Leadership & Spirituality in The Workplace

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Leadership & Spirituality in

the Workplace


What is Leadership?

“Leadership is influence–nothing more, nothing less.”

(John Maxwell)
A transformational leader enhances the morale, performance as
well as the motivation of employees.
He inspires change driven by a strong
Has the ability to create a culture of trust and
innovation within the organization.
Characteristics of a transformational Leader:
1. Keep his ego in check- It is easy to let ego take over when
one is in a position of power.
However, in transformational leadership, it is important for
the leader to keep his ego under control and not let it interfere
with the best interest of the team or the organization.
By doing so, the transformational leader can put the
organization before his personal gain and elicit the best
performance from others.
2. Self-Management-
Transformational leaders typically don’t need much
direction from others and are able to manage themselves well.

They are highly motivated, and usually use this motivation

to direct the organization to the right path.

These leaders do what they love, and the values are aligned
with those of the organization that they lead.
3. Ability to take the right Risks-
The ability to take calculated risks is a key characteristic of a
transformational leader. They trust their instinct and use the intelligence
gathered by team members to make informed decisions.
A transformational leader’s team is right behind them and is ever
willing to do the research that is necessary to evaluate the situation

The leader seeks inputs from the team to make risky decisions that
will facilitate growth.
4. Make difficult Decisions-
Being a leader is not always smooth sailing, one often needs to make
tough decisions. Transformational leaders do not shy away from
difficult decisions. They make their decisions with a clear focus on
the values, vision, objectives and goals of the organization.
5. Share Collective organizational Consciousness-

A transformational leader shares and understands the collective

consciousness of the entire organization. This makes them particularly
attuned to the feelings of their team members and gives them a clear
idea of what actions to take to elicit the desired actions from the

Since these leaders are tapped into the organizational consciousness,

they can make decisions that would spur growth, and create shared
vision for the organization that all employees feel a part of.
6. Inspirational-

People seek to be inspired and transformational leaders are perhaps the

most inspiring of all. They can motivate others to rise to the occasion.

Their style of inspiration is not just limited to formal acknowledgement

of a job well done, rather they treat each employee as a valued
individual and take the time to understand what motivates them.
7. Entertain New Ideas-
Transformation can never be achieved if the leader is not open or
receptive to new ideas.

Transformational leaders understand the truth that success is dependent

on the effort of the entire team, and growth happens only in an
organization with a culture of openness to new ideas from all levels.

A transformational leader makes a deliberate effort to solicit new ideas

from team members and use their insights in making major decisions.
8. Adaptability-
The transformational leader knows that it is important to constantly
adapt to changing market conditions to keep moving forward.

They are ever willing to adapt to new situations and seek creative
ways to respond to the dynamic business environment.
9. Proactive-
Transformational leaders are proactive in their approach. They take
risks and take an active role in ensuring the growth of the whole
10. Lead with Vision- Transformational leaders set a realistic and
achievable vision for the organization.
They communicate the vision effectively to the members and inspire
a sense of commitment and purpose. By getting every person to buy
into the common vision, they can strongly guide the organization in the
direction that they want.
• Why spirituality is important in the workplace?
Workplace spirituality involves the effort to find one's ultimate purpose
in life, to develop a strong connection to co-workers and other people
associated with work, and to have consistency (or alignment) between
one's core beliefs and the values of their organization.
• Spirituality goes beyond religious or cultural boundaries.
Spirituality is characterized by faith, a search for meaning and
purpose in life, a sense of connection with others, and a
transcendence of self, resulting in a sense of inner peace and
Workplace spirituality is about creating a working environment
that is based on values that everyone can agree upon. These
values might include things like honesty, integrity, and respect for
When these values are present in the workplace, it can help
to create a more positive and productive atmosphere.
How to implement workplace spirituality

1. Connect your work to your value system.

To be connected to yourself means to be attentive and attuned to
what is going on inside of you, and to know who you are.
2.Look at things positively.
Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a
more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to
happen, not the worst.

Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing on

the good in any given situation. It can have a big impact on your
physical and mental health.
3.Treat others well.
Treating others well is about treating others the way you would want
to be treated at all times and in all situations.
Being respectful means extending to others the patience, courtesy,
kindness, and politeness that you, yourself, would want to receive.
4. Take some time for yourself.
To find time for yourself means to set time aside consciously. This time
should be meant for you and you alone. It's not meant to be time alone
to catch up on the chores on your to-do list.
5.Get to know your coworkers.
• Knowing your colleagues helps you become more productive by
creating a harmonious work environment that caters to individual
needs. If you know how your colleagues prefer to work, such as
quietly or collaboratively, you're in a much better position to create
these environments.
6. Speak to your boss about ideas you need to spread on
workplace spirituality.

Most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work. If you are
a spiritual person, it only makes sense that you will want to incorporate
the same ideals you apply to the rest of your life to your work life as well.
7. Be mindful.
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present,
aware of where we are and what we're doing.
8.Put people first.

Putting people first is a business philosophy focused on prioritizing

employees by considering their needs and creating a positive work
• Your spirituality often lies at the core of everything that you

• It involves a commitment to your value system, and it is

critical to nurture that value system both in your private life
and in the workplace.

• As people become busier and our lives become even more

work-centric, it is more important than ever to carry our
spirituality into the workplace.
Spirituality is living an active faith.
If I can do some Good Today

1. If I can do some good today, Lord show me how

If I can live along life’s way, Lord show me how
If I have something helpful say….. Lord show me how

2. If I can right a human wrong, Lord show me how

If I can help one to be strong…
If I can cheer with a smile or song
Lord show me how

3. If I can help one in distress, If I can make a burden less

If I can do some good today, Lord show me how.
What is my choice?

Will I be a transformative leader, or should I be a

model of spirituality in the workplace?

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