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Question 1

What do I have learned about judicial review in administrative law is how we can review the decision
made by the administrator. I can describe the meaning and the definition and the provision that
govern the administrative law. I can understand the functions of public authorities and officers of
tribunal. Administrative law only governing the administrators in the public sector. There are also 4
scopes of administrative law which are body of rule regulation, legal rule and principle, limitation of
power and rulers. Perhaps, I can understand the different functions of ruler, nature of public
authority’s power which consists of executive, legislative and judicial power. To conclude, I can
discern the principles discussed clearly.

Question 2

I think I can understand these topics as I understand what I have learned inside or outside the class.
Moreover, with the tasks that have been assigned to give me better understanding of this topic as
well as Madam Norashikin’s explanation, I think I can dominate this chapter 1. Despite that, I will
continuously be reading and understanding this topic to ensure my comprehension towards this
chapter so that I can pass the examination with flying colors.

Question 3

I need to know the topics discussed in this topic to understanding the legal system in Malaysia. The
legal guidelines and norms controlling the management and control of government agencies fall
within the purview of administrative law, a subfield of public law. It aids in your comprehension of
how governmental entities function inside the legal system. Besides, I learned administrative law to
know the role of administrative agencies. The implementation of laws, the creation of rules, and the
resolution of disputes are all important functions of administrative agencies in contemporary
governance. Comprehending administrative law is essential to appreciating the roles and authority of
these organizations. Finally, to protect our rights. Administrative law guarantees that government
organizations treat people and companies equally. It gives people a way to contest administrative
decisions, defending their rights and guaranteeing responsibility in the use of state power.

Question 4

The learning experience of this chapter contributing to my understanding in several ways. One of
them is in protection of rights and equitable treatment. Studying administrative law emphasizes how
crucial it is to defend people's rights and provide impartial treatment while interacting with
governmental organizations. With this information, people are better equipped to recognize their
rights and act when they are infringed. Furthermore, it also contributes to implication of public
policy. Public policy is directly impacted by administrative law. Comprehending this field of law
empowers persons to engage in critical analysis and make contributions towards the formulation of
policies that are consistent with legal norms, equity, and the public interest at large.

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