Lab Report

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Part 1

1.The Chinese Students Association is best described as a nationality formation.

2.The “Asian Night” Dance Party is best described as a racial formation.

3.The “Korean members” of the CSA are best described as an ethnic formation.

4.The Korean Christian Association is best described as a ethnic formation.

5.The “Korean exchange students” are best described as a nationality formation.

Part 2

The population of Chinese decreases from the 1880s to the 1920s because of the
Chinese Exclusion Act. Considering that the Chinese people were a good labor force
when building the railroad in America, companies felt it was a great success to
employ Chinese people, which caused the discontent of local white American labor
forces. Besides, since it is difficult for the Chinese to lose their identity as a separate
people, a new Chinese empire will be formed in the United States thousands of years
ago. Based on the Chinese Exclusion Act, women were first banned from coming into
America, preventing the Chinese family from forming, which effectively reduced the
population of Chinese.

The connotation of the hawk

The baby hawk is cute and helpless at that time. When the author and her daughter found the
injured hawk and took it inside the minibus, the author uses some words like, “delicate football”,
“amber eye”, showing that the hawk curled up as a ball with a pair of delicate eyes. It makes me
also think of that some children turn to their mothers when meeting or encountering some

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