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Example 1) A single acting reciprocating pump has a plunger diameter of 15 cm and a stroke length of 22.5 cm. The

pump delivers 115 l of water per minute at 30 r.p.m. Find the theoretical discharge of the pump and slip of the pump


 Plunger diameter (d) = 15 cm = 0.15 m

 Stroke length (L) = 22.5 cm = 0.225 m

 Actual discharge (Qactual) = 115 l/min = 0.001917 m³/s (converted to m³/s for consistency)

 Speed (N) = 30 rpm


 Theoretical discharge (Qth)

 Slip (%)


1. Plunger Area (A):

A = πd²/4 = π * (0.15 m)² / 4 = 0.0177 m²

2. Theoretical Discharge (Qth):

Qth = (LAN) / 60


 L = Stroke length (m)

 A = Plunger area (m²)

 N = Speed (rpm)

Qth = [(0.225 m) * (0.0177 m²) * (30 rpm)] / 60 = 1.991 x 10⁻³ m³/s ≈ 0.001991 m³/s (converted to l/s for comparison with


3. Slip:

Slip (%) = [(Qth - Qactual) / Qth] * 100

Slip (%) = [(0.001991 m³/s - 0.001917 m³/s) / 0.001991 m³/s] * 100 ≈ 3.76%

 Theoretical discharge (Qth) ≈ 1.991 x 10⁻³ m³/s (or 119.5 l/min)

 Slip ≈ 3.76%

Example 2) Calculate the net positive suction head (NPSH) of a centrifugal pump using the following data

(i) Vapour pressure of the liquid = 26.66 kN/m2

(ii) Distance between the level of liquid in the reservoir and suction line = 1.2 m.

(iii) Density of the liquid = 865 kg/m3

(iv) Friction in the suction line = 3.5 J/kg.

(v) Reservoir is open to atmosphere.


NPSH = (Pa - Pv) / ρ - hfs / g - Za

 NPSH = Net positive suction head (J/kg)
 Pa = Pressure over the liquid surface (N/m²) (atmospheric pressure in this case)
 Pv = Vapor pressure of the liquid (N/m²)
 ρ = Density of the liquid (kg/m³)
 hfs = Friction loss in the suction line (J/kg)
 g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/s²) (typically 9.81 m/s²)
 Za = Distance between the liquid level and the suction line (m)
 Pv = 26.66 kN/m² = 26660 N/m²
 Za = 1.2 m
 ρ = 865 kg/m³
 hfs = 3.5 J/kg
 Pa (atmospheric pressure) = 101325 N/m² (assumed)
1. Substitute the values into the equation:

NPSH = [(101325 N/m² - 26660 N/m²) / 865 kg/m³] - (3.5 J/kg) / (9.81 m/s²) - (1.2 m)

2. Solve:

NPSH ≈ (74665 N/m² / 865 kg/m³) - 0.357 J/kg - 1.2 m

 Pressure term: (74665 N/m²) x (1 J/Nm) = 74665 J/m³
 Divide pressure and density terms to get J/kg: (74665 J/m³) / (865 kg/m³) ≈ 86.3 J/kg
3. Combine terms:

NPSH ≈ 86.3 J/kg - 0.357 J/kg - 1.2 m

Convert NPSH to meters (optional):

NPSH ≈ (86.3 J/kg - 0.357 J/kg) / (9.81 m/s²) ≈ 7.24 m - 0.36 m


NPSH ≈ 7.24 m (or 6.88 m after considering friction loss)

Note: The answer in the original example might have a slight rounding difference.

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