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Kuala Lumpur

21st Mar 2016


Designing Tall, Supertall

& Megatall Building Systems

Ir CHEN Thiam Leong

Kuala Lumpur
21st Mar 2016

Tall & Supertall Building Design

Considerations in Malaysia

Ir CHEN Thiam Leong

This presentation will essentially cover the understanding of
tall and supertall building fire designs in conjunction with the
intricacies of smoke control and pressurisation systems and the
need to address reverse stack effect.
It will include suitable techniques of smoke extraction systems
for highrise including plug-holing consideration amongst other
understanding engineered smoke control systems and how to
avoid pitfalls in the industry and conclude with the important
topic of Integrated Fire Testing & Commissioning which is
deemed absolutely essential for tall buildings;
and ending with a proposal for reviewing relevant local codes
to meet future challenges as we “reach the sky”.
Definition of High Rise Building
• NFPA defines a high-rise building as a building more than
75 feet (23 meters – about 7 storeys) in height, measured
from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access to
the floor of the highest occupiable storey.
• UBBL 229 requires buildings in which the topmost floor
>18.3m above the fire appliance access level to be
provided with fire lifts.
• UBBL 230 requires provision of dry rising mains where the
topmost floor >18.3m but <30.5m above the fire appliance
access level.
• UBBL 231 stipulates the provision of wet rising systems
for buildings >30.5m.
Tall, Supertall & Megatall
• ASHRAE in 2004 defines Tall buildings as those higher
than 300 feet (91 m)
• The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat in 2015
Supertall buildings as those higher than 300 m (984 feet)
Megatall building as those higher than 600 m (2,000 feet)
Major Design Considerations for Tall Buildings

• The single most important building service that make tall

buildings viable ......... LIFTS
• Pressure - 'Air' and Air
• Water
- penalties: static head, dynamic head, equipment rating,
water hammer, pumping energy ......
- bonus: gravity head
• Air
- stack (reverse) effect
- stratification
- piston effect
Active Fire Protection
Systems: UBBL Part VIII
Active Fire Protection Systems
1. Automatic sprinkler system
2. Wet Riser System (note: no more downcomer system)
3. Hosereel System
4. Hydrants
5. Automatic CO2 gas flooding system
6. Clean Agent System
7. Fire Alarm and Detection system
8. Portable fire extinguishers
9. Wet Chemical System
Active Fire Protection Systems
10. Fireman Intercom System
11. Pubic Address System
12. Fire Lifts
13. Emergency Gensets
14. Electrical Isolation Switch
15. Emergency Lights & Exit Signs
16. Smoke Control & Management System
17. Misc e.g. Gas system shut-down
Wet Fire Systems:
make full use of it!
courtesy of Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc.
Sprinkler Schematic
B6 to L92
with gravity feeds

courtesy of Primetech Engineers Sdn Bhd

Sprinkler Schematic L70 to L92
Sprinkler Schematic L37 to L70
Sprinkler Schematic L6 to L37
Sprinkler Schematic B6 to L6
WR Schematic
B6 to L92
with gravity feeds

courtesy of Primetech Engineers Sdn Bhd

WR Schematic L70 to L92
WR Schematic L26 to L70
WR Schematic B6 to L26
Smoke Control
Some stats on High Rise Fires
• Between 2005 to 2009 (USA), there were an average of 15,700
reported structure fires in high-rise buildings per year and
associated losses of 53 civilian deaths, 546 civilian injuries, and
$235 million in direct property damage.
• Four property classes account for roughly half of high-rise fires:
office buildings, hotels, apartment buildings, and facilities that
care for the sick.
• Automatic fire protection equipment and fire-resistive
construction are more common in high-rise buildings that have
fires than in other buildings of the same property use that have
• The risks of fire, fire death, and direct property damage due to fire
tend to be lower in high-rise buildings than in shorter buildings of
the same property use.
Fires Have Never Caused
Skyscrapers to Collapse

Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however

severe, has ever caused a steel-framed high-rise
building to collapse.
Caracas Tower Fire, Venuezela 2004

The tallest skyscraper in Caracas,

Venezuela experienced a severe fire on
October 17, 2004. The blaze began before
midnight on the 34th floor, spread to more
than 26 floors, and burned for more than
17 hours. Heat from the fires prevented
firefighters from reaching the upper floors,
and smoke injured 40 firefighters.
Lax enforcement of fire codes in Venezuela
was blamed for the malfunctioning of water
pumps and a lack of fire extinguishers
inside of the building. Because the building
was empty when the fire broke out, no
civilians were killed or injured
The Windsor Building fire, Madrid 2005

The Windsor Building fire engulfed the upper third of the

building, but also spread downward as low as the fourth floor.
A report by two fire safety experts in Japan highlighted three
causes for the very wide extent of the fire:
The lack of a sprinkler system
Incorrect installation of spandrels
The lack of fire prevention regulations in Spain
The Hotel Mandarin Oriental Beijing
Feb 9, 2009

Despite the fact that the fire extended

across all of the floors for a period of time
and burned out of control for hours, no
large portion of the structure collapsed.
The First Interstate Bank Building
is a 62-storey skyscraper in Los
Angeles that suffered the worst high-
rise fire in the city's history. The fire
caused extensive window breakage,
which complicated firefighting efforts.
Large flames jutted out of the building
during the blaze. Firefighting efforts
resulted in massive water damage to
floors below the fire, and the fire gutted
offices from the 12th to the 16th floor,
and caused extensive smoke damage
to floors above. In spite of the total
burnout of four and a half floors, there
was no damage to the main structural
members and only minor damage to
one secondary beam and a small
number of floor pans.
Sprinkler system was installed in 90%
of the building, including on fire floors;
valves controlling the systems had been
closed, awaiting installation of water-
flow alarms. May 5, 1988
One Meridian Plaza is a 38-floor
The One Meridian Plaza
skyscraper in Philadelphia that Fire
suffered a severe fire on February
23, 1991. The fire started on the
22nd floor and raged for 18 hours,
gutting eight floors.
The fire was eventually stopped
when it reached the fully
sprinklered 30th floor. Ten sprinkler
heads activated at different points
of fire penetration.
The fire caused window breakage,
cracking of granite, and failures of
spandrel panel connections. Despite
the severity and duration of the fire,
no part of the building collapsed.
Campbell Shopping Complex
• The Campbell Shopping Complex fire was a major disaster
in Malaysia which took place on 8 April 1976 at Jalan
Campbell (now Jalan Dang Wangi), Kuala Lumpur.
• The entire 3-year old shopping complex including its 20-storey
office tower block was completely destroyed in a fire.
• It was Malaysia's first towering inferno and its worst fire
disaster involving a high-rise building to date.
• The fire, which started at 10:30 pm, lasted for nearly 30 hours,
claiming the life of one victim, as well as the total losses of
RM50 million.
• The cause of the fire was an electrical short circuit.
• The incident occurred at a time when the Hollywood
blockbuster movie The Towering Inferno was still fresh in the
minds of many Malaysians.
• The Fire Protection Association of Malaysia (FPAM) was
formed the same year after the incident occurred.
• The incident also highlighted the standards of fire safety in
high-rise buildings in the country as well as the limited fire-
fighting capabilities at that time.
• Laws were eventually passed to ensure that high-rise premises
must meet certain standards of fire safety, e.g., the issuing of
certificates before they can be deemed fit for dwelling or
commercial purposes.
29 July 2015
Bukit Aman
Police HQ KL
Smoke inhalation injuries cause
50 to 80% of fire deaths
Oxygen levels at... ...a person experiences:

21 percent Normal outside air

17 percent Impaired judgement and coordination

12 percent Headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue

9 percent Unconsciousness

6 percent Respitory arrest, cardiac arrest, death

Smoke Control & Management System

 The global study of Smoke Control &

Management is continuously evolving and in
Malaysia we have developed local standards and
guidelines on Smoke Control Design and
Application over the last 3 decades.
 In conjunction with this very dynamic subject, it is
informative to understand the significant
milestones achieved for Fire Protection in
Significant Milestones
(affecting smoke control managment)
 1984 UBBL
 1985 BEM Circular on Civil, Mech or Electrical PEs
can sign for active fire designs
 1994 SBO
 1997 Formation of IFEM and Development of FEPBA
 1997 BOMBA Circular on use of bare GI ducts for Car
Park Smoke Extraction
 1999 Guide to Fire Protection in Malaysia
 2001 (approx) Only Mech PEs can sign for active fire
 2004 Fire Certificate
 2007 CCC
 2009 Advent of Jet Fans for Car Park Ventilation
 2012 UBBL (1984) Amendment
Local Standards & Guidelines

Up till 1999, Smoke Control Management

requirements for local projects were designed mainly
on the basis of the following Standards/ Guidelines/
• UBBL 1984
• Sarawak Building Ordinance 1994
• Bomba’s “Pink” Book
• Other Established Standards/Codes/Guidelines &
Performance Based Approach
Guide to Fire Protection in Malaysia
• The publication of this Guidebook in October
1999, heralded the successful smart partnership
between the Fire & Rescue Department
Malaysia (FRDM) and the relevant professional
• This Guidebook provides a significant in-depth
into Pressurisation Systems and Smoke Control
(Extraction) system Using Natural or Powered
Ventilation, which have since been incorporated
into MS1472 and MS1780
Smoke Control System:
Malaysian Standards
MS 1472:1999 Code of Practice for Fire
Precautions in the Design of Buildings –
Smoke Control in Protected Escape Routes
using Pressurisation.
• This standard is basically an adaptation of BS
5588: Part 4: 1978
• Now undergoing revision (2016)
MS 1472:1999
Significant changes in this MS over BS 5588 are:
a) "Pressurising the whole building (not
recommended)" is totally deleted.
b) Pressurisation provision:
i) The allowance for a single supply entry point is
changed from ‘three storeys and fewer’ to ‘four
storeys and fewer’.
ii) Stack effect is taken into consideration in the
design of pressurisation of staircases of highrise
buildings. Stack effect calculation is defined
MS 1472:1999
c) Leakage allowance for sheet metal ducting is
changed from 15% to 10%.
d) Duplicate fans and motors to serve buildings
with a single staircase is deleted.
e) Specific choices on “Type of sensing or
switching required” are deleted.
f) Period for testing emergency operation of system is
to be carried out monthly (instead of weekly)
g) Minimum egress velocity is standardised to
1.0 m/s.
For Tall buildings - what to watch out
for in Design ......

• Lift shaft piston effect

• Stack effect of air ventilation shaft including
pressurisation and smoke extraction
Mech flrs at
L10 & 22



Reverse Stack Effect

When it is hot outside,

a downward flow of
air can occur in
buildings. Neutral Plane
Stack Effect Check

MS 1472 Equation 22

∆P = k [ 1/To - 1/Ts ]h
= 3460 [ 1/308 – 1/297 ] {144 / [ 1 + (303/308) 1/3 ]}
= - 48 Pa

Where ∆P = Pressure differential from shaft to outside Pa

k = Coefficient (3460)
To = Absolute temperature of outside air (K)
Ts = Absolute temperature of air in shaft (K)
h = Distance above neutral plane (m)
Stack Effect Check cont’d

• With a reverse stack effect value of 48 Pa which is

almost equal to the designed stairs pressurisation
value of 50 Pa, there is need to consider a 2-stack
pressurisation system to avoid possible
depressurisation on the upper or lower floors.
• Hence, the solution would be to design for 2 sets of
pressurisation fans : 1 at roof-top and the other at
either L22 or L10.
Smoke Control System:
Smoke Extraction
MS 1780:2005 Smoke Control System using Natural
(Displacement) or Powered (Extraction) Ventilation

• This Standard probably represents the first Smoke

Control standard of its kind in the world to be
published as a National Standard.
• In other countries, such smoke control literature are
published as Codes of Practice or Guides.
• This Standard enables engineers to refer to
established Fire Size to calculate smoke extraction
• It is also now undergoing revision (2016).
Smoke Control Techniques
• The various techniques most commonly used for
smoke control are:
 Smoke Containment
Smoke containment relies on physical barriers to limit
the spread of hot smoky gases from one space in a
building to another space.
 Smoke Dilution
Smoke dilution describes any method of mixing the
smoky gases with enough clean air to increase the
available visibility and to reduce the threat from toxic
products of combustion.
 Smoke Reservoir Exhaust Ventilation
This is a method that provides a separation
between an upper layer of smoke and a lower layer
of relatively clear air.
 Depressurisation
Depressurisation involves the control of smoke
using pressure differentials in which the air
pressure in the space containing the fire is reduced
below that in the adjacent spaces requiring
protection. This method can be combined with
variation of other system design
• The efficiency of the smoke control system may be
adversely affected by the wind or outside temperatures
• The pressures that are generated by wind may affect the
operation of the extraction of smoke by providing a
positive pressure at the point of extraction
• Internal climatic conditions may also affect the movement
of smoke particularly in space with large volumes, such as
Atriums. This is because forced air circulation may
prevent the smoke of low-buoyancy from reaching
initially the point of detection
• The stack effect in tall buildings and temperature
inversion may also need to be considered
• Plugholing effect and Ceiling Jet impact should be
Smoke extract sandwich system
Engineered Smoke Control
Engineered Smoke Control System

In lieu of prescriptive code (normally applicable for

standard type buildings), engineered smoke control
approach may be used for more complicated design
Engineered Smoke Control System

 Engineered smoke control system shall be in the form

of a smoke ventilation system by natural or powered
extraction designed in accordance with:

• BR 186 - Design principles for smoke ventilation in

enclosed shopping centres
• BR 258 - Design approaches for smoke control in
atrium buildings
• Other acceptable standards, such as:
- Warrington Fire Research Consultants
- Society of Fire Protection Engineers Publication
Engineered Smoke Control System cont’d

 The building to be provided with engineered smoke

control system shall have a smoke layer temperature

 Capacity of the smoke ventilation system shall be

calculated based on the incidence of a likely
maximum fire size for a sprinkler controlled fire as
recommended in the tabulation of the various
Occupancy Fire Size
(Sprinklered) Heat Output Perimeter
(MW) of Fire (m)
Shops 5 12
Offices 1.5 12
Hotel Guest Room 0.5 6
Hotel Public Areas 2.5 12
Assembly fixed seats 2.5 12
Warehouse 10 18
Basement Svs Area 7 15
Car parks 1.5 13.5
• The design smoke layer shall be above the heads of
people escaping beneath it. Minimum smoke layer
base (head height clearance) shall be:
• For Lower Storey or Single Storey
= 2.75m (natural exhaust ventilation)
= 2.0m (powered exhaust ventilation)
• For Upper Storey
= 3.0m (natural exhaust ventilation)
= 2.0m (powered exhaust ventilation)
Atrium Smoke Control
Integrated Fire Testing and
Preceding Integrated T&C of Fire
Protection Systems
 What are the building services that need to be
integrated with the Fire Protection Systems ?
2. Electrical
3. Vertical Transportation
4. Security systems
5. Miscellaneous – BAS, Gas, etc
Without proper T&C, the best
designed and installed building
systems will not realize their full
& worst still – they may not
even perform as intended !
Best Practice for T&C
- Starts with Progressive Testing

• Progressive Testing – concealed reticulations

• The 1st step towards best practice for T&C

Integrated Fire T&C

 It is very common for the integrated fire T&C to be

missed out or not completed due to insufficient time
allocation for the T&C period
 A total T&C period of between 1 and 3 months
(depending on the size of the project) should be
allocated before handover of the facility
Integrated Fire T&C cont’d

 Integrated Fire T&C involves:-

1. Ensuring all relevant building services installations
will operate in conjunction with the activation and
operation of the fire protection systems as designed
2. Simulating the various fire mode scenarios to
ascertain that the systems will still perform as
integrated and as intended
Fire Mode Scenarios

As part of the integrated fire T&C, all fire mode

scenarios in conjunction with the power supply source
should be simulated, namely:-
A.Normal TNB supply - Fire Mode
B.Normal TNB – Fire Mode – TNB fail – Genset run
C.TNB fail – Genset run – Fire Mode
D.TNB fail – Genset run – Fire Mode – TNB restored
Relevant Building Services
- Tripping of Airside equipment viz AHUs, Fans
(Supply & Exhaust – Kitchen, Ballroom, etc)
- Activate pressurisation fans and system
- Activate smoke spill fans and system
2. Electrical
- Operation of emergency standby genset
- Fireman isolation switch operation
Relevant Building Services cont’d

3. Vertical Transportation
- Lift homing
- Fire Lift activation
- Escalator trip
4. Public Address system
- Automatic announcement (optional)
- Annunciation by zone
Relevant Building Services cont’d
5. Security Systems & Doors
- Shut or open (as designed) sliding doors, roller
shutters, magnetic held doors, etc
- Unlock fire zone security doors
6. Miscellaneous
- Close LPG/LNG valve
Sample Integrated Fire T&C Matrix
Alarm Floor 1st Flr 2nd Flr 3rd Flr s/s fan pr fan Lift ahu Gas Shutt
& Device alarm alarm alarm on on home trip off er dn

1st Flr flow √ int √ √ √ √ x √

sw/smoke d
2nd Flr int √ int √ √ √ √ √ x
fs/smoke d
3rd Flr int √ √ √ √ √ x
fs/smoke d
1st Flr √ int √ √ √
3rd Flr wet int √
After 5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
LEVEL (Address/Zone) 1 Atrium B = Fire Mode then TNB failure & Genset run
DATE 9 Jan 2007 C = TNB fail, Genset run then Fire Mode
D = TNB fail, then Fire Mode then TNB restored
Integrated Services Activation Office Tower Podium Hotel
Item Description A B C D A B C D A B C D
1.0 ACMV
1.1 AHU/Fan trip flr abv & below √
1.2 AHU/Fan trip all floors after 5 mins √
1.3 Lift lobby pressurisation fan run √
1.4 Lobby damper on fire floor open √
1.5 Lobby damper on other floors close √
1.6 Toilet ventilation fans trip √
1.7 Stairs pressurisation fans run √
1.8 Smoke spill fans run √
2.1 All lifts home to park √
2.2 Fire lift activation √
2.3 Escalators trip √
3.1 Genset activation √
3.2 Genset deactivation √
4.1 Fire Roller shutter/s shut √ √ √
4.2 Sliding door/s open √
4.3 Magnet held door/s close
4.4 Security door/s unlocked
5.1 Gas supply solenoid valve close
5.2 Ventilation fans stop
5.3 Fire alarm indication to central FAS
6.1 Fire floor/zone alarm sounders activate √
6.2 Intermittent alarm sounders activate √
6.3 Building alarm activate after 5 minutes √
6.4 P.A system operation √
6.5 Fireman intercom system operation
7.1 Alarm/status indication to FAS
7.2 Key switch actuation
7.3 Fire curtain drop to close vent opening
7.4 Ventilation fans stop
7.5 Alarm sounds & wiring light activate
8.1 Firemen isolation switch operation √
Review of Codes to meet Future Challenges
• Tall & taller buildings must fight fire from
• Automatic Sprinkler system - should be
mandatory for all categories of tall buildings
• Wet Riser system & Hose Reel system - to
merge these systems into a single mid pressure
"internal hydrant" system for use by both
occupants and fire fighters

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