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Single Author

Sajjad Hyder, Foreign Policy of Pakistan (Lahore: Progressive Publishers, 1987), p.12. Arif
Hasan, Participatory Development (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 30.


Mushahid Hussain and Akmal Hussain, Pakistan: Problems of Governance (Lahore: Vanguard, 1993),

More than Three Authors

Milton Osborne, Beverly Male, Jesicca Rao et al., Refugees: Four Political Case Studies

(Canberra: Australian National University, 1981), p.38.

Editors as Authors

Changqing Cao and James D. Seymour (eds.), Through Dissident Chinese Eyes: Essays on Self-
Determination (New York: M.E Sharpe Inc, 1998), pp.59-67.

Chapters in a Book

Ahmed Rashid, ‘The Afghan Conundrum’, in Maleeha Lodhi (ed.), Pakistan: Beyond the Crisis
State (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 305-318.

Farzana Shakoor, ‘The Kargil Crisis: An Analysis’, Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 52, No. 3, July 1999, p.50.

Ashton B. Carter, ‘America’s New Strategic Partner?’, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2006, p. 33.

‘Endgame in Tripoli’, The Economist (London), Vol. 398, No. 8722, 26 February-4 March 2011, p. 21.

News Items

Just mention Newspaper, place and date. Dawn (Karachi), 20 February 2011.
Newspaper Articles
Zubeida Mustafa, ‘Will they return home?’, Dawn, 25 May 2005.

‘An unintelligent stance’ (editorial), Dawn, 24 January 2006.

Yashwant Sinha’s interview with Hindustan Times (New Delhi) as reported by Dawn (Karachi), 7 April

Statement by President George Walker Bush on the economic situation in the US, as reported by The
New York Times (New York), 18 September 2008.

Conference Papers
Brig (Retd) Agha Ahmad Gul, ‘Iran’s Pursuit of Peaceful Nuclear Technology: An

Evaluation, paper presented at a conference held at The Pakistan Institute of International Affairs,
Karachi, 22 November 2011.

Halil Ibrahim Yenigun, ‘Unveiled Muslim identity in the West: A Muslim Perspective’, paper presented
at AMSS Annual Conference, Virginia, 24-26 September 2004, p.2.

Published Reports: include writer’s name, chapter’s title of the main report like of FIIA or IAEA: if
available put it, otherwise give as the author has given.

Timo Behr and Mike Aaltola, ‘The Arab Uprising Causes, Prospects and Implications’, FIIA briefing
paper 76, March 2011.

UNHCR, ‘The State of the World’s Refugees 2000: Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action’ (Oxford: OUP,
2000), p.279.

The 9/11 Commission Report (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2004), p.367.

Tunis Infortunisie, ‘Ben Ali Expresses ‘Deep Regret’ at the Start of War Against Iraq’, CRS Report for
Congress, 20 March 2003.
Daniel Novotný, Abdessemad Belhaj, Marek Čejka, Alice Savovová and Jan Kuźvart, ‘The Changing
Security Situation In the Maghreb’, Research Paper 3/2011, April
2011,, accessed 26 March 2011.

News Agency
David Alexander, ‘US-Afghan withdrawal will be gradual: Gates’, Reuters, 5 June
2011,, accessed 19 August 2011.

Chris McGreal and Jack Shenker, ‘Hosni Mubarak resigns – and Egypt celebrates a new dawn’, 11
February 2011,

Dale Gavlak, ‘Arab education falling behind’, 5 February

accessed 25

March 2011.

For International Newspapers, News Agencies, Reports, Documents: UN resolutions, IAEA, CRS
we can include the website addresses if available, otherwise give as it is:

UNSC, ‘United Nations Security Council Resolution 1696 S/RES/1696(2006)’ 31 July

2006, (UN Resolution).

‘UN nuclear watchdog chief expresses concern about anti-Iran rhetoric from US’,

International Herald Tribune, 28 October 2007,, accessed 29

October 2007. (Newspaper).

Sam Roe, ‘An Atomic threat made in America’, Chicago Tribune, 28 January
2007, story,0,
ml (Newspaper).

Report by the Director-General IAEA, ‘Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the
Islamic Republic of Iran’, 27 February

‘News Center: In Focus: IAEA and Iran’ 2008. (It was incomplete and with wrong date, while in the
paper, the information contained the date 2003), so the given below source was accessed.
News Centre: In Focus: IAEA and Iran, ‘Statement by the Iranian Government and Visiting EU Foreign
Ministers’ 21 October

Fredrik Dahl, ‘UN inspectors revisit Iran's Arak heavy-water site’, Reuters, 30 July
2007, idUSDAH02145320070
730, accessed 31 July 2007. (‘accessed 31 July 2007’ is the date mentioned by the author not by
Research Department and if there is no date mentioned by the author then we don’t need to find).
(News agency).

Arif Hasan, op.cit., p.50.
Ramaswamay R. Iyer, ‘Arbitration & Kishanganga project’., op.cit.
Arif Hasan, Participatory Development, op.cit., p. 30.
Ibid., p.12.
Footnote number is placed after the Quotation mark. He stated that ‘our military culture must reward
new thinking innovation, experimentation.’ 2
He stated that ‘our military culture must reward new thinking innovation,
experimentation? 5


Within the system. As you already know that there are several points of Islamic individuals’ opinions,
leaders and parties that they rejected to take part in party elections, saying that elections are divisive,
anti-Islamic and are not in tune with Islamic understanding, so Turkish experience is also important in
this sense.1

To understand, why the Turkish political Islamists have had this operational point, as Serif Mardin
points out and have been succeeded in Turkish exceptionalism. We need to look at the Ottoman
experience and analyze it from the perspective of secularism, pluralism, if not democracy and from
the perspective of Islam-state law relations. Why do we look at the Ottoman experience? We see that
not only the 19th-century development so westernization and secularization, but also even from the
beginning of the Ottoman, to a certain extent, had a kind of secular political and legal system 2 and
this might surprise some people who would think that the Ottoman state was a Sharia state, but
actually, even those rulers were practising Muslims even those rulers tried to base their arguments
and their legal reasoning and their decisions on Sharia. But when we especially focus on and look at
the actual content of their reasoning and political decisions and political structures we would see
that the empire was not much different from any other empire either in the East or in the West. 4 For
instance, if you think about succession in the Ottoman empire, the succession of the monarchy you
would see that in a very secular fashion a son would inherit his father’s throne. This is purely a secular
human affair. So, Islam does not tell people, according to religion, Qura’an and Sunna that your son
should be the next king.5 this is purely secular on the bases that his father was the king and he
owned all this empire and he was the ruler, but with the secular reasoning, his son becomes the next
king. This is not different from the British experience. 6
1. Arif Hasan, Participatory Development (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 30.
2. Farzana Shakoor, ‘The Kargil Crisis: An Analysis’, Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 52, No. 3, July 1999,
3. Arif Hasan, op.cit., 50.
4. ‘Endgame in Tripoli’, The Economist (London), Vol. 398, No. 8722, 26 February-4 March 2011,
5. Dawn (Karachi), 20 February 6. Ibid., p.12.

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