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Biglang-Awa St. Corner Catleya St., Caloocan City

NAME: __________________________ MARCH 9,2024
YEAR & SECTION: PhD 1-A DATE: ______________________
DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following essay questions.

Dem 403
Advanced Philosophical Perspertive In Education
Mid-Term Examination-March 9, 2024

Choose one philosophy among those what we had discussed and answer the following:
1. Is the philosophy serves as an effective tool in your teaching career?

Certainly Yes, because in Existentialism it emphasizes the value of personal choice and
responsibility. In education, this can encourage students to take responsibility for their learning
journey, decisions, and actions. Teachers can help students consider the consequences of their
choices and empower them to make important decisions in their academic and personal lives.

2. Cite at least one philosopher and a filipino proponent and their great contribution to
our present educational system.

Dr. Emerita Quito was a distinguished Filipino existentialist philosopher known for her
significant contributions to the field. She specialized in phenomenology, ethics,
feminism, and the philosophy of language. Quito emphasized the importance of lived
experience in shaping our understanding of the world and stressed the need for a
phenomenological approach that considers the subjective nature of experience
She she highlighted the relationship between language and power, arguing that
language is deeply intertwined with power dynamics and social contexts
Quito's engagement with feminism aimed to address the dominance of a masculine
perspective in traditional western philosophy and advocated for a more inclusive
feminist philosophy that recognizes diverse experiences and intersectionality
Furthermore, Quito underscored the significance of ethics, emphasizing that ethical
considerations are embedded in social and political structures and advocating for a
relational approach to ethics that considers cultural contexts
Her work also delved into the philosophy of language, highlighting how language
shapes our understanding of ourselves and our relationships with others, while
advocating for linguistic diversity and inclusivity
Lastly, Quito's exploration of "pagkamakatao," a central concept in Filipino philosophy
referring to human values like dignity and compassion, underscored her commitment to
promoting these values in all aspects of life
Dr. Emerita Quito's work significantly influenced Filipino philosophy through various
Biglang-Awa St. Corner Catleya St., Caloocan City

Quito's philosophy was deeply rooted in Filipino Philosophy, focusing on

language, interpretation of the Filipino worldview, and educational systems that served
to propagate Filipino ideas[2].

Quito challenged her fellow Filipino philosophers to write in the national language and
propagated the use of Filipino in academia. She authored significant works like "Ang
Pilosopiya sa Diwang Pilipino," becoming the first Filipino philosopher to write a major
philosophical work in the national language

Quito's contributions extended to educational systems, where she emphasized the

importance of language and interpretation of the Filipino worldview within academic
settings. Her work aimed to enrich philosophical discourse by incorporating Filipino
perspectives and values

Despite facing challenges due to the limited popularity of philosophy in the Philippines,
Quito's uncompromising dedication to rigorous thinking and her commitment to
promoting philosophical discourse left a lasting impact on her students and colleagues.
She was remembered as a brilliant but stern scholar who instilled a sense of intellectual
rigor and independence in her students

Dr. Emerita Quito's legacy continues to shape Filipino philosophy by promoting

indigenous perspectives, integrating diverse philosophical traditions, advocating for
linguistic diversity, and fostering critical thinking within academic and cultural contexts.

3. How the chosen philosophy influence you as:

a. A person;

As a person Existentialism influenced me in a philosophical perspective that emphasizes

individual existence, freedom, and choice. It suggests that individuals create their own
meaning and purpose in life through their actions and decisions, rather than relying on
external sources such as societal norms or religious beliefs. I would regard them as
fundamentally free beings, accountable for their own decisions and actions. This may prompt
me to prioritize autonomy and authenticity in my life.

Existentialism encourages me to question, and challenge established beliefs and values.

Individuals may be prompted to question societal norms and expectations, as well as to develop
my own moral code or sense of purpose in life. Existentialism recognizes the uncertainty of my
existence. Rather than seeking absolute truths or certainty, individuals influenced by
existentialism may embrace ambiguity and seek meaning in the face of uncertainty.
Overall, existentialism influenced me as individual to live more consciously, authentically,
and responsibly, by emphasizing the significance of individual freedom and choice in
shaping my own existence.
Biglang-Awa St. Corner Catleya St., Caloocan City

b. A public servant;

As a public servant, the influence of existentialism hit me in several ways:

Existentialism emphasizes the individual's responsibility for their choices and actions.
It also encourages me to live authentically and true to myself. this might involve aligning
my actions with my values and principles, ensuring that my service t reflects my
genuine beliefs and help me emphasizes the importance of creating
meaning in my own life. I find it fulfilling in serving others, viewing my work as a
meaningful contribution to the betterment of society.
Also,Existentialism acknowledges my inherent struggles and uncertainties of life. As a
public servant, it may approach challenges with resilience and determination,
recognizing that adversity is a natural part of the human experience and an opportunity
for my personal and professional growth.
The influence in my life as a public servant by encouraging me to take responsibility for
my actions, serve authentically, question established norms, find meaning in my
service, and face challenges with resilience and determination.

c. An educator instructions:

As a teacher, I recognize and appreciate my students' diverse backgrounds, experiences, and

perspectives. I encourage them to value their uniqueness and express themselves authentically.
I also encourage my students to analyze and question the ideas presented to them. I do my
best to create an environment in which my students feel comfortable asking difficult questions
and exploring complex issues. I must encourage my students to take charge of their learning
journeys. Encourage them to set their own goals, make decisions about their education, and
accept responsibility for their academic success. As a teacher, I find fulfillment in guiding my
students to discover their passions, develop their talents, and achieve their goals. I see my role
as guiding students on their journeys of self-discovery and personal growth, rather than simply
imparting knowledge. It is my duty for my students to let them explore and grapple with issues
such as identity, purpose, and mortality. You can create a supportive and open-minded
environment in which students feel comfortable discussing existential issues.
Overall, existentialism can influence my life as a teacher by encouraging me to celebrate
individuality, promote critical thinking, foster personal responsibility, find meaning in
education, and support students in facing existential questions.

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