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HFN - 01


1. Identify the marked area in the picture?

2. When does it close?
3. What does the bulging & depression of marked area indicate?
4. Which dural venous sinus and ventricle of the brain can be approached
through this area?


1. Anterior fontanelle
2. 1 ½ - 2 years
3. Bulging – in raised intracranial pressure
4. Depression – in severe dehydration
5. Superior Sagittal sinus & Lateral Ventricle of brain
HFN- 02


1. Identify the clinical condition shown in the picture?

2. Name the nerve involved in it?
3. Mention the type of lesion?
4. Mention its clinical signs?


1. Bell’s palsy

2. Facial nerve

3. LMN (lower motor neuron) type of lesion

4. Absence of wrinkles in the fore head

• Inability to close the eye tightly

• Absence of naso- labial furrow – Drooling of saliva & collection of

food in the vestibule of mouth
HFN -3


1. Identify the defect shown in the marked area of the picture?

2. Name the structures forming the septum?
3. Mention the blood supply & nerve supply of the septum?


1. Deviated nasal septum

2. i. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone

ii. Vomer

iii. Septal cartilage

3. Blood supply Nerve supply

• Ethmoidal arteries - Ethmoidal nerves

• Sphenopalatine artery - Nasopalatine nerve

• Greater palatine artery

• Superior labial artery

HFN -04


1. Identify the sign shown in the picture?

2. Name the area of the nasal septum involved?
3. Name the arteries anastomosing at this site?
4. Mention the commonest cause for this sign in children & adult?


1. Epistaxis
2. Antero inferior part of nasal septum / Little’s area
3. Septal branch of superior labial artery ( facial artey), Sphenopalatine ,
greater palatine & Anterior ethmodial arteries
4. In children - nose picking

In adult – hypertension
HFN - 05


1. Identify the clinical sign shown in the picture?

2. Where does its duct open?

3. Which nerve may be injured during its surgical procedure?

4. Mention any other conditions involving this gland?


1. Parotid swelling

2. Vestibule of the mouth opposite to the crown of the upper second molar

3. Facial nerve

4. Parotiditis, parotid abscess, mumps, parotid tumours

HFN -06


1. Identify the clinical condition shown in the picture

2. Which layer of the scalp injury leads to this ?
3. What is the special name given to that layer?
4. Mention the attachment of frontal belly of occipitofrontalis?
5. What is Cephalhaematoma ?

1. Black eye
2. Loose areolar tissue layer of scalp
3. Dangerous layer of scalp
4. Attached to the skin & fascia of forehead
5. Accumulation of blood under the loose areolar tissue
layer of scalp
HFN -07


1. Identify the eye defect shown in the marked side?

2. Paralysis of which muscle leads to this condition?
3. Name the extra ocular muscles?
4. What is their nerve supply?


1. Lateral squint / lateral strabismus

2. Medial rectus
3. Superior rectus , inferior rectus , medial rectus, lateral rectus , superior
& inferior oblique muscles
4. All the extra-ocular muscles are supplied by oculomotor nerve Except
Lateral rectus (by abducent nerve) & Superior oblique (by trochlear
HFN - 08


1. Identify the marked defect of the eye.

2. Paralysis of which muscle leads to this defect?
3. What is the nerve supply of the muscle involved?
4. Name the muscles responsible for closure & opening of the eye?


1. Medial squint / strabismus

2. Lateral rectus
3. Abducent nerve (6th cranial nerve)
4. Closure of eye – Orbicularis occuli
5. Opening of eye – Levator palpebrae superiors
HFN - 09


1. Identify the condition shown in the picture?

2. How do you confirm it?
3. How does it develop?
4. What other condition is closely related to it?
5. How do you differentiate it from branchial cyst?


a. Thyroglossal cyst
b. Location(mid line swelling) & Moves with protrusion of tongue.
c. Persistence of part of thyroglossal duct
d. Thyroglossal fistula
e. Branchial cyst is a lateral swelling related to the anterior border of
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
HFN - 10


1. Identify the clinical condition shown in the picture?

2. Name the muscle which is involved in this case.
3. Name the nerves related to the posterior margin of this muscle.
4. Give the clinical importance of the anterior margin of this muscle.
5. Mention the nerve supply of the muscle paralysed?


1. WRY neck
2. Right sternocleidomastoid muscle.
3. Spinal accessory nerve, Trunk of supraclavicular nerve, great auricular,
lesser occipital and transverse cutaneous nerve of neck.
4. Brancial fistula and cysts appear along the anterior margin of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
5. Spinal accessory nerve

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