ICSE Sample Question Paper Physics Class 9

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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80
Sample Question Papers

Self Assessment Paper

(Issued by Board for 2019 Exam)
General Instructions :
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].

SECTION I [40 Marks]

Attempt all the Questions from this Section.
Question 1
(a) It takes 0.2 s for a pendulum bob to move from the mean position to one end. What is the time
period of the pendulum?  [2]
(b) Find the force exerted by the earth on the moon, given that Me = 6 × 1024 kg and Mm = 7.4 × 1022
kg. Also separation between the earth and moon is 4 × 108 m. [2]
(c) Write Newton’s first law of motion.  [2]
(d) Write the unit of the following fundamental quantities in S.I. system :  [2]
(i) Temperature
(ii) Length
(e) A car goes from A to B, 100 km, in two hours and returns back from B to A in 3 hrs. Calculate : [2]
(i) its average speed
(ii) its average velocity
Question 2
(a) Define c.g.s unit of force. [2]
(b) Draw displacement-time graph for uniformly retarded motion. [2]
(c) A body moves from rest with a uniform acceleration and travels 270 m in 3 seconds. Find the
velocity of the body at 10 seconds after the start. [2]
(d) Copy the diagram below and complete it to form the image.[2]

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2 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, PHYSICS, Class - IX


(e) Draw the symbol of the following :  [2]

(i) An open switch
(ii) Variable resistance.
Question 3
(a) The separation between two consecutive crests in a transverse wave is 100 m. If wave velocity is
20 ms–1, find the frequency of wave. [2]
(b) In which gas : Helium or sulphur dioxide, the speed of sound is more? Give reason for your
answer. [2]
(c) A dam has broader walls at the bottom than at the top? Explain.  [2]
(d) How many electrons are needed to make 1 C negative charge?  [2]
(e) (i) State the position of object for which the image formed by a concave mirror is of the same size.
(ii) Write two more characteristics of the image.
Question 4
(a) Write the positions of neutral points when the north pole of magnet faces [2]
(i) geographic north pole
(ii) geographic south pole
(b) What are the methods by which a magnet can be demagnetised? [2]
(c) Write two consequences of anomalous expansion of water.  [2]
(d) Why is it easier to cut with a sharp knife than with a blunt one?  [2]
(e) Draw a graph to show the variation in density of water with temperature in the range from 0˚C
to 10˚C

Attempt any four Questions from this Section.
Question 5
(a) A car initially at rest starts moving with a constant acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 and travels a distance of
25 m. Find :  [3]
(i) its final velocity
(ii) the time taken
(b) A ball is thrown upwards and reaches a height of 100 m in 2 s. What is its initial speed? [3]
(c) The following table represents the velocity of a moving body at different intervals of time :[4]
Times (s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Velocity (m/s) 10 15 20 20 30 15 0
Draw the velocity-time graph and answer the following :
(i) For which interval of time the body has a uniform motion?
(ii) For which interval of time the body has the accelerated motion? Find the acceleration.
(iii) For which interval of time, the body has retardation? Find the retardation.
Question 6
(a) Define the following terms related to wave motion :  [3]
(i) wavelength
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Self Assessment Papers 3
(ii) wave velocity
How does the wave velocity depends on amplitude of wave?
(b) From the following figure :  [3]

0 10 20 30 time (s)

Find :
(i) Wavelength
(ii) Wave velocity
(iii) Frequency
(c) The speed of sound in air is 350 ms–1 and in water it is 1600 ms–1.[4]
(i) How much distance will it cover in water in 2 s?
(ii) How much distance will it cover in air in 5 s?
Question 7
(a) (i) Mark the polarity induced in iron bar A as shown in the figure. [3]

Horse-shoe magnet


A Iron bar

(ii) Define magnetic induction.

(b) Draw magnetic field lines for a set of two magnets placed as shown. [3]


(c) Write the names of electrical components A, B, C & D in the diagram shown below : [4]
+ –
( )

Question 8
(a) A weight of 800 N is balanced on piston of larger area 300 cm2 by applying a force of 16 N on piston
of smaller area. Find the area of smaller piston. [3]
(b) Write the steps to reduce energy consumption. [3]
(c) Draw a diagram to show the working of a periscope. [4]
Question 9
(a) If the mass of a cube of side 4 cm is 512 g, find its density :  [3]
(i) in S.I. units
(ii) in c.g.s units
(b) (i) State the temperature at which the density of water is highest.  [3]
(ii) What is the value of density at that temperature?
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4 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, PHYSICS, Class - IX
(c) The volume of a balloon is 2000 m3. It is filled with helium of density 0.18 kgm–3. What load can it
lift ? Density of air is 1.29 kgm–3. [4]
Question 10
(a) Write characteristics of image formed by a concave mirror when object is placed between centre
of curvature and focus. [3]
(b) When an object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from of a concave mirror, the size of image is one
fourth that of the object. [3]
(i) Calculate the distance of image from the mirror.
(ii) What will be the focal length of the mirror?
(c) In the following circuit diagram : [4]
+ –
( )
K 20V


+ –
Find the reading of
(i) ammeter
(ii) voltmeter


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