
➢ Epithelial tissue
➢ Sexual Reproduction in Plants
➢ Connective tissue
➢ Sexual Reproduction in
➢ Muscle tissue
❖ Endocrine System

➢ Sexual Reproduction in ❖ Waves
Humans ❖ Light
❖ Excretory System ❖ Electromagnetic Spectrum
➢ Excretory products ❖ Ray optics
➢ Excretion in plants ❖ Reflection
➢ Excretion in Animals ❖ Refraction
➢ Osmoregulation, ADH and ❖ Dispersion
formation of Urine in Animals ❖ Scattering of light
➢ Physiological and Behavioral ❖ Rayleigh scattering
❖ Raman Scattering
❖ Nutrition
❖ Total Internal reflection
➢ Classification by Source of
❖ Optical Illusions
Energy and Carbon
❖ Mirage
➢ Plant Nutrition
❖ Looming
➢ Animal Nutrition
❖ Rainbow
➢ Human Diet
❖ Twinkling of stars
➢ The Digestive System
❖ Plane Mirror
➢ Photosynthesis
❖ Periscope
❖ Diseases
❖ Spherical mirror
➢ Tuberculosis
❖ Concave mirror and Applications
➢ Non-Communicable diseases
❖ Convex mirror and Applications
❖ Economic Zoology
❖ Concave lens and Applications
➢ Beneficial animals: Corals -
❖ Convex lens and Applications
Earthworm - Vermiculture
❖ Defects of vision
➢ Beneficial insects - Prawns -
❖ Myopia (nearsightedness)
Lobsters - Crabs - Pearl
❖ Correction - concave lens
oysters - Fishes - Guano -
❖ Hypermetropia (farsightedness)
Aquarium - Vivarium.
➢ Correction - convex lens.
➢ Harmful animals: Disease
causing organisms - Vectors ➢ Astigmatism

- Poisonous organisms - ➢ Cataract and Correction

Fouling organisms - Pests. ➢ Ohm's law


Type of material ❖ Applications of surface tension

❖ Capliatrity
❖ conductor
❖ Archimedes principle
❖ Insulators
❖ Chemistry
❖ Semiconductor
❖ Matter
❖ Superconductor
❖ Plasma
❖ Series and parallel connection
❖ Atom
❖ Fuse
❖ Quarks and their Types
Effects of current ❖ Up Quark: + 2/3 charge

❖ Chemical effect of current ❖ Down Quark: - 1/3 charge

❖ Electrolytic Isotopes
❖ Non-electrolytic
Nuclear physics
❖ Ions(charged particles)
❖ Nuclear fusion
❖ Electroplating
❖ Nuclear fission
❖ Galvanization
❖ Radioactivity
❖ Chrome plating
❖ Alpha decay
❖ Various devices
❖ Beta-decay
❖ Dynamo
❖ Gamma decay
❖ Motor
❖ Neutrinos
❖ Inverters
❖ Half-life
❖ Alternating current(ac)

❖ Direct current(dc) Cosmic Physics

❖ Magnetic effect of current
❖ Gravitation
❖ Electromagnetic induction
❖ Escape Velocity
❖ Application of EMI
❖ Galaxy
❖ Wireless charging
❖ Stars
❖ Eddy current
❖ Planet
❖ Latent heat
❖ Asteroids
❖ Abnormal behavior of water
❖ Satellite
❖ Surface tension
❖ Comet
❖ Cohesive force
❖ Meteoroids
❖ Adhesive force
❖ Meteoroids

❖ Meteors ❖ Acids and Bases

❖ Meteorites ❖ Carbon

❖ Life Cycle Of Star ❖ Allotropes: Some chemical

❖ Small Star elements are known to exist in two or

❖ Big Star more different forms because of

❖ Chandrasekhar Limit
❖ Hydrocarbon
❖ White Dwarf
❖ Phosphorous
❖ Neutron Star
➢ Black-P (good conductor)
❖ Supernova Explosion
➢ White -P (used in matchstick)
❖ Black Hole
➢ Red -P (used in matchstick)
❖ Kuiper Belt
❖ Graphite
❖ Heliosphere & Hydrogen Wall
❖ Ozone
❖ Interstellar
❖ Halogen Family
❖ Goldilocks Zone
➢ Fluorine
❖ Force Carriers
➢ Chlorine
❖ Strong
➢ Bromine
❖ Weak
➢ Iodine
❖ Electromagnetic
❖ The Noble Gases
❖ Gravitation
➢ Helium
❖ Antimatter
➢ Neon
❖ Dark Matter
➢ Argon
❖ Evidence Of Dark Matter-
➢ Krypton
❖ The States Of Matter
➢ Xenon
❖ Higgs-Boson Theory
❖ Rare Earth Elements and
❖ Theory of General Relativity
❖ Gravitational Lensing
❖ Elements used in firecrackers
❖ Expansion of Universe
❖ PH Scale
❖ Evidence of Dark Energy
❖ Organic Acid
❖ Formic acid
❖ Periodic Table ❖ Acetic acid
❖ Atomic Structure ❖ Inorganic Acid
❖ Metal and Non Metals ❖ Base

❖ Baking agents ❖ Soaps and Detergents: chemistry of

❖ Salt Surfactants

❖ Viscosity ❖ Important Terms

❖ Semi-Permeable membrane(SPM) ➢ Phosphorescence

❖ Osmosis ➢ Fluorescence

❖ Gasohol ➢ Luminescence

❖ Chemical Explosives ➢ Bioluminescence

❖ Octane number ➢ Efflorescence

❖ Cetane Number

❖ Natural Gas




❖ Types of Ecology ❖ Functions and Properties of

❖ Ecological Hierarchy Ecosystem

❖ Scope of Ecology ❖ The Structure/Components of

❖ Habitat & Ecological Niche Ecosystem

➢ Abiotic Components
❖ Deep vs Shallow Ecology
➢ Biotic Components
❖ Ecological Principles
❖ Ecosystem Dynamics
❖ Ecological Community
❖ Flow of Energy in Ecosystem
❖ Structure and Characteristics of a
❖ Trophic Levels
❖ Food Chain
❖ Stratification
➢ Types & Significance of Food
❖ Ecotone
❖ Ecological Dominance
❖ Food Web
❖ Seasonal and Diurnal Fluctuation
❖ Models for Energy Flow
❖ Periodicity
❖ Ecological Productivity
❖ Turnover
❖ Ecological Pyramid
❖ Interdependence
❖ Biomagnifications
❖ Ecological Succession
❖ Biological Control
➢ Types and Process of
❖ Population Ecology
➢ Types of species
➢ Climax Community
➢ Population Growth Models
❖ Range of Tolerance, Maximum
➢ Tiger Census and Lion Census
❖ Adaptation of Species and
❖ Difference between Ecology,
Environment and Ecosystem
➢ Adaptation: Examples of
Ecosystem adaptation in plants and

❖ Ecosystem Definitions Animals

➢ Homeostasis ❖ Freshwater ecosystem: Lake

➢ Interaction between Species (Lentic) Ecosystem

➢ Ecotone ❖ Marine Ecosystem

➢ Endemic Species ➢ Marine Organisms

➢ Keystone Species ➢ Plankton

➢ Indicator Species ➢ Phytoplankton

➢ Invasive Species ➢ Factors Affecting

➢ Allopatric and Sympatric Phytoplankton Biodiversity

Speciation ➢ Importance of phytoplankton

➢ Zooplankton
Terrestrial Ecosystems
➢ Sea-grass
❖ Forest Ecosystem in India ➢ Seaweeds
➢ Tropical Evergreen and Semi ➢ Eutrophication
Evergreen Forests,
➢ Algal Bloom
➢ Tropical Deciduous Forests
❖ Estuaries
➢ Dry deciduous Forest
➢ What are estuaries?
➢ Tropical Thorn Forests
➢ Types of Estuaries
➢ Montane Forests
➢ Importance of estuaries
➢ Littoral and Swamp Forests
➢ Threats to estuaries
❖ Grasslands (Savanna and Steppe)
➢ Major Estuaries in Indian
❖ Tundra coastal states
❖ Deserts ➢ Monitoring and Prediction of
❖ Mountains Health of Estuarine and
Coastal Waters
Aquatic Ecosystem
➢ Difference between Lagoon
❖ Factors affecting the productivity of and Estuary
aquatic ecosystems
➢ Estuary ecosystem:
➢ Sunlight Adaptations made in
➢ Photic Zone organisms
➢ Aphotic Zone ➢ Conservation of Estuaries
➢ Temperature and Oxygen ❖ Mangroves
Concentration ➢ What are mangroves?
➢ Turbidity and Transparency ➢ Mangroves in India

➢ Importance of Mangroves ➢ Types of Biogeochemical

➢ Mangroves under threats Cycle

➢ Legal and Regulatory ❖ Carbon Cycle

Approaches for Protection ➢ Steps in the carbon cycle

➢ Community based mangrove ➢ Carbon cycle: Long term and

regeneration Short term

❖ Coral Reef ➢ Carbon as Climate Buffer

➢ About coral reefs ➢ Human Impact on the Carbon

➢ What do corals feed on? Cycle

➢ Geographical Conditions ➢ Effects of high concentration

➢ Types Of Coral Reefs of Greenhouse Gases

➢ Uses of coral reefs ❖ Hydrological Cycle

➢ Concept of Bio rock reefs ➢ Different Steps of the

Hydrologic Cycle
➢ Threats to Coral reefs
➢ Storage
➢ Conservation of coral reef
❖ Nitrogen Cycle
❖ Wetlands
➢ Human Impact on the
➢ What are wetlands?
Nitrogen Cycle
➢ Types of wetlands
❖ Oxygen Cycle
➢ Wetlands in India
❖ Sulfur Cycle
➢ Importance of wetlands
➢ Human Impact on the Sulphur
➢ Threats to wetland
❖ Phosphorus Cycle
➢ Conservation of Wetlands
➢ Human Influence on
➢ About Ramsar Convention ‘
Phosphorus Cycle
➢ About Asian Water bird
Census Biodiversity
➢ Human Modified Ecosystems ❖ Basics of Biodiversity

❖ Types of Biodiversity
Nutrient Cycling
❖ Patterns of Biodiversity
❖ Concept of Biogeochemical Cycle
❖ Biogeographical classification of
➢ Parts of a Biogeochemical
❖ Bio-geographical classification of

❖ Functions of biodiversity ❖ Advantages of ex-situ preservation

❖ Hotspots of biodiversity ❖ Disadvantages of Ex-situ

❖ Bioinformatics conservation

❖ Eco Regions ❖ Zoological Parks

❖ Role of Traditional Knowledge in ❖ Botanical Gardens

Biodiversity ❖ Seed banks

❖ Biopiracy ❖ National Parks

❖ Animal and Plant Diversity ❖ Wildlife Sanctuaries

❖ Plant and Animal Kingdom ❖ Important Coastal and marine

❖ Marine Mammals Biodiversity Areas

❖ Egg laying Mammals ❖ Biomes of India

❖ Biogeography
❖ Marsupials
❖ Plant Diversity of India
❖ Threats to biodiversity
❖ Insectivorous Plants
❖ Causes of Biodiversity losses
❖ Wildlife Diversity of India
❖ Effects of Loss of Biodiversity
➢ Himalayan Foothills
❖ Extinction of species
➢ Western Himalayas (High
❖ Mass Extinction
altitude region)
❖ IUCN Red List and Classification
➢ Eastern Himalayas
➢ Peninsula India
❖ Biodiversity Conservation
➢ Indian Desert
❖ Scheduled Animals in the Wildlife
➢ Tropical Rain Forest Region
Protection Act
➢ Mangrove Swamps of
❖ In-situ methods of Conservation
❖ Protected Area Categories
❖ Important Animals in India
❖ Forms of Protected Areas ❖ Bird’s Migration
❖ Biosphere reserves ❖ Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) (1972)
❖ Sacred forests and sacred lakes ❖ International Union for
❖ World Heritage sites Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

❖ Geo-heritage sites ❖ Conservation Priorities

❖ Advantages of In-situ conservation

Species-Related Terminologies
❖ Disadvantages of In-situ
conservation ❖ Flagship Species
❖ Keystone Species
❖ Ex-situ methods of Conservation

❖ Priority Species ❖ India Adopted South Asia Wildlife
❖ Indicator Species Enforcement Network (SAWEN)

❖ Foundation Species ❖ Global initiative

➢ State of Protected Areas in the
❖ Charismatic Species
❖ Umbrella Species
➢ MAB – Man and Biosphere
❖ Invasive/Alien Species

Species based conservation ➢ World network of Biosphere

programs Reserves
➢ Biodiversity Hotspots
❖ Project Tiger and Tiger Census 2018
➢ CBD – Convention of
➢ Petersburg Tiger Summit 2010 Biological Diversity
(TX2) ➢ Cartagena Protocol
➢ Conservation Assured (CA) | ➢ Nagoya Protocol
Tiger Standards (TS) Asia ➢ Aichi Biodiversity Diversity
❖ Project Elephant and Elephant
Resources and Related Aspects

➢ Elephant Corridors. ❖ Land Resource

➢ Causes of land degradation
❖ Project Snow Leopard
➢ Impact of land degradation
➢ Project Secure Himalaya
➢ Desertification
❖ Vulture Conservation
➢ Sustainable Land
➢ Action Plan for Vulture
Conservation (2020 -2025)
❖ Forest Resource
❖ Crocodile conservation project ➢ Definition of forests by FSI
❖ Ganges dolphin project ➢ Types of Forest Cover
❖ Indian (One Horn) Rhino Vision ➢ Forest Survey of India (FSI
(IRV) 2020 report 2017)

➢ New Delhi Declaration on ➢ Types of Forests In India

Asian Rhinos 2019 ➢ Deforestation

➢ Causes of Deforestation
❖ Other projects
➢ Consequences of
➢ Project Sea Turtle
Deforestation on the Wildlife
➢ Project Crocodile
of India
➢ Project Hangul (Kashmir Stag) ➢ Strategies for Reducing
➢ Dolphin Conservation Deforestation

➢ Government Programmes for ➢ Ocean Thermal Energy
Conservation of Forests Conversion
❖ Soil Resource ➢ Tidal Energy
➢ Soil Characteristics and Soil ➢ Wave energy
formation process ➢ Fuel Cell
➢ Factors Responsible for Soil ➢ Microbial fuel cell
Formation ➢ Biofuels
➢ Soil Forming Processes
➢ Biogas
➢ Soil Profiles and Horizons
➢ Geothermal Energy
➢ Type of Soils
➢ Solar Energy
➢ Soils in India
➢ New Energy Resources
➢ Soils in World
➢ Renewable Energy and
➢ Soil Erosion
➢ Problems due to excessive
➢ Petroleum Conservation
Research Association
➢ Soil Conservation
➢ Atomic Energy Bill
➢ Soil health card scheme
➢ Civil Liability for Nuclear
➢ Organic Farming
Damage Bill
❖ Water Pollution
➢ National Electric Mobility
➢ Surface Water Resource
Mission Plan
➢ Groundwater Resources
➢ National Policy on Biofuels
➢ Sources of Water Pollution
➢ Three Stage Nuclear Power
➢ Measurement of Water
➢ Solar Renewable purchase
➢ Causes of Water Pollution
➢ Harmful effects of water
➢ Petroleum Planning & Analysis
➢ Other terms associated with
➢ New Energy Policy
water pollution
➢ Energy Organisation
✓ Algal Bloom
✓ Eutrophication Pollution
✓ Arsenic contamination of ❖ Basics of Pollution
➢ Sources of pollution
✓ Mercury Pollution
➢ Effect of Modern Agriculture
✓ Oxygen Stratification
on Environment
❖ Energy Resources

➢ Effect of Housing on ❖ Air Pollution
Environment ➢ Causes of air pollution
➢ Effect of Power Generation on ➢ Harmful Effects of air pollution
➢ Top-ten gasses in air pollution
➢ Effect of River Valley Projects
➢ Control of Air Pollution
(Water Resource Projects) on
➢ Concepts related to Air
➢ Effect of Mining on
➢ Acid rain
➢ Respirable Suspended
➢ Effect of Transportation
Activities on Environment Particulate Matter (RSPM)

➢ Effect of Tourism on ➢ Fly Ash

Environment ➢ Bharat stage Norm

➢ Classification of pollutants ➢ National Air Quality Index
➢ Pollution Indicator species ➢ Comprehensive
❖ Water Pollution Environmental Pollution Index

➢ Comparing Dissolved Oxygen, ➢ Lead

BOD and COD ➢ Metallic Oxides
➢ Major Industrial/sector and ➢ Nanoparticles (NPs)
Water Pollutants ➢ Soot and Dust and its impact
➢ Effects of Water Pollution on ➢ Fog
Aquatic Ecosystem and ➢ Smog
Human Health
➢ Sulphurous Smog (London
➢ Governmental Efforts for Smog)
addressing Water Pollution
➢ Photochemical Smog
❖ Mining and Pollution
➢ Black and Brown Carbon
➢ Mining and Environment
➢ Acid Rain
➢ Sensitivity of Select
➢ Fly Ash
Ecosystems to Mining
➢ Other Important Pollutants
➢ Impact of Mining
❖ Occupational Health Hazards
➢ Indirect Impact of Mining
➢ Black Lung Disease
➢ International Laws on Mining
➢ Silicosis
➢ Main Act or Statute to
➢ Pneumoconiosis
regulate the impact of Mining
➢ Byssinosis
related Pollution
➢ Asbestosis
➢ Sustainable Mining

❖ Air Pollution in India ➢ Microplastics and its impact
➢ The Air (Prevention & Control ➢ Coastal Regulation Zone
of Pollution) Act 1981 Notification, 2011

➢ National Air Quality Index ❖ Noise Pollution

(NAQI) and National Ambient ➢ Causes of Noise pollution

Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) ➢ Noise Levels

➢ Air Quality Early Warning ➢ Effects of Noise Pollution on

System (AQEWS) and Graded human health

Response Action Plan (GRAP) ➢ Corrective actions

➢ Continuous Ambient Air ❖ Biological Pollution

Quality Monitoring System ➢ Sources of biological pollution

(CAAQMS) ➢ Harmful effects from
➢ Low-Emission (Green) biological contaminants
Crackers ➢ Corrective actions
➢ Air Pollution in Delhi ❖ Radioactive Pollution
➢ National Clean Air ➢ Sources of Radioactive
Programme (NCAP)
➢ Ozone Pollution
➢ Harmful effects of Radioactive
➢ Ozone Depletion
➢ International Efforts to
➢ Corrective actions
Mitigate Ozone Depletion
❖ Thermal Pollution
➢ Vienna Convention for the
Protection of The Ozone Layer ➢ Causes of Thermal Pollution

and ➢ Effect of Thermal Pollution

➢ Montreal Protocol ➢ Control of Thermal Pollution
➢ Kigali Amendment to
Waste Management
Montreal Protocol 2016
➢ Gothenburg Protocol, 1999 ❖ Solid waste management
❖ Marine Pollution ➢ Types of Solid Waste
➢ Sources of marine pollution
➢ What is solid waste
➢ Effects of marine pollution
➢ Concept of dead zone
➢ Issues in solid waste
➢ Concept of Ocean
management in India
➢ Waste Management Practices
➢ Oil spill
➢ Trash and Other Debris in

➢ Technologies for the boundary Movement) Rules,
Generation of Energy from 2016
Waste ➢ Hazardous waste treatment

➢ Policy on Promotion of City ❖ Treatments/ Methods in Waste

➢ Methods for sewage
➢ Salient features of SWM Rules,
➢ Treatments Methods for
❖ E-Waste Management waste management
➢ Pollutants and their health
Climate Change
❖ Climate Change Basics
➢ E-waste status in India
❖ What is Global warming?
➢ Importance of the E-waste
❖ Factors Affecting Climate Change
➢ Extra-Terrestrial Sources of
➢ Steps taken for combating
Climate Change
mounting E-Waste ➢ Terrestrial Sources of Climate
➢ E-waste (Management & Change
Handling) Rules, 2016 ➢ Anthropogenic sources of
❖ International Conventions Climate Change

regarding Waste Disposal ❖ Urbanization and climate change

➢ Pollution in metros and
➢ Stockholm Convention on
climate change
Persistent Organic Pollutants
➢ Real estate boom and
➢ Basel Convention
environment degradation
➢ Rotterdam Convention ➢ Urban Heat Island
❖ Plastics Pollution ➢ Polythene bags and pollution
➢ Effects of Plastic Waste
➢ Methane generation from
➢ The Global Tourism Plastics
❖ Impact of agriculture on climate
❖ Biomedical Waste Management
➢ Hazards associated with ➢ Agriculture increases Carbon

waste management Dioxide Emissions

➢ Bio-Medical Waste ➢ Monoculture practice impacts
Management Rules, 2016 biodiversity
➢ Hazardous waste and its ➢ Pollution due to use of
chemical fertilizers
➢ Hazardous and Other Wastes
➢ Soil-related effects
(Management & Trans-

➢ Fertilizers Effect on the ❖ Strategies to Address Climate
Environment Change
➢ Impact of livestock on ➢ Carbon Sequestration
environment ➢ Carbon Sink
➢ Impact of use of Pesticides on ➢ Carbon Credit
➢ Carbon Tax
➢ Impact of GM crop on
➢ Clean Coal Use
➢ Carbon Sequestration
➢ Emission of Methane from
➢ Carbon Sinks
agricultural practices
➢ The Blue Carbon Initiative
➢ Sustainable Agriculture
➢ Carbon Offsetting
➢ Geo - Engineering
❖ What is the greenhouse effect?
➢ Biofuels
➢ Non Greenhouse Gases and
Aerosols ➢ Biomass

➢ Radiative forcing and global ➢ Green Economy

Environmental Administration
➢ Ecological footprint
❖ Acts and Policies
➢ Carbon footprint
➢ Constitutional Provisions
➢ Global Warming Potential
related to environment
➢ Wildlife Protection Act 1972
❖ Impacts of the Climate Change
➢ Environmental Protection Act
➢ Acid Rain
➢ National Forest Policy
➢ El Nino
➢ Biological Diversity Act 2002
➢ La Nina
➢ Ozone Depletion ➢ Schedule Tribes and Other
➢ Ocean Acidification
➢ Dwellers Act 2006
❖ Global Warming & Health
➢ Coastal Regulation Zone
➢ Health impacts of global
warming ➢ Wetland Rules 2010

➢ Mosquito-borne diseases ➢ National Green Tribunal

➢ Ozone depletion and human ➢ Ozone Depleting Substance

health Rules

❖ Environment Impact Assessment ➢ Montreal Protocol and Kigali
(EIA) Agreement

➢ What is EIA? ➢ The Earth Summit: United

➢ Brief History of EIA in India Nations Conference on

➢ EIA Process in India Environment and

Development (UNCED), Rio de
➢ The 8 steps of the EIA process
Janeiro, 1992
➢ Environmental Appraisal
➢ Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD)
➢ Drawback in EIA Process
➢ United Nations Convention to
➢ Recommendations for
Combat Desertification
➢ Environment Management
➢ United Nations Framework
➢ EIA in India – Sectoral Analysis
Convention on Climate
(Mining, Agricultural and
Change (UNFCCC): 1992
Industrial Sectors)
➢ Global Climate Finance
❖ International Environmental
➢ Global Environment Facility
➢ Centre for Biological Diversity
➢ Intergovernmental Panel on
➢ WWF for Nature
Climate Change (IPCC)
➢ IUCN - Red List ➢ National Greenhouse Gas
➢ Birdlife International Inventories Programme
➢ International Conventions / (NGGIP)
Protocols & their Objectives ➢ The Economics of Ecosystems
➢ Sustainable Development and Biodiversity (TEEB)
Goals ➢ Global Climate Finance
➢ Various Indices relate to Architecture

Environment ➢ Special Climate Change Fund

➢ Climate Change Governance (SCCF)

➢ United Nations Conference on ➢ Least Developed Countries

the Human Environment Fund (LDCF)

(Stockholm Conference)

➢ Climate Investment Fund ➢ National Mission on
(World Bank as Trustee) Sustainable Habitat
➢ Green Climate Fund (GCF) ➢ National Water Mission
➢ Adaptation Fund (AF) ➢ National Mission for
➢ Biocarbon Fund Sustaining Himalayan
➢ EU Initiatives Ecosystems
➢ Clean Technology Fund ➢ National Mission for a Green
➢ World Meteorological India
Organization (WMO) ➢ National Mission on
➢ United Nations Programmes Sustainable Agriculture
and Assemblies
➢ National Mission on Strategic
➢ United Nations Environment
Knowledge for Climate
Programme (UNEP)
➢ Forest Carbon Partnership
➢ National Bioenergy Mission
➢ National Communication
➢ Climate and Clean Air
Coalition (CCAC)
➢ National Action Programme to
➢ Arctic Council
Combat Desertification
❖ India and Climate Change
➢ Green Buildings
➢ India’s Position with regards to
policy on Climate Change ➢ Net Zero Energy Buildings

➢ Observed Climate and (NZEB)

Weather Changes in India ➢ Standard and Labeling

➢ Indian Climate Change Programme (BEE Star Label)

Assessment ➢ Energy Conservation Building

➢ Indian Policy Structure Code (ECBC)

Relevant to GHG Emissions ➢ Green Rating for Integrated

➢ Actions for Adaptation & Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)
Mitigation ➢ National Initiative on Climate
➢ National Action Plan for Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
Climate Change (NAPCC) ➢ BSE - GREENEX
➢ National Solar Mission ➢ FAME - India Programme
➢ National Mission for Enhanced
➢ Long Term Ecological
Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)
Observatories (LTEO)

➢ National Adaptation Fund for ❖ Schemes in India regarding
Climate Change (NAFCC) Environmental

➢ National Policy on Biofuels, ➢ National Wildlife Action Plan

2018 ➢ CAMPA

❖ Environment related Institutions in ➢ Joint Forest Management

India ➢ Social Forestry
➢ Pollution Control Boards ➢ National Bamboo Mission
➢ National Green Tribunal ➢ National Action Plan on
➢ National Board for Wildlife Climate Change
(NBWL) ➢ National Solar Mission
➢ Animal Welfare Board ➢ Ganga Rejuvenation Plan
➢ Central Zoo Authority (CZA) ➢ Benefits of River Ganga (Facts
➢ National Biodiversity Authority about Ganga River Pollution

➢ Central Water Commission and its impacts)

➢ Animal Welfare Board of India ➢ Eco mark Scheme

(AWBI) ➢ Swachh Bharat Mission

➢ Zoological Survey of India ➢ Swachh Bharat Kosh

(ZSI) ➢ Grants in Aid Scheme
➢ Forest Survey of India (FSI) ➢ National Afforestation
➢ India State of Forest Report Program
(2021) ➢ National River Conservation
➢ Botanical Survey of India (BSI) Plan

➢ Wildlife Crime Control Bureau ➢ National Mission for Clean

(WCCB) Ganga

➢ National Biodiversity Authority ➢ National Air Quality Index


➢ National Ganga River Basin ➢ National Action Programme to

Authority Combat Desertification

➢ National Tiger Conservation ➢ Pradhan Mantri Sauchalay

Authority (NTCA) Yojana

➢ Bombay Natural History ➢ UJALA Scheme

Society ➢ Bharat Stage Norms

➢ Corporate Social ❖ Ramsar Wetland Sites
Responsibility and ❖ Natural World Heritage Sites
Environment Protection ❖ List of Sacred Groves

Relevant Data Lists ❖ Mangrove Sites in India

❖ Pollution
❖ National Parks
➢ Key activities and Likely
❖ Tiger Reserves of India
Associated Air Pollutants
❖ Elephant Reserves in India
➢ Respiratory Irritants and Toxic
❖ Mike Sites in India
❖ Biosphere Reserves

❖ Biosphere Reserves in UNESCO’s

Map List



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