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Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement

1. What is quality of work life? What is its relation to a firm's human resource strategy?

2. What is mutual trust? What is its link to a firm's human resource strategy?
3. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the employment-stability policy of "hold
employment constant?"
4. How does labor specialization assist in reducing labor costs? (List three ways.)
5. It is said that job expansion has both a vertical component and a horizontal component. Explain,
with reference to such terms as job enrichment, job rotation, and job enlargement.
6. What impact did the Hawthorne studies have on human resource strategy?
7. Describe some impacts of noise in the workplace.
8. What is methods analysis?
9. What are operations charts used for?
10. Describe how the visual workplace can increase information flow, improve efficiency, and
eliminate non-value-adding activities. Support your argument with a few examples.

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