Letter To RMSCL - Vendor Registration

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Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad

(The Organization Promoted by Government of Rajasthan for Rural Poverty Alleviation)

F35(15) RD/RGAVP/ClusterPromotion/2022/Pt1/ Date:
The Managing Director
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation Limited

Subject: Request letter for Registration of CLFs as vendors with RMSCL

Ref: Our letter No. F36(18)RD/RGAVP/SanitaryPad/2022/840-43 Dated: 20/01/2023 and


Respected Ma’am,
Further to the reference letters as above and meeting on 08th February 2023 in your office it is
requested to onboard our Cluster Level Federations (CLFs) as vendors for procurement of sanitary
pads with the rate of Rs. 3.30 per pad (FOR) as approved by the state.
It is submitted that we accept all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document
(No 12/2022 dated 27/07/2022) except the pad specification which will be 280±5 mm for the pads
produced by SHGs.
It is to be noted that all the nodal CLFs have been registered under MSME (Udyam
Registration) and the performance security on behalf of the nodal CLFs shall be borne by Rajeevika
and provided to RMSCL. (Details are enclosed herewith).
As agreed, one CLF as the Nodal CLF for the district would be onboarded as a vendor. In the
first phase, details of 15 Nodal CLFs for registration have already been provided which are enclosed
herewith for ready reference.
With Regards,

Dr. Saumya Jha

Chief Operating Manager
Enclosed: As above

Copy to:
1. PS to Secretary, RD cum SMD, RGAVP
2. PS to Chairman, RMSCL and Secretary, Medical & Health
3. PA to Commissioner, Directorate of Women Empowerment
4. PA to Project Director (Admin), RGAVP

SPM (Non-Farm)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Saumya Jha
Designation : Chief Operating
Date: 2023.02.10 16:26:24 IST
Reason: Approved

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