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Experiment No…………………………………………..


Name…………………………………………………………. Roll No…………………………………………….


1. Introduction

App Lab is a user-friendly platform developed by Facebook to facilitate mobile application development
without prior coding expertise. It empowers users to create, test, and deploy apps seamlessly, offering a range
of templates and drag-and-drop functionalities. With its intuitive interface and extensive support resources, App
Lab enables individuals and businesses to bring their app ideas to life efficiently. It democratizes app
development, making it accessible to a wider audience and fostering innovation in the digital realm.

1.1 Purpose: The App Lab serves as a comprehensive platform tailored for mobile application development
teams. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the creation, testing, and deployment of mobile apps efficiently and
effectively. By providing a centralized workspace and a suite of integrated tools, the App Lab aims to streamline
the development lifecycle and enhance collaboration among team members.

1.2 Intended Audience: The App Lab caters to a diverse audience involved in mobile app development
projects. This includes developers, testers, project managers, UX/UI designers, and stakeholders who contribute
to different phases of the development process. The platform is designed to accommodate the needs and
workflows of both individual contributors and cross-functional teams, ensuring seamless communication and
coordination throughout the project lifecycle.

1.3 Scope: The scope of the App Lab encompasses all aspects of mobile app development, from initial ideation
to final deployment and maintenance. It covers activities such as requirements gathering, design prototyping,
coding, testing, debugging, and performance optimization. Additionally, the App Lab may support collaboration
features like version control, issue tracking, and team communication to foster efficient teamwork and project

1.4 Definition and Acronyms: To facilitate clear communication and understanding within the development
team, the App Lab will establish a comprehensive glossary defining key terms and acronyms relevant to mobile
app development. This glossary will help standardize terminology and ensure consistency in discussions,
documentation, and code comments throughout the project.

2. Overall Description

2.1 User Need: The App Lab addresses the fundamental need for a centralized and collaborative environment
for mobile app development teams. Users require a platform that streamlines the development process, provides
access to essential tools and resources, and supports effective communication and coordination among team
Faculty Name: sign with date
Experiment No………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………………

Name…………………………………………………………. Roll No…………………………………………….

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies: The App Lab operates under the assumption that team members have
access to necessary hardware, software, and infrastructure required for mobile app development, including
development frameworks, SDKs, testing devices, and internet connectivity. It depends on the availability of
these resources to ensure the smooth functioning of the platform and the successful execution of development

3. System Features and Requirements

3.1 Function Requirements: The App Lab must fulfill various functional requirements to support the mobile
app development lifecycle. These include features such as project management, version control, code editing,
debugging, testing automation, deployment automation, and user feedback management.

3.2 External Interface: The App Lab may interface with external systems and tools, such as third-party APIs,
development frameworks, version control systems (e.g., Git), issue tracking platforms (e.g., Jira), collaboration
tools (e.g., Slack), and cloud services (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud) to extend its capabilities and integrate with
existing workflows.

3.3 System Features: Key features of the App Lab include a user-friendly integrated development environment
(IDE) with code editing capabilities, debugging tools, and performance analysis utilities. It may also include
collaboration features like real-time messaging, task assignments, and code reviews to facilitate teamwork and
knowledge sharing among team members.

3.4 Non-Functional Requirement: In addition to functional capabilities, the App Lab must adhere to various
non-functional requirements to ensure its effectiveness, reliability, and scalability. These may include
performance benchmarks, security measures, scalability considerations, accessibility standards, and user
experience guidelines.

4. Deliver for Approval

The App Lab will present deliverables for approval at different stages of the development process. These
deliverables may include project plans, design documents, wireframes, prototypes, test plans, test reports,
deployment scripts, and user documentation. Approval of these deliverables ensures alignment with project
objectives, adherence to quality standards, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Faculty Name: sign with date

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