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• Function What is does

MDY(month, day, year) Creates a SAS Date Value
TODAY() Returns the current date as a numeric SAS

date value

• YEAR(date-var); Returns Year/Month/Day/QTR of the sas
MONTH(date-var) date value input
• DAY(date-var)
INTCK(interval, start- Increments a date/time/datetime value by
from, increment) a given time interval

Function What is does

• TRIM(string) Removes trailing blanks

• STRIP(string) Removes all leading and trailing blanks

SCAN(string, count, Returns the nth word from a string

<char-list, <modifier>>)
•  PROPCASE(string) Changes the casing of the string.
•  UPCASE(string) Commonly used in statements of equality
• LOWCASE(string)

SUBSTR(string, start- Extracts a substring from the argument

from, length)

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Function What is does

RAND(‘distribution, Generates random numbers from a
paramter1,...) selected distribution •
ROUND(number, Rounds number to the nearest
<rounding unit>) rounding unit (.01, .001, etc)

LARGEST(k, value1, Returns the Kth largest non missing

value2, …) value

SUM(argument1, Sums all non missing arguments

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