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Jollibee Christmas

Analyzing a
Persuasive Advertisement
for Attitude Formation and

Main Message of the

it is not important how expensive or big the gift you receive,
it’s the thought that really matters as well as the happiness,
love, and care that the giver conveyed to the recipient. It is
also important to know that receiving a gift is not the
entirety of Christmas because being together as a family is
still a special gift that we receive and touches our hearts.

Persuasive Techniques
Jollibee tries to influence the attitudes and behaviors of consumers by creating advertisement that focused
on their brand image. The commercial influenced us with its’ usual family-centered theme story while
indirectly persuading us to realize that its the thought that counts when it comes to giving gifts. The
commercial could be considered as a “would-be persuader” because the commercial itself is attempting to
convince and influence us in a form of a story that their product is an affordable Christmas gift that will surely
make your loved ones happy and they will treasure that gift, along with the memories that you make with
them. We can also apply the concept of central route to persuasion in this commercial because we get to
experience a change in our attitude after watching the commercial as we get to have an enhanced
understanding and learning when it to gift giving and the true spirit and meaning of Christmas along with its
subtle persuasive messages. To add, the Central Route to Persuasion is about carefully examining a
message's substance and emphasizing the reasoning and argumentation it makes. When the message is
strong, it demands more mental work and produces an attitude shift that lasts longer (Guy-Evans, 2022). We
get to analyze what the message of the commercial is while being hooked on the story.

Target Audience
In general, everyone and the consumers can be
the target audience for this advertisement.
Specifically, the advertisement is aimed at
families, as well as the working class because
Jollibee is a fast food restaurant that is popular
in the Philippines which is aimed for the masses.

Visual and Audio Cues

The commercial used a mix of slightly somber and joyful music
to properly convey the tones of sadness along with the themes
of giving and joy. For the visual cues, given that a commercial’s
time is limited, the usual methods for storytelling used in
advertisements is “visual storytelling” or a “show, don't tell”
method, where the prices are visually shown to us instead of
told to us in order to cut time as well as to get to the point
Guy-Evans, O. (2022, June 14). Central Route to Persuasion:
Definition & Examples.
Module 3.1 and 3.2
BSY32 - Bainbridge, Bitoon, Padla, Salazar

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