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Critical for outbound AEs

How do seem like we are everywhere, all at once


Humantic AI: Psychological profile (HUMNIT recommendation) – pretty on point. Or Krystal Nose (copy
and paste their personality profile generated). If you can remove someone from their default setting –
it’s a good sign. Scours the internet for digital footprint

Gong (varying levels of engagement)


Vidyard – 7 videos before 7am. Everybody wants a blood sample and a 30 minute appointment. They
want to buy on their own time. Messy market full of competition. Be everywhere seemingly
simultaneously. Modern day word of mouth. >30 minutes a day doing personalized videos. Find ways to
fit in – video at X restaurant in X city (prospect there?) tape it. Airport? Tape it. Note on reading – read
from script? Back up to shift eye movement. Make script or video on the upper right hand of screen
(seems like you’re looking at the camera). Send 1 video every week until they say stop – I’ve never had
someone say stop bringing value.

Propsecting videos, drive value at every touch point

Sendspark – AI vidyard, personalization at scale. AI changes voice to match many. Automatically scan, put
company page on background (so they know it’s for them). Tracking?

Read.AI – meeting summary sent to emails of people involved & yourself

Calendly – analytics, text/email reminder about meeting. Vidyard integration -> menu setting CTA ->

Zoom integration - > calendly sends reminders.

Linkedin sales nav -> seamless ai integration

Teach AI to write like you

ChatGPT prompts / BingGPT (current with internet) / Claud AI (can digest whole PDF to ask Q’s off of):
thinking partner.

Basic questions: What does X do? How does X company make money? Explain it to me in a way a 12-
year-old can understand? What is X (product offered) What are their strategic business priorities in
X(year), look at their 10K.

Use thread to build on it. Give context. You are a strategic tech sales professional with 30 years of
experience working at X and all the top consulting firms in the world. I need your advice to strategically
sell to this account in a way that solves their business objectives and challenges their C-suite would care
about. I need your advice.

Priorities given – great, who do I reach out to

Based on that information I want to reach out to X, here’s his LinkedIn profile and psychological profile
(copy and paste personality profile) – I want to tailor a message to him. Make it ____ (i.e concise, short

Use AI but go the last mile – make it human.

Meeting prep – most impactful. Build point of view in the same thread. Okay, we scheduled a meeting.
My goal with the meeting is to share my high-level point of view, understand his top priorities,
determine problems you can solve or a priority goal you can help them achieve and gain his sponsorship
to proceed with deep discovery. Using all the information in this thread please create a prep document
for the meeting in the follow format:

-intent for call; agenda (three bullets I can attach to the meeting invite), a high-level point of view,
discovery questions based on research that X can solve

Past opportunities - BingGPT – what are some of the problems I can be experiencing if I’m a X at this
company. Think about industry trends, current economic headwinds ect. How could the X partnership
and product I sell help me with where I’m today. I’m in the process of evaluating X an opportunity you’ve
heard about in the past. I’m focused on building business value on (operational efficiency?) and finding
ways to add value to my organization.

Copy paste ChatGPT - Based on this information give me a prep document, intent for call, create an
agenda for me, a couple of follow up emails.

Tech stack overloaded – Native AI stack, no baggage, all curiosity. Every business needs to restructure.

Ask GPT – how do I teach you how to speak like me. Okay, what’s a prompt that I can write in the future
to remind you of my writing style in this thread, so I don’t have to go through this each time. New
thread, new prompt – here’s prompt now write X. Ask me questions to make the best prompt possible.

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