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OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Who? Who are you working with? Patient Name__ Jenny (from ClinEdWeb)__

What? What client factors and performance skills are decreased? Select and describe the three

most impacted client factors and performance skills.

Performance How is the decrease in this performance skill impacting occupational

Skills performance? Provide an example.

(Table 7 of the

OTPF 4th


Motor Skills Due to vertebral fractures, Jenny experiences challenges in executing

coordinated and controlled movements, in which case she has difficulty

reaching, grasping, and manipulating objects.

Sensory- Impaired sensation affects Jenny’s ability to interpret and respond to

Perceptual environmental stimuli, leaving her struggling to detect pressure changes,

Skills leading to a pressure sore.

Respiratory Vertebral fractures influence respiratory muscles, affecting Jenny’s ability

Skills to maintain optimal breathing, in which case she experiences shortness of

breath during physical activities.

Client Factors How is the decrease in this client factor impacting occupational

(Table 9 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

4th Edition)

Sensory Functions Decreased sensation influences Jenny’s perception of pain and ability to

and Pain detect environmental stimuli, leaving her difficulty identifying

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

discomfort associated with prolonged positioning.

Neuromusculoskeletal Vertebral fractures impact Jenny’s musculoskeletal system, affecting

and Movement- movement and coordination, leaving her facing a limited range of

Related Functions motion and challenges in executing fine motor tasks.

Respiratory, Vertebral fractures affect respiratory and cardiovascular functions,

Cardiovascular, leading to shortness of breath and limited endurance during activities.

Hematological, and



Where? The client is currently in an acute rehabilitation hospital. Where are you planning on

performing this treatment session within the rehabilitation hospital (Examples: patient’s room,

therapy gym, cafeteria, therapy garden)? Describe the environment. How will you set up your

space to meet the safety needs of the client? What will you focus on to ensure engagement?

The treatment session for Jenny will be conducted in her patient room within the

rehabilitation hospital, where the environment will be thoughtfully organized to cater to Jenny’s

unique needs. The room setup will prioritize safety, accessibility, and a comfortable atmosphere

whereby meeting safety needs, clearing pathways will be maintained to accommodate mobility

aids, and adaptive equipment will be strategically positioned. The bed height and positioning will

be adjusted to facilitate easy transfers, optimize visibility, and ensure engagement, the room will

be well-lit, and potential distractions will be minimized. The therapist will personalize the space,

incorporating familiar items from Jenny’s personal belongings to create a familiar and

comforting atmosphere as visual aids and prompts related to the treatment activities will be
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

strategically placed to support Jenny’s understanding and participation, enhancing safety,

accessibility, and engagement, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the treatment session.

Why? Why are you planning the intervention session that you have planned? What approach

(From Table 13 of the OTPF) are you using? Are you attempting to modify, restore, compensate,


What theory or theories (from Week One of this course) did you use to plan your treatment


Approach (Selected from Table 13 of the OTPF): A combination of Restoration and


Why this approach was selected: Restoration aimed to improve Jenny’s motor function,

while compensation provided adaptive solutions for daily activities.

Theory (Selected from theories discussed in Week One): The Biomechanical Model addresses

motor control, and the Rehabilitation Engineering Model guides compensatory strategies.

Why this theory was selected: The selection of the Biomechanical Model was guided by

its alignment to restore physical function, and the Rehabilitation Engineering Model

supports compensatory strategies.

How? Plan a 30-minute, occupation-based treatment session for this client. How does this

treatment session help the client reach their goals? How will you engage the client? How will

you educate the client? Describe your treatment session in detail. (I should be able to read this

section of your treatment plan and re-create your session without asking you any questions.

Example questions that need to be answered: How will the client be positioned? What will

you ask the client to do? How will you be positioned? What type of cues will you provide?

What equipment will you use? How will you explain the treatment session to the client?)
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Hint: It may be helpful to actually act out the treatment plan to help you then translate that

treatment into words for this document. It will also help for your future to actually practice

leading what you planned.

For a 30-minute occupation-based treatment session, Jenny will be comfortably

positioned in her wheelchair near a well-lit table within her room while the therapist will sit

facing Jenny, maintaining eye level for effective communication. Utilizing visual aids and

prompts, the therapist will guide Jenny through purposeful activities, such as organizing a

weekly schedule; in this case, adaptive equipment, including a tabletop easel and writing

materials, will support Jenny’s active participation. I will use clear verbal cues, encouraging

Jenny to express her preferences and make decisions throughout the session to enhance and

provide positive reinforcement and feedback. The treatment session will be explained to Jenny at

the beginning, ensuring she understands the activities, goals, and potential benefits, enabling the

therapist to guide the session effectively while promoting Jenny’s active involvement and goal


Justification: Find a peer-reviewed journal article that supports the intervention you are planning.

1. Include the reference list citation for the peer-review journal article (including DOI) here.

As a reminder, a peer-reviewed journal article should be formatted as follows:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL

Jung, J. H., Lee, H. J., Cho, D. Y., Lim, J. E., Lee, B. S., Kwon, S. H., ... & Lee,

S. J. (2019). Effects of combined upper limb robotic therapy in patients with

tetraplegic spinal cord injury. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 43(4), 445-457.
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

2. Write 2 sentences describing how you used the information in the peer-reviewed journal

article to justify your treatment session:

a. The article aligns with evidence-based occupational therapy practices for

individuals with tetraplegia, which helped me emphasize occupation-based


b. The article elaborates on the selection of occupation-based activities, which

helped me address specific client factors and performance skills affecting Jenny,

ensuring a targeted and evidence-driven approach to her rehabilitation.

Check your work:

1. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention directedly addresses the client factors and

performance skills you identified above.

a. Addressing cognitive deficits, the session incorporates evidence-based strategies

from recent literature, enhancing the effectiveness of the intervention.

b. The intervention strategically targets diminished motor planning and sensory

processing skills through purposeful activities, aligning with Jenny’s

rehabilitation goals.

2. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is occupation-based.

a. The intervention ensures a purposeful connection between activities and Jenny’s

personal goals, promoting engagement and motivation.

b. Rooted in meal preparation tasks, the session resonates with Jenny’s daily life,

fostering a meaningful therapeutic experience.

3. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is meaningful to the client.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

a. The session actively involves Jenny in goal-setting, ensuring that her values and

preferences are at the forefront of the therapeutic process.

b. The intervention enhances her motivation and sense of accomplishment by

focusing on activities that hold personal significance to Jenny, such as meal


4. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is purposeful to the client.

a. The selected activities directly impact Jenny’s ability to perform daily tasks,

emphasizing the purposeful nature of the intervention.

b. With a targeted approach to address specific deficits in motor skills and cognitive

functions, the intervention aims to improve Jenny’s overall functional


Who? Who are you working with? Patient Name__ Ben (from ICE Learning Videos)__

What? What client factors and performance skills are decreased? Select and describe the three

most impacted client factors and performance skills.

Performance Skills How is the decrease in this performance skill impacting occupational

(Table 7 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

4th Edition)

Decreased Executive Ben experiences challenges in planning and organizing daily tasks,

Function affecting his overall independence since he struggles with managing

multiple steps in preparing meals or following a schedule.

Impaired Motor Ben experiences difficulty executing precise movements, hindering

Coordination fine and gross motor skills since he struggles with buttoning a shirt or
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

using utensils during mealtime.

Decreased This limits Ben’s ability to sustain attention during complex activities,

Concentration/Attention in which case he finds it challenging to stay focused on a task for an

extended period.

Client Factors How is the decrease in this client factor impacting occupational

(Table 9 of the performance? Provide an example.

OTPF 4th


Decreased Ben faces difficulties retaining and recalling information, affecting his

Memory ability to learn new tasks since he forgets recent instructions or details

related to daily activities.

Decreased Ben encounters challenges in analyzing and solving problems independently

Problem- and struggles to find alternative solutions when faced with obstacles.


Impaired Ben’s ability to assess potential risks is compromised, affecting his safety

Safety awareness as he faces difficulty recognizing environmental hazards.


Where? The client is currently in an acute rehabilitation hospital. Where are you planning on

performing this treatment session within the rehabilitation hospital (Examples: patient’s room,

therapy gym, cafeteria, therapy garden)? Describe the environment. How will you set up your

space to meet the safety needs of the client? What will you focus on to ensure engagement?
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

The treatment session for Ben will be conducted in the therapy gym of the acute

rehabilitation hospital since the gym provides a versatile and well-equipped space conducive to

various therapeutic activities. To meet safety needs, the environment will be organized with clear

pathways and designated areas for different tasks, minimizing potential hazards, while furniture

and equipment will be arranged to ensure accessibility and prevent any obstacles that might

impede Ben’s movement. The setup will include adaptive tools and supportive aids tailored to

Ben’s needs, promoting independence and reducing the risk of accidents, in which case safety

measures such as non-slip mats and stable seating will be implemented to enhance stability

during activities because the therapy gym’s controlled and monitored setting allows for

immediate assistance if needed, ensuring a secure environment for both therapeutic engagement

and the client’s well-being. To enhance engagement, the focus will be on creating a client-

centered space since personalizing the environment with familiar objects and incorporating

Ben’s interests into activities will foster a sense of familiarity and motivation, in which case the

therapist will encourage open communication, providing choices, and actively involving Ben in

the decision-making process to ensure a collaborative and engaging therapeutic experience.

Why? Why are you planning the intervention session that you have planned? What approach

(From Table 13 of the OTPF) are you using? Are you attempting to modify, restore, compensate,


What theory or theories (from Week One of this course) did you use to plan your treatment


Approach (Selected from Table 13 of the OTPF): Cognitive Orientation to Occupational

Performance (CO-OP) Approach

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Why this approach was selected: I selected the CO-OP approach because it aligns with

Ben’s needs, emphasizing problem-solving and skill acquisition through a client-centered

and collaborative process.

Theory (Selected from theories discussed in Week One): Compensation Theory

Why this theory was selected: I selected it because it supports using adaptive strategies to

enhance Ben’s functional performance.

How? Plan a 30-minute, occupation-based treatment session for this client. How does this

treatment session help the client reach their goals? How will you engage the client? How will

you educate the client? Describe your treatment session in detail. (I should be able to read this

section of your treatment plan and re-create your session without asking you any questions.

Example questions that need to be answered: How will the client be positioned? What will

you ask the client to do? How will you be positioned? What type of cues will you provide?

What equipment will you use? How will you explain the treatment session to the client?)

Hint: It may be helpful to actually act out the treatment plan to help you then translate that

treatment into words for this document. It will also help for your future to actually practice

leading what you planned.

The 30-minute, occupation-based treatment session for Ben will commence with the

client comfortably positioned in a supportive chair, ensuring optimal posture and alignment; in

this case, I will prompt Ben to engage in purposeful activity, such as meal preparation, using

adaptive kitchen tools to enhance independence. As the therapist, I will position myself at Ben’s

eye level, fostering a collaborative atmosphere, in which case I provide verbal instructions and

visual demonstrations, catering to Ben’s learning style. I will utilize adaptive equipment,

including modified utensils and a stable cutting board, to address specific needs and enhance
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

motor skills. To maximize engagement, the treatment plan incorporates Ben’s preferences and

interests, so I will communicate clearly and concisely, emphasizing the chosen activity’s

therapeutic goals and relevance. This client-centered approach aims to ensure comprehension

and active participation while fostering a sense of autonomy, allowing seamless execution, and

can serve as a guide for both the therapist and anyone replicating the session.

Justification: Find a peer-reviewed journal article that supports the intervention you are planning.

1. Include the reference list citation for the peer-review journal article (including DOI) here.

As a reminder, a peer-reviewed journal article should be formatted as follows:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL

Belagaje, S. R. (2017). Stroke rehabilitation. CONTINUUM: Lifelong Learning in

Neurology, 23(1), 238-253. 10.1212/CON.0000000000000423

2. Write 2 sentences describing how you used the information in the peer-reviewed journal

article to justify your treatment session:

a. The article supports the use of compensatory approaches in occupational therapy

interventions for stroke survivors.

b. Additionally, it emphasizes their effectiveness in improving independence in


Check your work:

1. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention directedly addresses the client factors and

performance skills you identified above.

a. The intervention targets Ben’s decreased executive function and impaired motor

coordination, emphasizing activities to enhance daily functioning.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

b. Addressing cognitive deficits, the session integrates evidence-based strategies,

drawing from recent research to optimize the effectiveness of the intervention.

2. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is occupation-based.

a. Rooted in simulated home management tasks, the session aligns with Ben’s daily

life and aspirations, ensuring a meaningful and relevant therapeutic experience.

b. The intervention fosters a purposeful connection between activities and Ben’s

personal goals, promoting engagement and intrinsic motivation.

3. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is meaningful to the client.

a. Focusing on tasks that hold personal significance to Ben, such as home

management, the intervention enhances motivation and a sense of


b. The session actively involves Ben in goal-setting, ensuring that his values and

preferences guide the therapeutic process, making it intrinsically meaningful.

4. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is purposeful to the client.

a. With a targeted approach to address specific deficits in cognitive and motor skills,

the intervention aims to improve Ben’s overall functional independence.

b. The selected activities directly impact Ben’s ability to perform daily tasks,

highlighting the purposeful nature of the intervention.

Who? Who are you working with? Patient Name__ Jose __

What? What client factors and performance skills are decreased? Select and describe the three

most impacted client factors and performance skills.

Performance Skills How is the decrease in this performance skill impacting occupational

(Table 7 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

4th Edition)

Decreased Cognition Jose struggles with memory and attention, affecting his ability to learn

new tasks.

Decreased Motor This impairs his ability to perform coordinated movements for daily

Planning/Coordinatio activities.

Decreased Ability to Difficulty communicating needs and expressing preferences

Express Himself

Client Factors How is the decrease in this client factor impacting occupational

(Table 9 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

4th Edition)

Decreased Orientation Jose has difficulty recognizing his surroundings and understanding the

current situation.

Decreased This limits his ability to focus on tasks and maintain attention during

Concentration/Attention activities.

Rigid John exhibits rigid thinking, making it challenging to adapt to new

Thinking/Mentally situations and limiting mental flexibility.


Where? The client is currently in an acute rehabilitation hospital. Where are you planning on

performing this treatment session within the rehabilitation hospital (Examples: patient’s room,

therapy gym, cafeteria, therapy garden)? Describe the environment. How will you set up your

space to meet the safety needs of the client? What will you focus on to ensure engagement?
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

The treatment session for Jose will occur in the therapy gym of the acute rehabilitation

hospital, strategically designed for his optimal recovery and because the environment prioritizes

safety and organization, minimizing distractions to enhance focus. With a deliberate effort to

create a calm atmosphere, the gym facilitates seamless transitions between activities, adhering to

Jose’s Rancho level, in which case safety measures are implemented, equipment is thoughtfully

placed, and task-specific zones are established. The therapist ensures comfortable seating and

positioning, aligning with client-centered care principles, which aim to provide a secure and

supportive space, fostering meaningful engagement in therapeutic interventions.

Why? Why are you planning the intervention session that you have planned? What approach

(From Table 13 of the OTPF) are you using? Are you attempting to modify, restore, compensate,


What theory or theories (from Week One of this course) did you use to plan your treatment


Approach (Selected from Table 13 of the OTPF):

Why this approach was selected: A combination of Restoration and Modification.

Theory (Selected from theories discussed in Week One): Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Why this theory was selected: To address cognitive and emotional aspects.

How? Plan a 30-minute, occupation-based treatment session for this client. How does this

treatment session help the client reach their goals? How will you engage the client? How will

you educate the client? Describe your treatment session in detail. (I should be able to read this

section of your treatment plan and re-create your session without asking you any questions.

Example questions that need to be answered: How will the client be positioned? What will

you ask the client to do? How will you be positioned? What type of cues will you provide?
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

What equipment will you use? How will you explain the treatment session to the client?)

Hint: It may be helpful to actually act out the treatment plan to help you then translate that

treatment into words for this document. It will also help for your future to actually practice

leading what you planned.

Occupation-Based Treatment


Facilitate Jose’s cognitive and motor skill improvement through meaningful occupation-

based activities, promoting independence and goal achievement.

Session Outline

a. Activity Setup

Engage Jose in a familiar and enjoyable task, such as assembling a model car, while ensuring a

well-lit and organized workspace with all necessary materials.

b. Client Positioning

Positioning Jose in a stable chair at a table ensures proper ergonomics while adjusting his height

to support his motor planning and coordination.

c. Task Engagement

Instructing Jose to follow step-by-step instructions for assembling the model car while

encouraging him to use both hands, promoting bilateral coordination.

d. Cueing

Providing clear and concise verbal cues for each assembly step and using visual cues, such as

written instructions and images, to reinforce understanding.

e. Educational Component
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Explain the cognitive benefits of the activity to Jose, link it to daily tasks, and discuss the

importance of motor planning and coordination in achieving independence.

f. Equipment

Providing a model car kit with all necessary parts while offering adaptive tools, such as easy-grip

tweezers, to assist with fine motor tasks.

g. Explanation to Client

Begin by discussing the session’s goal: enhancing cognitive and motor skills while clearly

explaining each step of the activity and the relevance to his overall rehabilitation.

h. Therapist Positioning

Sit across from Jose, ensuring direct visual and verbal communication, and be prepared to assist

and provide guidance as needed, fostering a supportive environment.

Treatment planning based on Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning:

When planning this session, list and describe at least five things you will do to ensure it is “a

just-right fit challenge” for Jose’s current Rancho level:

1. Create a structured and predictable environment.

2. Gradually introduce tasks with increasing complexity.

3. Provide external cues and prompts.

4. Adjust the session duration based on Jose’s attention span.

5. Use familiar objects and activities to increase engagement.

Justification: Find a peer-reviewed journal article that supports the intervention you are planning.

Include the reference list citation for the peer-reviewed journal article (including DOI) here.

As a reminder, a peer-reviewed journal article should be formatted as follows:

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL

Nowell, C., Downing, M., Bragge, P., & Ponsford, J. (2020). Current practice of

cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: an international survey.

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 30(10), 1976-1995.

Write 2 sentences describing how you used the information in the peer-reviewed journal

article to justify your treatment session:

a. The article supports using cognitive-behavioral strategies in occupational therapy

for individuals with TBI.

b. It further emphasizes the importance of structured routines concerning people

with TBI.

Check your work:

1. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention directedly addresses the client factors and

performance skills you identified above.

a. The intervention addresses cognitive and motor planning deficits through an

occupation-based approach.

b. It clearly evaluates how individuals suffering from the condition should be


2. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is occupation-based.

a. The session revolves around dressing, a meaningful occupation for Jose.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

b. The session revolves around meal preparation, aligning with Jose’s daily life and

goals, and creating an occupation-based intervention that enhances engagement

and relevance.

3. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is meaningful to the client.

a. Improving dressing skills directly enhances Jose’s ability to engage in daily


b. Enhancing Jose’s participation in valued activities, like meal preparation, ensures

that the intervention is personally meaningful and aligns with his aspirations.

4. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is purposeful to the client.

a. The intervention targets client performance and factors skills, contributing to

Jose’s overall functional independence.

b. The purposeful intervention targets specific cognitive and motor planning deficits

to contribute to Jose’s overall functional improvement, aligning with his

rehabilitation goals.
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Who? Who are you working with? Patient Name__ John __

What? What client factors and performance skills are decreased? Select and describe the three

most impacted client factors and performance skills.

Performance Skills How is the decrease in this performance skill impacting occupational

(Table 7 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

4th Edition)

Decreased Cognition John faces challenges in problem-solving and decision-making.

Decreased Motor This impairs his ability to execute coordinated movements for daily

Planning/Coordinatio tasks.

Rigid Difficulty adapting to changes and limited flexibility in thinking.



Client Factors How is the decrease in this client factor impacting occupational

(Table 9 of the OTPF performance? Provide an example.

4th Edition)

Decreased Limits his ability to sustain attention during complex activities.


Impaired Problem- John faces difficulties in effective problem-solving, affecting his

Solving ability to navigate.

Decreased Executive This hinders his ability to plan and organize daily tasks.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Where? The client is currently in an acute rehabilitation hospital. Where are you planning on

performing this treatment session within the rehabilitation hospital (Examples: patient’s room,

therapy gym, cafeteria, therapy garden)? Describe the environment. How will you set up your

space to meet the safety needs of the client? What will you focus on to ensure engagement?

The therapy session for John is designated to occur in the therapy gym within the acute

rehabilitation hospital, where the environment will be meticulously arranged to provide a

structured and organized space strategically designed to minimize potential distractions. This

careful setup aims to create an atmosphere conducive to focused engagement, allowing John to

concentrate on therapeutic activities without unnecessary disruptions; at the same time, the

structured environment is particularly important to address John’s decreased concentration and

attention, providing a supportive backdrop for the targeted intervention strategies aimed at

enhancing his cognitive and motor planning abilities.

Why? Why are you planning the intervention session that you have planned? What approach

(From Table 13 of the OTPF) are you using? Are you attempting to modify, restore, compensate,


What theory or theories (from Week One of this course) did you use to plan your treatment


Approach (Selected from Table 13 of the OTPF): A combination of Restoration and


Why this approach was selected: To address John’s immediate functional needs through

modification while leveraging neuroplasticity to restore cognitive and motor planning

functions over the long term.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Theory (Selected from theories discussed in Week One): Cognitive Orientation to Occupational

Performance (CO-OP) approach

Why this theory was selected: CO-OP’s emphasis on guided discovery and problem-

solving aligns with John’s challenges in executive function and rigid thinking, which

makes it a suitable framework to enhance his cognitive flexibility and overall

occupational performance.

How? Plan a 30-minute, occupation-based treatment session for this client. How does this

treatment session help the client reach their goals? How will you engage the client? How will

you educate the client? Describe your treatment session in detail. (I should be able to read this

section of your treatment plan and re-create your session without asking you any questions.

Example questions that need to be answered: How will the client be positioned? What will

you ask the client to do? How will you be positioned? What type of cues will you provide?

What equipment will you use? How will you explain the treatment session to the client?)

Hint: It may be helpful to actually act out the treatment plan to help you then translate that

treatment into words for this document. It will also help for your future to actually practice

leading what you planned.

In this occupation-based treatment session, John will be actively engaged in a 30-minute

simulation of home management tasks, specifically focusing on organizing a weekly schedule to

address John’s decreased executive function and rigid thinking by providing meaningful and

purposeful activities. To support John’s cognitive engagement, visual aids, and prompts will be

strategically employed throughout the session, assisting in decision-making and planning and

offering necessary cues to enhance his ability to organize and prioritize tasks effectively.
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Feedback and reinforcement will play a crucial role in the session to facilitate learning

and promote cognitive flexibility, while positive support will be provided when John

demonstrates adaptive thinking and problem-solving skills, encouraging him to explore

alternative approaches to task completion. Simultaneously, the session will serve as an

educational platform, where John will be informed about various strategies to improve cognitive

flexibility and problem-solving while empowering him with practical tools and techniques to

integrate into his daily life, promoting long-term functional gains. By the end of the session, he

will have actively participated in a task that aligns with his everyday life, contributing to his

overall goal of improving executive function and mental flexibility.

Treatment planning based on Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning:

When planning this session, list and describe at least five things you will do to ensure it is “a

just-right fit challenge” for John’s current Rancho level:

1. Create a structured and predictable environment.

2. Gradually introduce tasks with increasing complexity.

3. Provide external cues and prompts.

4. Adjust the session duration based on John’s attention span.

5. Incorporate John’s interests and preferences into the activities.

Justification: Find a peer-reviewed journal article that supports the intervention you are planning.

1. Include the reference list citation for the peer-reviewed journal article (including DOI)


As a reminder, a peer-reviewed journal article should be formatted as follows:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

Borujeni, M. S., Hosseini, S. A., Akbarfahimi, N., & Ebrahimi, E. (2019).

Cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance approach in adults with

neurological conditions: A scoping review. Medical journal of the Islamic

Republic of Iran, 33, 99.

2. Write 2 sentences describing how you used the information in the peer-reviewed journal

article to justify your treatment session:

a. I used the article’s information to endorse the CO-OP approach for TBI,

reinforcing its efficacy in enhancing cognitive flexibility.

b. Additionally, the article helped me validate how CO-OP can be applied in John’s


Check your work:

1. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention directedly addresses the client factors and

performance skills you identified above.

a. The intervention is specifically designed to address John’s cognitive flexibility

and motor planning deficits, employing activities that target these areas for

comprehensive improvement.

b. By tailoring the session to focus on these client factors, we aim to enhance John’s

ability to adapt and execute coordinated movements, addressing critical

rehabilitation needs.

2. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is occupation-based.

a. Rooted in the context of home management tasks, the session is crafted to

resonate with John’s daily life and aspirations. ensuring a meaningful and relevant

therapeutic experience.
OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template

b. This occupation-based approach directly aligns with John’s personal goals,

providing a purposeful framework that encourages engagement and participation

in activities he values.

3. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is meaningful to the client.

a. The session’s primary objective is to enhance John’s participation in tasks of

personal importance within his home environment.

b. This fosters a sense of purpose in John’s rehabilitation journey while the focus on

meaningful activities makes the intervention more engaging and relevant to his


4. In 2 sentences, describe how your intervention is purposeful to the client.

a. The intervention seeks to improve specific cognitive flexibility and motor

planning deficits, contributing to John’s functional enhancement.

b. The purposeful design of the session ensures that every aspect aligns with John’s

rehabilitation goals, emphasizing functional improvements in his daily life.

OTA 2260 Rehab 2: A Day in the Life Intervention Planning Template


Belagaje, S. R. (2017). Stroke rehabilitation. CONTINUUM: Lifelong Learning in Neurology,

23(1), 238-253. 10.1212/CON.0000000000000423

Borujeni, M. S., Hosseini, S. A., Akbarfahimi, N., & Ebrahimi, E. (2019). Cognitive orientation

to daily occupational performance approach in adults with neurological conditions: A

scoping review. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 33, 99.

Jung, J. H., Lee, H. J., Cho, D. Y., Lim, J. E., Lee, B. S., Kwon, S. H., ... & Lee, S. J. (2019).

Effects of combined upper limb robotic therapy in patients with tetraplegic spinal cord

injury. Annals of rehabilitation medicine, 43(4), 445-457.

Nowell, C., Downing, M., Bragge, P., & Ponsford, J. (2020). Current practice of cognitive

rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: an international survey.

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 30(10), 1976-1995.

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