Montalbo Carl Michael e Module 11 Activity

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1. Stop and think: Take a moment to acknowledge the tension and emotions within
the team. Understand that everyone's feelings are valid and need to be addressed

2. Clarify Goals: Revisit the project's objectives as a team to ensure everyone is on

the same page about what needs to be achieved by the deadline.

3. Determine facts: Encourage open communication to identify the specific

challenges causing tension and stress within the group.

4. Develop options: Brainstorm different approaches to resolving conflicts and

supporting the overwhelmed team member.
5. Consider consequences: Discuss the potential outcomes of each option, including
the impact on team dynamics and project success.

6. Choose: Together, decide on a course of action that addresses the concerns of the
overwhelmed team member while keeping the project on track.

7. Monitor and modify: Regularly check in with the team member and the group as a
whole to ensure that the chosen approach is effective and adjust as needed to
maintain a positive and productive working environment.

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